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Radio Rose (Change of Heart Cowboys Book 1)

Page 16

by Stephanie Berget

  Adam glanced from Rose dressed in blue and green striped boxers and an oversized grey Stanford University sweatshirt, her dark hair tangled, to Lillian dressed in coordinated shades of green, bright from her blonde hair to her heels. How was a man supposed to take cover and not look like a total coward?

  “What a pretty outfit,” Rose said. “I like those short skirts, but Adam thinks they make a woman look like she's having a fire sale on what's underneath.”

  Screw looking like a coward—he was searching for a foxhole.

  But he couldn’t do that. He had to protect Rose from Lillian, and he still held the stupid box the woman had handed to him. As he turned to place it on the table, things got worse.

  Lillian’s eyes were wide, and her mouth was pinched into a rigid line, but Rose wasn’t done yet.

  “By the way, who did your boobs? They look almost real,” Rose said, an innocent smile nearly covering her smirk.

  Adam heard the breath hiss from between Lillian's teeth. No need to protect his Rosie. She was taking down the blond with just her mind.

  Lillian whirled, stumbled off the porch and stomped to her car, her heels sinking into the grass.

  “Um,” Adam said. He wanted to say more, but that one word was the total extent of his vocabulary at the moment. He looked from Rose to the big ball of dust blocking the sight of Lillian’s car as it raced down the road.

  When he got his wits together enough to look at Rose, she was standing there, the very picture of Little Orphan Annie, all wide eyes and radiating innocence.

  “Well, I wonder why she left in such a rush. I thought we were going to dinner.” Rose turned and shuffled back to the couch, her slippers slapping against the floor as she walked.

  “I can't believe you said that to her.” Adam closed the door and followed her into the room.

  The sweetness and innocence turned to outrage in a heartbeat, and little Orphan Annie morphed into Rosie O’Donnell in her rage-a-holic stage. Well, a skinny Rosie, but the anger was there.

  Rose’s hands clenched into fists, pressing against her thighs. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes blazing, and he’d have put money on Rose in a fight with any WWE fighter at that moment.

  “I can't believe you let her into my home and stood there while she insulted me, not once but twice. Well, bucko, there won't be a third time,” Rose said. “As God is my witness, I’ll never be treated as if I'm nothing again.” She whirled and stormed down the hall.

  Scarlett O’Hara couldn’t have delivered the line with more finesse.

  At the sound of the bedroom door slamming, Adam sank to the couch, laying his head back. Where had he lost control? The door. Yes, that was it. Opening the door had been his downfall. As long as he didn’t open a door ever again, maybe he’d be okay.

  He played the scene through his mind, trying to find an explanation. Lillian had been patronizing to Rose, but Rose was openly hostile. Something besides a conflict of personalities was going on, and he had no idea what.

  Adam glanced at the clock on the mantle. He’d paced the living room for over an hour, and Rose still hadn't come out of her room. Time to toughen up and talk to her. As he pushed the door to her room open, he saw Rose sitting on the bed, a pillow clutched in her arms. Her eyes were red, and her cheeks were wet.

  “What do you want now?”

  “Rose,” he started but didn’t know what to say next.

  “You’ve come to tell me you’re leaving, right? I’m sure Lillian will give you a warm welcome.” She swiped at her cheeks and turned a defiant face to him. “You were getting on my nerves, anyway, and I don’t have the time or energy to babysit a man.”

  Adam watched the pain play across her face. What had he done? Here was the woman who was always in a good mood, the one who jumped in and gave her all to help him when she hardly knew him, the one who caused his heart to pound with just a touch.

  All she'd ever asked of him was to be careful of Lillian, and he'd ignored her. He'd assured her Lillian was harmless. He'd caused the sorrow on her face right now.

  Closing the distance between them, he gathered her into his arms then sat back against the headboard, kicked off his shoes and pulled her into his lap. Gently pushing her head onto his shoulder, he rocked her.

  She shuddered as she tried not to cry and failed. When she’d quieted, he stretched out on the bed and pulled her to him. Wrapping his body around her, they slept.


