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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Frédérick S. Parker

  When Aaron woke up, it was a little past one. I was glad that he no longer looked ready to croak, but I was still worried about Mathew and what he saw.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked as his eyes slid open and he focused on me.

  “Good,” he murmured, his green eyes as soft as silk. “Amazing actually. That was one hell of a blowjob. It knocked me out.”

  “Glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Are you sure you’ve never done that before?”

  “You’re my first.”

  Aaron reached out and patted me on the stomach. “Well, let’s just hope you can handle my cream milk shake.”

  “So, you do believe I made you sick?”

  He made a face. “Of course not. I was just joking. I’ll be fine, you’ll be fine. Let’s just forget that whole thing.”

  “So, what do you want to do today?”

  “Well, now that it no longer feels like I’m carrying a cesspool in my belly, I’d like something to eat.”

  “Okay.” Getting up off the bed, I followed him to the kitchen. I was actually feeling pretty hungry myself. Entering, we found Mathew at the table eating a sandwich. Thankfully his friends were gone, but seeing him still put me on edge. When he saw me, his eyes lit up.

  “Aaron, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Tell you what?” My boyfriend raised a questioning eyebrow as he went over to the refrigerator.

  “That your boyfriend is an angel. If I knew, I never would’ve called him a giant,” then turning to me, he added, “Aaron’s boyfriend, I’m so sorry. I hope I didn’t offend you.”

  “Don’t mind him,” Aaron said, giving his little brother’s hair a toss. “He has a vivid imagination. He doesn’t mean anything by it.”

  “You mean you don’t know?” Mathew’s eyes danced back and forth between us. “You never told him?”

  When I didn’t respond, Aaron stepped in. “Matt, what did I say about being rude. You’re making Uriah uncomfortable. You know it’s not nice to judge people on their looks.”

  “But, but he’s an angel,” the kid sputtered. “It’s true! I saw his wings!”

  “I’m sure you did,” Aaron said dismissively. “Now finish your sandwich and get out of here.”

  Mathew’s face crumpled at his brother’s words and he fled from the room. I felt bad, but at least my cover was still intact. No one would believe the ramblings of a child. Especially one with a wild imagination.

  “Sorry about that,” Aaron said, pulling a few containers out of the fridge. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him.”

  I shrugged it off, not trusting my voice. Pulling out a plate, he dumped some leftover lasagna in the middle and slid it into the microwave. As it slowly rotated, Aaron grabbed a couple forks. When the microwave beeped, he retrieved the steaming food and placed it on the table between us. Handing me one of the forks, he dove in.

  “So,” he said after we’d been eating in silence for a couple minutes. “How exactly do you spend your time?”

  “Lately I’ve been spending it with you.”

  “Duh.” he rolled his eyes. “I mean before we met. You said you listen to audiobooks, study and go outside. Is that it?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “What do you do outside? In the middle of nowhere there can’t be much to do, but stare at trees.”

  I thought this over for a moment. The answer was easy. I fly. While I can’t pass over the city during the day, I can fly over the National Forest located a few miles away. It’s hundreds of miles of wilderness. The odds of anyone seeing me are minute. Plus, with the pale tone of my wings, it’s easy to blend into the sky. I just make sure to wear something light.

  “Well?” Aaron prompted. “What do you do?”

  “I spent a lot of time in the National Forest. It’s a good place to think.”

  “You go there?” my boyfriend looked amazed. “So do I. I love getting lost in the trees. Mind you, I always stay on the paths. I don’t want to literally get lost, but you know what I mean.”

  “You don’t strike me as the kind of person who enjoys nature.”

  “What, just because I’m fat I can’t enjoy the great outdoors?”

  “That’s not what I meant. You look like…” Damn it, I don’t know the right word.

  “I know what you meant,” Aaron said, a playful smile spreading across his face. “Guys like me don’t go nature walking. We shop, hang out and party. I was that guy. I guess in some ways I still am, but recent events have spurred me to expand my horizon.”

