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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

Page 51

by Frédérick S. Parker

  “You came all the way here just to say two words?”

  “What more is there to say?”

  “I don’t know. How’ve you been? What’ve you been up to? Are you happy?”

  “Uh, okay, not much and no.”

  “The bare minimum? Okay.” Aaron looked sad.

  “You should probably get back. Your boyfriend might start to worry.”

  “Cameron isn’t my boyfriend.”

  “My mistake. You’re fuck buddy.”

  “What makes you think we’re sleeping together?”

  “Uh, he made a point to say he spent the night.”

  Aaron rolled his eyes. “We didn’t have sex last night.”

  “Then what’s he doing here?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “If you want to talk, let’s talk.”

  “Okay, I was walking back from the National Forest, he called and insisted on giving me a ride. It wasn't easy explaining how I got out there without my car, by the way. He used it to pick me up.”

  “Why didn't you have your car?”

  “Jean-Luc transported me and I didn’t feel like calling anyone. I told Cameron he didn’t have to stay, but he insisted.”

  “You want him to leave? I can make him leave.” Zipping past him, I headed back down the corridor to his apartment. Just the thought of that picture perfect asshole trying to get with Aaron set my nerves on edge.

  “Uriah,” my ex called after me. “Please don’t make a scene.”

  Ignoring him, I yanked his apartment door open and stepped inside. My eyes instantly zeroed in on Cameron who was sitting on the couch, looking completely at home. At least he’d gotten dressed.

  “Get out!” I snapped, jabbing my thumb at the door.

  “Or what? You’ll make me?” His lazy, laid-back attitude pissed me off even more.

  “Don’t think I won’t.” I stood between him and the TV, blocking his view.

  “Yeah, I know guys like you. You’re all bark and no bite. The only way I’m leaving is if Aaron asks me to go.”

  “From what I understand, you’ve already over-stayed your welcome.”

  Cameron got to his feet. He was a good deal shorter than me, but had all the confidence of a much bigger man. “Look, he dumped you, okay? Move on. He has.”

  At these words, I looked over at Aaron. He didn’t say anything, his expression blank.

  “Whatever. He told me that he asked you to leave, so I think you should go.”

  “What do you even care anyway?” Cameron demanded, looking irritated as he glared up at me. “You have a girlfriend. Why don’t you run back to her?”


  “You heard me.”

  “What makes you think I have a girlfriend?”

  “Aaron told me. He drops everything to come help you only to learn you’re sleeping with the chick you cheated on him with. Sabrina, is it?”

  My stomach clenched. “It’s complicated.”

  “Doesn’t sound complicated to me.”

  Ignoring him, I turned to Aaron. “We need to talk.”

  “What’s there to say?” he asked, his hands shoved in his jean pockets. “Sabrina made things perfectly clear. Was she lying?” The hope in his eyes induced another dose of guilt.

  “It’s complicated,” I repeated. “Let me explain.”

  “Sounds pretty straightforward to me,” Cameron said, puffing up his chest.

  “Look, this doesn’t concern you!” I snapped, rounding on him. “I need a moment alone with Aaron.”

  He looked to his friend for direction.

  “Could you give us a second?” my ex asked, jerking his head toward the door.

  “Don’t let him suck you in with those come-fuck-me eyes. Guys like that never change.”

  “Dude, come on,” Aaron grunted. “You don’t know Uriah. I do. If he says it’s complicated, I believe him. He deserves a chance to explain.”

  Looking less than pleased, Cameron left. The moment the door clicked behind him, I breathed a sigh of relief. Aaron didn’t seem the least bit interested in him, but he still put me on edge.

  “Well?” my ex prompted. “Explain. Are you dating Sabrina?”

  “We went out on a few dates, but it was nothing special. She’s extremely self-involved and self-important. I didn’t enjoy any of our time together.”

  “She did seem possessive.”

  “She was awful. The only reason I took her out was to prove to you that you’re the only one for me.”

  “Is she the only girl you dated?”

