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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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by Frédérick S. Parker

  “I guess,” I grunted, trying desperately to withdraw. “I mean, if you want to.”

  He instantly whipped out his phone. “Here, put it in.”

  Taking the device, I pulled up his contacts. It was an old flip phone so it took me a second to figure out how it worked. As I added my name to his contact list, I noticed that other than his mother, work was the only other number. Does he not have any friends? Right when I was finished typing in my digits, a text appeared. It was from his mom. Trying not read it, I quickly held out his phone.

  “You just go a text from your mom.”

  Uriah’s eyes instantly lit up. “What’s it say?”

  “You want me to read it?”

  He shrugged. “Why not?”

  “It might be personal?”

  “Just read it,” Uriah said with a dismissive wave.

  “Hey, honey. I’m back. Love you.”

  He let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god!”

  “Where did she go?”



  “Do you want my number?” Uriah asked, taking back his phone and returning it to his pocket.

  “Sure,” I tried to sound indifferent, but I’m not sure I pulled it off. Handing him my cell, I waited patiently as he put in his digits. When he was done, he passed the device back across the table. Studying the numerals, I made a mental note not to text or call him. At least not until he’d contacted me first.

  “Have you finished digesting?” I asked when Uriah got to his feet. It still amazed me how tall he was. Also standing up, I felt minuscule next to him. At 5’ 9” I’ve never felt all that short. Now I felt tiny. I was still trying to gather my thoughts when Uriah suddenly reached out, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him with incredible ease. Without missing a beat, he bowed his head and tried to kiss me.

  “Whoa there, cowboy!” I exclaimed, jerking back. While a part of me would have liked nothing more than for him to plant those lush lips against mine, I was completely shocked by the bold gesture. Especially from someone who claimed never to have fantasized about being with another guy. “What are you doing?!”

  “Sorry,” Uriah looked mildly embarrassed as what few people were in the diner looked our way. “Sorry.” he immediately released me.

  “I donno know what they told you, but I’m not that kinda girl.” Pulling a southern accent, I was attempting more humor, but he didn’t seem to get it. His face flushed an even deeper red and he took a step back.

  “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I apologize.”

  “No worries,” I said as he tossed a tip on the table. “You just surprised me is all.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  After he paid the bill, we left the diner in silence. I could tell he was really embarrassed. I was still trying to salvage what remained of my defenses, but it pained me to see him looking so upset.

  “It’s not the end of the world,” I said softly as we came to a stop under a streetlight. “If you want to ask me out that’s fine, but I think we should take things slow.” he nodded, but still refused to make eye contact. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “Yes.” His voice was hoarse. “I guess I just have a lot to learn.”

  Given the way he pounced on me, I was slightly confused. He said he’d only dated girls, but from what I understand, they are usually more reserved than guys. Was he used to more promiscuous girls? No doubt they fling themselves at him.

  “I guess I’m not what you’re used to.”

  He shook his head and finally turned to look at me. “That’s not it. I just thought…” his voice trailed off.


  “I just assumed things moved faster with guys.”

  “A lot of times they do, but at the end of the day, gay or straight, most relationships work the same.”

  Uriah nodded, his eyes pensive.

  “So, are you taking the bus home?” I didn’t want the night to end, but I also had to get a handle on myself. If we were together too much longer, I’d be begging him to kiss me. To be honest, I’d actually hoped he’d have asked me out by now. Maybe he’s taking his time. Or collecting himself? Perhaps I blindsided him with my rejection. Or maybe he’s having second thoughts. Did I completely turn him off?

  “No, I, uh… My mom’s picking me up.”

  “In the middle of the night?” He was casually walking away and I felt compelled to follow. I told myself I was being a concerned citizen, but really I wanted to give him a ride home. Not only would that give us more time together, I could also find out where he lived.

  “She doesn’t mind,” Uriah called over his shoulder, but when he saw me close on his heels, he abruptly stopped.

  “Do you want me to wait with you until she comes?”

  “Thanks, but that’s not necessary.”

  “Are you sure. People get mugged around here.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “And I believe you, but—”

  “—Thanks for the offer, but I’m fine.”

  “Okay.” Feeling dejected, I turned and headed back up the sidewalk. I must have turned him off. Why else would he choose getting a ride from his mother over me? Feeling stupid, I found my car, climbed in and started the engine. Should I have let him kiss me? I didn’t pull away because I didn’t want it, I was just surprised. Nobody has ever swooped in like that before. It was a knee-jerk reaction. I couldn’t help it. Then again, maybe it was all for the best. Someone that good-looking wouldn’t stick around long. I was probably just an experiment to him. A gay experiment.

  Trying to shut down my conflicted mind, I drove home. Pulling in the driveway, I turned off the car and headed up the front walk. All the lights in the house were out. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I unlocked the door and entered. I was just passing the entryway when the light to the kitchen suddenly came on. Both my parents were sitting there in their evening wear. Great, I thought sarcastically. Just what I need.

  “Aaron, do you know what time it is?” Mom asked, getting up from the table.

