The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1) Page 23

by Frédérick S. Parker

  I nodded while thinking to myself I would sooner die than pull that purple line. Now that the harness was properly secured to me, I motioned for Aaron to climb in. While Jeremiah went back to deal with him, I turned my attention to the crowd who was steadily getting louder. Among them, I saw Lina and Theodora. They were grinning widely at me, their words of excitement palpable in my head. I didn’t take an easy breath until we were up in the air, high over the canyon. While the weight of the chariot wasn’t a problem, getting used to its subtle sway with every beat of my wings took some getting used to.

  I still had my reservations about taking Aaron flying, but when we reached the other side of the canyon, the horizon stretching on forever in every direction, it was all worth it just to see the look on his face. While he gazed at the world below, I gazed down at him. I had to continually remind myself not only to be mindful of where I was going, but also how to find my way back. With my boyfriend’s impending illness on the horizon, the last thing I wanted was for us to get lost. We flew for about an hour and a half before I started getting tired. Indicating to Aaron that I wanted to land, he nodded and pointed to a small clearing not far from a village. Only seconds after I landed, my boyfriend was out of the chariot and coming around to face me, wide-eyed.

  “That was incredible!”

  Glad you enjoyed it, I signed before getting to work removing the harness.

  “This world is so cool!” When he saw me struggling with one of the straps, he quickly got to work pulling it loose. Soon the harness fell to the ground. I immediately tried retracting my wings, but they wouldn’t budge. Just like after I lost my virginity, I assumed they’d go away in the next few hours. I could continue to use American Sign Language to communicate with Aaron for now, but I was anxious to get my voice back.

  “So, what now?” my boyfriend asked, looking around. “The sky’s the limit. Literally.”

  I need to rest my wings for a bit. Plus, I’d like to get something to eat.

  “Great,” Aaron said as he helped me stash the chariot. “I’m starving. I could definitely use some sustenance.”

  I shook my head. The less you have in your system, the better.

  “So what, I’m just supposed to starve to death? I’m already screwed. Must I suffer until then?”

  No, of course not. I’m sorry.

  When we entered town, just like when I was with Debbie and her family, people instantly took notice of me. As my boyfriend and I walked down main street, a crowd began to follow, whispering with amazement.

  “It’s a Flyer!”

  “I’ve never seen one before!”

  “What’s he doing here?”

  “Why is he so young?”

  “I thought they stuck together. Where’s his colony?”

  I gritted my teeth, trying to block out the voices. This is worse than the Flow!

  “There are some shops up ahead,” Aaron muttered, casting a look at our growing audience. “Do you have any Antomian cash?”

  I nodded. My mother gave me some.

  We had almost reached the series of shops when a kid ran up and grabbed one of the feathers on my left wing. I don’t think he was trying to pull it out, but the contact still bothered me. In an instant, I turned on him, my wings raised and a snarl on my face. Whatever happened to boundaries! I was sick and tired of people thinking they had a right to touch me! I may not have a voice and I have wings, but I’m still a person! Seeing the look on my face, the kid scrambled backward, tripped and fell on his butt. After staring him down for a second, I turned my attention to the rest of the crowd. I glared at each of them in turn, daring anyone to speak. When no one did, I took Aaron’s hand and we continued toward the shops. This time no one followed.

  Purchasing some meat, bread and cheese, we returned to where we’d hidden the chariot and sat down on the grass. Apart from giving the various merchants our order, my boyfriend hadn’t said anything since what happened on main street. I wondered what he was thinking. Perhaps I’d been too harsh with that youth. After all, he was just a kid. But when he grabbed me, I had another flashback of having my feathers ripped out. For years, I detested anything touching my wings. Now I understood why. The memory of what those kids did to me must have lingered in my subconscious. When Aaron first ran his hands over my wings, I realized it didn’t hurt. That suppressed memory had festered for so long, I’d created the illusion of pain. How long will I be haunted by the memories of my past? What new incident will trigger another flashback or uproot another memory? What future event will induce another sudden visceral reaction?

  Tired of the silence, I took a deep breath and tried to retract my wings. At long last, they submerged, giving me back my voice.

