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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

Page 43

by Frédérick S. Parker

  “It’s okay,” Aaron whispered, running his fingers across my cheek. “I’m okay. I didn’t want to tell you because I knew you’d blame yourself. It’s not your fault.”

  Then whose fault is it? I signed through the tears. Who’s to blame?

  “It’s not about blame. It just is.”

  I’m not a monster.

  “I know you’re not.”

  Then why am I acting like one? At this, I broke down into silent sobs. If he responded, I didn’t catch it. I was a thousand miles away, drowning in my own disgust, shame and humiliation. It was several minutes before I calmed down. It was a little longer before I had the courage to look at my boyfriend. When I finally did, he was watching me with sad, sympathetic eyes. There wasn’t a hint of blame or revulsion.

  You stopped me. How? I asked timidly, for once thankful I couldn’t speak. I don’t think my voice could’ve held up.

  “What do you mean?”

  From… you know.

  A slight smile curled the corner of Aaron’s mouth. “A knee to the testicles. You were not happy about that.”

  Sorry I hurt you.

  “Did you not just hear me? I hurt you worse than you hurt me. It’s true. I’m surprised your balls don’t still ache.” I knew he was trying to lighten my spirits, but it was no use. I couldn’t smile at a time like this. So he was okay with what happened at the apartment. So be it. If he finds out what happened at the Inn, it was sure to destroy him.

  “So, where have you been?” Aaron asked.

  Not sure, I signed, deciding on a half truth. I don’t remember much.

  “Really?” He looked at his watch. “You’ve been gone over five hours. I don’t recall your blackouts lasting that long.”

  Most of them were right before bed.

  “True.” Aaron looked pensive, but not suspicious. It killed me that he was so trusting. It never crossed his mind that I might’ve been off having sex with someone else. Honestly, I still couldn’t believe it myself. I would never cheat on him. Not consciously. I was sure he knew that and I once again debated coming clean. If he had that much faith in me, he deserved the truth. I was just gearing up to tell all, but my boyfriend beat me to it.

  “It’s been a long day. What do you say we get some rest?”

  I nodded and he led me over to his bed. Pulling back his covers, he kicked off his shoes and I did the same. I expected him to climb into the mattress, but instead he turned to face me. Hooking his finger in my waist band, he pulled me to him. First he helped me out of my shirt, before removing his own. Then he eased my pants down, his own close behind. Once we were both in our boxers, he climbed onto the bed and lay down. Lying beside him, I pulled him close. For several seconds he idly traced the feathers on my wings, then his deep green eyes shifted over to meet mine.

  “Please fuck me,” he whispered in a low husky voice, his eyes half-lidid.

  I thought you were sore.

  “Not anymore,” he replied, a shy smile curling his lips. “I know how badly you wanted it earlier. Well, I’m ready, mister. Give me that cock.”

  All impulse to deny him was gone. After everything I’d put him through, this was the least I could do. Stripping off our boxers, I grabbed the lube and slicked myself up. Positioning him with his back against the headboard, I moved between his knees. Lifting his butt up off the bed, I moved forward so the head of my cock pressed against his hole. When I raised my eyebrows in question, he nodded and I slowly pushed forward. Aaron’s jaw tightened as I steadily breached him. Farther and farther I went until his ass was resting against me. With his legs wrapped around my middle, I released his butt and grabbed onto the headboard to either side of him. Using it as leverage, I pulled out a few inches before slamming back in. The power of the blow raddled the bed frame and forced a grunt from Aaron. Afraid his parents might hear, I eased up a bit on the next thrust, but he shook his head.

  “Let them hear. I don’t care,” he said as if he could read my mind.

