The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1) Page 22

by Frédérick S. Parker

  “Wow!” I didn’t know what else to say. “Wow!”

  He smiled, though his eyes were still sad. I think you should take it easy today. You're in for a rough night.

  I returned my hands to his waist and stared up into those beautiful, pale eyes. “I know tonight isn’t going to be pleasant, but I don’t want that to ruin today.”

  You need to rest.

  “What I need is a distraction. Something to take my mind off what’s to come. What I need is a chariot ride.” Uriah looked doubtful. “Come on,” I begged, giving him a little squeeze. “Please give me something good to remember when I have my face in a bucket and my ass on the can.”

  My boyfriend’s shoulders sagged and he nodded.

  “You’re the best!”

  Jedediah stepped forward, looking a little timid. “Now that that’s been sorted, anyone care for some breakfast?”

  I nodded eagerly, but Uriah shook his head. The less you have in you the better.

  I was hungry, but he had a point. After my boyfriend grabbed a quick bite, we returned to our cabin. I knew he wanted to eat more, but I didn’t want to have to wait an hour for him to be able to fly again. Back in our living space, Uriah opened up the bag his mother had packed for him and removed a fresh set of clothes. He then nodded toward the bathroom, indicating that I follow. The shower was obviously designed for someone with wings. It was very spacious and while I’m sure he was a lot bigger than his predecessors, Uriah didn’t have too much trouble maneuvering. While water rained down on us, I immediately focus on cleaning the dried cum from his feathers. I hope his parents hadn’t noticed.

  Once we were clean and dried off, we returned to the main room to get dressed. I was about to climb back into the clothes I’d worn the last couple days, but my boyfriend handed me some of his.

  “They won’t fit,” I said, hesitantly accepting the garments.

  They will, he assured me. Alien planet. Alien clothes, remember?

  As I got dressed, Uriah picked up a shirt. Curious about how he was going to get it on with those massive wings, I paused to watch him. Pushing his head through the neck hole, he brought the material down in the front. As he did so, the back of his shirt opened up, the small fibers retracting until he looked like he was wearing a vest on backward. While he smoothed out the material, the alien fibers immediately began reattaching themselves in the back around his wings. Interesting. When I finished getting dressed, my own clothes shrank down to my proper size. Cool!

  Once we were both fully clothed, Uriah looked me over before signing, If at any time you want to stop, just let me know, okay?


  I still don’t think this is a good idea.

  “Then why are you doing it?

  He approached so we were only inches apart, his eyes intense. Because for you, I’d do anything.

  Man, that’s hot! A surge of emotion crashed through me and in my giddy school girl excitement, I let slip something a giddy school girl would say.

  “I love you.” The moment the words were out of my mouth, I froze. I’ve only uttered those words to one other person and he dumped me a week later. Tyler was my first boyfriend and back then I thought I was in love. Knowing what I know now, those feelings weren’t even close. After our break-up, I swore never to utter those three little words again. At least not until someone else said them first.

  My heart throbbed in my chest as Uriah stared at me. I couldn’t read his expression and I immediately began to panic. Backpedaling, I stammered, “I mean, thank you. Thank you for doing this for me. It really means a lot. I know our first flying experience didn't go so well, but hopefully this time will be different.” I was rambling, struggling to keep my voice even. My boyfriend suddenly swooped down, pressing his lips against mine, shutting me up. After giving me the sweetest, deepest kiss in the history of sweet deep kisses, he drew back. Looking into my eyes, he raised his hand in the sign for ‘I love you,’ his lips silently mouthing the words.

  Leaving the cabin, we started toward the building where the occasional traveller would enter, requesting a flight across the canyon. Watching a young couple enter, I quick understood why interactions between Flyers and non-Flyers is so limited. The boy and girl looked about our age. I think she was an Entertainer (I was still learning the difference between their tattoos) and he was a Hunter, his long tail lazily flicking the air. The black tuft at the end matched the hair on his head. Stepping forward, he requested a ride across the canyon, looking a little nervous. I guessed that this was their first time interacting with Flyers and he wasn’t sure how it worked. The man behind the counter had green feathers and eyes to match. Smiling politely, he pointed to a chart with pictures and numbers. It indicated their rates per person. The Hunter pointed to the couple’s option which was an image of two nondescript people holding hands. Next to them was the number 10.

