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Wizard Omega (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 4)

Page 44

by Rodney Hartman

  Hurry, interrupted a thought from the green sphere. The dreadnaught will be entering the gate. If the gate does not start closing within the next few seconds, it will be too late. All your friends will die, and your galaxy will soon follow.

  Still thinking at nanosecond speed in his shared space Richard took stock of the situation. The black destroyer was almost free of the atmosphere. It was turning its main gun batteries towards a target just outside the atmosphere. Richard followed the track of the guns. He mentally drew in a deep breath when he saw where the tracks intersected. A lone Zip fighter was floating in space. The hatch was open, and a person in a fighter-pilot’s environmental-suit appeared to be trying to pull in a second pilot who was also in an environmental suit. A quick calculation from Nickelo confirmed the two pilots wouldn’t complete their maneuver before the black destroyer blasted them into nothingness.

  Richard also sensed the location of the Defiant. Instead of engaging the black destroyer as Richard expected, the Defiant seemed to be heading straight for the black dreadnaught on the other side of the gate.

  What the heck? Richard said into his shared space.

  A voice which was neither his battle computer nor the green sphere answered his query. It was Margery.

  I’ve overridden my security protocol, wizard scout, said Margery. I’m passing information through your battle computer directly to you. I have no algorithm to prevent the destruction of the Defiant. What are your orders?

  A flood of data from Margery flowed into Richard’s shared space. The data showed Sergeant Ron hunched over the controls in the Defiant’s cockpit with a wild look on his face. Richard rewound the video back a few minutes. He immediately understood Sergeant Ron’s fixation. Richard had no doubt the Defiant’s captain assumed the black dreadnaught was the one which had killed his wife so many years ago.

  The video dump also showed Terrie in his battle suit beating on the door of the Defiant’s cockpit in a vain attempt to reason with Sergeant Ron. When there was no response, Richard sensed Terrie sending out a line of Power and wrapping it around Sergeant Ron’s heart. Richard didn’t need his battle computer to tell him the retired wizard scout would kill Sergeant Ron before he would allow the Defiant’s captain to fly the ship into certain doom.

  The scene changed. Richard saw the massive bulk of the black dreadnaught lining up to enter the gate. The green sphere was right. He had only seconds to act.

  The continuing onslaught of information would’ve been too much for a normal human mind to take. Fortunately, Richard wasn’t normal. He was a wizard scout, and he had Nickelo to help him make sense of the information flowing into his shared space. Thankfully, it was all being done in the space of a few nanoseconds.

  Richard made a decision. He wasn’t sure if it was the right decision, but he was a battle-hardened Marine at heart. He knew from experience even a mediocre plan was better than no plan. Richard gave his orders to the two battle computers using command voice. Nickelo and Margery didn’t argue. Their wizard scout had given an order. They had a mission. They would obey.

  Once his orders were given, Richard turned his attention back to the link attached to the high priestess’ staff. From his previous contact with the staff, Richard knew its Power was immense. He didn’t profess to know all of the staff’s capabilities, but he did know its Power. He’d found the blue gem in the first place, after all.

  Using the knowledge of gates and time-bubbles given to him by the green sphere, Richard siphoned Power from the staff through the link created by the other lifeform; the so-called helper. Richard made sure not to allow the link to connect to him or his Power reserve. He just drew the necessary amount of Power out of the link and formed it into a ball. Still thinking at nanosecond speed in his shared space, Richard sensed the changes required to transform the Power into something which could pull the green, orange, and purple spheres together. Richard was positive doing so would close the time-bubble and its corresponding gate.

  I would highly advise you hurry, Rick, said Nickelo. If any part of the dreadnaught gets in the gate, I calculate a sixty-four percent probability the gate won’t close until the dreadnaught has passed through.

  Richard twisted the flows of Power from the link into what was needed. Once he was done, he sent the modified Power back down the helper’s link.

  What can I do now? Richard said into his shared space.

  You can pray, answered Nickelo.

