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Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You never need an excuse to touch me.” She smiled shyly at him. “Do you remember the first thing you said to me at work?”

  Jason chuckled. “I ordered you to wear your hair down.”

  “If any other guy did that I’d have told them to fuck off. With you, I did as you asked. I took my hair down. I was yours from the start,” she said.

  He reached over the table and took her hand. “I’ll always be yours. Nothing will ever change that.”

  She nibbled her lip. He saw she wanted to ask him something. Whatever she wanted to ask him would probably make him angry.

  “Ask, Emily. I’m not going to get angry.”

  “How do you know another woman won’t come along who’ll take your fancy?” she asked.

  “We’re back to the doubts.”

  Emily shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve watched my dad for years. Every time he comes back he promises it will be the last. It never is. There is always another skirt, as he calls it, begging for his attention.”

  She bowed her head, reaching for another piece of chicken.

  “There is nothing for me to say that will relieve your mind. You’re going to have to trust me. I don’t want any other woman. I’m satisfied with you. Other women have offered themselves up to me even when we were dating before.”

  Her head rose at his last words.

  “I was never unfaithful. You’re the only one I’ve ever risked a million dollars for. I wouldn’t even risk that much in a card game for fun.” He chuckled at the shock in her eyes. “I’m a careful man, Emily. I play my cards close to my chest.”

  “I don’t know what I’d do if you found someone else.”

  “You’ll never have to know, baby. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”

  Other men would find her fears annoying. Jason didn’t. They were part of her and it highlighted how possessive she could be of him if she finally let go and allowed herself to accept him.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “Eat up, baby. We’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” Jason no longer wanted to keep her in the room all to himself. He wished to take her around the resort. The beach and the ocean views were spectacular. Also, it showed her how they could be together if she trusted him.

  They finished eating their food. He placed the plates on the cart then put the cart outside his room.

  He sat down on the bed with Emily in front of him. A movie played on the television set. He ran the brush through her hair while they sat together watching the TV.

  “I hated you when I heard your voice call out that money.”

  “What did you hate more? My voice or being onstage with everyone staring at you?”

  She let out a sigh. “I hated being on the stage. You know me too well.”

  “Never forget it, baby.”

  “We’ll be the talk of the resort this weekend,” she said.

  Jason chuckled. “I’ve got a beautiful woman on my arm. Do you think I really care what other men and women are thinking?”

  “I guess not.”

  He put the brush down and she lay back against him. Jason stroked her arms, enjoying the scent of her surrounding him. The credits rolled up on the movie an hour later. He turned the set and the lights off before climbing into bed beside her. She stared at him. Her body was highlighted by the moon shining through the curtains. He saw her eyes open and staring at him.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I’ve never wanted to sleep next to you before.”

  Sleeping together was an intimacy they’d never shared. Emily had always found a reason to leave him before waking up in the morning. “What are you thinking now?” he asked.

  “I don’t know why I left. When you produced that ring I was so happy but then everything went wrong inside me. In my heart I was screaming yes and in my head I was shouting no.”

  He took hold of her hand. He kissed her knuckles then rested their palms on the pillow between them. “Next time listen to your heart instead of your head.”

  She chuckled. “I knew you’d say that.”

  Jason leaned over kissing her temple. “I’ll always say what I have to to get what I want. When I’m with you those words mean more to me than anything else.”

  “I don’t think I’d have gone through with it. I was about ready to walk off the stage when you shouted out that amount. I’m really worth that much?” she asked.

  “You’re worth more. I think I got you rather cheap.”

  She slapped his arm and then snuggled down in the bed against him.

  “Get some sleep, honey. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

  “That sounds promising.”

  “Don’t forget you still owe me a punishment,” he said.

  “I look forward to everything you have planned.” Emily kissed his lips and then lay next to him.

  Jason listened to her sleep before he drifted off.

  Chapter Six

  Emily woke to the sun shining through the little slit in the curtain. She opened her eyes and stared at the light. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she turned to see Jason asleep beside her. It was the first time she’d ever fallen asleep next to a man. Whenever they’d been together before she’d found a way to avoid sleeping through the night with him.

  In sleep Jason looked relaxed. He looked younger. One of his arms lay across her waist and the other lay under his head like a cushion. She watched him sleep, feeling all the love for him consume her.

  Smiling, Emily reached out and pushed a few stray strands of hair off his face. He didn’t move or make a sound.

  Was he a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper?

  Her knowledge of his sleeping habits was limited. Biting her lip her gaze travelled down the length of his body. The sheet covered his cock and legs but exposed a decent portion of his chest and arms. She loved his thick, muscular arms. They always made her feel small in comparison to their large build.

  Emily ran a finger over the outline of his arm. He moved in his sleep, which stopped her touching him instantly.

  She stared up at his face. He appeared to still be sleeping. Her gaze drifted over to the counter by the bed. The can of cream lay innocently there. Her stomach rumbled with hunger. Glancing at the can then at the sleeping man, her smile widened.