  “Yes.” Aaron started to open his mouth, but I over-rode him. “I don’t need to date anyone else. Sabrina might have been my polar opposite, but just being with someone else felt wrong. She could have been the nicest, sweetest girl in the world and it wouldn’t have mattered. I want you.”

  A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. I was just starting to think I’d won him back when he asked. “Did you sleep with her?”

  “Yes, but only once. It was awful… well, that’s not entirely true. She felt nice, but her voice wasn’t yours and her body wasn’t yours and when she came she peed all over me.”


  “Yes, it was disgusting.”

  “Is that how you got that damp spot on the front of your pants?”

  “You saw that?”


  “That’s embarrassing. I still can’t believe she peed on me.”

  “That wasn’t urine.”


  Aaron looked mildly amused. “I don’t know the specifics about the vagina, but I’ve heard a thing or two. They call it squirting or gushing. It’s basically the female equivalent of ejaculation.”

  “And all chicks do that?”

  “No, but they claim it’s not urine.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “Don’t know.” His amusement was quickly fading, causing fear to set in.

  “I don’t know what she told you, but I swear she means nothing to me. She treated me more like property than a boyfriend.”

  “That’s awful.” My ex’s voice was distant.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “She told me she was carrying your child. I’m assuming that was a lie too.”

  I gritted my teeth. “Yes, I have never cum inside that girl. The two times we did it, I wore a condom. If she’s pregnant it’s not mine.”

  “That’s a relief!” Aaron looked genuinely happy for the first time since my arrival. Now I understood why he’d been so dismal up ’til now. He believed Sabrina was carrying my child. That conniving bitch!

  “I’m sorry you got caught up in her web,” I said, taking his hand. “I thought I made it clear to her that I wasn’t interested. I guess not.” I assumed the knowledge that, not only was I not having a kid with Sabrina, she wasn’t even on my radar would satisfy Aaron, but while he still looked relieved, I could tell something was bothering him.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked, giving his hand an encouraging squeeze.

  “Why’d you say her name?”


  “When you were out of it, you said Sabrina. Well, technically you mouthed it, but it was definitely her name. Not mine, hers.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t remember that.”

  “Please try.”

  I thought hard, trying to retrieve something from nothingness. “I remember thinking you were there. I wanted to get to you, but I couldn’t. I think I do recall hearing her voice. Maybe that’s why I said her name. Everything was so jumbled and confused, but I didn’t want her. I tried to will her away. I wanted you. I want you. I tried to reach for you and I thought I found you, but when I woke up, you were gone.” I paused. “Does that make sense?”

  Aaron nodded. “Yes.”

  “So, what’s wrong?” He still didn’t look happy.

  He took a deep breath and let it out. “Maybe Sabrina’s not the one you want, but you’ve made it clear you want childr
en. I’m all for that after graduation, but short of alien intervention, I’ll never be able to have your kids and, quite frankly, that’s not something I’m interested in. Don’t get me wrong, while I’d love for our children to look like you, there are a lot of babies out there who need homes. Since I came out of the closet, it was always my plan to adopt and that hasn’t changed. If that’s not acceptable to you, please tell me now.”

  I could tell from the look in his eyes he assumed this declaration was a deal breaker. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. The image of him glowing with my children was a fantasy I wanted to make a reality, but I was willing to do whatever it took to make him mine. I just had one request.

  “You’re right, there are a lot of babies out there who need homes. If adoption is the path you want to take, I’m with you one hundred percent…” I paused, gathering my courage. “But if that’s the case, any chance our babies can be like me? With a new High Ruler taking the throne, it won’t be as much of an issue, but there will always be non-Flyer parents with unwanted Flyer child. I want to give them a happy, healthy home.”

  Aaron broke out into his signature boyish grin. “Of course. I’d love to raise a couple winged babies with you.”

  Releasing his hand, I wrapped my arms around him, bring him flush against me so I could kiss him. I never loved him more than in that moment. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if he’d agree. I imagined him listing all the reasons it won’t work.

