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Red World Trilogy

Page 101

by V. A. Jeffrey

  Kaisha had her own spies listening and looking out for information as to the rebellion among the populace. They would often get news from the taverns, inns and brothels. Finally, word spread that there was a huge slave revolt in Yilphaeus, sudden and out of control. These slaves had intercepted a great convoy of wheat coming in from western Egi. The very next day after she received this news it emboldened slaves in Egium to slaughter a nobleman and his entire family. One of these had fled and killed another man in the day market right in the street. These bloody incidents led to violence that erupted for three days in Egium. The royal guard had arrested over one hundred people over the violence and the killings, including the rest of the slaves of the dead family and executed them. This caused retaliation from rebels in the Soudan who burned down a newly constructed summer mansion of the chief treasurer of Egi. Himmut, the chief palace official in Egi turned to King Teraht for help. The city was on fire. Where Egium had always been relaxed, aloof and seemingly more tolerant it had been dealt a raw blow no one believed would happen. It was so disturbing that King Teraht had rode from Jhis back to Egi with one of his generals to see about the matter personally. He arrived two days after the executions to oversee matters. It was the first crack in the facade of the mysterious Egium.

  Kaisha was eating her morning meal when she received news of the executions. Her thought turned toward Samje and then to Demos. Her heart flailed, hoping he had not been found out. She remembered a letter had come. One she had meant to read and for some reason had forgotten to. She had Lili retrieve it for her from the writing desk. Her hands trembled as she chided herself on forgetting about it, praying that there was no urgent request within. It was from Demos and it was about the growing violence in the south. The slaves in Yilphaeus were less afraid of retribution than anywhere else in the land. They were not cowed in Yilphaeus by news of the executions but becoming bolder. Demos warned her that she may be in danger of runaway slaves disguised in the street in Egium. That she should be careful. And also, he had written to be careful of her activities and movements. She had to be watchful on both fronts. She went to her writing desk after eating and prepared a letter for him.


  The king has arrived in Egium after the incidents here. I have heard word from my own sources that he will crush the revolt in Yilphaeus. I am more worried for you and your people there. Some say the king is a deeply suspicious man. He has even arrested the High Priest of the Golden Temple. If he moves the bulk of his spy apparatus here we will face much trouble. You are the most respected one of this band. You and yours are in my prayers. Tell Samje I think of his welfare as well as your benefactress. Pray for her, as I shall. Tread carefully as he has arrived and things will change for the worse. May the First One keep us all.


  Chapter Nineteen

  "I cannot support armed resistance, Samje. Fighting and killing a man in self-defense I can understand. But armed resistance is a dangerous gamble. Revolts rarely succeed. There will simply be a massacre and those still in bondage will bear the consequences."

  "They already are bearing those consequences, as are the rest of the populace!"

  "Still, I cannot in good conscious support it. You must realize this!"

  "What I realize, sir, is that we have a chance to throw off the Egian yoke for good! Sometimes blood must be shed. Do you think that kingdoms are built or freedom is earned without blood?"

  "I do not see why they cannot be. Blood is always shed when people refuse to think differently about things. And what makes us any different than the oppressor when we become killers? I fear innocents will be killed."

  "That may be the price-"

  "Do not dare to say such a thing, Samje! You are beginning to sound like a Black Alchemist." Samje paled and stiffened at this. Demos continued, undaunted.

  "Yes! I have heard my old master say such things to justify his treacheries against others. Darkness starts with one step down the wrong path with many petty justifications!" Samje rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Demos held firm.

  "We have a spy right in this house under our noses!" Samje whispered furiously.

  "Shh! Do not mention it. It will be taken care of. The lady of the house is aware." The very thought filled him with terror. He blew out a breath to calm himself. "I will not move weapons of any sort through this house. I will not concern myself with what other leaders in the movement do, but I will not do this. Please get ready. We have a meeting soon."