  Easing out from under his arm was a lot harder than she though it would be. His arm was heavy but she managed to get out from under him without waking him.

  She went on her knees beside him to make sure he was still asleep. When she was satisfied he was still sleeping, Emily walked round to grab the can.

  Popping the lid off the can, she squirted a little of the cream into her mouth. The sound hadn’t woken him up. Slowly, she eased the sheet covering his abdomen off. He still hadn’t roused. Excitement filled her.

  Emily squirted some of the cream over his shaft and then licked it off. Cream for breakfast would never win awards for being healthy but it certainly put a smile on her face. She sat on the edge of the bed and worked the cream over his shaft before licking it off.

  When she was bored with the taste of cream she left the can by his side. She moaned as he filled her mouth. His cock grew larger with each suck. Emily took him deeper into her mouth. The tip of his cock hit the back of her throat. She groaned.

  Jason’s fingers gripped her head. She gazed up to see him staring down at her.

  “Suck me harder,” he said.

  His words went straight to her clit. Her pussy throbbed with arousal. He growled and thrust his hips up to her mouth. She grabbed the base of his shaft, working him from root to tip. The cream coated the corner of her lips. She felt the sticky wetness at the corners.

  “Fuck.” Jason cursed wrapping her hair around his fist and then pushing her farther down on his shaft.

  She loved the taste of him. Emily licked the tip, sucking down the pre-come that leaked out of the little slit.

  Closing her eyes, she sucked him into her mouth, giving him as much pleasure as she
could. She wanted to hear him lose control.


  Jason had been awake for some time before Emily. He’d watched her sleeping for at least an hour before she woke. Seeing her next to him had given him a deep sense of satisfaction at having her close by.

  When she’d woken, he’d pretended to be asleep. He’d felt fingers stroke across his forehead, moving some of his hair out of the way. The instant she touched his arm he’d moved. He was ticklish and if he let her continue he’d have to give the game away that he lay awake.

  Watching her through the slits of his eyes as she picked up the cream had been pure torture. He’d wanted to grab her, pull her to the bed and fuck her. The need to fuck her hard gripped him.

  He wrapped her glorious golden locks around his fist and forced her to keep pace with what he wanted.

  Her lips were sheer heaven. He could lose himself in her mouth for days and wouldn’t care about the time lost.

  She sucked her cheeks in, making her mouth tight. He growled. There was no way for him to regain control. The pleasure was more than he could stand.

  Eyes closed, his fist tightened in her hair as he slammed his cock inside her mouth the final time.

  His come shot down her throat.

  Emily moaned as she swallowed every drop.

  His head thumped and he collapsed on the bed, completely sated.

  Jason watched her wipe her mouth with the back of her hand, the sight more erotic than he thought possible.

  “How long were you watching me?” she asked.

  He smiled. “Long enough.”

  She crawled up his body and wrapped her arms and legs around him. Emily kissed his lips. Jason didn’t turn away even as he tasted his semen on her lips. He’d never deny a kiss from Emily.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  “Good morning. I could get used to that as a wake-up call.”

  “I guess you’re a light sleeper?”

  “If you’d stayed around you’d have figured that out.”

  She frowned at him. “Then that means you always felt me leaving the bed?”

  Jason nodded.

  “Why didn’t you stop me?”

  He let out a sigh. “You didn’t want me to stop you. I’m a dominant but I’ll never make you do what you clearly don’t want to. I couldn’t force you to stay with me. When you’re in my bed, I want you to be there because you wish to be.”

  She rested her head against his.

  “You’re too good for me.”

  Jason slapped her ass. The smack caused her to yelp.

  “No, you’re not. You’re perfect.”

  He kissed her lips, feeling her wet pussy glide all over him. Jason broke the kiss and smiled at her. “I’ve figured out the perfect punishment.”

  Chapter Seven

  Emily glared across the table at Jason. His idea of a punishment was not funny. Her master had decided they should go down for breakfast. There were over twenty tables spread out in the hotel restaurant. The patio doors led out onto a veranda that overlooked the beach. Jason had picked one of the tables on the veranda. The sight of the ocean and the beach was welcoming.

  What wasn’t funny was the fact her punishment kept vibrating inside her, making her moan for no apparent reason at their table.

  His idea of a punishment was not fair or justified.

  Actually, his punishment was justified. Emily was just pissed off that she hadn’t been allowed to come at all. She’d given him a mind-blowing orgasm and what did she get? Nothing but torment.

  You were the one who reached climax last night without permission.

  She folded her arms over her chest and grumbled.

  Jason returned with their plates full of food. He placed one in front of her. She noticed he steered away from the cooked food and for that she was thankful. Her stomach couldn’t handle bacon and eggs after half a can of cream.

  Emily dropped the piece of mango she held as he turned on the egg inside her to vibrate. Biting her lip, she tried without success to stifle the moan. The couple a few tables down smiled at them.

  “Will you stop that?” she asked.

  He turned the egg back on. Her hands gripped the table as her orgasm neared.