  “We’ll take that one.”

  The guy behind the counter nodded and a moment later another Flyer emerged from a back room with a two-passenger carriage. As he wheeled it over, the Hunter placed ten shiny black coins on the table. They were each about the size of a quarter and twice as thick. Green Wings took the money and, as if on cue, two more Flyers walked in. They smiled politely at the couple and gestured for them to follow them outside. The Flyer pulling the chariot brought up the rear.

  Once they were gone, Mr. Green turned his attention to Uriah, a huge smile on his face. I immediately started feeling awkward as the two of them communicated silently. When my boyfriend gestured at me, the man behind the counter nodded. Once again another Flyer emerged from the back room, this time with a one-person chariot. This one greeted Uriah eagerly before disappearing to the back room again. Meanwhile, Mr. Green came out from behind the counter. While my boyfriend took my hand, the Flyer took hold of the carriage and wheeled it outside. We exited just in time to see the couple take flight, two Flyers at the helm. The same two who had ushered them outside.

  Mr. Green took the chariot over to the first runway and lined it up. Uriah released my hand and went over to stand between the two bars. He looked over at me and smiled as the Flyer proceeded to fasten the harness around his chest and torso. I knew that they were communicating. I could see the excitement in Mr. Green’s eyes. At one point my boyfriend looked at him sharply, than looked at me. When Uriah was strapped in, he gestured for me to climb in. My heart was racing with excitement as I quickly claimed into the carriage. There was a bar that came down in front and a strap to fasten around my waist. When I was seated, Mr. Green came around to make sure everything was in order. The officialness of it all made me a little nervous. It almost reminded me of getting on a plane. Only way cooler!

  Stepping back, he nodded at my boyfriend who in turn looked over his shoulder at me. It was only now that I noticed that a large crowd had gathered. For a moment I wasn’t sure why. These guys give rides all the time. Then it hit me. All the other chariots had two or three Flyers strapped to them. Uriah didn’t need a partner. Everyone had gathered to see how he faired.

  Ready? he signed, ignoring the crowd.

  “Ready!” Blowing me a kiss, he turned to face forward. Spreading his wings he began running toward the canyon. My breath quicken as the massive ravine rapidly approached. Faster and faster we went until finally Uriah lifted off the ground. While we had been level on the runway, now I was below him as he continued to rise. A few feet before we reached the end of the runway, I felt the wheels leave the ground. The carriage swung slightly as my boyfriend took me higher and higher. Looking down, I saw the river of gold far below. Looking up, I saw Uriah smiling down at me, his large wings beating the air. The chariot bobbed with each beat. After a moment, his wings stilled and we glided smoothly through the air. This is the most amazing feeling in the world! I marveled at the scene around me. We were up so high I could see for miles. This wasn’t the only canyon. Dozens of them snaked along the ground stretching off into the distance. I could see forests, lakes and rivers. There
were mountains and valleys. Since my recent interest in nature, I’d come to regard Earth as beautiful. This place is beautiful.

  Chapter 17


  When Aaron and I entered the aviation station, my eyes were instantly drawn to Jeremiah who was standing behind the counter, his emerald green wings were at half mast, creating an impressive backdrop to the otherwise plain surroundings. His eyes never left the two lovers, but I could hear him talking to someone who wasn’t in the room. Something about making sure all the carriages were polished and ready for today’s flights. As my boyfriend and I approached, Jeremiah’s eyes briefly swept over to me before returning to his costumers.

  Hello, Uriah, he said, a slight smile curling his lips as his sharp green eyes zeroed in on the young man who was hesitantly asking for a ride across the canyon.

  “Uh, Melissa and I would like a chariot ride?”

