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Teach Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck Series Book 1)

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by Margretta Milano

  He leaned in and kissed me again.

  “That part of my life needs to be over.”

  I felt wobbly. If his arms weren’t around my body, I would have slumped to the floor. This magnificent man pretty much declared his love for me. And now I was going to have to teach 23 jumpy little first graders how to read.

  “Nick, I think we’re going to get caught,” I stepped away from him with strength I mustered from somewhere. I looked away from those blue eyes. I couldn’t look at him again. I felt my eyes filling with water.

  “Yes, of course,” Nick said and playfully slapped his face.

  I laughed.

  “Can I come over tonight?” Nick asked with a sly look on his face.

  I felt tingly all over as a current shot through my body.

  “That would be nice,” I heard myself respond. I had leaned slightly on one of the desks to keep myself upright.

  “I’ll text you,” said Nick and with that he left my classroom.

  Is this what I’ve been wanting? A romantic encounter with this man, in my house on my turf. Yes, of course it is.

  I was starting to feel scared. Maybe this was not the best choice for me. Maybe I needed to take things a little more slowly with him. Did he respect me? Maybe he was the wrong guy. I didn’t want to make another mistake.

  I felt my head spinning. Maybe I’ll ignore his texts.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I came home that night and tossed my keys on the table by the door as usual. I checked my cell phone. There were no texts from anybody. I chucked it on the sofa.

  I walked straight into the kitchen and decided to make myself my favorite comfort food: mac and cheese with broccoli and ham. While I started boiling some water, I was reminded about why I loved that dish so much. It was something my dad made for me whenever I visited him at the restaurant when I was a little girl. Nothing came from a box when my dad was around. He didn’t need a recipe to make anything. I inherited that confidence in the kitchen, too. I liked to play and experiment. I didn’t need a recipe to make easy stuff like mac and cheese. I wasn’t afraid in the kitchen; it always felt right to create a dish.

  Who cares if Nick was going to come over tonight? I just didn’t know what to think about men.


  That was my cell alerting me to a text message.

  I dumped the fusilli into the boiling water and raced over to check up the phone.

  It was Alex.

  “Girl, I wanted you to be the first to know – I met someone. His name is Jeremy. I think I can say it out loud now. WE’RE DATING!”

  “Wow, congrats!! Where did you pick this guy up? Grinderz?” I referenced an old gay bar that we liked to go to in college when we went dancing together on the weekends.

  “Kind of. BUT there’s something to this. It’s new and just fab.”

  “So happy for you. Let’s meet up this weekend!!!!”

  I felt overjoyed for Alex. He deserved a happy, stable relationship with a caring person. Actually, we both deserved it.


  Who could it be? I clicked over

  “Hey, can I come over?” It was Nick. I did a double take. For a second I thought it was someone else. It was just like a text that I would get from Jonathan.

  Well, it’s do or die time. I had never been the kind of person to take risks. I loved teaching, but I had chosen it because it was a safe profession near my mother. Then I’d kept Jonathan around because even though he wasn’t perfect, he was a known quantity. And after Jonathan and I took a long break, I’d kept out of the dating scene because I didn’t want to open myself up to a man.

  “Yes, I’d love to see you Nick.”

  Then I thought about the night and texted, “Will you be staying for dinner?”

  Now, I’d gone and over done it. I should have just stopped there. Of course I wanted to cook for him. It’s just too fun to feed people.

  Every molecule of my body wanted to be with this man, but I also wanted to make sure that this wasn’t just sex. I’d already been through that.

  “I’d love to stay for dinner.”

  Okay, it’s on. I felt my body tingling in anticipation.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  I buzzed Nick up and then I heard his knock on the door. I opened the door and he walked in, already taking off his blazer.

  “Hi,” he said, almost shyly.

  “Hi, Nick,” I said, smiling, “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  I reached up towards his face and he grabbed me and lifted me up to him. I held his face in my hands, looking at him for a few seconds. He gazed at me like he was taking me in and then he slowly leaned in to kiss me.