  Rose's internal alarm clock never let her down, and this afternoon was no different. As she surfaced to consciousness, she slowly opened her eyes. Adam's arms were wrapped around her, warm and safe.

  I could stay this way forever, she thought. But as always, life had a way of interfering. Besides, it was way past time for breakfast, and her stomach was making that perfectly plain.

  She wiggled from beneath Adam’s arm and tiptoed to the door. Before leaving the room, she took a moment to soak in the sight of perfection laying right there on her bed. Why hadn’t he come into her life earlier, before she’d given up on love? She didn’t love anyone anymore, because there was too much pain when she lost them. And she always lost them.

  She’d built a shell around her heart to keep the hurt away, but Adam was chipping away at the wall, and she didn’t know how stop him. Loving then losing him might be too much for her to handle.

  As she stood watching him, his eyes opened. He hadn’t moved, but he’d been watching her, a smile spreading across his face. The warmth made everything right in her world—for the moment.

  “About what you said last night, I don’t know where you got the idea that I’m leaving,” he said. “I’m not.” He shifted and held out his hand. “I don't want Lillian. I'm sorry I let her in, and I won’t do it again. Now come here.”

  When she remembered what a shrew she’d been earlier, heat rose from her chest and bloomed on her cheeks. “What do you want?” The question was beside the point. She was already by his side.

  “What I want is this,” he said as he pulled her down. He brushed his lips over hers, softly before he cranked up the heat and blew her mind.

  She melted against him. As his hand brushed against the side of her breast, a thousand tiny fireworks exploded outward from her heart to her fingertips. Wow, if she felt like this at just a touch what would happen when they got to the good stuff?

  Her brain screamed trying to get her attention.

  Wait! Adam was the best friend she’d ever known. Did she really want to go messing it up with sex? And sex always had a way of messing up a good friendship. She’d heard that somewhere. Although she didn't have much practical experience with sex, that was what all the good romance novels said.

  Adam pulled back just enough to look her in the eyes. "I lost you there. What happened?"

  "I got to thinking . . ."

  “Don’t,” Adam said and kissed her again with single-minded determination.

  Any thoughts she might have had about stopping him disappeared from her mind like a puff of smoke on a windy day. Gone and forgotten.

  He slipped her tee shirt off and slid his big hands around her hips, pushing her shorts down.

  The warmth in his touch set off sparks in her chest, and fire roared through her belly, blazing heat flowing all the way to her toes. Rose kicked her legs to get rid of the shorts and reached for Adam’s shirt. Shaking fingers made unfastening his buttons intolerably slow, and she grabbed the material and ripped off the last three. Now for his Wranglers.

  “Whoa, spitfire,” Adam said, his laughter bringing her back to the present.

  God, he had a great laugh, but didn’t he know now was not the time for jokes? This was serious business.

  She grabbed him by what was left of his shirt, slipped it off his shoulders and . . . and . . . what shoulders. The few times when she could watch without him noticing, she’d remembered what he’d looked like without his shirt.

  She needed to work on her memory, because she hadn’t come up with anything nearl
y this hot. Lord save her from lust. Then again, maybe not.

  “Now for the best part,” she said and reached for his zipper.

  “Let me help. I’ve waited long enough.” He made short work of the pants then reached for her again, and she surprised them both by pushing him down on the bed and straddling him.

  "Feeling feisty are you?” Adam said with a smile that sent her heartbeat into overdrive.

  God, she loved his smile almost as much as his laugh. "I'm just reminding you who the boss in this house is,” Rose said in mock seriousness.

  "Yes, Ma'am,” Adam said. “What did you have in mind? A little boss and secretary? I didn’t know you were into kinky.”

  Rose leaned down. Her nipples brushed his chest as she put her elbows on either side of his head and brought her face close to his. She’d intended to kiss him, but as she gazed into his eyes, hers suddenly filled with tears.

  Her chest closed up, and her lungs squeezed tight. She tried to turn away before he saw but wasn't quick enough.