  “What events?”

  “Let’s just say I got tired of being around superficial people. Even though I was one of them myself. I wanted to get away from all that. There’s more to life than looks.”

  “I don’t know, you still seem pretty hung up on them,” I remarked.

  “Well, you’re gorgeous. Who could ignore that?”

  “I was talking about you. You wanted to get away from the superficial, yet you’re hung up on your own appearance.”

  Aaron’s face fell. “I guess some habits die hard.”

  Once again I considered asking who had shaken his confidence, but before I could even open my mouth he brightened and said, “We could go to the National Forest together.”

  This idea appealed to me until I remembered I would have to let my wings out in a little over two hours. From the city it was an hour drive to the National Forest. In a hundred square-mile wilderness there are plenty of places to hide, but I couldn’t guarantee that Aaron would leave me alone for that long. I knew he was dying to see what I did when I slipped into the bathroom and I feared this time he wouldn’t let me escape.

  “There’s a visitor’s center at the main entrance. They have bathrooms there,” he said as if he could read my mind.

  “Okay,” I said, forking up the last of the lasagna. “Let’s go.”

  Aaron eagerly picked up the plate, but all of suddenly his shoulders fell. “Shoot! We’ll have to wait ’til my parents get back.”


  “Hazards of having a little brother. I can’t leave him here unattended.”

  “So, what do we do?”

  Aaron shrugged. “Hang out until my folks get home. They should be back by five-thirty. Is that a problem?”

  I shook my head. Any excuse to make out some more was a good excuse in my book. Now that my boyfriend was feeling better. I was eager to make up for lost time. Coming around the table, I slid my arms around his waist and pulled him to me. We kissed for a moment, but when I tried to stick my tongue down his throat, he pulled away.

  “We’re in the kitchen. Let’s keep it PG, okay? Matt could walk in on us at any moment.”

  “Then let’s take this to the bedroom.” Without waiting for his consent, I swept him off his feet and carried him caveman style down the hall. Aaron giggled and squirmed a little, but he made no real attempt to escape. When I reached his room, I entered, closed the door and brought him over to the bed. There we kissed, touched and made out for what felt like hours. Because Mathew was in the next room, Aaron insisted that we take it easy, but I hardly cared. All I could think about was getting inside him. Sadly, when things began to heat up, my boyfriend suggested we watch a movie. It was everything I could do to swallow my frustration. It doesn’t matter, I assured myself. We’re almost there. He’ll surrender to me soon.

  “What’s your favorite color?” I asked when the credits rolled up the screen.

  “Hmm?” Aaron’s dark green eyes focused on me.

  “Color. What’s your favorite?”


  “Really? Why?”

  He shrugged. “Why not? It’s bold, unyielding and unapologetic.”


  “What about you?”

  “I like green. It’s the color of nature and your eyes.”

  Aaron smiled. “You like the color of my eyes?”

  “Of course.”

  “What do you like most about me?”
When my hand migrated to his ass, he slapped it away. “But that.”

  “Pun intended?” Aaron rolled his eyes. “Okay, I like your spirit. I like that you are who you are and you make no apologies. Like with those thugs at the mall. Black is definitely your color.”

  My boyfriend seemed to melt. “You’re too sweet.”

  We left for the National Forest at five-thirty. Aaron informed his parents of his departure, before sneaking me out the window. He claimed that he wasn’t ready to introduce us just yet. This made me wonder. According to Mathew, his brother never failed to present them with a new boyfriend. Why is he hiding me from them? Is there something wrong with me? Do I embarrass him? Before long, we were in his tiny silver car driving toward the highway that led out of the city. The majority of the trip was in silence. I was still pondering Aaron’s past while also debating whether or not to probe his beliefs in the supernatural. I wanted to get an idea of what he would and wouldn’t accept. At the same time, I feared any such questions would raise suspicion. He had no reason to believe his brother’s wild accusations, but if I started poking around, it might cause him to wonder.