  The bastard turned it off.

  “I told you there would be no orgasm for you until I deemed you suitably punished.”

  Heat filled her cheeks at his words.

  “You’re going to punish me all day?”

  “I don’t know. It all depends on if you’re nice to me.”

  She laughed even though she didn’t find him amusing.

  “Will you not turn it on while I drink?” she asked.

  He shrugged.

  Taking a deep breath she slowly lifted the glass filled with juice. She brought the glass to her lips and took a sip. The egg didn’t go off.

  “I wouldn’t embarrass you, Emily. I’m insulted that you’d even think that.”

  She lowered the glass. “I’m sorry, Sir. My nerves are a little fried.”

  Picking up her fork, she pierced a piece of mango and placed the fruit into her mouth. It was juicy and some moisture dripped down her chin.

  “What do you have planned for today?” she asked.

  “I thought we could take a walk around the island. We’ll not go far from the resort. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect.” She smiled at him while grabbing a piece of fruit from her plate. The sun beamed down on them as they ate breakfast. She watched Jason read the paper and check emails on his cell before delving into his food. He’d settled for a hearty breakfast. “Is everything all right at the office?”

  She wiped her chin with a napkin as more juice spilled down.

  “Everything is running smoothly. We’ll need to book a flight to the New York office when we get back. I want to make sure the new manager is settling in.”

  Emily nodded, made a note of it in the back of her mind.

  She watched him eat while sipping her orange juice. Emily made sure to keep the glass in her hand so he wouldn’t be tempted to set the vibrating egg off.

  When he’d first suggested the egg she’d thought it would be an easy punishment to deal with. Now, she realised it was harder than bending over and taking thirty lashes from the cane.

  Jason took her plate back to the kitchen. She sat back, staring up at the sun while she waited. He collected her from their table then escorted her down to the beach. She toed off the shoes she wore, moaning as her feet sank into the dry sand. It felt brilliant against her naked feet.

  For a few moments she relished the feel like a child did for the first time.

  “It has been too long since you went to the beach,” he said.

  “I’ve got a slave driver for a boss.” She opened her eyes and smiled at him. Her love for Jason could no longer be ignored.


  Jason watched her enjoyment and loved the experience she was having. He took her hand in his, leading her past some of the couples, toward the ocean. Her shoes dangled from her fingers. He fingered the button in his pocket. The idea of torturing her with pleasure was tempting. He kept her at the pinnacle of release without letting her orgasm. Her eyes would widen with shock and need.

  Chuckling, he let the button go. Emily would be embarrassed if she climaxed on the beach in front of everyone.

  “You’ve got new ideas of torture ready, haven’t you?” she asked.

  “Only the most suitable punishment for an insolent sub, baby.” He kissed her neck and continued walking with her toward the water’s edge.

  “This feels good,” she said, dipping her feet into the water. “Why don’t you take your shoes off and enjoy the feel of the water.”

  He’d not walked across the beach without his shoes in a long time. Emily let go of his hand and stepped farther away. “Come on, it’s fun.”

  After watching her for a few extra moments, he bent down and untied his shoes. He slipped his socks into them and then followed her. She swirled her
arms out wide, dancing along the beach. Emily kicked up some water at him. Jason laughed and kicked some water back.

  He chased after her along the water line. The sounds of her laughter lightened his mood. This was a side of Emily he’d not seen before. All the time they’d been together she’d kept a part of herself hidden from view. He liked watching her let loose. Her blonde hair lay down her back, dancing around her as she ran.

  Unable to contain the laughter, Jason ran after her, feeling carefree.

  She ran out of the water and up the beach. They’d moved a fair distance away from the resort.

  “You can’t catch me,” she said.

  He could catch her within seconds. Jason allowed the distance between them to increase. She stopped, turned to face him and opened her arms wide. There was his chance. He ran toward her and took her down to the sand before she got chance to run away.

  He heard the giggles die in her throat. He stared down at her, pressing his pelvis against her core. His cock hardened at the soft body beneath him. Her fragrant scent surrounded him.

  She moaned, thrusting up to meet him. “How can you be turned on by running?”

  “It’s not the running that turned me on, baby. It’s the woman I’m chasing that turned me on.”

  “Was it my breasts bouncing?” she asked, smiling.

  “They’re not half as tempting as the rest of you.”

  “I love you.”

  Jason gasped, hearing her say the words was wonderful.

  “I love you too.”

  He leaned down, separating the gap between them. Jason took her lips under his, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She whimpered and her fingers sunk into the length of his hair.

  Jason ran his hand up her skirt, feeling the smooth flesh of her skin and the thong between her ass cheeks.

  “Please,” she said, breaking from the kiss.

  Tearing the thong off her body, he pulled out the vibrating egg from her soaking wet pussy. She pulled at his buckle and he helped to remove his jeans. He pushed them down to his knees. His cock was long, thick and hard. He grabbed his length and pressed the tip against her core. Her wet heat surrounded him.

  “Don’t tease me,” she begged.


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