  Nodding, I pulled out and slammed back in again and was rewarded with a sexy moan. I plowed into him again and again until our skin glistened.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he groaned, his arms wrapped around my neck as the bed rattled and our skin slapped. Resting my forehead against his, I shuffled forward on the mattress, pinning Aaron between me and the headboard. Like this, I could go as deep and as hard as I wanted and I gave him everything I had. My boyfriend whimpered and moaned as I rammed into him relentlessly. After one particularly hard thrust, he came suddenly, his seed shooting up between us like a fountain. Pulling out, I moved him down so he was lying on his back. Rotating his hips up, I slammed back in and started pounding him into the bed. I was so focused on what I was doing, it took me by surprise when Aaron drew me down for a kiss. We’ve never kissed during sex. Before and after, but never during. Given the pounding he was receiving, I was amazed that he could concentrate on anything besides my cock. Perhaps I wasn’t giving it to him hard enough. Breaking the kiss, I flipped him onto his stomach and started thrusting into him from behind. I drilled into him so hard, he had to place his hands against the headboard for support. It wasn’t long before Aaron was cumming again. When the last of his tremors ceased, I lay down on my back and gestured for him to straddle me. Once he was seated on my cock, I gripped his thighs, bent my knees and began poisoning up into him.

  “Sweet Jesus!” he gasped, his eyes going wide. “Oh, god! Oh, fuck!” His hands gripped my chest and his eyes squeezed shut. “Right there, right there, right there! Oh, fuck yes!”

  My thighs burned, but I didn’t stop, determined to give him one last mind shattering orgasm. Just by the look on his face I knew it wouldn’t take long. He was panting, whimpering and moaning like never before. Digging down deep, I willed myself to thrust harder. To move faster. Aaron started arching his spine as he pushed against me, causing even deeper penetration. He was now biting his lower lip, his face contorted in sheer pleasure. Seeing that he was almost there, I released one of his thighs and gave his rock hard dick a firm squeeze. He immediately erupted all over my hand and chest. His ass squeezed me in a vice grip as he spewed cum everywhere. Seeing him unravel like that sent me over the edge and I started pumping my seed into him. Load after overdue load shot from me deep inside him. It was several seconds before it tapered off. By then, I was sure I must have cum a gallon. Opening my eyes, I found Aaron slumped on top of me. He was out cold, his ass still gripping my cock. From time to time, I felt his inner walls spasm as the last of his climax ebbed away.

  Gently rolling him off me, I retrieved a towel and got to work cleaning us both up. This time, as my semen leaked from him, I managed to mop most of it up before it made a mess on the bed. When we were both clean, I crawled back into bed and wrapped my arms and wings around him. I wanted to bask in the after-math of glorious sex, but now that my mind was unoccupied, my sole focus was on what to do about Sabrina. After the way Aaron kissed me during sex, I knew I couldn’t lie to him anymore. As soon as he wakes up, I’ll tell him the truth. I have to.

  When I woke up the next morning, my heart instantly filled with dread. I knew what I had to do, but I had no idea how to do it. I was scared to death. Closing my eyes, I retracted my wings. It took a great effort, but after several seconds they slipped away. I’d planned to wait for Aaron to wake up, but my anxiety was eating me alive. I had to get this over with.

  “Aaron,” I whispered, giving him a little nudge. “Aaron, wake up.” He rolled into me, but otherwise didn’t open his eyes. “Aaron!” I said a little louder. “Please wake up.” This time I gave him a little slap. Still nothing. Right when I was beginning to second guess my decision, he let out a soft groan and his eyes fluttered open. Looking up at me, a smile graced his face.

  “Good morning, angel,” he cooed, his green eyes sparkling. “Man, that’s just what I needed. I love it when you pound me into oblivion.”

  When I didn’t respond, Aaron sat up. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen
a ghost. Did last night not mellow you out?”

  “Aaron, we need to talk.”

  “What’s up?” His look of tranquility quickly turned to concern.

  I swallowed around the lump in my throat. “About yesterday, when I took off…”


  “I… I…” I swallowed again and the concern in my boyfriend’s eyes turned to fear.

  “What happened?”

  “I messed up. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  “What’d you do?”

  I hesitated. “I don’t even remember most of it.”

  “What did you do?”

  Now tears were streaming down my face. “It was like a crazy acid trip. Nothing made any sense.”