  Richard seldom prayed. But he did so now. Sometimes even battle-hardened Marines needed help.

  Chapter 47 – Closing the Gate


  When Jeena felt her link jerked out of her control, she struggled to free it from the helper’s grasp. But for some reason she didn’t understand, the Staff of the Lady of the Tree didn’t aid her. If anything, the staff willingly allowed its Power to be pulled down the link. It was almost as if the staff was familiar with the helper and was willing to sacrificing itself if necessary. Panic swept over Jeena. Her own Power reserve was intimately linked to the staff.

  The helper can drain me dry if he wants, Jeena thought.

  Do not worry, said the green sphere as if reading her thoughts. Stop struggling. He is a dragon friend. He is an elf friend. He is trying to help us.

  No he isn’t, Jeena said. He’s stealing the staff’s Power.

  Jeena increased her efforts to free her link. The helper’s grasp remained firm.

  A large amount of Power was transferred from the staff to the helper before the flow stopped. A few heartbeats later, the flow of Power reversed itself. Jeena sensed Power returning down her link. To what purpose, she didn’t know. When the Power drew close, Jeena braced herself as best she could. She expected the worst, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  But the worst didn’t happen. The Power filled her link and halted as if awaiting her command. Jeena tentatively touched the Power with her mind. It had been changed. She recognized the Power as that from the blue gem adorning the Staff of the Lady of the Tree. However, the Power was different in a subtle way. The flows of energy twisted upon and around itself in ways which seemed familiar to Jeena.

  Is that a spell? Jeena wondered. But she knew it wasn’t. It couldn’t be. The flows of energy were pure Power. The flows weren’t magical in nature.

  Use the spell, said the green sphere. The time is growing short. Use it now.

  What spell? Jeena said. That’s Power, not a spell. It isn’t magic.

  The helper cannot use magic, said the green sphere. But he understands it. He helped write some of the spells in your spell book.

  What nonsense is this? Jeena snorted. No new spell has been written in over 20,000 years.

  There is no time for this, said the green sphere in growing desperation. Convert the Power to magic. Use the spell. Use it now, or all is lost.

  Jeena had a thousand questions. But one look at the massive black object with the image of the red-striped dragon floating near the gate overrode her curiosity. She didn’t know the helper. She didn’t know the green sphere. She didn’t know the black object. But she did know the image of the black dragon with the red stripe down its side. And what she knew of the red-striped dragon from her readings was bad; very bad. The Oracle had told her she could trust the spheres. The green sphere said she could trust the creature it called the helper.

  Making her decision, Jeena reached out with her mind and pulled the modified Power towards her. She changed the Power into magic energy using the words taught her by the Oracle. When the last word of the Oracle’s spell was completed, Jeena transferred the ball of magic energy into the Staff of the Lady of the Tree. Using the staff, Jeena sent the spell towards the center of the gate.

  Lines of magic leapt out and connected to the three spheres. The magic of her spell began drawing the spheres towards the center of the gate. As the spheres drew closer to each other, the gate began to shrink. It shrank slowly at first, but it picked up speed as the green, orang
e, and purple spheres quickly closed the distance between them.

  Jeena saw lines of energy jet out the front of the black object with the black-dragon image. The jets of energy slowed the black object’s forward momentum. Soon it was no longer moving towards the gate.

  The gate is closing, Jeena thought. Whatever the black beast is, it knows it’s in danger.

  Jeena watched with fascination at the scene laid out before her. Even though she was in a tunnel deep underneath the world’s surface, she could see all around. The second image before her was overlaid onto the real world.

  This time-bubble will cease to exist when the gate is closed, said the green sphere. You must leave before that happens. Otherwise, you will be destroyed as well.

  What about you? Jeena asked. How will your brothers and you get free?

  When the gate closes, said the green sphere, then we will be free. After all this time, we will finally be free. Now go. Go now!

  Something in the sphere’s voice frightened Jeena. Somehow, she knew the freedom of which the green sphere spoke was its death. She also sensed her death was assured as well if she remained.

