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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

Page 37

by Frédérick S. Parker

  The next morning, I didn’t wake up until I felt warm hands gently shaking me.

  Uriah, sweetheart. The day is upon us.

  Rolling over, I looked up into Theodora’s caring face. For a moment I was confused until the events of the previous night came streaming back. Sitting up, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before trying to retract my wings. Now it was just out of habit. I didn’t expect them to go in and they didn’t.

  Are you hungry? Theodora asked, taking a step back as I climbed out of bed. I was hungry. Staving if fact, but I wanted to check on Aaron.

  I have to see my boyfriend.

  You can bring him here, she offered.He may not be a Flyer, but he’s always welcome here.

  Thanks, I’ll let him know. With a night to process, I had no idea what state Aaron would be in. As I flew back to my parents’ cabin, I hoped he would be receptive to my touch. I was about willing to do anything to hold him again.

  Chapter 26


  I didn’t sleep much last night. Every time I drifted off, dreams of being trapped woke me up. By morning, I felt utterly drained. I wanted to believe that yesterday’s events had been a part of the dreams that had kept me up, but just looking around at the unfamiliar room told me otherwise. I had lost all track of time when the sun started shining. I looked at my watch for the hundredth time only to remember it had stopped: 8:16pm, Friday, July 11th. That day would haunt me forever. My cellphone had also frozen on the same date and time.

  I don’t know how long I lay on my back staring up at the ceiling when there was a knock at my door. Assuming it was Mrs. Smith I called her in, but when the door opened, Uriah was standing there. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before he brought his wings close and squeezed into the room. A couple steps in, he stopped, his pale gold eyes searching my face. It looked like he was trying to decide if it was safe to approach. I felt bad about turning him away, but my mind was overwhelmed. The thought of never seeing Earth again or anyone there scared the living daylights out of me. Maybe it wasn’t fair, but being around him made it worse. He made it real. I knew he was trying to make me feel better, but the more he assured me that the portal would open, the more I feared it wouldn’t. Also, in my currant state, I didn’t think I could handle his mood swings. Seeing that goofy grin on his face the other day had turned my stomach inside out. So, even though I could see the desperation in my boyfriend’s eyes, I rolled over, turning my back on him. After a few seconds, I heard the bedroom door slide shut.

  I didn’t leave the bed so Mrs. Smith would bring in food. During each of her visits, she would tell me how much she loved her son and how she didn’t know what she’d do without him. That day went by at a snail’s pace. Day two, Uriah once again came to me in the morning, looking hopeful. Once again, I turned away. By day three he looked like he was on the verge of tears. At this point, I would leave the cabin to check on the portal then return to bed. On day four, I rummaged through the drawers trying to find something, anything to distract me from the infinite blackness. That’s when I stumbled across the photo album. Plopping down on the mattress, I flipped it open. I was immediately faced with pictures of what was obviously young Uriah. The first few pages were taken not long after he and his mother had arrived on Earth. He looked so young and innocent. He was missing teeth, but his smiles were bright and open. A once tortured soul was finally free. Flipping through the pages, I watched as my angel changed. At eight, he was so small. By twelve, he towered over his friends. Like he once said, he was tall, skinny and awkward. He didn’t start filling out until sixteen. By then, his smiles were still wide, but they lacked the enthusiasm of his younger days. On the last page of the photo album, one picture in particular caught my attention. Uriah was sitting at the kitchen table in his country home. He was looking at the camera and the corner of his mouth was twisted up in what might have passed as a smile to the unfamiliar, but I saw right through it. There was a profound sadness in his eyes. A quite loneliness. All this time I believed he'd saved me, but clearly that went both ways. We’d saved each other.

  After seven long days, I was convinced that I was trapped here forever. Lying in the fetal position, I didn’t bother answering when there was a knock on the door. A second or two later, I heard it creak open. A few more seconds and I was surrounded by pale blue feathers. When I still didn’t move, Uriah placed a tentative hand on my shoulder. For a moment I expected him to speak, then remembered he couldn’t. When I still didn’t react to him, he squeezed into the bed next to me and pulled me close. So close my ass was pressed firmly against his crotch. He wasn’t hard, but there was no mistaking the massive organ between his legs. Reminded of how long it had been since we’d last messed around, I rolled over to face him, suddenly very horny. When our eyes met, Uriah smiled hopefully at me. When I didn’t look away, he started to sign.

  Talk to me. Tell me what you need.

  “I need you inside me. I need you to pound me so hard I can’t remember my name.” I saw the hesitation in his eyes and my heart fell. “Please! I need something to take my mind off this nightmare. We haven’t done it in so long.”

  You know I can’t, he signed. I can’t risk it.

  “Risk what?! Your wings are already out. What exactly are you risking… besides our relationship?”

  At this, Uriah looked at me sharply. Are you serious? He was signing so fast I could hardly understand him. You’re threatening to break up with me after the way you’ve been acting?

  “No different than what you did before we got here.”

  So you were punishing me?

  “No, I just lost my family, my friends and my entire planet! Forgive me if I wasn’t in a cuddling mood. But now I’m ready and you’re too scared to give it to me?”