  “Thank you,” I murmured when our lips parted. “Thank you so much.”

  “No, thank you.”

  Having him in my arms again felt so right. I never wanted to let go. “It’s so good to be back.”

  My boyfriend gazed up at me, his green eyes sparkling. “Honestly, I’m surprised you stayed away.”

  “Trust me, a day didn’t go by when I didn’t think of you, but I had to respect your wishes. You told me to go so I went.”

  “Do you still love me?” Aaron asked tentatively.

  “I never stopped.”

  Flashing me a sexy smile, he pulled me down for another kiss. Within seconds my dick was painfully hard. Sex was definitely a must. I was planning to convey my desires by grinding my erection against Aaron’s soft round belly, but before I could act, he was breaking the kiss.

  “So, that’s it?” he asked, his face shining. “You haven’t slept with anyone else?”

  It sounded like a routine question like he thought he already knew the answer. My heart skipped a beat. Shit. I’d completely forgotten about Zoboriah. Fuck! “No, uh, there was someone else.”

  My newly re-acquire boyfriend looked just as stunned as I feared he would. “The Alleyway Flyer?”

  Apparently he’d met my newfound friend. God, this would be so much easier if it were him. Aaron might not like it, but at least he’d understand. Why hadn’t I sought out Joseph sooner?

  “No,” I ventured, my heart rate spiking. “It was… it was Zoboriah.”

  Aaron made a face. “Zoboriah…? As in your childhood bully?”

  “Yes.” I felt sick to my stomach. “It was nothing. It meant nothing. It was more like a hate fuck than anything.”

  “Then why do it?” His voice was so soft. That’s never a good sign.

  “I was in a bad place, both mentally and emotionally and he kind of ambushed me. I didn’t want to talk to him, but when I tried to leave, he wouldn’t let up. I was so mad. I guess I sort of snapped. It was either fight him or fuck him and well, I chose the less violent route. But it was a huge mistake. I had a momentary lapse in judgement and I did something stupid. If I could take it back, I would.” When I was done, I held my breath, terrified that I’d lost Aaron again. He looked almost as upset as when he first learned about Sabrina. Right when I was sure he’d show me the door, a calm came over his face.

  “But that’s it, right?” he asked, his voice back at its normal volume. “There’s no one else?”

  “There’s no one else.”

  “You’re not sleeping with the Alleyway Flyer?”

  “His name is Joseph and no. We’re just friends.”

  Aaron breathed an obvious sigh of relief.

  I hesitated before asking. “What about you? Have you been with anyone else?”

  Now it was his turn to look uncomfortable. “No, not really.”

  “What does that mean?” My heart began to race.

  “Cameron and I slept together.”

  “You slept with that asshole?!”

  “Yes, but it doesn’t count.”

  “Why not?”

  “He got me blackout drunk. I thought he was you. I never wanted to sleep with him. Not for a moment.”

  Uncertainty switched to rage in the blink of an eye. “That jackass took advantage of you?”

  “No, he just had poor judgement.”

  “I’ll say.” Releasing Aaron, I bypassed him and marched over to the apartment door. Yanking it open, I found the brunette standing in the hallway. Over the past two and a half months, my anger and frustration had been simmering just under the surface. Between losing Aaron, chasing Sabrina and screwing Zoboriah, I’d been one massive ball of tension. Bonding with Joseph had helped keep it under wraps. This pushed me over the edge. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. Being apart from Aaron had been bad enough. The thought of some slim ball sampling what was mine drove me insane.

  “You think it’s okay to get someone drunk and have your way with him? You son of a bitch!” I didn’t recognize my own voice as the venom poured out. I was practically seeing red. Without waiting for a response, I drew back my fist and punched him as hard as I could. My knuckles connected with Cameron’s jaw and he crumpled to the ground.

  “Oh, my god! Uriah!” Aaron exclaimed, rushing forward. I thought he would chastise me, but his look of shock turned to mild amusement. “I can’t believe you did that.”

