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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

Page 47

by Frédérick S. Parker

  “I wasn’t role playing, asshole!”

  “Sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “Yeah, right.” My hands were still shaking. I wanted to beat the shit out of him. Something. Anything.

  “Hey, what’s the big deal?” Cameron asked, looking annoyingly lax. “So, we had amazing sex. Why freak out about it?”

  I was so shocked at his nonchalance that for a moment words failed me. “The problem is you fucking me without my consent.”

  “Trust me, I got your consent. In fact, you were begging for it.”

  My face flushed and my hands balled into fists. “Are you kidding me right now? You think me being so drunk I can’t tell the difference between you and my ex boyfriend is proper consent? I should kick your ass!”

  “Hey, whoa. I didn’t know you were that drunk.”

  I snorted humorlessly. “Yeah, right. The fact that I let you fuck me is proof enough. I don’t bottom.”

  “You seemed pretty into last night.”

  “I told you, I thought you were my ex. He’s the only one I’ve ever bottomed for.”

  “Really? This Uriah must be pretty special.”

  “He was.”

  “Is he dead?”

  “No, asshole, we broke up. I told you that last night. I also told you I wasn’t interested in starting anything new.”

  “First of all, stop calling me an asshole,” Cameron said, sitting up. “I’m sorry if you think I deliberately got you smashed. I had no idea you couldn’t handle your liquor. I drank just as much as you and I still remember last night.”

  “I’ve never had vodka before,” I muttered, feeling like a lightweight.

  “Duly noted. Vodka makes you—”

  “—Don’t finish that sentence. I’m still pissed.”

  My so-called friend got to his feet, the blanket wrapped around his waist. “I swear had I known you were that drunk, I wouldn’t have slept with you. I’m not some date rapist. I really like you. I could tell you needed to unwind, so I thought I could help. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy our time together as much as I did.”

  Now I felt kind of bad. Cameron seemed sincere. He definitely didn’t come off as a date raper. My shoulders collapsed and much to my surprise, and extreme embarrassment, I burst into tears.

  “Hey, man. I’m so sorry,” Cameron said, taking me into his arms. The arms that so reminded me of Uriah. “If I said I regret last night, it’s only because of how much it’s upsetting you. I never should have given you so much alcohol. You look like a party boy so I assumed you could handle it.”

  “It’s not that,” I managed between sobs. “I just miss him so much! He was the only one I wanted to bottom for. I didn’t realize how important that was until just now.”

  “Well, I don’t know this Uriah,” Cameron said, holding my head to his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. “But he was lucky to have you.”

  Over the next few weeks, Cameron drew in the reins. He no longer tried to get me alone. Instead, he would invite me to events with friends. Usually study groups. I turned him down most times, but every once in a while I accepted. I knew he wanted a do-over where sex was concerned. I think it made him crazy that I couldn’t remember. All I had were snippets and they did little to inform me of his style or technique. Not that I wanted to know. The one time Cameron mentioned our tryst, he insisted that I’d cum like a geyser, but if that's true, it’s only because I thought he was someone else. I knew this also bothered him. It was clear he wanted to make me cum just as hard sober. I knew all this, but I still wasn’t ready for a relationship. I knew I had to move on eventually, but if that drunken night proved anything, it’s that I was far from ready. In truth, I had wanted to get drunk with Cameron. Not blackout drunk, but drunk enough so that moving on wouldn’t be so hard. I’d been trying to force it, but maybe this was the kind of thing that can’t be forced. After Tyler, it had taken me over six months to even look at another guy. After what Uriah and I had, it could take years.

  Chapter 33


  I was back at the settlement for over a month before I remembered the Alleyway Flyer. It might’ve have been a long shot, especially with the time that had passed, but I wanted to find him and help him. Wondering if his situation was as common as he seemed to think, I went to Theodora.

  Is is normal for Flyers kids to be orphaned and living on the streets? The moment the question was out of my head, her eyes filled with sadness.

  That’s one of the most tragic side-effects of being born during the Absence. Non-Flyer parents abandoning their Flyer kids. A complete travesty. The authorities have been cracking down on it over the last couple centuries, but it still happens.

