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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

Page 39

by Frédérick S. Parker

  Did she mime anything else?

  “No, why?”

  No reason. Just then my would-be mother appeared behind Aaron, making him jump.

  You two ready for breakfast? Her tone was casual and judging by her expression, you’d never guess she’d witnessed us having sex, but my face still grew hot.

  Uh, I thought I’d take Aaron someplace nice today, I muttered, averting my eyes.

  Okay. There was an awful pause.Uriah, I came by your room last night to drop off your preener. I left it by the door. Maintaining your feathers is important. Aaron can help you.

  Yeah, thanks.Grabbing his hand, I brushed past her.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked as I ushered him out the front door.

  Peachy, I signed.

  “What did she want?”

  Nothing. She was just asking about breakfast.

  Aaron snapped his fingers. “I knew it had something to do with food!”

  I nodded, still flustered from our encounter with Theodora and to make matters worse, she began speaking to me in the Control.

  Uriah, I can tell you’re upset. If it’s about last night, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you two. You know my hearing isn’t what it used to be. If I’d had any inclination that the two of you were being intimate, I never would have—

  I cut her off using what the Flyers had taught me about blocking their voices. Having never done it before, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the moment I willed away her words, they went silent. I knew that she knew I’d blocked her and I felt bad about it, but I couldn’t deal with that right now.

  “So, are we going to the mess hall?” Aaron asked, after what he obviously preserved as an awkward silence.

  No, I want to take you someplace nice.

  He smiled, his dark green eyes sparkling. “I like the sound of that.”

  Over the next few days, Aaron and I lived with the Flyers. We would chill along the canyon by day and he’d help preen my feathers by night. While he occasionally looked sad, I did my best to keep his spirits up. This became harder and harder since I refused to have sex with him again. I created every excuse I could think of, but after what happened with Theodora, I couldn’t bring myself to engage in sexual activity under her roof. I considered moving us back into the cabin Aaron and I had lived in during our first visit, but I knew that would break her heart. I was already avoiding her like the plague and the few times we happened to cross paths, I could see the pain in her eyes. If she tried to say anything, I couldn’t hear it because she was still blocked. Even though he heard nothing, but silence, it didn’t take long for Aaron to figure out something was up. He asked about a dozen times what was wrong, but I always deflected, afraid he’d leave if he knew the truth. At this point I wasn’t sure what difference it made. Things had become so awkward at Theodora’s it probably would’ve been better if we returned to my parents’ house. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I didn’t want my would-be mother to think she’d driven us away. So instead, I continued to distract Aaron with mini vacations and fine dining. It wasn’t a permanent fix, but it’s all I had. And just as I feared, it didn’t take long for the sadness to take a more permanent residence in my boyfriend’s eyes. At night, he’d talk about his friends, speculating as to their activities. He’d mention his parents with increasing frequency, certain that they must be worried out of their minds. He’d sometimes talk in his sleep, his words reflecting his despair. But worst of all, he would cry. Now, he did it at night when he thought that I was asleep. He seldom made any noise, but even in the dark, I’d see the tears sliding down his face. It broke my heart.

  One day, after we’d been living with the Flyers for almost a week, we were just leaving the mess hall when a group of seven started down the road toward the village. This was the first time Aaron had witness the shopping party and his eyes were immediately fill with curiosity.

  “What are they doing?”

  Buying goods.

  “Can we go with them?”

  I don’t think—


  Okay. While Aaron seemed interested to see how the Flyers acquired their produce, I feared there was another reason he wanted to tag along. Over the last couple days, he’d been hinting that he wanted to go into town. Assuming that he intended to carry out his plan to get a job, I would always redirect him. Now, I knew there was no stopping him.