  When we reached the National Forest, Aaron found a parking spot and we headed off onto one of the many trails. There was a sign at the entrance. I’d already read it on one of my solitary trips here, so I knew what it said. It was a reminder to visitors of the National Forest’s rules and regulations. Among them they insisted that people not wandering off the paths. At least a dozen individuals go missing every year who chose to ignore this advice. While I spend most of my time high above the forest, I do occasionally touch down to rest, eat and hydrate. I don’t bother staying on the paths. One, I have an amazing sense of direction. Two, if I do get turned around, I simply take to the air.

  Aaron chose the path that leads to the bluff. About a mile in, there’s this incredible overhang that overlooks a lake. It’s about a mile or two across and is bordered by a mountain range on the other side. It’s an ideal place to take pictures. There would probably be a lot of people there.

  While we walked, Aaron marveled at the forest around us. “This place gets more beautiful every time I come.”

  “How often have you been here?”

  “Four times. I come once a month. I’ve been watching the leaves grow.”

  So, four months ago he decided to broaden his horizon? Something shook his confidence earlier this year. I felt like a detective working out a timeline for a case.

  When we reached the bluff, we joined the other spectators to gaze at the lake and the mountains beyond. I’ve seen this scene a thousand times, but I’m used to an aerial view. This angle was quite breathtaking. There was a thick rope barrier at the edge of the bluff, but it wasn’t reenforced and people were climbing over it to get better shots. There was water below, but it would provide little cushion for someone who slipped and fell. All it really does is conceal the jagged rocks beneath. Aaron and I enjoyed the view for about half an hour before returning to the trail.

  “I wish we could leave the path,” he said, suddenly stopping in his tracks. “I so want to explore the depths of the forest.”

  “Maybe someday you can.”

  My boyfriend shook his head. “It’s a pipe dream. If I step off the path, I’ll never be heard from again. I don’t want to become a statistic.”

  “If you get lost, I’ll find you.”

  He shot me a skeptical look. “How? If you come in after me, you’ll get lost too.”

  “I told you, I have an amazing sense if direction. I seldom get lost.”

  “I’m sure that’s true, but I’d rather not take the chance.” After gazing longingly into the thick undergrowth for a moment, Aaron shook his head. “Nope, only in my dreams. When they lay me down to rest, I hope it’s in a place this beautiful.”

  Taking my hand, he led the way back to the parking lot. Heading to the visitor’s center, he waited patiently while I slipped into the bathroom. It was almost seven so the crowds were thinning. Over the loudspeaker, a woman’s voice said that the visitor’s center would be closing in ten minutes. When I left the restroom, the building was practically empty. I found Aaron standing alone, a troubled look on his face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He didn’t answer immediately. Instead he peered at the photographs on the nearest wall. They were mainly shots of the National Forest. I could tell Aaron was looking, but not really seeing them. When he finally spoke, his voice was measured.

  “I believe people are entitled to their privacy, but when you enter into a relationship there are certain things your partner has a right to know.” he paused for a moment, casting me a brief glance. “For example, if I had a sexually transmitted disease, I would tell you.”

  “Are you asking if I have aids?” I knew he wasn’t, but I was trying to stall.

  “No… I mean, if you did you’d tell me, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, that’s not what I’m asking.”

  “What are you asking?” my heart continued to accelerate.

  “This may sound blunt, but I’m going to say it. Do you do drugs?”

  “Do I look like a drug addict?”

  “No, but not all of them do and if you’re going into the bathroom to shoot up, I think I have a right to know.”

  I showed him my arms. “No needle marks.”

  “There are other places to stick a needle and other ways to ingest narcotics.”

  “Aaron, I don’t do drugs.” He studied me closely, his deep green eyes hunting for the truth. What do I say to ease he concerns? “Here, check my pockets.” I turned them all inside out. “If I were shooting up, I’d have to keep the drugs somewhere, right?”