  Adam cupped his warm hands around her cheeks. "What is it?” he asked. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head and tried to pull away, but he held fast.

  He gazed into her eyes. "I've got all day, and the patience of Job. Now tell me what is wrong."

  Rose dropped her forehead to his chest. She couldn’t look at him as she spoke. "This is the first time . . .” A sob escaped from her, and she sucked in a deep breath, trying to stop an all-out cry-fest. “Oh, Adam. You’re the first person since my Dad died to even hug me. No one’s held me or touched me. I didn't know I missed it so much. It's silly." She attempted to look at him and tried to smile, but her cheeks were tense, and her grin was twitchy. "I sure know how to ruin a romantic mood, don't I?"

  Rose tried to roll away from him and hide her tears, but Adam gathered her into his arms then he kissed her like she was a delicate flower, like she might break.

  At that moment, she thought she might.

  He grabbed the corner of the quilt and spread it over them. Then he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her body against his.

  "Come here,” he said with a smile, his lips touching hers.

  "If I get any closer, I'll be inside you.”

  "That’s my line." His grin was wicked, but as he touched her, he shuddered.

  She gasped at the thought and unconsciously moved her hips closer to his. She could feel the hard length of him, and it made her shiver, although she wasn’t the least bit cold. In fact, if she got any hotter, she’d spontaneously combust. Thermonuclear Rose.

  As she moved against him again, a deep groan rose from Adam’s chest.

  He rolled so she was beneath him and raised her hands to the headboard. When he slid a thigh between hers, she helped him out by making room between her legs. His gaze slid down her body a long, hot inch at a time.

  Rose struggled to pull air into her white-hot lungs.

  When he lowered his head, touching the tip on his tongue to her nipple before pulling it into his mouth, the most delicious sensation surrounded her, putting her under his spell.

  "Look at me,” Adam said.

  Rose raised her head, looking at him from beneath her lashes. Erotic was not a strong enough word for the sight of Adam running his tongue in circles around her nipple. Sensational came to mind.

  When he pulled the hard bud into his mouth and sucked, she arched against him. "Adam, please,” she pleaded. “Now!” She spread her legs and felt his hardness against her. She wasn’t sure how to get what she wanted. She was counting on Adam for that.

  Then Adam changed breasts and started the process all over. He licked around her nipple with the tip of his tongue, and all she wanted was to feel him make contact with the rosy nub. Rose felt like she was coming apart at the seams.

  The powerful sensations were new to her.

  Granted, there had only been one other man, and he had been a college boy. He hadn't known much, and she’d known nothing. Everything had been over in the space of a few minutes. She’d wondered what the fuss was about but was too shy to ask.

  These were uncharted waters. She only knew she was moving toward something, and Adam was the key. She slid against him again and heard him groan. Maybe that was it. She wrapped her legs around his waist and rocked.

  Heat bloomed inside her, her skin tingled, and she lost thought of anything but the feel of this man.

  He slid his body up hers until their lips came into contact.

  She never knew kissing was like this, like a carnival ride, building slowly then taking her breath away.

  He pulled back, leaving her chilled as he took his warmth away. Rolling to the side of the bed where he’d thrown his pants, he reached down and pulled them onto the bed. In a frantic display, he tore at the pocket and, after fumbling twice, fished out a little foil packet.

  Rose took it from his hands, tore it open then gave him a shy smile. “I don’t want to seem stupid, I’m not sure what to do with this.”

  “You don’t know?” Adam leaned away and looked in her eyes. “Are you a virgin?”

  “No, I’m not, but the other time, and there was only one, I had my eyes closed.” A blush rolled over her cheeks.

  “I’ll show you,” he said, touching her cheek. “I like the fact that you don’t have much experience. This way I’ll get to show you a lot of things.” He kissed her lips in a soft, feathery move then gave her the first lesson.

  When she rubbed her fingers lightly over the condom, he sucked in a breath. “You’re a quick learner. I like that, too.”