  When we reached the village, he watched with fascination as the Flyers presented each vender with a communication card. I kept him close while shooting the occasional look around at the habitual gawkers. No sign of Zoboriah. Good. I also didn’t see Sabrina anywhere. What a relief. Though, I didn’t take an easy breath until the Flyers finished their shopping. While they turned to leave, Aaron made a b-line for a nearby saloon. I immediately grabbed his arm. No way he was getting a job there. Having worked at a restaurant with a bar, I knew how sleazy drunks can be.

  Not there, I signed when Aaron cast me a look.

  He just shrugged me off. “It’s as good a place as any.”

  I wanted to take him back to the settlement, but I knew the only way to do that was by force and that would only make things worse. Instead, I reluctantly followed him into the saloon, my head bowed and my wings drawn close. The lookieloos weren’t far behind, twittering amongst themselves. Ignoring our entourage, Aaron waltzed straight to the bar where a man was polishing wine glasses.

  “Hey there,” the bartender greeted my boyfriend. “What can I get you?” As he spoke, his eyes darted over to me and my wings. In turn, I took in the markings that classified him as an Entertainer.

  “Hello,” Aaron replied, sounding a little nervous. “Uh, any chance you’re hiring?”

  The man chuckled. “How old are you, kid?”

  “Eighteen, but I don’t have to work the bar. I could clean or something.” Once again the barman’s eyes shot to me. I could see the questions lingering there. What’s a Flyer doing away from his people? I had no idea if he knew who I was. Probably. Word spreads in a small town.

  “I know being human, I don’t fall into any specific category,” my boyfriend continued. “But there must be some miscellaneous work I can do.”

  Now he had the bartender’s full attention. “You’re human?”


  “Interesting…” the Entertainer’s eyes worked over Aaron’s body in a way that made me uncomfortable.

  “And you’re a…” my boyfriend studied his markings for a second. “An Entertainer.”

  “Impressive,” the man mused, abandoning his glasses and leaning across the counter. “You can tell us apart.”

  “Yep, but I’m still not sure what an Entertainer actually does.”

  The bartender gave him a salacious smile. “We entertain.”


  That simple question was all the invitation the man behind the bar needed. Raising his hands, the black markings turned crystal blue and an equally brilliant vapor wafted from his fingertips. After swimming through the air like smoke, the vapor began to coalesce, forming images.

  “Wow!” Aaron marveled as various animals pranced before his eyes. “That’s amazing!”

  “There’s more,” the bartender said. I immediately stepped forward, intending to pull my boyfriend away, but I wan’t fast enough. The Entertainer reached forward and pressed two fingers to Aaron’s forehead. The frolicking animals disintegrated, returning to blue mist which began streaming into Aaron’s head. He instantly went slack. I just managed to grab him before his head hit the bar. Shooting the man behind it a scathing look, I tried to revive my boyfriend. It took a couple taps and a few slaps to wake him up.

  “What the…?” Aaron blinked several times, his dark green eyes darting around the room. “What, what happened?”

  I jabbed my thumb in the direction of the Entertainer. Not looking the least bit abashed, he grinned broadly, his arms folded across his chest.

  “What’d you dream about?”

  Aaron started at him blankly for a second, then his eyes dropped to his crotch where a dark stain had started to form.

  “Shit,” he muttered, his ears turning red. “How long was I out?”

  Five seconds, I signed.

  “Really?” He glanced around at all the staring faces. “It felt more like five minutes.”

  Still looking amused, the bartender leaned forward to get a glimpse of Aaron’s crotch. When he saw the dark spot, a knowing smile quirked his lips. “A sex dream, huh? Right on.”

  My boyfriend’s face flushed and he leapt from the bar stool. With his hands shielding his crotch, he elbowed his way through the crowd of on-lookers and out the saloon doors, me close on his heels. We were a good ways outside of town before he rounded on me, his eyes wide.

  “What the hell was that?! What did that guy do to me?”

  That’s what it means to be an Entertainer. They can either create illusions in the air or fantasies in your mind.

  “So, he made me have a sex dream?”

  No, Entertainers just provide the spark. Your mind does the rest.