  Goodbye, Jeena said. May the Creator bless your brothers and you, and may you find happiness and peace wherever you travel next.

  Without waiting for a reply, Jeena touched the runes on the staff in the order taught her by the human child, Dren. The blue gem atop the Staff of the High Priestess glowed brightly. Everything began to zoom in and out of focus. Then all turned black.

  Chapter 48 – Escape


  Within seconds of Richard sending the modified Power back to the helper, lines of energy jumped out of the green sphere in the direction of the other two spheres 20,000 meters away. When the lines of energy made contact with the other spheres, they began to move in the direction of the green sphere’s location.

  It has started, said the green sphere. The gate is closing. My brothers are coming to join me. You must leave now. Take our egg with you. Promise me you will care for it. Do not allow the Dragars to get their hands on our egg. They will sacrifice it and use its Power to open another gate.

  You can make sure the egg is safe yourself, Richard said still using the dragon’s emotion-speak. Once the gate is closed, I’ll take you and the other two spheres back to the Defiant. I’m sure Sergeant Ron will take you wherever you want to go.

  An emotion of intense sadness flowed outward from the green sphere and into Richard.

  No, wizard scout, said the green sphere in an emotion forceful enough to echo off the tunnel walls. I wish it could be so, but it cannot. Once my brothers and I converge, the gate will be closed by our destruction. You must take the egg and flee. You must leave now, or you will also be destroyed.

  Richard was momentarily shocked. You didn’t say any about being destroyed before. Maybe we can think of a different way to close the gate. We–

  No, said the green sphere. There is no other way. We were doomed the moment the Dragars split us apart at their temple. Only death can set us free. We have been tortured by the Dragars far too long. We have been forced to help them too many times by opening the gate. Finally, we will be free. After all we have been through, we do not fear death. It will be a blessing. It will be a release.

  But– Richard started to argue.

  Go! Now! said the green sphere with a burst of emotion. Your time is short. Save the egg. Save yourself. Save your friends. Go!

  Rick–, began Nickelo.

  Richard didn’t wait to hear what his battle computer had to say. He just turned and ran for all he was worth.

  As Richard ran, he heard one final burst of emotion from the green sphere. It was a plea from the deepest part of the sphere’s soul. A memory accompanied the plea. The memory showed a vast host of dragons. Somehow, Richard knew the memory was a species’ memory from millions of years in the past. The dragons were on the planet Portalus in the magical realm. In the memory, Richard watched the dragons rule the land for many generations. Occasionally, some of the dragons teleported to a small planet. The planet was more a ball of super-heated mud than it was a planet. The dragons burrowed deep into the mud and laid their eggs.

  Over time, millions of dragon eggs were buried in the hot mud. Eventually, the mud cooled until it formed a soft rock. More time passed. A black starship appeared and landed on the planet. Dragon-looking humanoids accompanied by hairy, four-armed creatures exited the starship. Other creatures, some humanoid, some not, were driven out of the starship. They were chained together in long lines of fifty each. Richard recognized some of the races in the chain gangs. There were gnomes, elves, dwarves, orcs, and even an occasional troll. Other unfamiliar races also adorned the lines. However, humans were by far the largest majority of the prisoners. Richard had no doubt the chained prisoners were slaves.

  The Dragars and their four-armed lackeys forced the slaves to dig in the soft rock. The slaves tunneled deep below the planet’s surface. More often than not, the slaves were forced to dig with their bare hands. Occasionally, Richard saw one of the slaves uncover an oblong rock.

  No, not a rock, Richard thought. Those are dragon eggs.

  The dragon eggs were loaded onto the black starship. Eventually, the cargo holds of the starship was filled with dragon eggs. At that point, the Dragars lined up the slaves along the side of the quarry near the mine’s entrance. There weren’t many slaves left. What few slaves hadn’t died from the hard work and constant beatings were nearly skeletons. Richard noticed one of the Dragars nod to a group of their four-armed helpers. The hairy creatures turned their weapons on the slaves and the slaughter began. Afterwards, the guards loaded on their starship and departed.