  You know what I went through. How hard my childhood was. I thought of all people you’d understand.

  “I do understand, but here and now you have the upper hand. We’re trapped in your world. We’re surrounded by your people. You’re free to be yourself. You have your parents and the Flyers. What do I have?”

  You have me. You will always have me.

  I snorted. “Do I? You won’t even make love to me. I wouldn’t exactly call that having you. I’m completely alone.” With that, I jumped out of bed and headed for the door. Before I could make it even a few steps, Uriah grabbed my arm.

  Where are you going?

  “To that village a few miles away. If I’m going to be stuck here, I guess I need a more permanent place to stay…” I paused. “Of course I don’t have any money, so I guess first I’ll have to see if anyone’s interested in hiring a human with zero skills.” I tried to leave, but my boyfriend blocked my path.

  Come with me to the Flyer settlement.

  “You’re kidding, right? I stand out enough as it is. There, I’ll definitely be the odd man out. Not to mention I won’t be able to talk to anyone. No, thank you.” I expected Uriah to try and stop me again, but he didn’t. When I swung the bedroom door open, both his parents were standing on the other side. Jedediah was decent enough to act contrite, but his mother boldly asked if everything was okay.

  “No,” I grunted before brushing passed her.

  Once outside, I couldn’t have gotten more than a couple steps from the front door when Uriah grabbed me from behind, his strong arms coiling around my middle. In almost the same motion, he kicked off the ground, his massive wings spreading wide as he took us high into the air.

  “Let me go!” I exclaimed. Recovering from my initial shock, I began to struggle in his arms. In response, he held me tighter. Not hard enough to crush me, just so I knew there was no escaping. All the same, I continued to fight, my body twisting and turning like a snake while I clawed at his arms. Uriah maintained his grip. If I was hurting him, he didn’t show it. Not that I could see his face with my back pressed against his front. I didn’t stop struggling until I happened to look down and noticed how high we were. The Flyer settlement, along with the canyon
’s edge, had just flashed by and now I was looking straight down into molten gold thousands of feet below. In the secure confines of the chariots, it’s a mesmerizing view. With nothing but my boyfriend’s arms keeping me from falling, it was terrifying. Squeezing my eyes shut, I willed him to hold me tighter. As if he could read my mind, he pulled me closer, our bodies practically becoming one. I didn’t relax until we reached the other side.

  I didn’t know where Uriah was taking me, but instead of touching down, he kept flying. For what felt like hours we flew. Right when I was sure he must be exhausted, we began to ascend. He was bringing us down right outside a city. It wasn’t as big as Kingdom City, but it was still impressive. When we landed, my boyfriend finally released me. While I straightened my shirt, he straightened his hair, his eyes burning into me. If I hadn’t been so irritated, I might have melted under his gaze. Normally his looks reduce me to putty, but not today. Not now.

  “What are we doing here?” I demanded. “If I’m going to be stuck here, I need a job. I don’t have time for this.”

  Still giving me that intense gaze, he began to sign. If you’re indeed stuck here, you have all the time in the world.

  My bottom lip quivered. “You’re right. I’m totally fucked… Figuratively.”

  My boyfriend winced when I put extra enfaces on that last word. I am so sorry about all this. I know it feels like the end of the world right now, but you’re not alone. Let me help you. Let me make this better.


  By showing you that this world isn’t that bad. Come on. Uriah held a hand out to me, but I took a step back.

  “Sorry, but I’m not feeling it. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, really, but this isn’t what I need. Not right now.”

  I will find a way to get you home, but for now, let’s check out the city. I’m sure there are plenty of distractions.

  “I don’t need a distraction!” I yelled, new tears brimming my eyes. “Can’t you understand that?”

  Uriah looked confused. You said you wanted something to take your mind off this nightmare? I’m trying to give you that.

  I shook my head. “This morning I wanted sex. Now, I need a plan.”

  Okay, but—

  I cut him off. “Look, the life I thought I had is gone! Over! If I’m trapped here, I need to start fresh.”

  I will get you home.


  I’ll find a way.

  I made a face. “In case you forgot, we’re in a different universe. Unless you have a way to contact space traveling aliens, we’re stuck.”

  The Vongarians live in this universe.

  I snorted. “Good luck with that. You said yourself the Antomolites and the Vongarian don’t get along.”

  It’s actually the Flyers who don’t like them. Most Antomolites either don’t know about them or don’t pay them any mind.

  “So, how are you going to get in touch with them?”

  If they’re out there somewhere, there must be a way.

  “Great,” I muttered sarcastically. “You get right on that. Meanwhile, I’ll be down here trying to survive. Now take me back.” Uriah shook his head. “Do it!” He folded his arms stubbornly. “Fine!” Turning on my heel, I marched into the trees. “I’ll just find some Flyers willing to give me a ride.” Bounding after me in a flurry of feathers and footfalls, my boyfriend grabbed my wrist. “Let me go!” He shook his head, his powerful grip tightening as I clawed at his fingers. “I only take orders from people I’m fucking,” I hissed before giving a dramatic pause. “We’re not fucking!”