  “I feel kind of nervous, Laura. I just can’t believe we are here together.”

  I felt nerves when he said that and I had to distract him, “You’re probably hungry. I made my favorite comfort food: mac and cheese!”

  We made our way over to the kitchen table and I served him up. It felt similar to the night just several days earlier, us sitting down to eat together, but tonight the stress and worry was replaced with what felt like first-time jitters.

  “Oh my God, this is amazing,” Nick said, “You really can cook, Laura. I think this might be the best mac and cheese I’ve ever eaten.”

  “My dad was a chef – I told you that, right? Anyway, I picked up a lot of tricks from him and best of all I learned to love to cook.”

  I paused, “I actually made this for myself. I wasn’t sure if you were really going to come over tonight.”

  Nick looked up at me, reaching out to squeeze my hand, “Really?”

  “You know, this is new,” I looked up to meet Nick’s blue eyes.

  “I want to kiss you, but I also want to finish this plate,” Nick laughed.

  “Me too,” I smiled, but I felt my appetite vanish. The anticipation of tonight weighed on me.

  I just started talking about school and how hard it was to take the place of Mrs. Martinelli, such a loved teacher. Nick shared with me some of his struggles when he first started out teaching seven years earlier.

  “Teaching is so tough,” Nick said, “But from everything I’ve seen in your classroom and the things that others have told me, you are doing great.”

  “People have talked to you about me?”

  “Of course, you’d be surprised how much I know about what happens in the classrooms of our school. And I know about other staff members and how they get along.”

  “I took your advice to heart. You know, the advice that you told all the new teachers about staying out of the teachers’ lounge as much as possible during your first year.”

  “I know it sounds dumb, Laura, but it really works,” Nick said.

  “I stayed out of the teachers’ lounge, but I got trapped in the principal’s office,” I said, looking up from my plate and catching Nick’s eyes. He leaned over the table and kissed me on the forehead.

  “I know, the principal was at fault for that. He’s taken with you,” Nick said.

  “I’m kind of smitten with him, actually,” I responded.

  “Maybe she could sit on the principal’s lap for a second,” Nick continued.

  I walked around the table and sat down on Nick’s lap. He kissed me softly on the lips as he put his arms around me.

  I started kissing him and I couldn’t stop. I kissed his lips and then I stroked his face. I looked at him with eyes wide open. Up close I hadn’t noticed that he had little freckles on his cheeks, which made him look almost boyish.

  He leaned in to kiss me again, but I put my hand on his chest and stopped him.

  “Nick, I don’t want to screw this up.”

  “Laura,” Nick leaned and kissed me. His lips felt like sweet pillows. I loved tasting him.

  “I don’t want to screw this up either. I like you. I want to see where this goes,” Nick said, kissing my cheek. “Laura, whatever happens with our careers and our lives, you are right that this is worth trying. The way I feel
about you could never hurt,” Nick said.

  I moved my body to straddle him and I wrapped my legs around him. I threw my arms around his neck, kissing his muscular neck. Nick picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He dropped me gently on my bed and we started undressing each other slowly.

  “Nick, let’s hit the shower,” I said, hopping off the bed and grabbing Nick’s hand and leading him to the bathroom. He whipped off his shirt with a laugh and we ran into the bathroom like happy children.

  I pulled off his pants while he pulled off my bra. I pushed back the glass sliding door of my shower and started the water. We found our way into the shower, our naked bodies pressed against each other.

  “Nick, your body is incredible.”

  “Well, you are the perfect one.”

  Chapter Thirty

  I felt electricity shoot up my spine as our bodies rubbed against each other. Nick hoisted me up, me straddling him while he pushed my body against the side of the shower.

  His fingers moved down my back, moving to my front. He pushed on my clit and then found his fingers inside me rubbing hard.