  More time passed. Another black starship arrived and the cycle began anew. After a blur of starships, mining, and killings flashed through Richard’s mind, the memory faded.

  While he’d been in the memory, Richard had continued running. When the memory finally ended, Richard stopped.

  Nick, Richard said. How much time? Can we make it?

  On foot? said Nickelo. Doubtful. I’m sorry to say my calculations indicate you need something a lot faster than your battle suit.

  Richard had been coming to the same conclusion while experiencing the memory. The tunnels kept zigging and zagging as they made their way towards the surface. There was too much distance and too little time.

  Drawing together his strongest emotions, Richard sent out a call for help. He didn’t wait for a response. Whether any dolgars would answer his call, Richard didn’t know. But he wasn’t going to sit around waiting to find out. He pulled off his dimensional pack and shoved the dragon egg inside.

  Rick, said Nickelo. What are you doing? You need to keep running. Maybe you’ll get lucky.

  No, Richard said as he closed the flap of his pack. This time I’m not going to rely on luck. I’m going to try and be smart.

  After closing the flap of his pack, Richard opened it again to make sure the egg was gone. It was. He let the flap fall back shut.

  You’re always telling me to use my brain instead of rushing into things, right? Richard said. So that’s what I’m trying to do.

  After all these years of rushing into things you decide to change your tactics today? said Nickelo. For once, I calculate rushing is your best course of action. Besides, I fail to see any wisdom in stopping.

  Richard decided to add to his battle computer’s confusion even more.

  Pull me up the specs for a hover-cycle, Richard said. And make it the same model as the one I have back on Trecor. It’s fast, but it’s small enough to maneuver in these tunnels.

  An image appeared in Richard’s mind accompanied by a long list of technical specifications.

  There it is, oh greatest but most foolish of wizard scouts, said Nickelo. However, I doubt ‘the One’ will let you summon it. It’s a high-tech item. You know ‘the One’ tries to limit you to older technology for the most part. The more technically advanced the item
, the more Power it requires to summon. Your Power reserve’s too small. I calculate a ninety-two percent probability you’re wasting your time.

  Maybe, Richard said. But I’ve got a hunch you’re wrong this time. You know ‘the One’ is occasionally flexible on the rules. Besides, either ‘the One’ lets me summon the hover-cycle, or I’m dead. Either he wants to keep me alive, or he doesn’t. It’s his choice.

  With those words, Richard imagined the hover-cycle. The merest drop of Power left his reserve. With only a little hope, Richard lifted the flap of his dimensional pack. He saw a piece of olive-drab metal.

  Hmm, said Nickelo. I guess I was wrong. What are the odds?

  About eight percent, Richard said throwing logic at his battle computer.

  Yuk, yuk, said Nickelo sounding unamused.

  Wasting no time, Richard pulled the opening of his dimensional pack around the piece of metal. It was the front fender of a hover-cycle. Richard gave a hard jerk on the pack. The pack’s opening elongated and slid around the metal until a complete hover-cycle was sitting on the tunnel floor.

  He didn’t waste time trying to figure out why ‘the One’ allowed him to summon an advanced piece of equipment for so little Power. Richard just threw his dimensional pack over his shoulders and mounted the hover-cycle. With the click of a switch, the engine roared into life. A second later, he was blazing down the dark tunnels at breakneck speed.

  Slowing down for a hairpin turn, Richard miscalculated. His knee made a grove in the rock wall before he was able to complete the turn.

  You’re lucky the rock here is soft, said Nickelo. If it was granite, you’d have wrecked your cycle.

  I’m doing the best I can, Richard said into his shared space.

  Well, it’s not going to be good enough, said Nickelo. Based upon your current rate of speed, I calculate it’ll take you three minutes and twelve seconds to reach the surface and get to a safe distance from the mine entrance. Unfortunately, I’m currently estimating the spheres will come together in only two minutes and forty-seven seconds.


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