  "Yes sir." Samje said, unhappily. He left, shutting the door behind him abruptly and Demos was left in his study staring at the wall. He scratched his hair thoughtfully. Then he took up and unfolded Lady Kaisha's letter. Things were in motion for all. The king had arrived in Egium. Demos had called a meeting for all supporters of the movement after receiving her letter. The meeting would be this night at Senetta's House. Demos finally got up and went down to the chambers underneath the house. The central chamber was lit with tallow candles and a brazier burning for some warmth as it was late fall.

  There were seven leaders who ran the groups and helped him. Five of them were in favor of the revolt and were actively helping the slaves who were holed up in a naturally formed mountain fortress in the Soudan mountains. Demos eyed all of them as he hobbled to a stool and sat down. Samje, his right-hand man was already standing by his stool.

  "Are these all that could come tonight?" Asked Demos.

  "These were all." Said Samje.

  "Demos! I hear fearful news. Is it true?" Asked one of them. He wore a black and brown hooded robe over his silken tunic. Enkil was his name. He was a small textile merchant by day.

  "Did you think anything less would happen? It is true, according to my source who lives in Egium. The king has arrived. Things will come down on us soon." He looked over at everyone convened. "Which means that if anyone has people that need to leave the city we need to get them out as soon as possible."

  "I have no one currently needing to make the journey." Said Enkil.

  "I hear that weapons are being smuggled into Yilphaeus from Jura. Is this true?" Asked Hunda.

  "It is." Said Demos. Hunda gave Enkil and Abindal a baleful look. Demos made a sound of disapproval.

  "What do you men think to accomplish with this? Do you not know that this is suicide?"

  "Suicide or not, it cannot be stopped Demos. Not all are as peace-loving as your are. Besides, your own Lady Senetta sometimes gives us the ladre to purchase weapons from the Jurites."

  "What?" Demos looked at Samje. Samje merely shrugged.

  "Yes. Some want to fight. I shall not stand in the way of it. Do you think that they would not be caught and killed? The guard from the guilds hunt them down already. They should fight back. They will die no matter what they do."

  "I just do not wish to see more bloodshed than I already do." Said Demos feeling his anger rise.

  "What is the difference between your own people and their prophecies of a king coming to the land? When kings come do they not wipe out and kill the previous ruling order? Others do the same thing by their own means." Said Abindal.

  "Perhaps if they came to the Red King they would have no need to do this. But I will not get involved. If it is the will of these ones to do this, it is not for me to stop them. I only hope it does not exacerbate the plight of others."

  "So do I." Said Hunda. Demos felt the tension growing in the room and decided to head off further confrontation.

  "So, let us get down to business," he said. He looked to Enkil to begin.

  "My spies have observed a few men eyeing this house for a few days." He stared at Demos while he spoke. Demos felt his heart drop but he pulled his robes closer together and kept his calm. It did not surprise him.

  "You have got to be ready for whatever may come, Demos. Which is why I cannot understand your reluctance to use weapons. You know what is going to happen don't you?"

  "We are prepared." Said Demos stubbornly. "We are not unguarded and helpless."<
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  "I suspect these are black guilds-men."

  "So do I and I think I know why they watch. More because of the other things I do in here besides the rebellion issue."

  "So you sit here and scold others for using weapons while you are protected and do not have to fight yourself?" Abindal bristled.

  "Please, Abindal. It is not like that. My worry is that there will be a massacre before the movement even spreads its wings. Slaves with weapons are not a match for seasoned warriors of the king's army."

  "I concur. And King Teraht is merciless." Said Hunda. He was glad to get at least some support from Hunda. Demos continued.

  "Women and children will also be massacred if those runaways up in the mountains do not have a well thought out plan. Let us not fight over this. Like I have said I will not interfere if this is what they want to do."

  The others bowed their heads in respect. Abindal opened his palms up in acceptance. The argument, for now, was over.