  “Oh, Nick,” I moaned as the sensations radiated through my body. He put my nipples in his mouth, licking them and playing with them with his tongue and hands. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling.

  The water rained down on us from the shower head, keeping us warm and wet. I tried to stay in the moment, but I kept thinking about the fact that Nick was in my shower. The moment I’d been waiting for had arrived. I’d admired this man from a far for months, then we fucked each other in his office and now he was in my apartment.

  Nick easily balanced my naked wet body on his thighs. He was so strong, I was light for him. I reached over and cupped his face as I felt him again rubbing my clit. I looked down and noticed his enormous fully-erect cock.

  “I don’t want to wait another second to have you inside me,” I said, “Fuck me now.”

  He kissed me and I felt him push himself inside me. My body was warmed up and ready to go: fucking him again was my dream come true. My body exploded with pleasure as he pushed deep inside me and I arched my back, pushing my breasts into him.

  “Laura, oh god,” Nick moaned, thrusting deeper inside me. As he got a rhythm going, I started feeling my muscles contracting around his cock. I couldn’t believe I was climaxing that fast. He noticed my body tense up and release. We locked eyes briefly and then Nick kissed my neck as he grabbed my waist and pressed my body next to his.

  I felt him thrust deeper into me, over and over. With every thrust I felt waves of pleasure radiate from my sex throughout my entire body. He was deep inside me and then he came. I experienced a profound gratification from sex that I had never experienced before. I started to feel tears come to my eyes.

  “Are you crying? Did I hurt you?” Nick asked.

  “They are tears of happiness. I love feeling connected to you,” I replied, “I’m not in pain, quite the opposite.”

  I smiled and he kissed me softly on the lips. He lifted me up like I was as light as a feather and he put a towel around me. I hopped out of the shower and handed him a towel and we quickly dried off before running quickly into bed and under the covers. Nick held me close.

  “That was amazing Laura,” Nick said, “Thank you for trusting me.”

  “Thank you Nick,” I said, “Thank you for making me believe bliss was possible.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The next morning my alarm went off at its usual 5:00. We were shocked out of our slumber. Nick hadn’t intended to sleep over and we jumped up trying to figure out what to do next. I quickly put my silk robe on over my naked body. I started laughing when I saw Nick struggling to pull on his pants.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “You, trying to hop into those pants without your boxers on!”

  “Come over here,” Nick said.

  I went over there and he picked up, laying me on top of the bed. He lay on top of me and kissed me with a smile.

  “What? Not now!” I giggled.

  Nick grabbed both my arms with one of his and held them over my head. My robe fell open and he started playing with my nipples. Then he started sucking them into his mouth. I squirmed from the ticklish feeling.

  “Is this some kind of new torture? Play with your girlfriend’s nipples and make her late to work?”

  The word “girlfriend” just popped out of my mouth and I couldn’t take it back. Nick took it in stride.

  “No, you got the strategy all wrong. It starts with nipple play, then there’s some fucking, and finally everyone is late to work.”

  He kissed me and placed one of his enormous knees between my legs. He kept a hold of my arms above my head with one hand and he took his other hand and moved it slowly down between my legs. I started laughing and then his fingers were inside me. I started moaning and moving slightly from the sensation. I noticed that he hadn’t taken his eyes off of my face. He wanted to watch how every sensation played across my face.

  “You like to play in bed?” I asked.

  “Only with you,” Nick replied.

  I couldn’t touch his body, but he didn’t need any help getting a hard-on. There was his huge cock, ready to go deep inside me.

  “Are you ready?” Nick asked.

  This man made me so hot, I didn’t even need a lot of foreplay. I could feel moisture between my legs. I felt like he was teasing me in that moment. What if I said no? Would he be able to back off? Who was I kidding? I wanted to fuck him in a bed, for fuck’s sake.

  “I’m ready for you, Nick,” I said with a smile.

  “Do you want to beg for it?” Nick asked, grinning.

  “You’re such a tease,” I said.