  “Let me see.” With exaggerated effect, I raised my watch and turned it to have a look at the numbers. “If this device is correct, it’s 1:35am. That’s odd! I’ve had this on my wrist all evening. How did I not know that?”

  Mom’s lips pursed. “I know you’re no longer in high school, but so long as you live in this house, you have to be home at a certain time.”

  “I know,” I grunted, wishing this conversation would end.

  “Where were you tonight?” Dad asked. “Same place as last night?”

  “You know, most parents would be happy their kid graduated high school and got accepted at one of the top universities in the state. Why can’t you be more like them?”

  “We are proud of you.” Mom said, though her voice didn’t show it. “But being an adult comes with certain responsibilities. Don’t you want to set a good example for your little brother?”

  “Of course I do, but it’s not like I’m stumbling in drunk from some bar. I was just hanging out.

  “With whom?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Was it a boy?” And there it was. My parents didn’t care that I was coming home late. They just wished I was spending time with a girl. When I came out a little over a year ago, they acknowledged it, but they never quite accepted it. Because I’m not flamboyant like the stereotypical gay, Mom is still hoping that this is just a phase. Even on the rare occasion that I’ve brought a guy home, she pretends we’re just friends. My dad is basically a zombie. If my mom is upset, he’s upset. He’ll throw in the occasional word, but I don’t think he really cares.

  Rolling my eyes, I headed down the hall to my room. If I could afford a place of my own, I would’ve moved out by now. Trying not to think about Uriah and how I probably messed things up with him, I kicked off my shoes and flopped down on my bed. By morning, tonight will probably feel like a dream. Heck, it probably was a dream.

bsp; Chapter 3


  God, am I stupid! Aaron surely thinks so. Trying to kiss him like that! Mom pulled me out of school during a curial time. I was just starting to learn about relationships and their many complexities. I was naïve enough about straight couples. I knew next to nothing about gay ones. What little knowledge I had accumulated was gleaned from brief observation in public settings. When I’m not at work, I spend most of my time alone.

  Flying home, it was difficult to keep the tears out of my eyes. I’d been relieved to have received that text from my mother. Now I was pissed. All my bitterness and anger about being pulled out of school began to re-emerge. By the time I landed in front of my house, I was spoiling for a fight. Of course, my mom was probably asleep by now. Swallowing my anger, I slipped in the front door. I went down the hall to my room. Lying in bed, I tried not to think. I love my mother, but we have a complicated past. Talking with Aaron, I’d inadvertently stumbled into it. I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn’t want to think about that, her or anything negative. Trying to kiss Aaron was a mistake, but it wasn’t a deal breaker. At least I hope it wasn’t. While I was looking forward to the physical part of our relationship (assuming I hadn’t scared him off), I did want to get to know him; adorable, sad, intriguing Aaron.

  In my current state, I assumed it would take ages to doze off, but thoughts of him quickly lulled me to sleep. I didn’t wake up until noon the following day. The smell of food helped speed things up. Rolling over, I felt a slight pressure as my boxers gripped my morning wood. I didn’t have to look to know my cock was peeking out. I could feel the material pressing against the shaft, securing it to my thigh. Sitting up, I found dried cum caked to my skin. I had wet dream. That didn't surprise me. Given my sex-free life, I have them once or twice a week. Having one two nights in a row was new. I guess technically I didn’t have a wet dream last night, but I came pretty close. No pun intended.

  Going across the hall to the bathroom to get cleaned up, I tried to recall last night’s dream. I knew it was about Aaron, but the details were vague. I didn’t know what to make of this, but one thing was certain. That guy effects me. Leaving the bathroom a few minutes later, I didn’t bother putting my wings away. The smell of food made my think of my mom which in turn reminded me of last night’s anger. It was probably best if I couldn’t speak. Entering the kitchen, I found my mother seated at the table, sipping her tea. She’s always drinking tea. When she saw me, she looked mildly surprised that my wings were out. I usually keep them caged in the house if I can help it. Ignoring her questioning stare, I went straight to the stove and served myself a generous portion of the noodles and meat sauce. Sitting down across from her, I dug in.

  “Is something wrong?” Mom asked as I gave my lunch my full attention. I shook my head, not looking up. “Well, incase you were wondering, my trip went well. No news from the High Kingdom, but your father is doing well.” I shrugged at this. I was glad that he was fine, but honestly, I didn’t really know the man. I haven’t seen him since I was eight. While my mother accompanied me to this world, my dad stayed behind. According to her it was necessary, but she was kind of vague on the details. He also never visits. While Mom makes the occasional trip back, he never comes here. I assume it’s because he’s afraid of getting trapped.

  “Uriah, what’s wrong?” Mom asked, concern edging into her voice.

  I just shook my head, casting her a reluctant glance.

  Though she didn’t look entirely convinced, she moved on. “Well, I learned something new yesterday! I want to share it with you,” she reached both hands out toward either of my temples, but I pulled away. She’s always trying to download me with new, useless knowledge. “Come, on.” Mom said, looking disappointed. “I know you’ll love it!” I made a face before returning to my lunch. “Uriah, what’s going on?” Now her voice was stern. “Why are your wings out and why are you ignoring me?”

