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The Crown Tower: Book 1 of The Riyria Chronicles

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by Michael J. Sullivan

  about the author

  Michael J. Sullivan is one of the few authors who have successfully published through all three routes: small press, self, and big six. His Riyria Revelations series has been translated into fourteen foreign language markets, including German, Russian, French, and Japanese. He has been named to io9’s Most Successful Self-Published Sci-Fi and Fantasy Authors list as well as making #6 on EMG’s 25 Self-Published Authors to Watch list. As of January 2013, his books have appeared on more than sixty-five “best of” or “most anticipated” lists, including:

  Fantasy Faction’s Top 10 Most Anticipated Books for 2013

  Goodreads Choice Awards Nominees for Best Fantasy in 2010 and 2012

  Audible’s 2012 5-star The Best of Everything List

  Library Journal’s 2011 Best Books for SF/Fantasy

  Barnes & Noble Blog’s Best Fantasy Releases of 2011

  Fantasy Book Critic’s #1 Independent Novel of 2010

  Like many authors, Michael’s journey to publication was a long one. In his twenties he became a stay-at-home dad and wrote while his kids were napping or at school. He completed twelve novels over the course of a decade, and after finding no traction, he quit writing altogether. During the next decade, stories continued to form, but he never put any of them down on paper. He finally relented and started writing again, but only on the condition that he wouldn’t seek publication. He decided to write the stories that he wanted to read and expected to share them only with his family and close friends. His wife, Robin, had other plans.

  After reading the first three books of The Riyria Revelations, she became dedicated to getting them “out there.” Since Michael refused to jump back on the query-go-round, she took it upon herself and after more than one hundred query rejections, she finally landed an agent. After a year of submissions, without any interest, she switched to querying small presses and The Crown Conspiracy was signed to Aspirations Media Inc. They later signed the second book, Avempartha, but when they lacked the funds for the print run, the rights reverted and Robin started releasing the books at six-month intervals through her own imprint. When foreign language deals started to come in, she hired Teri Tobias to pick the right publishers and negotiate the deals. By the publication of the fifth book, Robin asked Teri to try New York again and the series received a much different reception. Out of the seventeen publishers they approached, almost half expressed interest and in less than a month, a deal was signed with Orbit (fantasy imprint of big six publisher Hachette Book Group).

  After finishing The Riyria Revelations, and while waiting to evaluate the reaction to the series, Michael wrote two stand-alone novels: Hollow World (a science-fiction novel) and Antithesis (an urban fantasy). Work on these was temporarily suspended because of the public’s demand for more Royce and Hadrian stories. In response, Michael wrote the two prequel novels (The Riyria Chronicles), which have been sold to Orbit. The Crown Tower will release in August 2013 and The Rose and the Thorn in September 2013. Find out more about the author at

  Find out about Michael J. Sullivan and other Orbit authors by registering for the free monthly newsletter at


  The Riyria Chronicles

  The Crown Tower

  The Rose and the Thorn

  The Riyria Revelations

  Theft of Swords

  Rise of Empire

  Heir of Novron


  Published by Orbit

  ISBN: 9781405522861

  All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 Michael J. Sullivan

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

  The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.


  Little, Brown Book Group

  100 Victoria Embankment

  London, EC4Y 0DY


  About the Author

  Also by Michael J. Sullivan




  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1: Pickles

  Chapter 2: Gwen

  Chapter 3: The Bernum River Barge

  Chapter 4: The Hideous Head

  Chapter 5: Murder on the Bernum

  Chapter 6: The Ruins of Wayward

  Chapter 7: Colnora

  Chapter 8: Medford House

  Chapter 9: The Professor

  Chapter 10: The Hooded Man

  Chapter 11: Training

  Chapter 12: Raynor Grue

  Chapter 13: Iberton

  Chapter 14: Back to School

  Chapter 15: Assessing the Future

  Chapter 16: The Crown Tower

  Chapter 17: Royce

  Chapter 18: Rose

  Chapter 19: Flight

  Chapter 20: Tom the Feather

  Chapter 21: Him

  Chapter 22: What’s in a Name

  Glossary of Terms and Names


  Orbit Extras

  To the readers who believed in me when no one else would.


  Welcome to The Riyria Chronicles.

  If you’re new to the world of Elan, you might want to read this introduction to help determine where to start, because it might not be here. Even veterans of The Riyria Revelations might want to read this to learn a bit about how this series came into being and what to expect going forward.

  The Riyria Chronicles are prequels to my debut series, The Riyria Revelations (originally published by Orbit starting with Theft of Swords in November 2011 and concluding with Heir of Novron in January 2012). If you prefer your tales in chronological order, start with this book, as I’ve taken great care to keep the Chronicles spoiler free. Also, no prior knowledge from Revelations is required. I wanted to accommodate readers from both camps (chronological or order of publication). That being said, the Chronicles were actually designed to be read after The Riyria Revelations, and veteran readers will be treated to hidden surprises made possible by having the inside scoop on the entire story arc. These won’t be significant plot points, just little extra bonuses for those in the know. The bottom line is that readers can begin their adventures in Elan starting with either The Crown Tower or Theft of Swords.

