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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

Page 26

by Frédérick S. Parker

  “Man, I sure hope they have a good clean-up crew here. That room is wrecked!” My boyfriend didn’t even crack a smile. His pale gold eyes remained glued to the wall as he continued to wash up. What is going on? Last night was amazing. Why is he pulling away? I tried again. “Maybe we should leave a mint on the pillow.”

  “The High Kingdom is about a couple hours away,” Uriah grunted, still not looking at me. “We should get moving.” With that he stepped out of the pouring water and was gone. When I finished drying off and returned to the room, he wasn’t there. I found him several minutes later outside getting the chariot ready.

  “No breakfast?” I asked, watching his progress.

  “Not necessary,” he grunted.

  “Don’t you need to fuel up?”

  “Already ate.”

  “Really? Without me?”

  “You were sleeping.”

  “And you didn’t wake me?”

  “I figured you needed your rest.”

  I made a face. “I’m not the one flying several hours a day.”

  My boyfriend didn’t respond as he pulled the chariot into position.

  “Uriah, are you okay?” His behavior was starting to freak me out.

  “I’m fine,” he mumbled, still refusing to look me in the face.

  “You don’t seem fine.” Once again he said nothing. Instead, he began strapping the harness around his chest and torso. “Are you embarrassed about last night? There’s no need to be. I thought it was really hot. I can’t wait for round two.”

  “There’s not going to be a round two.”

  “Why not?”

  “You said if I didn’t want to do it again, I didn’t have to.” He still refused to look at me and it was making me crazy.

  “Seriously? You really seemed to enjoy it.”

  “I didn’t,” he replied simply, focusing intently on what he was doing.

  “Really? Everything you said begs to differ.”

  My boyfriend looked sharply at me, his face stone. “I did not enjoy it.”

  I wanted to argue, but what was the point? He was embarrassed. No worries. I’d just wait for him to come around. He’s not the first guy to enjoy anal sex more than he thought he would. In his case, a lot more. He certainly won’t be the last.

  “Whatever you say.”

  On the way to the High Kingdom, instead of looking at the city below, I stared at the young man overhead. Usually when we fly, he would continuously look down at me to see how I was doing. Today, his eyes remained straight ahead. I could see a muscle working in his jaw as his wings beat the air. He looked focused. Like laser focused. What is he so afraid of? Admitting he likes it up the ass? I didn’t have a problem making the adjustment, why is he? Does he think this will change things between us?

  When we drew nearer to the High Kingdom, I redirected my focus. The city came to an end at the edge of a massive ravine. The gorge acted as a mote encircling the base of the mountain where the palace was located. Instead of water, this mote was filled with melton lava. It was fed by bubbling rivers that oozed from holes down the sides of the mountain. Sailing overhead, I could feel the heat rising up. When we crossed over the outer wall and landed in the courtyard, I was mildly surprised to see the place vacant. No guards, no nothing. Leaving the chariot on the lush green grass, my boyfriend and I mounted the steps to the front entrance. Inside the palace, there were a few people milling around, but the place was still pretty bare. From what little activity I saw, I deduced that they were getting the place ready for the new High Ruler. The main task seemed to be removing cobwebs from a fortress that had stood empty for nearly four decades.

  “So, where's the portal?” I asked after we’d been down a few halls.

  “No idea,” Uriah grunted, peering curiously around. Since we landed, his mood seemed to be lightening, but he still wasn’t looking my way. I’m guessing his excitement of being in the High Kingdom overshadowed whatever shame or humiliation he still harbored.

  “Should we ask someone?”

  “I doubt anyone here knows. Besides, how would we explain what we’re doing here?”

  I shrugged. “Today looks like cleaning day. Maybe that room needs cleaning too.”

  “Okay.” My boyfriend waved at an Entertainer who was standing on a ladder, desperately trying to get at a tangle of webs that was just beyond her reach. Taking her dust swifter, Uriah easily got the mess without the use of the ladder.