  Giving another shrug, I responded the only way I can when my wings are free. Via sign language. Not ignoring you. Just tired.

  “How late did you work last night?”


  “Any problems?”

  I shook my head.

  “Well, so long as you’re okay…”

  You pulled me out of school. Why? My mother looked surprised at the question then annoyed.

  “Uriah, we’ve been over this.”

  I could have made it work.

  “You remember what happened! One of the teachers almost saw you with your wings out! How many times do I have to remind you of the dangers? If people see you, your life as you know it is over. We are not going over this again!”

  My mother is constantly reminding me that I need to be careful and that it’s dangerous to be a Flyer. That’s what my people call someone like me. A Flyer. The whole reason my mother brought me to Earth in the first place. Had I been born a Builder, a Hunter, an Entertainer, a Healer, a Warrior or even a Teacher like my mother, we never would have come here.

  I just want to be normal, I signed.

  “I’m sorry, but you’re not and the more your genetic suppressant fades, the more careful you have to be. I still don’t like the thought of you working such long hours.”

  I work two nights a week!

  “Yeah, two nights too many.”

  I brought my hand down on the table, causing the dishes to lurch. Thanks to you, that job is all I have!

  “Where is this even coming from?” Mom demanded, her cheeks flushed.

  I met someone.

  “Uriah,” she sighed, all the anger gone in a heartbeat. “I’ve told you not to get attached. Our time here is not permanent. One day we will return to our world. If you form a bond here, it will make it that much harder when we leave.”

  At this I finally retracted my wings, freeing my voice. “Maybe I’m happy here. Maybe I want to stay.”

  Mom shook her head, looking bewildered. “You can’t be serious!”

  “I am.”

  “Well, that’s out of the question! You know you can’t stay here.” Without giving me time to respond, she jumped up from the table. Ditching her cup in the sink, she scurried from the room. I considered going after her, but I changed my mind. I’d be eighteen in less than a month and she'd no longer have any power over me. I’ll just wait ’til then to fly the nest.

  “I want to go into town,” I called, getting up from the table. Usually I clean my dishes when I’m done, but I was in a bad mood.

  “What for? You don’t work ’til Friday.” From the distance of her voice, I guessed she was in her bedroom.

  “Yeah, but I just thought I could look around. Hang out.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “Didn’t you just spend all day in town yesterday?”

  “That wasn’t enough.”

  “Well, I’m tired.”

  “Fine, I’ll just get a ride.”

  There was a moment of silence then. “From who?”

  “The person I met.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “The whole reason you brought me to this world was so I could have a normal life. How am I supposed to do that when you keep throwing up road blocks?”

  Another long pause. “Fine, if you can get a ride into town, you can go.”

  Eagerly whipping out my phone, I sent Aaron a text:

  -Want to hang out?

  It was several minutes before he responded. Just enough time for me to think he’d given me a fake number.


  -I don’t know. Where do people usually hang out?

  -That depends. Some like the mall, others like the club or the bowling alley…

  -What do you like?

  -You really want to know?

  -Of course.

  -The library.There was a pause then:of course, if this is a date, that would effect my answer.

  -It’s a date.

  -Then the movies.
/>   -Okay, a movie it is.I hesitated before sending the next text. this might sound totally lame, but any chance you could come pick me up? I don’t have a ride.

  -Where’s your mother? lol.

  -What’s ‘lol’ mean?

  -Laughing out loud.

  -Why are you laughing?

  -The ‘where’s your mother’ was meant as a joke. Man, you’re green.


  -It’s fine. I’ll come get you. What’s the address?

  Forty minutes later, a small sliver car pulled into my driveway. Since not many cars come down this old dirt road, I assumed it was Aaron. Pulling in beside my mother’s red mini van, he climbed out. He was looking just as good as ever with a white t-shirt and blue jeans. Seeing him, a snippet of last night’s dream hit me full force. I was slamming into him from behind. My hands gripped his hips and his frenzied moans vibrated through me. My cock jumped at the memory. Easy, Uriah, I thought to myself as Aaron approached the front porch. The last thing I wanted was to spring wood and scare him away. After the way he freaked out when I tried to kiss him, I couldn’t take any chances.

  When my date joined me on the wooden planks, he broke out in a grin. It lit up his whole face. “Man, you live out in the middle of nowhere. I almost got lost twice and that’s with my GPS.”

  “I know,” I said, fighting the urge to adjust myself. “I’m sorry.”

  “No worries.” Aaron briefly scanned my house before re-focusing those incredible green eyes on me. “Have you always lived out here?”

  “No.” the two of us descended the front steps and started toward his car. “My mom moved us out here after taking me out of public school.”

  “She must really not want you to have any friends.”

  “You could say that.”

  “Where’s your dad?”

  “Back home.”

  “Where’s that?” Aaron asked, a slight crease forming in his brow.

  Crap! “I mean, uh, my mom and I moved here from another country. My dad stayed behind.”

  “Cool. What country?” he asked as we arrived at the tiny silver vehicle.


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