  “Sorry about earlier,” I mumbled, focusing my attention on my food. “I didn’t mean to react so strongly. Sometimes the frustration takes over.”

  “You don’t have to apologize to me,” Aaron said, looking relieved. “I have a little brother. I get it. Sometimes kids can be a bit much.”

  “It’s not just that.” I pushed my food aside and looked at him. “Ever since I learned about what my mother did, I’ve been revisiting my past. I have a lot of unresolved issues.”

  “What kind of issues?”

  “Remember at that Mexican restaurant when I told you I was bullied?”


  “That was putting it mildly.”

  “What happened?” my boyfriend watched me, his eyes full of concern and fear for what I was about to say.

  “My childhood was rough. Very rough. Not all the kids in town were mean to me. Most of them were half way decent, I guess, but there was this kid named Zoboriah who made it his mission to make my life hell. He and his friends were relentless. I don’t know why me being a Flyer pissed him off so much, but he was dead set on breaking me. Both mentally and physically.” I took a deep breath and let it out. “I didn’t realize how much I’d forgotten until the other day. What he and his friends did…” My voice trailed off as the new memories threatened to devour me. I had to force the words out. “They tortured me.” My voice trembled slightly. “They tormented me everyday. They didn’t just tease me and push me around. They would pin me down and pull out my feathers. It fucking hurt! They made me hate what I was. I hated it so much, I tried to cut off my wings. I wanted so badly to be normal, I was willing to mutilate myself.”

  “Jesus.” Aaron stared at me wide-eyed as tears streamed down my face.

  “According to my mom, most of my kind start learning to fly at six or seven. I didn’t learn until I was twelve. If she hadn’t pushed me, I might never have learned.” I wiped the tears from my eyes, attempting to get a handle on myself. “Now, I can’t imagine not having my wings, of being able to fly, but once upon a time, I hated them. Every once in a while I still do. Especially when people look at me like those people in town just now. Sometimes, I wish people understood how stuff like that makes me feel. Maybe if they knew, they wouldn’t be so impudent.”

  My boyfriend remained silent and I was glad. I didn’t need him to say anything. I just needed to get these feelings out. To make them known. I’d been carrying a lot of pain for a long time and I just wanted to get it out. When we were finished eating, I felt much better. I still had a lot of baggage, but there would be time for that later. Right now, I wanted to make sure Aaron was happy. I dreaded the moment when my alien reproductive material began effecting him. He’d exonerated me of any blame, but I still felt responsible. If he were with a human, this wouldn’t be happening.

  We spent the rest of the day exploring the region. From my home studies, I knew that Antomia was divided into twelve different territories. These territories were separated by Grand Canyon-sized ravines. While water coursed through the larger ones, silver, gold and other metals flowed through others. When the sun began to set, Aaron claimed that he still felt fine, but I decided to take him back. By the time we re-entered our cabin, he was starting to look ill. While I set up the bathroom, my boyfrien
d went over to the bed and lay down. I was used to seeing him lighthearted and energetic. Now he looked drained. Depleted. I could tell he was trying to put on a brave face and that only pained me more. When I was done in the bathroom, I came over and lay beside him. Looking into his sad green eyes, I wished there was something I could do. I felt so powerless watching him fade away.

  “I hate that I can’t help you,” I murmured, running my fingers through his copper-colored hair.

  “You are helping me,” he whispered, his hand on my chest. “Just you being here helps.”

  “I wish I could do more.”

  He attempted a weak smile. “I love that you care so much, but could you not look at me like that. I’m not dying. In a few hours, this’ll all be over.”

  “I just hate seeing you looking so miserable.”

  My boyfriend nodded meekly, his eyes sliding shut. His healthy complexion was gradually taking on a more sickly color. At one point he let out a soft groan and his hand drifted down to his middle. It’s starting. I fought to keep the tears out of my eyes as he started taking slow deep breaths. We were both silent for several minutes and right when I thought that Aaron had fallen asleep he spoke, his eyes sliding open.

  “Are you afraid I’ll knock you up?”