  Is that a question or a statement?Jeremiah smiled graciously as he pointed out their rates, then speaking to me privately, added.You can say whatever you want to the customers so long as there's a smile on your face.

  Is that company policy around here? I asked, mildly amused.

  As long as you’re not insulting. Of course, the customers would never know, but we’re not barbarians. It’s just something we do to make our jobs a little more interesting. Sometimes we compete to see who can make the most outrages comments without cracking up.

  “We’ll take that one,” the boyfriend said while Melissa looked shyly around. When her gaze landed on me, her eyes went widened and she moved closer to her partner.

  Very well then.Jeremiah said, then speaking in the Flow yelled,Moriah, carriage for two please!

  Coming right up, boss!A second later a forty something year-old man with deep blue wings emerged from the back pulling a two-seater. As soon as he received payment, Jeremiah called out again in the Flow.Tina and Tanya you’re up!

  I assumed those two were twins, but when they appeared, there were no physical similarities between them apart from their clothes. I concluded that they must be best friends. They both shot me a friendly smile as they gestured for the couple to come along.

  Look, flight virgins!one of them gushed as they disappeared out the door.They’re in for a real treat!

  Absolutely, we’ll give them the ride of their life!

  Just don’t do any cartwheels this time,Moriah grunted as he followed the others out of sight.We want our costumers to enjoy the experience. Remember, return business is good business.

  Party pooper.

  I could still hear their conversation as it faded away, but Jeremiah pulled my attention back to him. Coming out from behind the counter, he greeted me with an enthusiastic hand shake.

  Good morning, Uriah! How’s it going?

  Good and you?

  I’m doing great! His sparking green eyes took me in. I knew he was thinking about what happened yesterday with my mother, but he didn’t let on.Let me guess. You’re ready to start working for me? There’s a two-seater with your name on it. Everyone is dying to witness your maiden flight!

  I shook my head, unable to suppress a grin at his level of energy.As exciting as that sounds, I’m just here to give my boyfriend a ride. He’s been going on and on about the chariots all morning.

  Of course,Jeremiah said, nodding hello to Aaron who nervously nodded back.Those rides are very romantic. Usually the couples ride them together. Would you like a two-seater? It’s on the house. Kara and Jediah should be back soon.he paused, looking me up and down.We might need to bring in a third… How much do you weigh?

  I shook my head again.Aaron wants me to man the carriage. We need a one-seater.

  Jeremiah nodded.Very well then. Sara, carriage for one please!

  A moment later a middle-aged Flyer with purple wings and hair appeared from the back. When she saw me, her violet eyes lit up.Hi, Uriah! It’s good to see you again!

  Hello, Sara. I smiled politely.

  I’m so sorry about all your mama drama. How are you holding up?

  Before I could think to respond, Jeremiah cut in, giving her a chastising look.That will be all, Sara! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  My apologies. Looking embarrassed, she hurriedly returned to the back.

  Sorry about that, he said, gripping one of the bars to the carriage.Some people know no bounds.

  It’s okay. I gestured for Aaron to come as Jeremiah led the way outside. As my boyfriend and I left the aviation station hand in hand, my heart fluttered in my chest. Are we really going to do this? Suddenly the idea seemed crazy.

  While Jeremiah got to work strapping that harness on me, I won’t lie, I was nervous. Carrying Aaron in my arms was one thing. I’ve never had anything attached to me while I’m in the air. In all honesty, my boyfriend is the first person I’ve ever taken off the ground. Not long after we first arrived on Earth, my mother did her best to give me flying lessons, but those all ended in disaster. She didn’t know much about aviation and I was too scared of getting hurt. When I was twelve, Mom once again revisited the whole learning to fly thing. This time she read every book she could get her hands on about the mechanics of flying and after she’d downloaded me with the knowledge, I quickly became a natural. Back then we were still living in the city, so she would frequently drive me to the National Forest to not only practice, but also get my daily exercise. At the time, I avoided using my wings at all costs, but she said it was important that I keep my strength up for when we returned home. She told me that a Flyer should be able to carry three times his body weight. She suggested that I carry large objects to help with my exercises, but I was stubborn and refused. While I couldn’t resist flying whenever I got the chance, I made no attempt to increase my wing strength. Now I found myself wishing that I’d heeded my mother’s advice. I knew I could carry Aaron without any problem, but I had no idea how much the chariots weighed. As Jeremiah continued to strap me in, my heart began to pound. I can’t do this! As a crowd quickly gathered to watch my first passenger flight, my mind went into overdrive. What if I can’t get off the ground? What if the carriage is too heavy? Because of my size, everyone expected me to be strong. What if I’m the weakest among them? God, the humiliation! I’d never be able to show my face around here again. Worst still, what if I crash?! I have no experience and zero training! I don’t know anything about flying with a chariot. I must be out of my mind!