  “Thank you, sir,” the woman said, climbing down the rungs to join us on the ground. “If not for you, my grave stone would have read ‘Miss Dora: couldn’t reach a bunch of cobwebs.’”

  “I’m sure you would’ve gotten them eventually,” my boyfriend said with a smile as Dora’s eyes widen slightly at his height.

  “I’m not so sure,” she sighed, wiping sweat from her brow. “I’ve been working at it for almost twenty minutes.”

  “Well, then I guess it’s a good thing we came along.”

  “I’ll say.” the female Entertainer’s light brown eyes worked over Uriah’s physique. “By the way, I don’t mean to be rude, but what are you?”

  “I’m a Flyer,” he replied casually, running his fingers through his hair. Is he flirting with her? It sure seemed like it.

  “Really?” Dora’s eyes brightened. “I see a few of you guys every now and then when you deliver goods to the palace. But I haven’t seen one close up since I got a ride here a couple months ago. Where are your wings?”


  “Can I see them?”

  I expected Uriah to reject this request and get straight to the point, but he just chuckled and nodded casually. “Sure. Why not?”

  Dora watched with giddy amazement as he took a deep breath and released his wings. When they surged out, she let out a tiny cry of shock, then she broke out in applause like he was a damn stage performer. If he takes a bow I’m gonna puke. When he retracted his wings, he was grinning from ear to ear.

  “That was amazing,” the Entertainer gushed, looking him up and down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”


  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Uriah.” she extended a hand and he knelt and kissed it. It seemed as though I was all but forgotten. With every passing second my heart filled with hurt. What is he doing? He’s laying it on awfully thick for simple directions. Is he trying to make some kind of point?

  “Excuse me,” I finally cut in, my heart racing like a horse. “You wouldn’t happen to know where the portal chamber is? We’re here to clean it.”

  Dora looked at me as if just realizing I was there. This pissed me off even more.

  “No, sorry.” Her eyes immediately zeroed in on my midsection before wandering up to meet mine.

  “Thanks, you’ve been a real help,” I grunted before turning and heading down the hallway. I didn’t know where I was going, but I had to get away from her and her giddy smile. I had long since gotten used to girls flirting with my boyfriend, but that was the first time he’d ever reciprocated. It was obvious he was used to dating females. He knew exactly how to woo them. My stomach clenched in agitation. I’ve never had to compete with a girl before. This was a new experience. An unwelcome one. I had no idea where I stood. With other guys, I’d always had the upper hand. Now I had no idea where I stood. Are the odds for or against me? How do I tell? Honestly, I never considered myself the jealous type. When we were together, Tyler used to flirt with other guys all the time. That never bothered me, but seeing girls flirt with Uriah put my nerves on edge and seeing him reciprocate was intolerable. Whatever. If he didn’t mind horny sluts drooling all over him, fine. I’d look for the portal myself.

  As I continued to walk down the many corridors, a new fear slithered into my mind. On Earth, the likelihood of Uriah cheating on me was minute due to his wings’ penchant for coming out during sex. Here, that wouldn’t be an issue. If he could move freely between our two worlds, what would keep him from finding someone like Dora?
It seemed most people here were enamored with Flyers. It’s just a matter of time before that attention goes to his head.

  I was on the second floor, peering into what looked like a master bedroom when someone grabbed my arm. Looking up, I found Uriah staring intently at me. His eyes were that same liquid gold they get when he’s impassioned. Pushing his way into the room, he gave it a quick once-over before turning his attention to me.

  “Why’d you take off?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe because I was starting to feel like the third wheel.”

  To my surprised, my boyfriend smiled. “You’re so hot when you’re angry.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yeah,” he licked his full lips, his eyes wandering over my body. “I want you so bad right now.”

  “Funny. You were playing a different tune this morning.”

  Uriah ignored this comment, his hands going to my belt. “I need to be inside you!”

  I considered relinquishing my anger, but even the addictive need in his eyes couldn’t put out my fire. Pushing his hands away, I took a step back. “So what, Dora gets you all fired up and I’m your release?”