  "Very well then. They disappeared today, those watchers. Beware, Demos."

  "I shall. Is there anyone needing anything? Ladre or supplies?"

  "I have a young mother who is having difficulties feeding her newborn child. If you have any draught to help stimulate her milk that she can take it would be a lifesaver for both. I am heading them up into the northern plains soon." Said Mayura. "I worry for them."

  "It sounds as if she needs milk tea. You shall have the very thing before you leave here, Mayura."

  "Tell Lady Senetta that we all thank her deeply for her generosity for allowing us to meet here."

  "As I thank her from my heart as well." Said Enkil.

  "I will tell her."

  "Before we all become warm and friendly, the underground road to the mountain pass is being watched." Said Hunda, always one of the leaders to stay on the path of cool reason. "I have no slaves as of now passing through my safe houses but when I do, I need to direct them elsewhere in order to get them to the Soudan."

  "Bring them to me, Hunda. I shall take them the rest of the way once they leave here. We must tread carefully now. No more traveling with slaves at least for the next few weeks until we know who in the city is watching."

  "What about the watchers of Senetta's House? I can stay and defend if need be." Said Enkil.

  "Senetta can take care of her own. Go and keep yourself safe and out of sight. Your own business with Jura is already rife with trouble. Do not bring more upon your head." Demos had Samje go upstairs and fill a prescription for Mayura. The meeting was adjourned and they all embraced each other with the word: "Jusawa!" Disguised as patrons of the brothel they left that night. Demos came up to find supper hot and ready for him by Ina. He was tired and ready to eat and dove into his dish of mutton and barley beer.

  "Ina!" He called. Ina came pattering into his study.

  "You called?"

  "Yes, Ina. Beware of the watchers outside. I think they are from the Black Guild."

  "Those, yes. They fool no one. Mistress knows, she knows."

  "I am sorry I have brought so much trouble to this house." Ina cocked her head to one side.

  "Trouble you have brought, yes. Freedom and dignity when taken away is already trouble. It cannot remain how it is forever. Things must change Demos, yes." Demos smiled. Ina took a long cleaning rag from her apron belt and snapped it upon her right shoulder and left about her duties. The music was loud and joyful and it was a particularly busy night at the brothel. Demos lived and slipped in and out of the house like a shade about his tasks. He'd learned to ignore most things and keep busy. The house was full of little trap doors and latticed-laced vents that hid weapons for enemies who might make their way into the house. One of the guards came into his study.

  "Demos, they come. Thirteen of them," he left and went back to his post swiftly as he'd come. Someone pounded at the front doors. Demos got up and peered out of his study. The guards living at the brothel were all on alert, most of them were hidden behind beams or columns and behind doorposts. Ina opened the door hatch and peeked out.

  "What do you want at this hour?" Snapped Ina.

  "Open the door woman. We are here on the guild's business. You have a villain among you. Open the door or you will find yourself on the wrong end of a saw." He threatened. They have finally come for me. Demos felt a sweat break out. Ina laughed derisively at him. She had her knife and was prepared to use it.

  "Who keeps the doors of a brothel barred anyway? Open the doors!"

  "This is a special establishment, yes. Not open to any scum off the street." Said Ina.

  "Let them in." He heard Senetta say from the top of the stair. "Let them in Ina. It is alright." Senetta was watching, her deep voice tunneling down with a strange vibrant power. Ina let them in. Seven men came in, all dressed in black. One of them wore an alchemist's hat and he wore his chain.

  "Where is he? Demos, the one who resides here? He is under arrest for practicing alchemy without the permission of the guild. He was warned." Liar! Demos thought. Now was the time. If they took him he would never see the light of day again. The man lifted his arm , ready to strike Ina. She cowered before them.

  "He is here! He is here, I shall show you!" She cried. And she led them to Demos's study. Her face changed immediately from feigned fear to a wicked grin as she led them in.

  "Someone would like to speak with you. You served under Ulthi-Nahkteht Ut." Said the alchemist.