  As I continued to silently freak out, Jeremiah gave me a lengthy explanation as to how the harness was designed. I didn’t want to be rude, but all of this would be pointless if I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. Don’t even get me started on whether or not I was too weak to carry both the carriage and my boyfriend.

  Sorry to interrupt,I cut in struggling to ignore our growing audience.I know this is the last thing I should be asking in the middle of getting strapped in, but how exactly does one fly with a carriage?

  There’s nothing to it!Jeremiah declared as if it were the most normal question in the world.You’ve seen the others take off. Just head straight for the canyon as fast as you can and take flight.

  That’s it?

  Trust me. If you know how to fly, you can fly with a carriage.

  Okay, I thought, trying to ignore the many voices that were murmuring all around us. One down, one to go. Before I could launch into my next line of questioning, Jeremiah was already chatting away.

  I know these harnesses look complex, but they’re fairly straight forward. My grandmother could put one on in her sleep. And she’s almost ninety! It’s just a matter of knowing what strap goes where. I’ve tried to come up with a song to aid the newbies, but nothing really rhymes with strap.

  Lots of words rhyme with strap; cap, map, slap, tap, gap, zap, lap…

  Yeah, but how do you use those in a song to explain this process?

  I shrugged, then ad-libbed in a singsong voice while being sure to speak in the Control.If you want to fly the gap, first you must learn how to strap. Red and blu
e go around the waist. Worry not, there is no haste. Pull the straps up and over, green and yellow go over the shoulder. Loop them in and pull them tight, now you’re ready for your first flight.

  Jeremiah broke out in a broad grin.You’re a genius! I knew you’d be an asset to the team! I know we haven’t had a lot of business in the past, but more costumers are arriving everyday. Not only do I provide a generous hourly rate, happy travelers tip big and since most days you won’t need a partner, you’ll keep 100 percent of your profits. Trust me, you’ll make a killing. I really think…

  Quick question, I interrupted, trying not to sound rude. After all, if I couldn’t get the chariot off the ground, none of that mattered.Just out of curiosity, how much do the carriages weigh?

  Jeremiah laughed as he got to work on the last strap.Don’t worry, Uriah. As big as you are, I’m sure you can handle all our carriages, no problem.

  I know. I was just curious.

  The triple seaters are 55 pounds. The couples are 40 and the singles are 25.

  Cool, cool. I replied nonchalantly while breathing an internal sigh of relief.

  We have larger carriages,Jeremiah continued. But no one expects you to carry those alone.

  What other sizes are there?

  Quadruple, sextuple and octuple seating. I personally haven’t seen anyone use more than the quadruple, but you never know.


  Any more questions?


  Good because here comes the serious part.Jeremiah indicated a thick purple draw string that was hanging under my right arm.This is the quick release. While you’re up in the air, should anything go wrong and you need to evacuate, you pull this and the harness falls away.

  What about the passengers? My stomach churned at his inevitable answer.

  Obviously they wouldn’t make it.When he saw where I was focused, he followed my gaze over to where Aaron was standing as he watched us curiously.Look, it’s just a safety precaution. There’s no reason you should have to use it. I’ve been in this business thirty years and I’ve only heard of someone pulling the quick release once.


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