  “Forget her.” my boyfriend tried to grab me, but I dodged away.

  “Having a little trouble with that seeing as the image of you two flirting like horny chimps has been seared into my brain.”

  Uriah rolled his eyes. “Come on, Aaron. You think every girl is flirting with me. Did it ever occur to you she was just being friendly?”

  I laughed dryly. “Yeah, right. And let me guess. You were just being a gentleman.”

  “I was buttering her up.”

  “Yeah, so you could smear her all over your bread! You hate people gawking at your wings yet when Dora the explorer asks, you can’t wait to whip them out!”

  “She’s an Entertainer.”

  “Whatever. Maybe you should ask Dora the Entertainer to help you find the portal.”

  My so-called boyfriend made a face. “What’s gotten into you?”

  I laughed harshly. “Seriously? You think I’m the one with the problem? What was up with you this morning? We had a great night together then suddenly you’re Mr. Stranger.”

  A muscle worked in Uriah’s jaw as that hard look came back into his eyes. “I told you, I didn’t enjoy last night.”

  I thew up my hands in exasperation. “My mistake! I must’ve imagined all the dirty things you said. How foolish of me. How could I have confused your raw animal desires with actual pleasure? How could I possibly have miss-construed every filthy word out of your mouth?”

  “Shut up!” Uriah hissed his pale gold eyes aflame, his nostrils flaring. “I… I… I didn’t even want to do it in the first place. You tricked me!”

  “I didn’t trick shit! You were begging for it!”

  “I told you I didn’t want to do it, but you kept pushing and pushing.”

  “And I told you we could stop at any time. I was very clear about that. You’re just mad or embarrassed that you enjoyed it so much. Just admit it. You loved having me inside you.”

  Uriah looked murderous. “Whatever. If I’d known it would be like this, I never would have agreed to anything.”

  “What are you talking about? You’re the one acting like a jackass! All I did was give you the best sex of your life.”

  “That wasn’t the best,” he snarled, taking a step forward, his 6’ 6” frame looming over me.

  “Oh, really?” I challenged, standing my ground.


  “Enlighten me.”

  “The best sex I’ve ever had was in the shower with me taking you from behind.”

  I knew I should probably stop provoking him, but I was too angry to care. “Ha! I thought I was vocal, but last night you took the cake. I’ve never heard you make sounds like that before.” My maybe boyfriend made a growling sound in the back of his throat, but I was like a runaway train. “I mean, you couldn’t get enough of it. Man, if only I’d known how much you’d like being filled. I’d have requested that ass weeks ago.” To solidify my point I tried to grab his backside, but he slapped my hand away. When I tried to use my other hand, he grabbed my wrist and shoved me up against the nearest wall. For the briefest of moments I actually thought Uriah would hit me, but he just stared me down, his gaze as cold as ice.

  “Don’t test me, Aaron.” His voice was equally cold. Suddenly I felt like I was looking into the eyes of a stranger. For the first time, fear wormed its way into my heart.

  “What is going on? Why are you acting like this?” I fought to keep my voice from squeaking.

  “You’re the chick in this relationship, not me!”

  “Geez, you’re a walking talking encyclopedia of gay stereotypes. Just because straight relationships are the norm doesn’t mean there has to be a girl in every one. FYI, it’s called bottoming and it doesn’t make you any less of a man.”

  A muscle worked in Uriah’s jaw as he stared at me. After several seconds of silence, he finally spoke. “Whatever it’s called, I’m never doing it again.” Without another word, he released me and marched out the chamber door. As his footsteps faded down the hall, I contemplated what just happened. First of all, my boyfriend and I just had our first fight. Weird. I didn’t know whether to be disturbed or relieved. On the plus side, his behavior this morning now made sense. His manhood was in question. That weird flirting with Dora. He was reasserting his role as the dominant male. Is that what this is about? Is he afraid of becoming the chick in our relationship? This realization didn’t come as a surprise. I knew he saw me as the girl even if he never said it ’til now. Is that how he’s seen me all along? A girl? Is that why dating me is so easy for him? I didn’t know what to think. I wanted to leave. To collect my thoughts, but without Uriah, I was trapped. Shit! That’s the risk you take when your maybe boyfriend is also your ride.

