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Salvation (The Keepers of Hell Book 2)

Page 10

by James, Danielle


  Elizabeth was going in and out of consciousness. She could hear voices around her, and she surmised that she was in a hospital. She forced her eyes to open for a moment, realizing that this was like no hospital she had ever seen. The walls were decorated with pictures and heavy, dark blue drapes covered the windows.

  It didn’t smell like a hospital, either. It smelled like someone had just cooked Italian for dinner. How long had it been since she ate real Italian food? And why was she wondering about that in the first place?

  “Please, help her,” she heard someone say. Antonio, she thought. She had met the man enough to recognize his voice. Help who? She was a doctor, she could help.

  She tried to sit up, only to realize that she couldn’t move. Not a single muscle. And she hurt. Literally, everywhere she had nerve endings was pulsing in pain.

  “Help her!” he shouted. “She is screaming in pain. You have to do it!”

  Elizabeth realized that she was screaming, but it was as if her body was reacting on its own. She was locked behind some wall that wouldn’t let her out to tell them she was ok. She was ok, wasn’t she?

  “I cannot do it without consent,” another man said, one she didn’t recognize.

  “I have done all I can,” the most beautiful female voice Elizabeth had ever heard, said. “There is just too much internal injury.”

  “Wake her up then and ask her,” Antonio barked. “Do it King Smurf. She’s his mate!”

  “First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I know that,” King Smurf replied. “But it’s the law. She has to wake up.”

  Elizabeth wondered what kind of trip she was on. She imagined that Antonio was talking to a giant blue man with a gold crown on his head. And big white feet.

  “Cherie,” a lovely man’s voice said right by her ear, “We are going to wake you. It will be painful, but we need to you to be with us for a moment.”

  There were other voices around; some male, some female, and Elizabeth got the impression that they were a family. It was the way they talked to each other.

  Then she heard a woman’s voice. “Awaken, child of mine, bring yourself forward, cross the line.”

  Elizabeth felt like she was being hauled up off her ass from the inside out, then, she was awake. Really awake. She opened her eyes and squinted from the light, and then realized what pain really was. She threw her head back and screamed.

  “Elizabeth! Elizabeth!” someone was saying.

  “Doctor Rone!” a sharp, commanding voice shouted. Elizabeth snapped her head up and looked into the eyes of a man with sandy brown hair and a crooked grin. “I need you to listen to me now,” he said. “I am the King of Vampires and you are dying faster than he we can stop it.”

  “King Smurf,” Elizabeth whispered. Funny, he didn’t look like a smurf.

  “I am going to kill Antonio for that later,” he said.

  “I like Antonio,” Elizabeth said, feeling drunk. Had they given her something for pain?

  “Listen,” King Smurf said again. “You are going to die if we don’t do something. Antonio thinks it is a good idea to change you. We need your consent before we can do it.”

  “Change me? Into a smurf?” she asked.

  King Smurf rolled his eyes and then he opened his mouth wide. Elizabeth felt her own eyes widen when she saw the long, sharp fangs in his mouth. “I need your consent,” he reminded her.

  “Ok,” she agreed, feeling sleepy and drunk. She was too tired to deal with this craziness anymore. “Do what you must.” Then, she slipped back into the abyss of unconsciousness.


  “That’ll do it!” Antonio barked. “She consented.”

  “I don’t know,” his brother, the king replied.

  “She is the mate to the leader of Hell. A position we helped create. I have to deliver her to her mate in one piece. He needs her to do his job, and it’s my job to see that they get together and stay together. So I am asking you to help me help her help him!” Antonio barked out. “Please. Your blood is pure and it’s strong enough. Please, help her.”

  His brother nodded and bit into his own wrist. Then, he placed his wrist over Elizabeth’s mouth and allowed her to drink.


  Ash materialized in the depths of Hell a flaming, cursing, madman. No, not crazy, but filled with rage. He had never felt the kind of anger that was coursing through his veins. He felt so many things. Betrayal. Hate. Sadness. All rolled into one giant ball of fury that needed its own zip code. The minions who lived in the caverns scampered away without looking him in the eye. The black flames danced over his skin as he stomped his way through the wall of fire. He didn’t bother with the elevator. He flashed himself to Mali’s sleeping room.