  “What?” Of all the stocking statements he’s ever made, this one took the cake.

  “I’ve been wondering why you won’t let me sample that fine ass of yours. The other day while I was waiting for you to come back, I visited that small village a couple miles away. These kids asked if I was pregnant. I figured it must be an Antomolite thing.”

  “They were just being kids. Antomolites are pretty much like humans as far as reproduction goes.”

  “Then why don’t you want me inside you?” This was clearly something that had been weighing on him.

  I gave the best answer I could. “It doesn’t feel right.”

  “How would you know? You’ve never tried it.”

  “It’s just not me.”

  “That’s what I thought before I let you in. It’s painful at first, but once you adjust, it feels really good. I think you should try it.”

  “Should we really be discussing this? You’re going to be unloading in the bathroom any minute.”

  “It’s a good distraction from the sickness,” Aaron mumbled, then winced as his insides released an agonized gurgle. “I know it’s not for everyone, but if I enjoy it, you might too.” I hesitated. “Come on, Uriah,” my boyfriend pleated, looking into my eyes. “I let you in. Please do the same for me. Having you inside me is good and all, but I miss that feeling. I want to experience it again. Please let me in.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  If Aaron wanted to push the matter, he didn’t get a chance. Only seconds later, he was forced to hurry into the bathroom as his body got to work removing all traces of me. I knew he didn’t like for me to see him in such a compromising state, but I didn’t want to leave his side. Much to his embarrassment, unlike last time, the vomiting and diarrhea struck simultaneously. While he sat on the toilette, I held up a bucket for him to puke into. This went on for hours. I knew the moment the three-hour mark struck when my wings came out. I’d been so distracted, I didn’t even try to repress them. Between the puking and shitting, Aaron continuously articulated how embarrassing this was and that I didn’t have to stay. I turned him down every time. I’d left him too many times. There was no way I was abandoning him again. By midnight his system finally quieted down. He was completely exhausted. He looked half asleep as he struggled to pull himself together. Taking over, I cleaned him up and put him in some fresh clothes. Laying him down on the bed, I lay next to him.

  “You’re my guardian angel,” he whispered, semi-consciously before falling asleep.

  It was a long time before I lost consciousness. There was so much on my mind. Aaron said he loved me and I felt the same way, but for the first time I was wondering if we could really make it work. Eventually he would want to return home. I still considered Earth my home, but it didn’t take a genius to see that I belonged here. This planet is beautiful, these people accept me and they have so much to offer. Here, I won’t have to hide in the shadows. Once again, I considered staying. I hated the stress and uncertainty that being around humans brought on. Sooner or later the genetic suppressant would wear off. What then? My mother was right. Life on Earth would be difficult, if not impossible. Even with Aaron at my side. Aaron. As much as I fit in here, I didn’t want to lose him. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. I needed him. I considered the possibility that he would stay here with me, but had to dismiss it. His whole life was on Earth. His friends, his family. Asking him to stay here with me would be selfish.

  When I finally fell asleep, I was at a stalemate. I expected my dreams to reflect the impossible situation I was in, but they were surprisingly good. I was with Aaron and we were flying high above the ground. Looking down I couldn’t tell if it was Earth or Antomia, but it didn’t matter. Wherever I was, with him by my side, I was home. The dream was vague in detail, but at some point it started getting sexual. We were doing it in the shower and his moans were driving me wild. It felt so good! Too good. This isn’t a dream. My eyes fluttered open as the sensation intensified. My breaths were labored and my hips bucked madly. Looking down, I found Aaron lapping at the head of my cock, his eyes locked on me. When he saw that I was awake, he gave me a smile and a wink before taking me in and sucking hard. Oh, my god! And with each stroke to the base of my dick, he drew me in a little deeper. My back arched when the head hit the back of his throat. That feels amazing! After countless blowjobs, he knew just how to handle me. Like a pro, he opened his gullet impossibly wide and started deep-throating me. Jesus Christ! My hits shot off the mat. Again and again I thrust past his lips, desperate to shove every last inch down his throat. God, I love it when he takes me in. As the pleasure sky-rocketed, my eyes rolled back. But even in the depths of ecstasy, fear wormed its way in. Is he crazy? After what happened yesterday? It didn't matter. I couldn’t think. The pleasure was taking me over. With my wings out, my reactions to Aaron were silent, but he watched intently as I undulated on the mat. I don’t know how long he’d been at it, but after waking up, it didn’t take me long to explode. Right before my orgasm struck, I pushed him away, not wanting a single drop of my seed to touch his lips. Aaron sat back with a satisfied smile as all my muscles tensed and I launched my semen into the air. Each jet made a graceful arch before coming down to land on my belly. My fingernails dug into the bed and my eyes clamped shut as my climax gripped me in its powerful coils. My hips continued to thrust as load after load exited my body. This time I did pass out. I woke to Aaron’s soft voice and his fingers gently stroking my face.