  “This is all your fault!” Aaron suddenly hissed, a muscle working in his jaw.


  “I had a sex dream because of you and your refusal to fuck me. I’m all backed up.”


  “I don’t get it.” Now he looked defeated. “We had a great night together, the first in forever, then for reasons I cannot fathom, you make every excuse under the sun not to touch me. Was it really that bad?”

  Of course not. It was great. It’s always great.

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  It’s just… I grappled for yet another excuse in a long line of excuses. I’m embarrassed. I came so soon. Heck, you had to finish yourself off because I got too excited.

  “Is that the real reason?” He had a right to be skeptical.

  I nodded.

  He smiled. “You didn’t last long, but the sex was still great. That double orgasm? Wow!”

  Are you going to be okay?

  He nodded. “That bartender kind of threw me off, but I’ll live.”

  Yeah, he shouldn’t have done that. He was trying to mess with you… being human and all.

  “Have you ever experienced that?”

  A sex dream?

  “No,” Aaron grunted, rolling his eyes. “The powers of an Entertainer.”

  As a kid, all the time. It’s less shocking if you know what to expect. He should have warned you.

  “I’ll say,” my boyfriend mumbled, glancing at his crotch. “Can we go back to Theodora’s? I need to get cleaned up.”

  I nodded even as my stomach tightened. That night, just as I feared, my boyfriend started kissing me. My latest lie had dug me an even deeper hole. For a moment, I returned his affection, but when his hand descended to my cock, I shifted my hips away.

  “What’s wrong?” he whispered, his breathing labored. I had an absurd image of Theodora standing outside the door, her ear pressed to the wood.

  Someone might overhear, I signed.

  “What are you on about? Theodora and her husband are at the bonfire.”

  Yeah, but what if they return early or something?

  Aaron pulled away so he could look into my eyes. “You’re doing it again.”

  Doing what?

  “Making excuses.”

  I took a deep breath and let it out. I didn’t want to tell Aaron the truth, but I couldn’t have him thinking I didn’t want him. It happened before. That night we had sex, Theodora walked in on us. You didn’t notice.

  My boyfriend’s eyebrows shot up. “Are you being serious?” I nodded, feeling sick to my stomach. “What did she see?”


  “Oh, my god!” Now he too looked like he might be sick. “That’s why you’ve been so weird lately. I thought it had something to do with her, but I wasn’t sure…” his eye became distant. “That’s so embarrassing! Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Because I feared you’d want to leave.

  “Of course I would! How can I stay? This is so incredibly awkward.”

  She doesn’t care.

  “I do!” Aaron suddenly jumped out of bed. “I have to get out of here.”

  Please don’t go.

  “You’re asking me to stay with what I know now? The guy who couldn’t stand to be in the same room as the woman who witnessed him fucking his boyfriend?”

  There was no way to argue with that. At least wait ’til morning.

  “Fine!” my boyfriend grunted. “But come first light, I’m gone.”

  And he was. I tried to wake up early enough to see him off or convince him to stay, but when consciousness found me, I was alone.

  Chapter 28


  I can’t do this anymore! My boyfriend pulling away after we finally reconnected was bad enough. Learning why he was pulling away was the last straw. I’d long accepted my sexuality, but deep down inside, I guess I still harbored shame. The thought of someone witnessing me engaged in homosexual activity was too much. I hated taking off on Uriah without so much as a note (not that he could’ve read it), but I couldn’t take it anymore. And Theodora walking in on us wasn’t the only problem. I’d been surrounded by silence for a week. I needed to hear someone speak. Anyone. The Flyers were nice enough. God knows they were welcoming, but their gestures and hand-drawn pictures could only do so much. It was bad enough that I’d wake up some mornings forgetting my predicament. When my foggy brain finally cleared up, it was like reliving the whole experience all over again. Like losing my friends and family on repeat. I tried to hide my misery from Uriah, but I was failing big time.