  “Well, if you don’t want it…” Nick continued, “We could try to get to work on time.”

  Oh, he really did want to torture me.

  “I want it,” I said, looking him deep in the eyes, “Fuck me, please.”

  And with that, he let my hands go so that he could use one hand to open up my labia and push himself inside me. Instantly, with my hands now free, I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss.

  Nick took my small frame in his hands and pulled me in for a deep embrace. He didn’t take his eyes off my face. I could tell he was enjoying watching his effect on me. He grinded as he pushed himself deep inside of me, moving his hips in a circular motion. Then with the base of his cock, he thrusted up, which pushed on my clit and hit my g-spot.

  “Oh, Nick,” I moaned as he hit it over and over. I looked up into his eyes and I saw him smile at my intense pleasure with every thrust. He was getting off, getting me off.

  Sometimes the pleasurable sensations I experienced during sex were overwhelming. I couldn’t handle the sensory input. I wanted to feel an orgasm desperately every time I had sex, but the intensity I felt leading up to climax made me think my body would blow a fuse.

  “I’m going to fuck you until you come,” Nick whispered in my ear, as he pushed over and over.

  Wham, wham, wham, grind, grind, grind and I felt a tsunami of sensations as my body prepared to explode in orgasms and tight squeezes around Nick’s cock.

  “Oh, god, oh, god,” I said as my body couldn’t wait a second longer and it began tensing rhythmically and exploding in pleasure.

  As if on cue, Nick thrusted deep inside me one more time and climaxed. I felt the tension in his abs release. He fell on top of me from the relief of all of that effort being expended.

  Tears came to my eyes again, like the day before. He moved to my side with his arm on my waist. He noticed the tears and wiped them away.

  “You okay, Laura?”

  “Yeah, I just haven’t experienced good sex before, I guess,” I said looking away from him, “I had only one boyfriend, but it wasn’t a healthy relationship.”

  Nick looked away and stroked the outside of my thigh with his hand.

  “I’m never going to forget this moment, Laura,” he said,
“The moment where we were totally vulnerable with each other and had great sex, you know, kind of as a result.”

  I smiled, “I have to tell you that you are way more sensuous that I imagined.”

  “Well, now I can say for sure that you are beautiful inside and out.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  We stumbled around that morning in my apartment. There was no time for me to make him my famous blueberry and lemon zest pancakes. Nick kissed me before racing home to get some fresh clothes for the day. I hopped in the shower and tried to get myself back on track for my day at work. I lathered up my body kind of wishing I didn’t have to wash Nick off of me.

  How am I going to be able to focus on my lesson plans today?

  During transition times in the school day, I would have visions of Nick. The students put their morning work in the bin and I looked down for a moment and my imagination conjured up Nick’s dark blue eyes. The kids lined up to go to physical education and my mind gave me a visual of Nick ripping off his shirt before he got into the shower. I sat at my desk grading papers over lunch and I saw Nick laying me down on my bed.

  “Hi,” Nick said. I jumped and my turkey sandwich with aioli on brioche fell out of my hand.

  “Oh my god, you scared me,” I smiled and looked down from my desk at the back of the classroom.

  “I wanted to see you again,” Nick walked up to my wooden desk, placing one hand on either side of it. He leaned down and stole a quick kiss, “I’ve been thinking about those lips all day long.”

  “I can’t get you out of my mind too,” I said, “My mind is still processing last night...and this morning.”

  “You want to grab dinner tonight?” Nick asked.

  “Yes, but where are we going to go? We need to go somewhere the staff and students won’t find us. We live and work in the same community. If we are seen out, our relationship will be all over Facebook before school tomorrow.”

  “I’ll think about it, Laura.”

  “You know, we could go to my dad’s old restaurant, Chloe. Chances are slim that we’d run into anyone there. I go there every so often – it’s about 30 minutes away. Some of the original guys still work there,” I said, “They’d be happy to see me. And they’d love to see me with a smile on my face.”


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