  As he touched her, Rose jerked and tried to move closer, but his big hands wrapped around her hips and held her still. "Rose, look at me. Keep your eyes open this time.”

  As Rose gazed into his eyes, he drove deep into her. Every nerve in her body jumped to attention, and she sucked air in on a gasp. As she did, Adam kissed her. His tongue played with hers as he slowly withdrew and drove in again.

  Rose tipped her head back and let her eyes close. Her hips mimicked the movements his made. She was going to fly apart.

  She tensed. Who would pick her up if she lost herself? Panic flooded her system, drowning her reason.

  As if he'd read her thoughts, Adam wrapped his arms tighter. "I've got you Rose. Let go, I've got you." Trust and confidence in Adam replaced the panic. He’d told her to let go. And she did.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rose stretched and opened her eyes. The expanse of azure sky outside her bedroom window was broken by a solitary white cloud. It was going to be a perfect day. She smiled to herself. A perfect day following a perfect night.

  Adam’s deep, even breathing told her he was still asleep, so she slipped from the room. After closing the door with a soft click, she headed for the bathroom.

  The bright pink tiles, turquoise sink and tub matched her happy mood. When she made her to-do list this morning, Adam was going to be number one.

  Drops of water glistened against the checkerboard pink and white pattern of tiles in the shower as the warm liquid cascaded over her body. Memories of the night before ran through her mind like a homemade video. After the number of orgasms she’d had last night, she was as relaxed as she’d been for years, maybe ever.

  The one boy she’d had sex with in college had been, well, a boy, and she’d been a virgin. Not the best recipe for mind-blowing sex. Afterward, she’d been embarrassed and self-conscious. The boy was dead asleep when she’d let herself out of his apartment and fled home.

  Just as quickly, Adam filled her thoughts. He’d been . . . what? The word amazing came to mind but wasn't quite right. It wasn't enough. He’d made her feel special. No, more than that. She hadn’t found the word to describe what they’d done yet.

  Stupendous might be big enough. It didn’t really make a difference how she described the night before. She wanted more of the same. Heck, just the thought of Adam and his magic fingers made her heart rate double, and a goofy smile spread across her face.

nbsp; By the time she’d finished her shower the bedroom was empty. She crossed the room and opened the blinds. Warm rays of sunshine melted onto her skin matching the warm feelings flowing through her veins. As she looked out the window, a chilling thought popped into her mind. It took less than an instant for Rose to go from on top of the world to the depths of crap.

  The truth was, Adam would leave, people she loved always did, and then what would she do? The part of herself she’d shared with Adam was too personal to reveal to anyone else.

  The only plan she could come up with was to have as many super orgasms as she could while Adam was here. Too bad she couldn't figure out how to bottle them. She could make a frickin’ fortune.

  Not that she'd sell any, because they were hers alone. What she'd done with Adam was private. She was falling in love with him, and wouldn't that be a disaster. He’d be gone soon. He’d been clear about that from the start.

  Her mind spun from that alarming assumption to another. What if every woman he’d made love to felt like this? Her chest tightened, the blood draining from her brain, and her mind focused on one thought.

  What if I’m just one of many?

  Now she felt ghastly, and it was All. His. Fault.


  Fan-fucking-tastic! Sex with Rose was better than Adam could have imagined, and he’d imagined a lot in the last few days.

  If I play my cards right, I might talk her into more of the same.

  The sound of the shower told him where Rose was, and he hurried to his room to get dressed. They didn’t have long before Rose needed to be at work.

  Grabbing a green Henley from the pile of clothes on the floor, he pulled it on over a faded pair of Wranglers. He was surprised to find himself humming Happy Trails. Strange, he wasn’t a hummer, and he hadn’t watched Roy Rogers since he was a small boy. TV westerns had been one of his escapes all those years ago.

  He shook the thoughts of his childhood from his mind and turned to more pressing matters. Either way this inheritance thing turned out, he might stay in this area and continue to see Rose. With rodeos all around here, this could be the best of all worlds.


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