  "I am Senetta's servant now."

  "Ah, but the Lord and Master of the Black Guild, Lord Erol, the king's own alchemist desires to have you in his laboratory." Said the man and he pointed to his hired men to take him. Demos threw himself backward as one of them grabbed his tunic. A piece tore off in his hands. As soon as that, things happened faster than Demos could register them. A sound like a wind came from the near the roof and a wall of poisoned darts flew through a small latticed vent, hitting and paralyzing four of the men. The others were wearing armor that the darts did not pierce but Senetta's men were ready for them. They descended into the room. The front hall of the house was situated in such away that they could attack easily from any angle. The alchemist and the other two thugs wore their knives but they were no match for the skill of the guards of Senetta's House. Ina whipped out her dagger and stabbed the one nearest her in the throat while they were momentarily caught off guard. The other two were struck down before they could run and the door was now blocked.

  "Take them down below. Bury them." Said Senetta from above. The music played in the central rooms so that little was heard by any patrons. Except one patron, who was dragged out naked by two of the prostitutes, the spy.

  "Who is this?" Asked one of the guards, bemused.

  "The spy, yes. Caught him watching the house and studying Master Demos too closely a few times. I can tell them quickly, spies. Yes." Said Ina proudly.

  "We knew what you were up to and the men you sent here are down below. Where you are going to go!" Said one of the women.

  "Take him down with the rest." Said Senetta blowing out herbed smoke and returning back to her private den. The man struggled in vain, sweating and panting profusely and calling out to the gods.

  "No! No! You cannot touch me! You cannot! No, please, please, please-" They slit his throat as simply as if they were cutting a chicken carried him downstairs below and buried him with the rest.

  "You see? You see? Spies everywhere but they will not slip past us here. No!" Said Ina and she slipped upstairs. Demos peeked in after the men down the long dark stair leading to the underground chambers. To his horror more bodies were carried into the house from outside.

  "And these?" He asked.

  "They were waiting outside to help carry you off to Lord Erol's dungeons. A place where you would spend the last waking hours of your life." Said one of the guards. Demos leaned against the wall to support himself, feeling faint. He dreaded even thinking about Lord Erol. His master had crossed the man, to his doom. To think Lord Erol would have captured him! And the retribut
ion he would have suffered because of Ulthi's foolishness! Demos would rather have died in the fires than be taken by that man. Samje had come out from hiding.

  "You see? You see?" He said, mocking Ina's voice. "One day one of them will slip past us and they will kill everyone in this house! The sooner the rebels are armed and are able to fight, the sooner these kinds of things will stop." Samje whispered.

  "So you say. Nothing is that easy Samje." But he understood Samje's anxiety. The nets were closing. He dragged himself up and hobbled upstairs, not panting like he used to. He'd become used to walking up and down the stairs but it still pained his feet. He knocked upon Senetta's door.


  "My lady, Senetta." He panted. "I. . .I am so sorry for what I have brought. It has become clear now that I should leave."

  "You will do no such thing. Once you stepped a foot into this house you stepped into my protection. The guilds are not the only ones who have their spies and their thugs."

  "But they will not stop. Surely you realize this? They will come back."

  "Let them come. It is time those who had power do something rather than sit back and watch the world go by. I am already involved Demos. I chose to become involved before I sent Samje to your master's house a few years ago. I will see it to the end Demos." She blew out a plume of smoke and took a sip of hot tea.

  "Just you be careful of your step. You are right. They will come back. Things may become more violent before we see the end of it. I do not like violence either Demos but it is the price we paid to be free and to support the freedom of others. It is not us who are the problem, it is those who do not want their system they have created to change. Dignity taken away has to be fought in blood to be taken back. The oppressors insist upon it."

  "I know. I know." He looked up dolefully into her eyes.

  "My lady, do you help some of the leaders in getting weapons from the Jurites?"


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