  “Where are they?” he demanded.

  “Sir?” Mali asked as he looked up from the book he had been reading. “What is it?”

  Ash gritted his teeth. His vision had taken on a red hue. “Wrath. Murder. Where the fuck are they right now?” he growled.

  “I…I don’t know,” Mali answered him. “Sir, are you ok?”

  “Fuck no I’m not,” Ash spat. “I will find their fucking asses and when I do…”

  “You should check Murder’s sanction. They like to hang out there. Sometimes they hide in Lust too,” Mali offered. “Can I do anything to help?”

  “No,” Ash said. “This is something I have to do on my own.” Then he flashed to Murder, leaving his assistant alone and with his mouth open. Ash didn’t see it, but Mali felt sorry for the ones who crossed Ash. He grinned. Their leader had found his power and things were going to change.

  Ash walked past the souls who were being tortured. They were lucky compared to what Ash was going to do to their leader. His heavy footsteps echoed in the cavernous space, an ominous sound that preceded his anger. Little minions tried to approach him, but Ash sent them flying with a wave of his hand. Everything within three feet of his body caught fire from the black flames. He was a walking destruction in every sense of the word.

  Demons scattered as he searched the realm. A dark cloud of menace preceded him as he searched for his targets. When he didn’t find what he wanted, Ash flashed to Wrath. He exploded through the entrance, sending demons and souls flying as he went. “Marcus! Adule!” he shouted. His voice boomed and shook the very foundation they stood on. “Come out, Come out, wherever you are!”

  Ash felt his rage grow hotter when no one, NO ONE, responded to him. He flashed back to the caverns and began shouting. “You wanted to get to me?” he shouted, “come and get me!”

  Marcus and Adule appeared with twin grins on their faces. “Hello, Sir,” Marcus said through his fangs.

  “You hurt them,” Ash spat in their direction.

  “Mere humans,” Adule answered flippantly.

  “Not just humans,” Ash growled. “My sister. My mate! How fucking dare you?”

  “Just wanted to prove the new leader of Hell was a softie. And look at you. You’re all bent out of shape because we played with a couple of humans.” Adule looked at Marcus. “And you can’t afford soft spots. Which is why we are taking you down.”

  “You arrogant sons of bitches. You can try,” Ash ground out through his teeth. He almost wished he had fangs so that he could literally bite their heads off.

  “You have no business leading Hell. You can’t. You have too much love for those humans,” Adule said. “Love makes you weak.”

  Ash heard the words. Yes, he did love his sister. He did love Elizabeth. But did that make him weak. No, he didn’t think so. Elizabeth’s love made him strong, powerful, and right at that moment, dangerous. “You think I’m weak?” he grinned. “Let’s see for ourselves. This ends now.”

  Adule flicked his hand as if to move Ash with his power, but nothing happened. “Your power has no effect on me,” Ash said with a sadistic grin and then pulled his sword from his hip. He swung it low and caught Adule by surprise. The blade sliced easily into the skin of his thighs.

  When the demon yelped in pain, Marcus tried to join in. Ash sent him flying with only a look. The massive demon crashed into the wall and tiny rocks broke loose and fell to the ground. Ash toyed with them. He dropped his sword and used his mind to pick the demons up and toss them around like rag dolls. He didn’t need a weapon. He hadn’t realized the enormity of the power he had been given before, but now, he could feel it pulsing inside his body. It was like a separate entity…. a living, breathing thing that was feeding off his rage and becoming more and more powerful.

  “You stay,” he commanded Marcus with a wave of his hand. The demon was trapped against the wall, unable to move, by the power of Ash’s command. Then he lifted Adule off the ground with his mind. “You first,” he growled. He wanted to make sure that each demon got appropriate attention from him. Ash pulled his fist back and let it fly. It smashed into the demon’s face with a crunch. Blood spurted from its mouth, but Ash felt no relief. Only anger. He grabbed the demon by the shoulders and slammed him into the wall. “She is mine,” he growled. “Mine.” Then he threw his head forward, connecting with the demon’s forehead. The head-butt was so hard that it rattled Ash’s teeth, but he welcomed the pain. It was a distraction from the pain he felt in his heart.