  I thought Flyers weren’t born in the absence of the High Ruler.

  It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen.

  I guess I’m not miracle after all.

  In a world of three billion there are maybe one hundred of you guys. That makes you a miracle.

  I thought that over before getting to the root of my problem. The Alleyway Flyer.When Aaron and I were in Metro City, we met a Flyer who was prostituting himself on the streets.

  That’s one of the few ways they know to survive. That or sell their feathers, though most of them get plucked clean whether they want it or not.

  I want to find him and bring him here.

  Theodora took a deep breath and let it out.You can certainly try, but I’ll warn you that when we aren’t raised in a colony, assimilating is very difficult. Especially with what he’s had to do to survive. There are communities who devote their time to finding and caring for abandoned Flyers, but they have a very low success rate.

  I have to try.

  By all means. I’ll see you when you get back. Giving me a hug and a kiss, she wished me good luck.

  When I arrived in Metro City, I contemplated the best way to track down the Alleyway Flyer. I started with the place I first saw him. He said he moved around a lot, but I still held out hope. No dice. Next, I tried calling him in the Flow, but I didn’t know if he received it or understood. Hell, for all I knew he’d never experienced the Flow before. Plus, I didn’t know his name so any message I sent out had no affiliation and thus could’ve been for anyone. By noon, I was rescind to searching the streets. Only minutes after I walked into my first alleyway, a Teacher in his late twenties approached me.

  “Wow!” His eyes raked over my body as he dug in his pocket and produced several coins. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. How much for an hour?”

  My stomach turned. He thinks I’m a prostitute. The fact that I didn’t look like one didn’t seem to matter. Maybe not all hookers are in the retched state as the Alleyway Flyer. Or perhaps in the city, all Flyers are whores. I don’t know. When I made a face, the Teacher pulled out more money.

  “Come on, I’ll pay anything! Just let me have a taste.” He tried to touch me, but I slapped his hand away. “What’s wrong?”

  Not a prostitute, I mouthed.

  The man’s eyebrows jumped up. “Seriously? Where’s your flock?”

  I’d come to learn that that term was derogatory. I wanted to tell him so, but couldn’t. All I could do was wave vaguely over my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry.” the Teacher returned his money to his pocket. “I should have guessed. You look way too good. Too put together.” He gave me another once-over before hurrying out of the alley.

  Over the next couple hours, I continued to seek out the Alleyway Flyer and people continued to approach me for hand jobs, blowjobs and sex. Finally getting fed up, I took to the sky and searched from above. Circling over the city, I called to the Flyer in the Control and the Flow, but I got no response. At nightfall, assuming it was safe to touch back down, I continued my ground search. Much to my frustration, it wasn’t long before men started approaching me again. Whenever I saw one coming, I’d hurry away. After about an hour of this, I was in the middle of a particularly grungy alleyway when strong hands grabbed me f
rom behind.

  “You open for business?” A deep voice grunted in my ear. I tried to shake him off, but he pushed me up against the brick wall bordering the alley. The rough surface was like sand paper against my skin. Once again, I tried to get him off me, but he was surprisingly heavy. When I tried to shove him away, he barely budged.

  “Well, Flyer?” he hissed, pressing his erection against my ass. “How much?”

  I shook my head the best I could as I continued to try and worm out of his grip, but it was like a vice and the more I struggled, the harder he pressed against me. I was helplessly pinned. What the hell is he? My assailant had the strength of a Builder, but he seemed too tall. More like a Hunter or a Warrior. Whatever he was, I couldn’t fight him off. Now Theodora’s words ran on repeat in my head. Does he want sex, feathers or both? I didn’t start to panic until I heard his belt come undone. As my fear mounted, I remembered something Jeremiah had told me.If ever you find yourself in trouble, use the Flow. Wherever you are, help is sure to come. I wasn’t sure what the odds were of help finding me here, but I called all the same. Using the full power of the Flow, I screamed for help. Meanwhile, oblivious to my calls, my attacker turned me around. Now I got my first glimpse of him. He was a Hunter. He was a lot bulkier than any I’d seen, but his sharp canines and long winding tail proved it. Though I did notice his didn’t have the tufted of hair on the end like the others.