  “Good morning, angel,” he cooed, his hand moving to my hair. “I didn’t mean to knock you out. I just wanted to give your thank you blowjob another try.”

  I stared up at him, my mind still reeling. I didn’t have words to describe what just happened. My body was still trembling and twitching from the aftermath of that orgasm. All I could do was smile weakly while my boyfriend continued to caress my locks. A few minutes late, I was still out of breath as I pushed myself up off the bed. Aaron was gazing at me, that adorable goofy grin plastered to his face.

  “That was hot,” he gushed. “The look on your face when you woke up was priceless.”

  I closed my eyes and tightened my shoulders. Much to my relief, my wings zipped away.

  “That was incredible,” I breathed, taking his face in my hands. “I don’t know what else to say. I’m sorry I slept through round one.”

  “Glad you enjoyed it.” We shared a sensual kiss. When our lips parted, Aaron’s gaze wandered down to the front of my shirt which was soaked in my fluids. “I hope you guys have a good laundry operation here.”

  “We do.” I pulled the wet material up over my head and tossed it on the floor. “One of the best actually.”

  “Well,” he said, placing
his hand on my bare chest. “Now that you’re nice and relaxed, ready to give me that ass?”

  My face flushed as he licked his lips, his green eyes sparkling. “I told you, I’d think about it.”

  “Time’s a wasting.”

  “I’m still thinking.” I really wanted to say no, but I didn’t know how. He’d given himself to me three times now. It hardly seemed fair to turn him down. Still, the thought of him inside me gave me the willies. Searching for a distraction, I looked down at my pants. The button on the front was still fastened, but my fly was open, allowing me to hang out. A small stream of pre-cum was leaking out onto my pant leg. Man, that orgasm really fired me up! I was already thinking of round two. Changing the subject, I suggested we take a shower. As my boyfriend and I lathered each other’s bodies, I began fantasizing about burying myself in his ass. Remembering the last time we had shower sex, my still dribbling cock jumped eagerly. I came very close to asking Aaron for a quickie, but I stopped myself. After his request to grant him entrance, I couldn’t request sex. In the wake of that glorious blowjob, technically I owed him.

  When my boyfriend saw my steadily growing erection, he smirked. “Man, you have a generous appetite.”


  "It's all good." He ran a soapy palm over the globes of my ass. “I’m sure it’s nothing having your ass filled can’t fix.”

  At these words, my arousal quickly diminished. I saw Aaron’s face fall in the wake of my rapidly waning erection.

  “What’s on today’s agenda?” he grunted, turning his back on me as he rinsed the remaining soap off his body before grabbing a towel and stepping out of the shower.

  “Not sure,” I replied following suit, my mind instantly going to last night’s dilemma. “Let’s start with breakfast.”

  At the mess hall, all the other Flyers stared as Aaron and I entered. Without my wings, I had no idea what they were saying, but I could see the looks of disappointment as we walked past. At first, I assumed it was due to our relationship until I caught one pink haired woman gesture sadly to her wings as she looked over her shoulder at me. Oh, yeah. To these people, a genetic suppressant is a slap in the face. I considered releasing my wings for their sake, but there was something I wanted to discuss with Aaron. After pondering it for hours last night, I needed to get it out in the open.


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