  “Uriah, tell me!” My boyfriend’s eyes were wide and his face was ashen.

  “I… I flew to my world. I kept zoning in and out. Every time I tried to figure out where I was or what was going on, I’d be out again.” I paused. “The last time I woke up, I found myself with a girl I met during our break. We were in a motel having… having sex. The moment I realized what was going on, I left.”

  When I finished, I waited nervously for a response. For several seconds Aaron just stared at me. When he finally found his voice, it shook slightly. “You met someone while we were apart? You said you didn’t make any friends.”

  “Met isn’t the right word. She and her friends were sort of obsessed with me. While I worked for Jeremiah, they would come by the station all the time. It got to the point he had to ban them. I was never more than professional with her, but she would flirt with me every chance she got.”

  “Did you use protection?”


  “A condom.”

  “I didn’t cum inside her. The moment I realized what was going on, I pulled out. I swear.”

  “That’s not what I’m worried about. Did you have unprotected sex with someone else, then turn around and sleep with me?”


  “Oh, my god!” My boyfriend immediately jumped out of bed, panic overtaking him.

  “I did use a condom.”

  “You’re just telling me what I want to hear!” Aaron declared, frantically getting dressed. “God, I’m so stupid! I swore I’d never be in this situation again. I swore it!”

  “I did use protection.” I insisted, also getting out of bed. Please god, tell me I used a condom. Thinking back to the Inn, I did have a vague memory of whipping one off before bolting. I don’t know where I got it, but I had used a condom. “I’m not just telling you that.”

  Aaron stopped in the middle of pulling his shirt over his head and stared up at me with wide scared eyes. “Don’t lie to me, Uriah.”

  “I’m not lying. I swear.”

  He studied me for a moment before relaxing. He didn’t look happy, but at least he wasn’t freaking out.

  “I am so sorry,” I said, realizing that I was naked and quickly pulling on my boxers. “I would never cheat on you. Not intentionally.”

  He looked a million miles away. I don’t know if he heard a word I was saying.

  “Uriah, you were gone for hours.” His voice was distant as he chewed on a thumbnail. “There’s no telling how many girls you banged.”

  “I didn’t bang a whole bunch of girls.”

  “You told me you don’t remember much.”

  “I don’t, but I came gallons last night. No way I busted a nut in Sabrina or anyone else.”

  “Her name is Sabrina?” Sadness mounted in Aaron’s eyes and I immediately wished I hadn’t said anything. “She sounds hot. She’s hot, isn’t she?”

  I didn’t answer. If I denied it, he’d accuse me of lying. Whatever I said, it would only make things worse. When I remained silent, my boyfriend’s face crumpled. “In the apartment you said you’d find someone else and you found her. How well did you two get to know each other?”

  “Not well. She was just a customer. And not even that, not really. She was more like a stalker.”

  “Yet you had sex with her?”

  “You know my blackouts make me do things I wouldn’t otherwise do.”

  “Yeah, but they also allow you to voice or act out your inner most desires.”

  I wanted to deny this and while I had no conscious interest in Sabrina, I couldn’t argue with the fact that she is a very attractive girl and while Aaron and I were apart, I had unwillingly indulged in a few fantasies involving her. When I maintained my silence, my boyfriend shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes.

  “This isn’t happening.”

  “Please forgive me. If I could go back in time, I would. I would do it in a heartbeat. The last thing I want is to hurt you.” Aaron didn’t reply. After a brief pause, I asked the question that was haunting me. “Where do we go from here?”

  “I don’t know…” he hesitated, looking at war with himself. “I can’t believe this is happening. I mean, was her bed even cold before you climbed into mine?”

  “I, we did it standing up.”

  “God, Uriah!” Aaron hissed, the tears that had been swimming in his eyes now spilling down his face. “I don’t need to hear exactly how you and Miss Sabrina fucked. Jeez!”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “What can I do to make this right?”

  “I don’t know.” His eyes drifted around the room. “I, uh, need time to think.”

  “Of course. How much time?”

  “A few hours?”

  “Like three or four?”