  Over and over again, he pummeled the demon with his fists, until the fight left Adule. Then it was Marcus’s turn. “You violated her,” Ash accused the demon. His stomach turned just thinking of what this sick fuck had done to his woman. No matter how long he lived, no amount of therapy, no amount of divine intervention would be able to erase those images of her from his mind.

  “All’s fair,” the demon replied. Ash knew the idiot had to know his death was coming, yet he kept running his mouth. Ash proceeded to shut him up with a fist to the teeth. He reared back and punched the demon again with his bare hand. He could hit so much harder than a human could, and he used it to his advantage. He relished the sickening crunch of the demon’s bones breaking under his blows. They ended up on the floor with Ash sitting on his chest. “You hurt her,” he growled. “Never again,” he vowed. He doled out one punch after another until his hands were coated in sticky demon blood. Marcus was lying in a pile on the floor of the cavern, barely hanging on to his life.

  Then, it was time to get serious. Ash pointed at both demons and their bodies rose off the ground. He walked forward, willing the demons to float in the air in front of him until they came into the main cavern where Ash had first accepted his new position.

  “Get in here, now!” he bellowed.

  Very quickly, all of Hell’s leaders and minions filed into the cavern.

  “These demons felt that I was not worthy to lead,” Ash announced. “They felt that I was soft and cared too much for humans.” He made the two demons come closer to him. “They thought they could touch what was mine!” he growled. “Know this, every one of you. I promised to be a fair and just leader. There are rules that will be followed. No innocent shall ever be harmed–ever. And no one, and I mean no one, will ever touch what is mine!” He tossed the demons against the wall again just for good measure. The flames on his skin were growing in intensity.

  He let the demons drop to the ground in a heap. “And know this,” Ash continued, “the breaking of these rules will be punished. And the penalty will be death.” He trained his eyes on the demons who had kidnapped and hurt his sister. The ones who raped and beat his mate. He pointed his finger at them with and the black fire leaped from Ash’s body to theirs. They screamed out in pain, but Ash ignored their pleas for mercy. “I will not allow any demon, leader or otherwise, to break these few simple rules.” He glared at the flaming demons. He narrowed his eyes and forced his power from his eyes to the demons. Lightning flashed throughout the cavern and the demons who watched all ducked for cover. The air filled with dark clouds and the lightning crashed repeatedly.

  “You will never hurt my mate again,” he growled at them. “Do you know where demons go when they die? You’re about to find out.” Then, with only the power of his will, the two demons exploded into a million pieces. The sound was deafening, and there were pieces of demon goo everywhere.

  Ash turned to face the rest of Hell. “Anyone else think I am not qualified to lead?” he snarled at the small crowd. Every one of the demons present dropped to their knees and bowed their heads. Ash hadn’t wanted anyone to bow to him, but in this case, he made an exception. The unanimous show of loyalty was enough. “That’s what I thought,” Ash grumbled, and flashed himself away.


  Elizabeth was stuck in some weird ass dream. No, not a dream….a nightmare. She was swimming in a sea of black, with no beginning and no end in sight. There was nothing and no one. She tried to scream out, but she didn’t make a sound. She felt as though she weighed a ton and yet nothing at all at the same time.

  She could feel pain though, and boy did it ever hurt. She felt like her veins were filled with liquid fire, burning her from the inside out. Her muscles took turns contracting and releasing, one at a time, until she felt as if she was running a marathon while never moving from one solitary spot. She hurt, she was alone, and she was frightened.

  At least, she thought she was alone. Somewhere, far in the distance, she heard Ash’s voice.

