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Spanked: Spanking Romance - Adult Bedtime Story Anthology of Punishment, Discipline & Submission Romance

Page 22

by Lady Aingealicia

  Bare Endings

  Janet pushed up to him and felt the head of his cock near her ass. She pushed some more and felt the tip go in. Biting her lip again, she began to wiggle beneath Greg. Slowly he pushed in more and kissed Janet as he let her legs down around him. Taking the clamps he placed one on her nipple and tightened it as the sales girl showed him to do. Janet gasped and clawed at Greg’s back. Quickly he did the same with the other nipple and then he flipped Janet over on her belly so that she could be on her knees while he fucked her deeply.

  Pushing his cock in deeper, he could feel Janet tense up. He pulled on her hair and pulled him back to her as more slid in. He was half way in when Janet started to relax and pushed back taking him in her further.

  “Don’t stop.” She cried out, “Fuck me Greg, fuck me now.”

  He pushed all the way in as he kissed the back of her neck and his cock was going in and out of her faster and faster. His hands moved around to her breast and he pulled on the clamps as his balls hit her skin and she spread her legs as far as she could to take all of Greg inside her.

  Greg grabbed her hips and pulled her back into him so that she would have everything inside her. Janet clawed at the bed, as her breath quickened. He felt his balls getting tighter, he placed his hand down on Janet’s clit and started to play with it. He wanted Janet to cum as hard as she could. Janet cried out and writhed as she felt Greg all the way inside her. This was everything she wanted and more. Her head was spinning as she saw stars from the excitement as Greg pushed her down on the bed more and pumped in a few more times until she could feel him spurting inside her.

  They both laid on the bed, Greg on top of Janet as they caught their breath. Finally Greg pulled out of Janet and went to the bathroom. Janet rolled over and laid on her back playing with the nipple clamps. When Greg returned she looked at him.

  “I want to do that again, this time with me on top.” She smiled as she got up and joined Greg. “It is your turn to lay on your back. I want to take a shower and then I will be right back out to feel you again inside me.”

  Greg moved over to the bed and laid back, looking at the anal plug on the bed. He had plans for that later. Finally Janet came back out with the nipple clamps still on her breast.

  Sauntering over to Greg, she traced up his legs with her long red nails. Teasing him and kissing his skin every now and then. Once she got to his cock, she took it in her mouth and began to suck on the head and traced her mouth down the shaft. Her hair falling over her shoulders. Looking up at Greg she winked.

  “I invited Racheal over next week for dinner.” Then Janet went back to Greg’s cock and began to suck on his head again and then taking him fully in her mouth, she played with her clit and smiled at the fun they now could have.

  New Billionaire Romance

  By Lady Aingealicia

  When in Rome

  Shelly’s life had taken a dramatic change with meeting Mr. Veriton, the CEO of Veriton Industries. She now had everything she had set out to get from the beginning, yet at what cost. Now being at Adrian’s beckon call was not what she had expected in her life. She realized along the way she had fallen in love with Adrian, yet while in Rome, he had become a different person and she was not sure she wanted to be a part of that playboy life that he was leading. Especially where she was not the leading lady. Could she hold on for the brass ring or would she plummet to the depths of her own destruction?

  Espresso and Service

  Shelly opened her eyes. Looking around the room, everything was what she expected, except for where she was in her life now. Going from being the top seller in Veriton Industries to being Adrian’s secretary was no on her list of things to do. He required a great deal from her. He expected her to have everything ready for the day from his clothes to breakfast in bed. Looking back on the decision not to go back home, she wondered if she should have taken the road of going back to the small one horse town she grew up in.

  Shelly sat at the vanity and pulled her hair up. Adrian had explained to her, that she looked more professional as his secretary if she had her hair up. She figured it was that he enjoyed that she looked sexier that way and just would not say it. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She had chosen a red suit for the day. It complimented her tanning completion and her blonde hair, she noted it also showed off her hourglass figure. Walking into the hallway, the only people up were the servant’s that were quietly setting the house up for the day. There was a client coming in that could bring a great many new people to the business.

  Shelly checked with the staff to see how things were progressing for the day and headed to Adrian’s bedroom with his expresso and paper for the day. When she walked in his room she saw that he had 2 arms draped over his chest. One of the ladies wrapped around Adrian’s body looked at Shelly and then nestled her head back into his body. Shelly sat the expresso down on the dresser beside the bed and threw the paper at Adrian waking him up.

  “Really Adrian.” She sputtered. “Really, we have a client today and you are fucking your brains out.”

  “Jealous dear?” Adrian said as he pushed one of the girls head down under the covers. “Want to join us?”

  “No. I don’t want to join you.” She spat back. She went to turn to leave.

  “Oh please, I insist you stay.” He pointed to the chair in the corner. “I think you should take some notes.”

  “I think I have all the notes I need.” She responded as she headed to the door.

  “I would hate to tell Grandfather you are not working out.” He commented as he pulled one of the girls up to kiss him. “After all, this is how you got in this position, screwing your way up. Tit for tat is how I look at this.”