  “I don’t know, Uriah,” Aaron sighed, his voice wavering. It looked like he was just barely hanging on.

  “Okay, okay,” I soothed, not wanting to upset him any further. “I’ll just come back tonight, alright?”

  “Sure. Whatever.”

  I hated leaving my maybe soon to be ex-boyfriend when he was looking so defeated, but I knew he needed space. The way he was looking at me… or not looking at me, I feared he’d decide he didn’t need time to think and dump me on the spot. Getting dressed, I gave him one last look, before opening his window and sliding out. Not knowing where to go, I wandered aimlessly down the sidewalk for a while until my stomach began to growl. Checking my wallet, I saw that I didn’t have enough American money to buy a decent meal. I’d have to return to Antomia. It took about an hour to get out of the city on foot and once I was a good ways into the woods, I released my wings and took flight. Passing through the portal, I went straight to the mess hall. I was greeted with excitement and I did my best to match it, but even as I ate as much food as my belly could hold, I worried about Aaron’s decision. He’d been so devastated. Leaving the mess hall, I went to Theodora’s and confessed everything through uncontrollable tears. When I was done, she comforted me before helping me to my room and tucking me into bed. Before drifting off to sleep, I tried not to contemplate the possibility that Aaron and I were done for good.

  Chapter 30


  A million thoughts raced through my mind. Is Uriah attracted to girls? Aaron, you idiot, of course he is. Until I came along, he’d only ever been with them. The question is, does he prefer them to me? Perhaps on some unconscious level? He said he left the Inn without finishing. Is that true? Does it matter? Should it? Jean-Luc said the enzymes in his system would cause him to carry out deep-seeded desires. On some level he obviously wants a girl. But on what level? Maybe it’s insignificant now, but what if that changes? What if this incident is a precursor for what’s to come? If that’s the case, isn’t it just a matter of time before he takes off again? Maybe I’m just prolonging the inevitable. Maybe I should end things now and save myself the pain. But I love him so much! How can I let him go? Damn it! I don’t know what to do! On the one hand, I didn’t want to stay in a relationship that was doomed, but I couldn’t imagine ending it. Our relationship had been short, but it had been so intense. We’d been through so much together. How do you throw that away?

  At precisely 8:30pm there was a tap on th
e window. Uriah was standing outside looking in. When we made eye contact, he didn’t waste a second sliding the window open. As he climbed in, I noted that his wings were out. While he timidly approached me, I struggled to decide what to do. Hours of brainstorming and I was at a stale mate. When he pulled me into his arms, I let him. Melting into his warmth, I couldn’t imagine letting him go. If we love each other that’s enough, right? Why complicate things? As I closed my eyes, basking in Uriah’s presence, I was hit with a powerful and unwelcome memory. It had been over a year since my break-up with Tyler and I’d had a couple failed relationships since then, but the memory still stung. I’m completely over him, but I’ll never forget how devastated I was when he left me. I remember how much it hurt. Vividly. I believed I needed him. That I couldn’t exist without him. I thought I loved him. Everything I felt for Tyler pales in comparison to how I feel about Uriah and that had been a nine-month relationship. What if I take Uriah back and in a month or a year he decides I’m not what he wants? That would destroy me. It was better to end things now while my heart was, for the most part, still intact.

  I didn’t want to lose his warmth, but I gently extracted myself from his embrace. Uriah gave me a questioning look and my eyes filled with tears as I looked up at him, preparing myself for what I had to do. Before I got a word out, he shook his head as if he could read my mind. It was undoubtedly written all over my face. Once again he tried to wrap me in his arms and when I resisted, he surrounded me with his wings. Now it was just the two of us, my room completely blocked from view.

  Please don’t, he urged via ASL, his eyes wide and desperate.

  The tears that had been taunting my eyes finally made a break for it and rolled down my face. “I’m sorry,” I managed, my throat threatening to close. “I have to. If you have any doubts about our relationship—”

  I have no doubts! None!

  “—I must let you go.”

  I don’t have any doubts. I never have.


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