  “I want you,” he breathed, his greedy eyes eating me up. “I’m guessing you’re expensive by the looks of you, but I’m willing to pay. I just have to have you.” To emphasis his point, he reached around and grabbed my ass. Nothing disgusted me more than this asshole thinking that I’d have sex with him. For any price. As I shrunk away from his touch, the rough brink wall tugged at my feathers. To escape the fear, I focused on the pain. That was easier said than done. I didn’t want to contemplate what was about to happen, but fixating on my stinging, throbbing plumage was hard. Especially when the Hunter started needing my ass cheeks. I shook my head again and mouthed that I wasn’t a prostitute, but unlike the Teacher, he didn’t scamper away. His momentary look of surprise turned to amusement.

  “Okay, you’re not a whore and I’m not a john. I can play that game.” To my dismay, he shoved a small sack of coins in my pocket before reaching for my belt. Once again, I shook my head and tried to push him off me, but he was strong and relentless.

  “You want it to be like that?” His hungry eyes turned molten. My fighting only seemed to turn him on more. “I love a little game of hard to get.” Throwing his entire weight against me, he renewed his efforts to undo my belt. My heart galloped up my throat as he forced my jeans half way down my thighs. I expected him to turn me back around, but he abruptly stopped, his eyes still gleaming. For a moment I thought he might let me go until I felt something push between my ass cheeks. His tail! I jerked when it penetrated me, then shuttered when he started stroking my inner walls, my pleasure buds instantly lighting up. No, no, no, no! As my body reacted to him, the Hunter smiled with disgusting satisfaction.

  “You Flyers are so fascinating. I don’t know what it is about you, but you just love getting it up the ass.” I bit my lip, trying to will away the pleasure. This can’t be happening! But there was nothing I could do. My body betrayed me as my cock hardened and my muscles began to tremble. The Hunter’s eyes roamed over me, taking perverse pleasure in his ability to stimulate me. Within seconds my breathing was labored and my skin shone with sweat.

  “Amazing,” my attacker mused, his gaze falling to my leaking dick which was so hard, it pulsed against my stomach. “I don’t get it, but it’s amazing.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, hating myself for reacting to him. But, I was a slave to my pleasure buds. They didn’t care who was stimulating me.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” the Hunter continued, murmuring softly in my ear. “I can’t wait to get inside you. During my last… encounter, I made him cum five times. Think you can top that?”

  My hands pushed feebly against him as an orgasm began to build. No! I didn’t want to cum. Not once. Not for him! I wanted to fight him off, but if I couldn’t before, there was no way I’d be able to now. The sensations radiating through me were sapping my strength. I was doomed. Begrudgingly surrendering to my fate, I waited for the explosion to hit. Instead, I heard a loud thwack and suddenly the Hunter’s weight disappeared. I opened my eyes just in time to see him fall to the ground, his tail slipping from my body. Standing before me was the Alleyway Flyer, a bat in his hand.

  You called? He sounded surprisingly chipper given his still retched state. I didn’t respond immediately, my body winding down from the brink. I’d been so close to cumming. I feared one wrong move would push me over the edge. When I was sure I was in the clear, I quickly pulled up my pants and refastened my belt.

  Yes, thanks. You totally saved my ass. Literally.

  Don’t mention it.

  What’s your name?

  Joseph and you?


  Nice to officially meet you, Uriah. I wish it were under better circumstances.

  I nodded, glancing at the Hunter’s unconscious body.You heard me?

  He nodded.Yep. Didn’t know it was you, but I heard.

  I’ve been calling all day. Did you not hear me before?

  Calling for help?


  He shook his head.I didn’t hear anything ’til now.

  That’s odd.

  Joseph shrugged, his gaze dropping to the form on the ground.Trick gone wrong? You have to watch out for Hunters. They’re always rough.

  I’m not a prostitute.

  Then what are you doing here?