  Uriah released my arm as if I’d scalded him. I was about to continue my journey through the trees when his brow furrowed in extreme concentration. He was trying to retract his wings. He was straining so hard he was quickly going crimson. Soon after, a vein began pulsing in his temple. Certain that he would stroke out, I grabbed his arm.

  “Stop! You’re going to kill yourself!” Ignoring me, he continued to fight until his wings finally disappeared. It couldn’t have taken more than ten seconds, but it felt like a lifetime. Looking completely drained, my boyfriend almost collapsed. My hands migrated to his waist to keep him from falling.

  “Jesus,” I muttered as he took in one lungful of air after another. “Do you want to die?”

  “No,” he wheezed, his voice barely audible. “I need you to hear me. I want you to know what I’m thinking.”

  “I can understand you just find in sign language.”

  Uriah shook his head. “It’s not the same. It’s never the same. I’ve lived with this my whole life. Trust me, I know.” I understood what he meant. While he was able to convey an array of emotions through ASL, the desperation and hope in his voice made a huge difference. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but without it, I always felt like I was missing a part of him.

  He took a deep breath and let it out. “If you need help establishing yourself in this world, I can assist you with that, but right now I want to show you around.”


  Once again he held out his hand. “Let me show you my world.” When I didn’t respond, my boyfriend continued. “We’re already here. We might as well.”

  I considered reminding him that we were only here because he’d brought me against me wishes, but I changed my mind. I was still irritated, but what could I do? I was trapped in more ways than one. After hesitating a moment longer, I took his hand and allowed him to lead me into the city. I was still in a bad mood, but it didn’t last long. How could it? Between Uriah’s over-the-top attempts to lighten my spirits and the uniqueness of the metropolis, I was quickly sucked in. I held onto my irritation as long as I could, but after about half an hour when my boyfriend cast me those intense, molten eyes over a sizzling shish kabab, I was done for.

  We spent the next hour and a half walking in and out of stores, shops and boutiques. We browsed the street ventures and pursued the markets. I protested at first, but Uriah insisted on buying me all kinds of gifts and treats. When the sun had passed its highest point in the sky, I had a sack full of merchandise and a belly full of food. We took a break in a park where people walked the oddest of pets I’d ever seen. Everything from badgers to armadillos. One couple sauntered by with a freakishly large porcupine.

  Last, but not least, my boyfriend took me to the Museum of Technology. On the outside, the building looked like any I’d expect to see on Earth, but inside it was like wandering into a department store. One with different sections that catered exclusively to Earth’s evolving technology. They featured everything from models of ancient batteries to the latest smartphone. Some stuff was placed in categories for example kitchen appliances and office supplies while others were grouped more haphazardly. It was weird seeing a sample of everything human. Even more so the way each gadget was displayed like an ancient artifact, complete with a descriptive plaque. The largest item was a refrigerator. No cars, trains or planes. It seemed only things small enough to fit through the portals. But there was a section for pretty much everything: bathroom appliances, gaming equipment, home improvement, entertainment, arcade, computers (new and old), analog TVs, flat screens and smart TVs. There were speakers of all shapes and sized as well as an array of DVD and Blu-ray players. The list went on and on, but unlike at an electronics store, nothing was turned on. No music played and the screens were all blank. While most of the stuff in the Modern Age section looked brand new and fully functional, here in this world, they were all dead.

  When we left the museum, I guessed it was a little passed two based on the sun’s location in the sky. After all the sight seeing, I didn’t know what, if anything, Uriah had planned next, but I was about to suggest another break when we happened to pass an alleyway. It was sandwiched between a bookstore and an ice cream parlor. I might not have paid it any mind if not for the lonely figure that stood hunched at its entrance. His out-stretched hand made it obvious he was a beggar. He was also a Flyer. It took me a second to realize that the things on his back
were wings. They drooped terribly, were caked in dirt and were missing so many feathers it was doubtful he could fly. From where I stood, he looked like he was in his mid twenties, but if what Uriah had told me about the birth of Flyers is true, he had to have been at least thirty-eight. His age was impossible to determine thanks to several layers of grime. As we passed, the beggar took a tentative step forward and my boyfriend stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at the Flyer like he was seeing a ghost. He pale gold eyes took in every broken aspect of the panhandler. I watched as sadness flooded his face.

  After a brief pause, he hurriedly reached in his pocket and produced several black coins. When my boyfriend went for his money, the beggar actually cringed as if he expected to get struck. He looked momentarily stunned when he saw the shinny black coins, then his expression changed to apprehension. After gazing at the money for a few more beats, his apprehension turned to fear and he took a step back. Uriah tried to get the Flyer to take the coins, but he refused. Right when I was certain he would scurry back into the depths of the alleyway, there was a sudden whoosh and the stirring of dust as my boyfriend’s wings came surging out. I don’t know if he’d released them or his time ran out. Either way, standing before the broken Flyer, he looked even more impressive. Holding the panhandlers gaze, Uriah once again presented the coins. For several seconds they stared at each other and I knew they were communicating. I could see the subtle shifts in their expressions.


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