  “You have a point,” my boyfriend said, his gaze falling to the out-turned pouches and I saw him relax. “But just to be safe…” Glancing around, he started patting me down. As his hands went from my chest, down to my abdomen and then to my hips, I quickly realized this wasn’t about drugs. At least not anymore. A smile spread across Aaron’s face as he explored every muscle. Very quickly I started getting turned on. While I enjoyed his mouth on me, I still ached to be inside him. Plus, knowing what I know now, I assumed my blowjob days were over. I couldn’t risk getting him sick again.

  “You’re killing me!” I pushed him up against a nearby wall and nearly knocked down a picture in the process. “I want you so badly.”

  “You have me.” Aaron gave me that goofy grin while pushing away from the wall, his hand going up to steady the framed photograph.

  “I want more.” To illustrate my point, I reached around and grabbed his ass.

  “You want sex?” he gazed up at me with those sultry green eyes.

  “Yes.” My dick lurched. God, it ached for him!

  “I can give you that,” he cooed and to my surprise he reached around and slapped me on the butt. “I have a joystick too, you know.”

  I jerked away, my arousal gone in a heartbeat. He can’t be serious! That thought had never even occurred to me. The idea of him back there seem weird and unnatural. I couldn’t imagine letting anyone back there. Meeting Aaron didn’t change that. I shook my head. He must be doing that thing where he tries to shock me.

  “Very funny,” I grunted, sweeping my hair from my face. “No way that’s happening.”

  Aaron’s brow furrowed and the glint left his eyes. “So, I’m supposed to grant you entry, but you won’t do the same for me?”

  “Of course! You’re the…” I wasn’t sure what word to use. Isn’t he the girl in this relationship? “Isn’t this normal for you?”

  “Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I take it up the ass.”

  “I thought that’s what being gay meant.”

  “Being gay means a lot of things. One of them is not making assumptions.” Aaron was starting to look irritated. His face was red and his voice was elevated, but I was too stunned to notice. I still couldn’t believe he didn’t want me inside him.

�ve never…?”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Not even with Tyler?”




  “So, you don’t know how good it feels to get your prostate pounded?”

  “Not personally, but I’ve been told.”

  “Then why mention it?” I was glad to hear that his perfect ass hadn’t been tarnished by some other guy’s dick, but I didn’t like the direction this conversation was going. It was bad enough I’d chosen the one guy who wanted to take things slow. No way he also didn’t want me inside him.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Aaron demanded, looking increasingly agitated. When I shook my head, he rolled his eyes. “I told you that because I hoped you’d be interested. I hoped you’d be up for it.”

  “You thought I’d let you stick your dick in me? You’re kidding.”


  I didn’t respond right away. While my boyfriend was looking more irritated by the minute, I was trying to understand what was going on. Is he really fighting me on this? There has to be a way to get him on board.

  “Come on,” I finally said, starting to feel desperate. If he continued to deny me, I had no idea what to do. “You said yourself it feels good. Why not practice what you preach?”

  Aaron scoffed, showing no signs of submitting. “You think you’re the first guy who’s ever wanted to fuck me? You’re not, but I don’t do that.”

  “But, but… But you’re gay.”

  Now he looked pissed. “We’re not all alike you idiot! Just because I’m gay, doesn’t mean I bottom.”

  I barely hard that last part. The word idiot sent a chill down my spine. I could see that he was upset, but I still couldn’t believe he’d call me that. My whole life I’ve felt stupid because of my inability to read properly. Such words were like knives in my heart. I’d spent so long wishing I were back in public school for the happy memories. I’d completely blocked out the bad ones. I hardly ever got made fun of when I went to public school, but there were at least a couple occasions. Once or twice a kid would snicker or laugh when I stumbled over a word. But the main problem was stress. The stress of knowing I would never improve. While everyone else around me excelled, I stayed the same. And as the years passed, my anxiety grew until I couldn’t read in class at all.


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