  “That asshole had some nerve thinking he could have you,” I grunted while his ex-friend scraped himself off the hallway floor. “All bark and no bite, huh? I’m assuming you can find your own way out.” Returning to the apartment, my boyfriend at my side, I shut and locked the door.

  “That was hot,” Aaron said, standing in front of me, his eyes wandering over my body. “I don’t know if he deserved it, but that was really hot.”

  “He deserved it. A real man doesn’t need liquor to get laid.”

  “His actions did bother me. I just wasn’t sure what to do about it. I certainly didn’t want people looking at me like a victim. Plus, he helped me get a job and…”

  I shut him up with a kiss. “Forget about Cameron. All I want you thinking about is us. You and me.”

  Aaron smiled his sexy boyish smile. In the next instant we were half tugging, half ripping each other’s clothes off. I need him now! I couldn’t even wait the time it’d take to get to the bedroom. Instead, we made our way haphazardly over to the couch. No words were necessary. Our bodies did all the talking. Our lips met repeatedly as we stripped each other bare. As our kisses became more frenzied, it was like the last two and a half months never happened. How could I have possibly survived that long without him? My dick was dripping steadily and I used the liquid as lube, readying my boyfriend. While I positioned myself hide him, he rested his right knee on the arm of the couch and his left elbow on the back. Gripping his shoulders, I buried my entire length in one powerful thrust.

  “Fuck!” Aaron lurched forward.

  I immediately pulled out. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “No, I’m good. I’m okay,” he panted, glancing over his shoulder at me. “It’s just… Wow! That felt good! Really good.”

  “Well, then…” I couldn’t help the grin of self-satisfaction as I slapped my cock against my boyfriend’s ass a couple times before pushing back in. Not wasting a second, I began thrusting into him. God, I missed his heat, his tightness. I missed his moans and words of pleasure. But most of all I missed him. I was so focused on Aaron’s ass, it took me by surprise when I felt his finge
r slid inside me. He’d reached back between his thighs and was now fingering me while I fucked him. I released a deep-throated groan as he massaged my pleasure buds. It was too much! Between his ass gripping my cock and his finger inside me, I was quickly coming undone.

  “I’m going to cum!” I grunted as my balls tightened up. Aaron beat me to it, his body tensing in the midst of his first orgasm. Even through his spasms, he worked my buds. A second later, my own climax struck. My thrusts became frenzied as my orgasm washed over me.

  “Yes!” my boyfriend hissed, his finger slipping from me as he braced himself against the couch. “God! Keep going! Just like that! I’m about to cum!”

  “Already?” His first climax hadn’t completely ceased.

  “God! Yes!”

  Wrapping my arms around him, I started pounding into him. Within seconds, he was cumming hard.

  “Jesus,” he whimpered, his breaths coming out in bursts. His ass took me in a vice grip, spurring a jolt of pleasure. When his climax subsided, he slid his finger back inside me. For the next several minutes we stimulated each other to several more orgasms. My mind was so far gone, I failed to notice that my wings hadn’t come out. All that existed was the euphoria. After coming down from one particularly powerful explosion, I pulled Aaron flush against me, turned his head and kissed him. I continued to gently thrust into him as I explored his mouth. My boyfriend groaned into my mouth as I drank from his lips. In the past, I’ve tried to communicate various messages through my kisses. Today, right now, I wanted to send a new message. I wanted to thank him for everything he’d done for me. Thanks to him my life finally felt complete.

  “I love you, Uriah Smith,” Aaron murmured against my lips, his body swaying with the rhythm of our sex.

  “I love you too.”

  “I don’t ever want this moment to end.”

  “Me neither.”

  Silence followed. Well, not complete silence. The sound of my cock slipping in and out of him was soft, but present. He also released the occasional groan when I hit his prostate. The moment was incredibly intimate. Aaron did his best to maintain eye contact, though it was clearly a challenge. His eyes kept wandering as the pleasure mounted.


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