  She huffed and put her hands on the door and moved to the chair in the corner. Her thoughts went to his words. He was correct. She had moved from him to Zander, then to Rex. Using her body to climb to the top. And now she was stuck where she sat, in the chair watching Adrian with the two women. He took each in turn while he plunged his hard tool in one the other girl would lay down under and suck on his balls and do as he instructed.

  As Shelly watched, she felt moisture building between her legs. She was not sure if she wanted to join in or to leave. Adrian watched her as he placed his dick between the legs of the brunette and kissed her neck. His arms wrapped around her body as he thought about having Shelly under him, making her squirm. He felt the other hands tracing down his back as her mouth followed and began to suck on his balls. Groaning, the thought of taking Shelly was too much and he exploded one last time.

  He climbed off the bed and slapped the asses of the girls in the bed and walked to the bathroom to shower. Taking a sip of his expresso, he looked back over at Shelly. He had not touched her since his Grandfather had left 3 weeks ago. He was sure Shelly was ready to pop. He had plans to have his way with Shelly soon enough. He stepped out of the shower to find that the women in the bed had dozed back off to sleep and Shelly was still sitting in the chair.

  “Did you enjoy the show?” He asked her as he dried off and walked around the room.

  “It was short and I would give it a thumbs down.” She answered. “I would think you would have had more stamina.”

  “Oh, sorry to disappoint you.” He answered, “Maybe when you give me my morning blowjob, I will last longer.”

  “I see.” She looked down. “Even after you just had sex with two women, you need a blow job.”

  “Of course.” He chuckled as he put on his tie and grabbed his jacket. “If you are a good girl, I might even take you on the desk like I used to.”

  He opened the door and headed down the hall. She stood up and followed behind him. Racing to keep up, her heels clacked on the marble floors. Adrian opened the doors to the office and moved to his desk and sat down. He saw that the day’s plans were laid out and well organized. Shelly was very good at her job he noticed. Though he did miss seeing her in the field, he enjoyed having her there with him. He knew that history of
his grandfather Colby with Gwyneth.

  It had worked out with them for well over 20 years. Though they never were married, they had made it work. He wanted that with Shelly. He had watched his grandfather over the years with the business and how he handled his personal affairs. Though he was not sure he wanted Shelly in New York while he stayed in Rome. She would be too far away for his taste. He pointed to his feet and undid his pants as his mind thought about what to do with Shelly.

  He wanted to move her out of the castle and into her own space. He felt Shelly’s hands on his shaft and her mouth on the tip of his cock. He loved how her mouth felt, out of all the women he had slept with, she still gave the best blowjob. Her hands traced down his hardening member and cupped his balls as he placed his hand on the back of her head. He felt her tongue wrap around the shaft and her head move up and down. The phone rang and he answered it.

  “I will be there in a minute.” He said into the phone while his hand guided Shelly to move faster. “The client is here, make me cum quickly.”

  Shelly moved up and down his member faster. Her tongue flicked against the hard shaft and to the mushroom head. His fingers latched onto the French roll that her blonde hair was placed in, forcing her head down to the base of his cock as he thrust up into her mouth. Her nails raked against his balls as she felt them tighten from her touch. With one final flick of her tongue, she tasted the salty explosion go down her throat.

  “Get cleaned up and come with me to meet Mr. B.” Adrian pushed her away from him and stood up. “I want you presentable and on top of the ball.”

  “As you wish Adrian.” She answered as she crawled out from under the desk, brushing her knees off.

  Meeting Mr. B

  Shelly straightened her skirt and looked in the mirror to make sure her hair was in place. She knew Mr. B was a younger client than normal. She had only heard of him, never met him. He was a wealthy client in Rome, however often traveled the world. He wanted to go through Veriton for his travel for both professional and personal use. Shelly grabbed a notepad and pen, placing the pen in the role of her hair.

  Following behind Adrian, she noted that Adrian looked very handsome in his grey silk suit that had been custom made. Visions of the morning ran through her head as they entered the library. Her breath was taken away when Mr. B stood up and greeted Adrian. He was at least 2” taller than Adrian, had a full head of thick black hair, a smile that would not quit and sparkling blue eyes. His gaze went to Shelly and he nodded his head.

  Shelly moved to the small table beside the desk to take notes during the meeting. This would help in finding what worked best for Mr. B and his needs. He wanted discreteness above everything else when he traveled. A private jet to get to his destinations, security and an entourage for when he would go out in public. The only other requirement he had, which surprised both Shelly and Adrian. Mr. B wanted Shelly as his secretary for his travels.

  “I am not sure that I am comfortable with that.” Adrian stated clearly. “I need Shelly here to help me with the company.”

  “Well those are my terms or I can take my business elsewhere.” Mr. B responded. “I have been told of Shelly’s talents and would like use of them myself on my travels. I will give her back after I bore of her.”

  Shelly felt like she was a piece of meat up for auction. She wanted to say something and held back as she watched the standoff between Adrian and Mr. B. Though Mr. B was very attractive, she did not want to jet set around the world only to be sent home packing when this man became bored of her. Biting her lip, she looked between the two men.