  I’d like to take just a moment to talk about the difference in structure between these two series. For those who don’t know, I wrote all six books of The Riyria Revelations before publishing any of them. This was absolutely necessary for that particular series. While I gave each book its own conflict and resolution, there were a number of threads interwoven across the entire series. Mysteries were hinted at, geese needed chasing, and everything was built to support the grand finale where all the secrets were … well … revealed. Because it was a first work, I could afford such luxury; after all, no one was waiting on the next installment.

  My approach to The Riyria Chronicles is quite different. I have no idea how many there will be, so I’m designing this as an open-ended series rather than a single tale divided into episodes. The stories are more like stand-alone novels with less integration from one book to another. By doing this I’ll be abl
e to stop writing Riyria tales at any time without leaving open questions or unresolved conflicts. There are several reasons for doing this. First and foremost is because I’m incredibly protective of Riyria. I’m very proud of what I’ve accomplished, and we’ve all seen series that were once great but ended up going on longer than they should. Second, I have no idea if people will want any more stories with these characters. All told, I’ve written and published eight novels, and that just might prove to be enough.

  So exactly what are The Riyria Chronicles? And why did I opt to write a prequel rather than a sequel? Well, many people already know that Riyria is elvish for two; it’s also the name adopted by Hadrian Blackwater and Royce Melborn to refer to their thieves-for-hire enterprise. Not surprisingly, then, The Riyria Chronicles will prominently feature the pair. As a carefully designed series, Revelations concludes with the end of an era, and I’m extremely pleased with how the events wrapped up. After working so hard to find the perfect ending, I was concerned that any continuation could be seen as “tacked on” and could have the very real possibility of destroying something I consider precious. So the obvious choice was to explore the opposite end.

  Chronicles is in essence the origin story of Riyria. In the opening scene of Revelations, Royce and Hadrian were already the best of friends. Having worked together for twelve years, they demonstrate a bond that endears them to many readers. What was most interesting to me, as the author, was to explore how these two very different men influenced each other and how they came to develop the unquestioning trust that exists between them. It occurred to me that upon first meeting, they really wouldn’t have liked each other or, more precisely, they would probably have hated each other. The challenge for me was to realistically show how their union came into being, and there is nothing I love more when writing than a good challenge.

  Some have suggested that Chronicles was created at the urging of my publisher, who wanted me to return to an established commodity. This is not so. Anyone familiar with me knows that no amount of money could entice me to write something I’m not interested in. So if Orbit wasn’t responsible for Chronicles, who was? Well, in large part it was the readers, who insisted that 685,000 words just weren’t enough. It is your support that keeps food on my table and a roof over my head. In many ways I feel like an artist of the Renaissance and you are my patrons. But there is another person, and probably the only one, who can actually make me do something. This person plotted to bring Chronicles to life. I was taken in by this mastermind, and how her devious manipulations ensnared me is a tale in itself.

  It’s the classic story of a husband whose wife falls for another man—a more dashing and charming gent. It sounds tragic, but this tale is a bit different because the love affair is between a real woman and a fictional man. My wife—let’s call her Robin (because that’s her name)—has developed an infatuation for Hadrian Blackwater. I’m not sure how I feel about enabling my wife’s relationship with another man, but at least I know this guy is trustworthy. After finishing the Revelations series, Robin became depressed at having to say goodbye to the world of Elan and especially at having to bid farewell to Hadrian—until she realized I could bring both him and Royce back in the form of prequels. This realization set in motion her diabolical plan to resurrect the pair.

  It started when she persuaded me to write a short story so that I would have something for readers during the transition from self- to traditional publishing. Preorder pages for Orbit’s editions of Revelations had been posted (but the books were not yet released) and my earlier versions had been removed to make way. For the first time in years, I had nothing “out there,” and since my contract allowed me to produce nonbook-length works, and because short stories are … well … short, Robin asked me to create an early story starring Royce and Hadrian.

  The thing is, I’m not very good at short stories. So I decided to approach the task like a chapter—the first chapter of a novel. I went back in time and wrote a simple little tale about Royce and Hadrian meeting Viscount Albert Winslow. This would have occurred about a year after the duo first met. I published this for free under the title The Viscount and the Witch and readers appear to have liked it. Once I had written that story, a seed had been planted, and while I worked on other projects it began to grow. When it became apparent that Revelations had enough momentum, I started what would become The Rose and the Thorn.