  So here I was, trudging back through the woods to his parents’ house. Since he wasn’t a heavy sleeper like me, I feared he’d coming swooping down any second and sweep me back to the Flyer settlement. I didn’t take an easy breath until I made it back to the small log cabin.

  “You’re back!” Mrs. Smith exclaimed answering my knock, but when she looked passed me and didn’t see her son, her face fell. “Where’s Uriah?”

  “With the Flyers.”

  “How are you doing?”


  “Have you had breakfast?” I shook my head. “Come on, we’ll get you something to eat.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered, following her into the kitchen/dinning room where Jedediah was seated at the table. Catching sight of me, he smiled broadly. He was currently eating what looked like porridge out of a small ceramic bowl. When my returning smile didn’t match his energy, his smile dimmed.

  “Good morning,” he said and I could tell he was making an effort not to sound too cheery.

  “Good morning.” I returned the pleasantry though I wasn’t really feeling it. While I took a seat opposite him, his wife placed a large bowl in front of me and ladled a generous portion of porridge into it. After she added a spiral of honey, I dug in.

  “Bon appétit.”

  “Thank you.” Despite my emotional state, I was starving. That ten mile hike from the canyon really took a lot out of me.

  “So, what have you and Uriah been up to?” Mrs. Smith asked as I shoveled greedy spoonfuls into my mouth.

  “Uh, not much,” I mumbled around chipmunk cheeks, not feeling like getting into all the places he’d taken me.

  “Is he doing okay?”


  “Are you doing okay?”


  “Are you really?”

  I was about to affirm this lie when the front door opened and a moment later my boyfriend appeared in the kitchen doorway. He’s pale eyes instantly zeroed in on me.

  “You’re just in time for breakfast!” his mother chirped, grabbing another bowl, but he ignored her. Coming over to the table, he knelt beside me and began to sign.

  Please come back with me.

  “I’m eating.”

  When you’re finished?

  “I can’t.”


  “You know why.” Both Uriah and I glanced at his parents. Jedediah was focused on his food as if trying to block out our obviously private conversation while his wife was watching and listening intently.

  What happened was really embarrassing, and I know I didn’t handle it well, but it’s not the end of the world.

  “Don’t you get it!” I snapped, dropping my spoon and turning to face him, my face burning from both irritation and humiliation. “It is for me! Not just because of what happened, but also because that’s literally true! It is the end of the world! My world! Please, just leave me alone.”

  Uriah’s eyes filled with sadness. We don’t have to go back to Theodora’s. There’s still that cabin we stayed in during our first visit.

  “I want to go back into town.”


  “You already know the answer to that.”

  You really want a job there after what that bartender did to you?

  “There are other places to work.”

  Please come back to the Flyer settlement with me.

  I didn’t respond as I spooned the last of my breakfast into my mouth. When I finished chewing and swallowing, I pushed my bowl away and thanked Mrs. Smith before standing up. The whole while, Uriah watched me with anxious eyes as he also got to his feet. Trying not to make eye contact with him, I hunched me shoulders and left the kitchen. He followed me out, right on my heel like an obedient lapdog. When we were in the living room, he grabbed my arm. Before he could get a firm grip, I shook him off while shooting him a warning look.

  Please come with me! he signed, his gestures desperate.

  I shook my head, not wanting his parents to overhear. They were probably straining their ears. His mother certainly was.

  Please! my boyfriend signed, looking on the verge of tears.

  “I’m leaving,” I said in a hushed, but firm tone. Turning on my heel, I headed to the front door. Of course Uriah was close behind me, but this time I knew he wouldn’t stop me. On the way out outside, I happened to glance at the portal. When I’d passed by it earlier, it was the same old crystal blue. Now it had a reddish silvery hue. It looked identical to the one in the palace. My heart jumped. Can it be? Without another thought, I took off toward the shimmering whirlpool. Hearing footfalls behind me, I knew Uriah was hot on my heels. As I passed through the portal, he was right behind me.


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