  Chapter 19


  Why does this palace have to be so damn big? My heart was still racing as I walked up and down the many hallways, passages and corridors. I looked in room after room, but so far no portal. As I continued my search, I tried not to think about Aaron or the fight we’d just had. Most of all, I tried not to think about last night. This morning I’d woken up, my butt in the air and my morning wood drooling all over my stomach. Hours after the incident and I was still wired. Even after I’d managed to scrub all the dried seed off my body, my dick won’t stop leaking pre-cum. After I’d gotten dressed I ended up having to put a sock on it to soak up the continual flow. I refused to admit that that was the best feeling I’d every had, even if the evidence was slowly pooling in my jeans. So once again pushing Aaron and last night out of my head, I continued my search.

  I asked a few more people if they knew where the portal was, but no one had an answer. Un-freaking believable! Does anyone around here know anything? After a couple hours of fruitless searching, I had to take a lunch break. Returning to the palace entrance, I found Aaron sitting on the front steps. His elbows were on his knees and his head was bowed. When I walked passed, he look up at me, but I quickly averted my eyes. I could deny it all I wanted, but he knew the truth. He knew how much I’d thoroughly enjoyed having him inside me. God! What’s wrong with me?! Clenching my jaw, I went over to the chariot and started rummaging around for something to eat. I could feel Aaron’s eyes on me, but I ignored him. Pulling out some meat, bread and cheese, I started to eat. I considered asking if he was hungry, but I couldn’t bring myself to say the words. If I’d bit my tongue last night I might not be in this predicament. I was halfway through my lunch when Aaron started to talk.

  “So, is the rest of this trip going to be in silence, or what?” When I didn’t respond, he continued. “I don’t get what you’re so afraid of. So you like getting it in the ass? You’re not the first. I’m right there with you.” Silence. “I’m not trying to start a fight. I just want to understand. Is it because you enjoyed it so much?” Please stop talking. “I’m the one who should be embarrassed
. At least you don’t sound like a girl.” More silence. “Aren’t you the one always telling me the importance of communication?” When I still refused to say anything, he sighed in defeat. “Fine, don’t talk. I guess you’ll fit in really well around here.”

  When I finished eating, I got up, intending to continue my search of the castle. I expected Aaron to stay outside, but he followed me in, muttering that he might as well help if he was going to be stuck here. Around 3:00pm, we finally found the portal in a small room in one of the lower levels of the palace. Unlike the others, this one put off a silvery crimson glow as it rotated in place.

  “Well, there’s definitely something different about this one,” Aaron said, circling the portal. “I wonder where it comes out.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” I grunted, pulling a small glass cylinder from my pocket. “All that matters is what it’s made of.” Scooping some of the shimmering substance from the portal, I recapped the bottle and returned it to my pocket. “Now all we have to do is get this analyzed.”

  “Where?” Aaron asked, coming around to join me.

  “Earth. I doubt they have the technology here.”

  Before we left the palace, I had to change out the sock in my drawers. Much to my dismay, my dick was still leaking, though it had slowed down a little. Tucking the soaked garment in the bottom of my bag when Aaron’s back was turned, I got to work strapping myself back into the carriage. Once he was safely secured, I let out my wings before getting a running start across the courtyard lawn. As we sailed into the air, I watched the fortress rapidly shrink away. This journey was supposed to bring me and my boyfriend closer together. Now we felt farther apart than ever. I had to get us back to where we were. Everything was perfect before I’d granted Aaron access. I need to be inside him again. That’s the only way to recapture what we had. I wasn’t kidding when I’d told my boyfriend how hot he was angry and though I hated fighting with him, that conflict left me aching for release.


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