  “Though I understand your statement all too well Mr. B.” Adrian paused, “As you can see, Shelly is now my secretary and is not in the field anymore. So I guess you will have to take your business elsewhere.”

  Shelly’s heart leapt. She had never seen Adrian throw a deal away before. Surely that meant that Adrian had some feelings for her, even though he had only used her mouth for the last few weeks, he had planned on having her soon. He just was working out the plans without her knowing. Since she planned everything for him now, it was not as easy to do as one might think. He had a new property to look at that they were going to be able to rent out for the clients.

  “Well then let me take her out one night.” Mr. B stated. “I want Shelly as part of the deal somewhere in there.”

  “Why is that so important to you Mr. B?” Adrian countered.

  “Well the reality is, my friend told me he gave her the best ride of his life.” Mr. B answered. “I am only asking for one night with her.”

  “I am not so sure I am comfortable with that.” Shelly finally spoke up.

  Adrian and Mr. B looked at her. Adrian shook his head and looked back at Mr. B. Mr. B smiled brightly and laughed.

  “Well from what I understand, you are comfortable with a lot of things.” Mr. B stated quickly.

  “Now, that was uncalled for.” Adrian stood up. “I think this conversation and deal is over Mr. B. I will show you to the door.”

  “You sure you want to do that?” Mr. B asked, “After all I did talk to Gwyneth about the situation and she said she did not foresee a problem. I see she was mistaken.”

  Adrian sat back down and placed a call to his grandfather Colby. He listened to the voice on the other end of the line. Adrian knew that Mr. B was potentially a very important client. Adrian hung up the phone and looked back at Mr. B.

  “Well I have an idea Mr. B.” Adrian smiled, “I have a new property I would like to show you and we will bring Shelly with us.”

  “I really wanted to have her alone.” Mr. B mused. “However, it would not be so bad to share her if that is what you had in mind. I did hear she is an all access pass as my friend said.”

  Shelly blushed, she did not know what to say. She had to admit the times she had with Rex was some of the hottest sex she had ever had when she had two men inside her. The thought of Adrian finally taking her again soaked her panties. She continued to bite her lip as the two men discussed how and when they would use her.

  “Any chance of a preview?” Mr. B looked at Adrian and grinned.

  “Such as?” Adrian asked.

  “Oh maybe a nice strip tease.” Mr. B commented.

  Shelly blinked, she knew that this was partially her fault. She had slept with over half the clients that she had signed to the company. Most of the clients ran in the same circles, of course they would talk. And talk they did. Shelly did not think about that every time she would fall to her knees to pleasure a man or bend over to have pleasure. Adrian knew that she loved sex, he learned that from her interview and the dressing room where they first had sex. Adrian looked at her and shook his head.

  “Well it seems you built quite the reputation Shelly.” He started, “So why don’t you give Mr. B a sample of your wares and then we will go look at the new property.”

  Shelly put the pen she held in her hand on the pad of paper and stood up. She took off the jacket she had on and moved towards Mr. B. The silk blouse she wore cling to her double D breast as she began to unbutton the blouse, shaking them in front of Mr. B. He reached out to play with the nipple and she pulled back undoing the zipper on her skirt letting it fall to the ground.

  She kicked the skirt to the side with the toe of her red stilettos and turned to face Adrian on the other side of the desk. Her bountiful cheeks facing Mr. B. Looking at Adrian, she smiled brightly and lifted her breast for him. Flicking her tongue out, she licked each nipple for him and spread her legs wider for Mr. B. She felt him dip a fingertip inside her wetness. Shelly licked her lips seductively as she stared into Adrian’s dark eyes.

  She wiggled her hips as she stood up and faced Mr. B. Her perfect body was accented by the garters she wore and the lace panties. She walked around Mr. B and traced her fingers through his hair and down his neck. Leaning forward, she flicked his neck with the flat of her tongue and traced her hands down the front of his chest.

  “Oh I think this will work out well Adrian.”
Mr. B grabbed ahold of Shelly’s hands and held them, pulling her to sit on his lap. “I believe this will work out very well.”

  “One time is all you will have Mr. B.” Adrian stated as he stood up and nodded. “Shelly, get dressed and get ready to go to the new beach house. Bring your red bikini. Mr. B and I will meet you out front in 15 minutes.”

  Shelly did not argue as she put on her skirt and shirt and left the library. Both men watched her leave as she shut the door and headed to her room. Her mind was working that she wanted to pay back Adrian for his spectacle from the morning with the two women he had in bed. She wanted to be his one and only, she knew that after watching him with the two women. Now she was going to pay him back for his actions.

  The Beach House

  Shelly packed a small bag and headed to the front door where both Adrian and Mr. B were standing waiting for her. She smiled at Adrian as he held the door open for her. As the limo was pulled around to the front, Shelly got in, making sure to show off her assets as she did. She sat next to Mr. B and placed her hand on his lap as Adrian watched. She moved her hand slowly up his thigh and then found the button to his pants and undid it as her mouth went to his neck.


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