  “How long will she be out?” she heard him ask. She didn’t hear whom he was talking to and she didn’t care. He was there with her. She felt his hand wrap around hers and for a moment, the pain subsided. She could do this, she thought. As long as he was with her, she could conquer this dream and come back to him.

  She forced her feet to move. First one, then the other. It was like trying to run through knee-deep mud, though. She willed herself to move toward his voice. “Come back to me,” he told her. It sounded as if he were right there, she only had to go a little further and she could make it to him. She had to make it to him. Elizabeth didn’t know how she knew, but she had to endure the pain and get back to Ash where she belonged.


  “Where did you take her?” Ash asked.

  “I told you,” Antonio answered, “I know a guy.”

  “That really doesn’t help,” Ash replied. “How do you know this is going to work?”

  Antonio looked toward the Heavens for a moment, as if he were searching for answers. “I don’t,” he finally admitted. “She could still die. At least this way, she has a chance. She’ll still be your woman if she comes out of this, but she will be different.”

  “I don’t care as long as she comes back,” Ash told him.

  Antonio had taken Elizabeth to see his family, where they had done all they could to heal her. Then, Antonio brought her back to Ash’s quarters in Hell. It was the only place he could think of where Ash could be with his mate and still do his job. After everything that had happened, Ash didn’t need to be leaving Hell for much of anything.

  For two days, Ash kept vigil at her side. For two days, he prayed. For two days, he talked to her and begged her to find her way back to him.

  And then it happened.

  She opened her eyes.

  “Ash?” she croaked.

  Ash yanked his head up and moved right into her line of sight. Her eyes were still brown, but different. Instead of a warm hot chocolate color, they were almost iridescent. He thought they were beautiful. Just like her. “You came back,” he sighed with relief.

  Elizabeth searched his face and then smiled. Her smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, more so now that she was sporting a pretty pair of shiny white fangs where her incisors used to be. “What are you smiling about?” she asked.

  “You,” he told her. “I’m smiling because of you.”

  Elizabeth reached up to hug him and suddenly they were both on the floor, she on top of him. “Oomph,” he grunted as he took the brunt of their landing.

  Elizabeth scampered off him and had a serious what the fuck look on her face. Ash grinned at her. He knew he was grinning like an idiot, but he didn’t care. His mate was magnificent. �
�What the hell?” she asked.

  “I think this is where I need to speak up,” Antonio said. Elizabeth turned to look at the man. No, not a man. Angel. He was sporting huge white wings. Then she looked at Ash. Huge black wings. This was about a twelve on her weird shit-o-meter. “You were hurt,” Antonio explained. Elizabeth nodded. “I did what I had to do to save you.”

  She remembered being attacked and she remembered Ash coming to her rescue. A shiver ran up her spine as she remembered what happened to her. She had vague images of being somewhere… but she couldn’t decide where. “What did you do?” she asked. “Am I dead? Is that why you have wings? Are we all dead? Am I an angel too?”

  Ash chuckled. “You’re an angel in my book,” he said.

  Antonio snickered. “No, we are not dead. No you are not an angel.” He told her the short story about how he became an angel and how Ash ended up where he was. Then he told her that in order to save her, he took her to his vampire family who changed her.

  “I’m a vampire,” she said slowly. “And you are both angels.”

  “Yes,” Ash and Antonio answered at the same time. Elizabeth felt her teeth with her tongue and found two super sharp fangs in her mouth.

  “So now I have to drink blood?” she squealed.

  “It’s not as bad as you think,” Antonio said, showing her his fangs. “You do need to stay out of the sun and pork chops and chips are off the menu, but you will be stronger, faster, and more in tune with your surroundings than ever before. You will not get sick and you will heal if something happens to you.”

  “Blood,” Elizabeth repeated. She sat back on the bed to gather her thoughts. It wasn’t as if blood made her squeamish; she had dealt with it every day of her adult life. However, she never once considered drinking it. She had even met a vampire before, and although he didn’t frighten her, it never crossed her mind that she could be like him.

  “And, it’s a sure fire way to make sure you live a long life with your mate,” Antonio said. “How else would you two make it work? Humans aren’t allowed down here.”


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