  As I neared that book’s end, I realized I had a problem. I couldn’t publish a novel about the second year of Royce and Hadrian’s relationship. What was I thinking? Going back in time begged the question, How did it all start? What good is a legend without the origin story? The more I thought about it, the more I realized I had to write how Royce and Hadrian first met. When I told my wife, she feigned her support: “Well, whatever you think is best, dear.” After leaving the room, I heard the muffled “Yes!” and imagined her doing a fist pump, as if she had just scored a winning touchdown. And so The Crown Tower was born.

  Having accidently written the books spaced a year apart in Elan time, I am now envisioning the possibility of a twelve-book series—one novel for each year prior to the events in Revelations. Will those other stories be written? It’s impossible to say until I see how these two books go. But as with all things writerly, I’ve opened the door and ideas keep walking through. For now, I’m collecting them like pretty shells while I work on other projects.

  And so there you have it. A happy accident born from a conniving wife’s passion for a fictional man and a legion of readers who wanted to read more. If you are a veteran of The Riyria Revelations, I hope you will enjoy these books as much as you did my others. If you are new to my writing, you might just make some new friends, and if you do, there are six more books just waiting for you to jump into.

  Finally, please consider dropping me a line at after reading to give me your impressions. It is exactly this kind of feedback that got Chronicles written in the first place. So if you do end up wanting more, speaking up is the best way to ensure that.



  Hadrian Blackwater hadn’t gone more than five steps off the ship before he was robbed.

  The bag—his only bag—was torn from his hand. He never even saw the thief. Hadrian couldn’t see much of anything in the lantern-lit chaos surrounding the pier, just a mass of faces, people shoving to get away from the gangway or get nearer to the ship. Used to the rhythms of a pitching deck, he struggled to keep his feet on the stationary dock amidst the jostling scramble. The newly arrived moved hesitantly, causing congestion. Many onshore searched for friends and relatives, yelling, jumping, waving arms—chasing the attention of someone. Others were more professional, holding torches and shouting offers for lodging and jobs. One bald man with a voice like a war trumpet stood on a crate, promising that The Black Cat Tavern offered the strongest ale at the cheapest prices. Twenty feet away, his competition balanced on a wobbly barrel and proclaimed the bald man a liar. He further insisted The Lucky Hat was the only local tavern that didn’t substitute dog meat for mutton. Hadrian didn’t care. He wanted to get out of the crowd and find the thief who stole his bag. After only a few minutes, he realized that wasn’t going to happen. He settled for protecting his purse and considered himself lucky. At least nothing of value was lost—just clothing, but given how cold Avryn was in autumn, that might be a problem.

  Hadrian followed the flow of bodies, not that he had much choice. Adrift in the strong current, he bobbed along with his head just above the surface. The dock creaked and moaned under the weight of escaping passengers who hurried away from what had been their cramped home for more than a month. Weeks breathing clean salt air had been replaced by the pungent smells of fish, smoke, and tar. Rising far above the dimly lit docks, the city’s lights appeared as brighter points in a starlit world.

  Hadrian followed four dark-skinned Calian men hauling crates packed with colorful birds, which squawked and rattled their cages. Beh
ind him walked a poorly dressed man and woman. The man carried two bags, one over a shoulder and the other tucked under an arm. Apparently no one was interested in their belongings. Hadrian realized he should have worn something else. His eastern attire was not only uselessly thin, but in a land of leather and wool, the bleached white linen thawb and the gold-trimmed cloak screamed wealth.

  “Here! Over here!” The barely distinguishable voice was one more sound in the maelstrom of shouts, wagon wheels, bells, and whistles. “This way. Yes, you, come. Come!”

  Reaching the end of the ramp and clearing most of the congestion, Hadrian spotted an adolescent boy. Dressed in tattered clothes, he waited beneath the fiery glow of a swaying lantern. The wiry youth held Hadrian’s bag and beamed an enormous smile. “Yes, yes, you there. Please come. Right over here,” he called, waving with his free hand.

  “That’s my bag!” Hadrian shouted, struggling to reach him and stymied by the remaining crowd blocking the narrow pier.

  “Yes! Yes!” The lad grinned wider, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. “You are very lucky I took it from you or someone would have surely stolen it.”

  “You stole it!”

  “No. No. Not at all. I have been faithfully protecting your most valued property.” The youth straightened his willowy back such that Hadrian thought he might salute. “Someone like you should not be carrying your own bag.”

  Hadrian squeezed around three women who’d paused to comfort a crying child, only to be halted by an elderly man dragging an incredibly large trunk. The old guy, wraith thin with bright white hair, blocked the narrow isthmus already cluttered by the mountain of bags being recklessly thrown to the pier from the ship.

  “What do you mean someone like me?” Hadrian shouted over the trunk as the old man struggled in front of him.

  “You are a great knight, yes?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  The boy pointed at him. “You must be. Look how big you are and you carry swords—three swords. And that one on your back is huge. Only a knight carries such things.”


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