  Looking for you.

  Suspicion flickered across his face.Why?

  I told you before. There’s a better life than this. If you come with me, I can show you.

  He shook his head. I admit you encounter the occasional thug, but there is no other way.

  There is. Look at me, I don’t sell myself on the street. I live with a colony many miles from here. We take care of each other.

  Joseph looked me up and down.You do look healthy… and strong. Can you fly?

  I can.

  His eyes welled up with tears.I’ve never flown. I’ve never met a Flyer who can. What’s it like?

  Freeing. If you come with me, I can help you build your strength, regrow your feathers and learn to fly.


  I promise.

  As the Hunter grunted his first sign of consciousness, I took Joseph in my arms, spread my wings and kicked off. He was so small and fragile, he barely registered. As we rose into the air, his dark eyes widened. He gazed at the city below with amazement. While he basked in his first aerial experience, I tried not to think about what happened or almost happened in the alley below. It definitely freaked me out, but I didn’t want it to consume me. Once upon a time, feeling that powerless would have sent me tailspinning, but I wasn’t a little kid anymore. I didn’t want to revert back to that traumatized child every time something bad happened. If Joseph can still be strong after what he’s endured, so can I.

  When we arrived back at the Flyer settlement, I took him to one of the unoccupied cabins. After showing him how to operate the shower, I went to find him some clean clothes. A few minutes later, I was exiting Theodora’s cabin when I heard a soft clink. Looking down, I saw the sack of coins the Hunter had shoved in my pocket. My stomach bottomed out. Christ. I just wanted to forget that whole ugly thing. Make like it never happened. Snatching up the satchel, I hurled it into the canyon.

  Returning to Joseph’s cabin, I entered just as he was stepping out of the bathroom, completely naked. He was so skinny, I could see every bone and his wings were missing over 70 percent of their feathers, but the shower did make a huge improvement. There was a somewhat cute guy under all that dirt and grime. Once he puts on a few pounds, he might even be handsome.

  Put these on, I said, handing over the clothes. Now that he was clea
n, I saw that his hair was blond and he had a nice tan going. What little feathers remained matched his yellow locks.

  Thanks, he replied, accepting the garments.

  Don’t mention it. After you get dressed, we can get you something to eat.

  I don’t have any money. he said, getting dressed. I made a few coins last night, but then I got robbed.

  The food is free here. Joseph froze in the middle of pulling on his jeans. He stared up at me like I was speaking a foreign language.If you stay here, you will experience how our kind is supposed to live. We take care of each other.

  So… he still looked confused.So, how do I earn my keep?

  We all pitch in. Since you currently can’t fly, you can either work in the mess hall or make items like baskets. Trust me, we’ll find a place for you, but don’t worry about that right now. All you have to worry about is building up your strength.

  Will your colony accept me? Joseph asked as I led him out of the cabin and across the grass to the mess hall.

  If you follow the rules, are kind and courteous, then yes, they will love you.

  When we entered the building and the Alleyway Flyer saw all the food, his eyes went as round as saucers.

  Are you sure this is okay? he asked when I handed him a tray.

  I’m sure. As we moved through the line, the other Flyers gave Joseph curious looks, but they didn’t approach. My initial fear was that they were disgusted by his physical appearance, but I didn’t get that feeling. It was something else. Nervous hope? They must have guessed his situation and didn’t want to overwhelm him or scare him away.

  When we sat down, Joseph consumed his food like a caveman. The moment his plate was clean, he timidly asked if he could have more. Several servings later, I was sure he’d eaten many times his weight in food. For someone so small, he could sure put it away. After we left the mess hall, he requested a tour of the settlement. While showing him around, I introduced him to people like Jeremiah, Lina and Theodora. He was shy at first, but over time he began to hold his head a little higher. I had to bite back a laugh at his look of sheer amazement on seeing the Aviation Station. I couldn’t help wondering if I had appeared that awe-struck during my first visit. As we continued the tour, I gave Joseph a quick rundown of Flyer life and what that entails. He knew even less about our kind than I had. Each new tidbit had him more baffled than the last.


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