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Dragon's Law: Damon

Page 13

by Alicia Sparks


  “Are you ready, Kira?” He turned to Kira and took her hand once more.

  “I’m ready.”

  They joined hands and stepped into the cave. They had only taken three steps in before they were greeted by a bright light and then the sensation of flight. Closing his eyes, Damon awaited the trip home with trepidation. If he lost Kira, he didn’t know what he would do.

  When the spinning finally stopped, he opened his eyes. They stood in a cave that looked very much like the one on Earth. The only difference was the purple glow from the cavern walls indicating a high concentration of lerium, a mineral only found on Tyr.

  “We made it.” He smiled.

  “We’re home?”

  “I think so.”

  Stepping out into the light, they were greeted with the wilds of Tyr. They had, in fact, made it home. Damon’s first order of business, he knew, must be to return Kira to her father. Then they would work everything else out.

  “I have to take you home.”

  “Why? I thought we were going to go take back your throne.”

  “I can’t do it yet. I have to return you to your father first.”


  “Shh. It’s the only way, Kira.” He sank his hand into her hair as he pulled her to him. “Trust me. All will be well.”

  * * * * *

  “Where is Karn?” Kira didn’t stop to look back as she walked and talked, trying to focus on the treacherous mountain road ahead rather than the man behind her.

  “Beyond the North Pass.” His voice echoed all the way up to where she stood, setting her nerves on edge.

  She continued her climb, counting three steps before she spoke again. “And when will we make camp?”

  “At nightfall.”

  “We shall stop ahead. There is a series of caverns that will provide shelter,” Damon said.

  She had grown accustomed to the silence and hearing his voice caught her off-guard. It was low and strained, as if he had also been wrestling with inner turmoil today. But he hadn’t. His only focus had been on Mace. Defeating Mace, keeping her from Mace, everything was about Mace.

  “As you wish,” she found herself forcing the words from her throat.

  “We shall be safe there,” he continued. “As we move ahead, we should gather wood for fire. Once we are settled in, I will find food for us.”

  Chapter Ten

  Kira’s heart hammered in her chest as they approached the palace. This was her father’s home, a far cry from her little house back on Earth. All the memories she had of this place came rushing back to her and now she faced the palace with renewed strength. She remembered him taking her from her bedroom and showing her the ways of love in the cavern. And she remembered Mace and the betrayal that caused her to disappear for so long. Mace had tricked her into thinking that his bite was the only way she could keep Damon. She had been a fool then. Now, as she and Damon stood before the gates, awaiting the guards, she vowed never to betray him again.

  “Prince Damon,” the first one spoke, giving a little bow as he moved to open the gate.

  Kira had never realized how much this place looked like a medieval fortress. They stepped forward as the gate slowly opened.

  “I have come to hold audience with King Rudolf. This is Kira, his daughter.”

  The stunned looks on the guards’ faces were quickly erased as they bowed before her. “Certainly. At once.”

  No one remembered her. That was the first thought that ran through her mind. Of course, she didn’t exactly know these men, either. It had been six years since she had set foot on this land. They had barely made it to the door when it opened and a young woman stepped outside.

  At first, Kira didn’t know the girl. The lines on her face were tight and spoke of worry as well as something else she couldn’t readily define. Her empty eyes met Kira’s and her mouth turned up in a slight smile.

  “Well, the prodigal daughter has returned. Have you no kiss for your sister?”

  Karina. The years had not been kind to her. Her long, dark hair had lost its shine and Kira couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, thinking she was the source of her sister’s angst.

  “Of course.” She met Karina’s smile and stepped into her open arms.

  “And Damon. Do you have a kiss for me?” She stepped away from Kira and moved toward Damon.

  “I am here to see your father.”

  “As always. You were declared dead, you know,” she shot over her shoulder. Kira swallowed hard at the announcement. Declared dead. But she wasn’t.

  “She is here now, and prepared to honor all of her duties.”

  “That is nice to know. You’ve been gone a while yourself. Things have changed.”

  Kira watched as Karina pulled Damon to her. He quickly pushed away, holding her at arm’s length.

  “I am here to set things right,” he announced.

  “Sometimes even good intentions fail. You have a few promises to keep as well.”

  “I must speak to your father.”

  “And you shall. And I’ll take care of my dear sister. We have so much catching up to do.” Karina’s hand wrapped around Kira’s upper arm as she led her into the palace. “I’m sure you know the way to the study,” she called back to Damon.

  “Where are we going? I would like to speak to Father.”

  “Nonsense. Look at yourself. You look as if you’ve been swept up by the winds. I am sure there will be a feast tonight in your honor. It’s best for you to prepare for it.”

  “I can look after myself, dear Karina.”

  There was something about Karina that bothered her, something sitting somewhere in the back of her mind. Her gut protested being alone with her sister. Even though she couldn’t quite put her finger on the reasoning she knew she must be on alert.

  “I am certain you can. But first, you must tell me about your amazing adventure.”

  Karina led her into one of the bathing rooms. Kira inhaled the scents of home as they surrounded her. There was something else in the air, too, something that told her things weren’t what they seemed.

  “There is nothing to tell.”

  “I’m sure there is. Will you eat?” Karina produced a plate of fruit from a nearby table. “Eat this and tell me all about it.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “It will be a while before you eat again. I would if I were you. You know Father. He’ll want to see you soon. But first, you should be presentable.”

  Cautiously, Kira took a piece of the fruit into her hand and bit into its flesh. A satisfied smile crossed Karina’s face, almost making its way to her eyes. For a second, Kira remembered those same eyes looking down at her after her encounter with Mace. The fleeting memory did not stick in her head. Nothing seemed to stick as she glanced around the room, which had started to spin.

  “There’s a good girl. Come into the bath. Let my men take care of you.” The voice seemed to come from somewhere far away.

  “You did this to me. You are the reason I was gone for so long.”

  Again Kira felt at the mercy of forces she couldn’t explain. It was almost like she was back in the hotel with Damon that first night, feeling the fever work its way into her body, feeling the need course through her.

  “Are you a dragon now, Kira? Do you feel their needs?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She clung to a nearby table before stumbling to the floor. Her knees scraped against the marble tile.

  “You have dragon’s blood in you. I was there when he bit you. I saw Mace lay claim to you. You are his now, whether you want to believe it or not. And Damon will be mine.”

  “No,” she managed as the room began to spin.

  “Yes. Tell me, dear sister, do you know what happens to a dragon’s mate when she mates with another? The seed he has spilled into you causes your body to treat other men as enemies. Your body reacts to the seed and shuts down. All it takes is one man comi
ng inside you and your body will react to protect you. But what it will do is kill you. Do you understand?”

  “Get away from me…” she managed. It was no use. Too many things were swirling around in her head. There was something in that fruit, something that caused her dragon blood to heat. The desire to have sex was stronger than ever. It was something she couldn’t deny.

  Her pussy clenched as the blood rushed to her labia and forced her clit to swell. Her nipples hardened and her heartbeat became wild and erratic.

  “That should do it, love,” Karina’s laughing voice made its way into her system. “All you need now is a willing mate. And when Damon finds you here with them, he shall be mine. And your title will come with him.”

  “No,” she moaned as she felt herself being lifted into strong arms and resting against a hard chest.

  “Yes. Have a good time. Damon will be here soon.”

  A pool sat in the center of the room and the only light came from a series of torches along the walls. Soft music played in the background and she heard whispers and giggles.

  “Your needs will be met here,” the man said, giving no indication of his meaning. “I shall leave you now and the attendants will be in shortly.”

  A sound from behind her caught her attention. Four men entered and her breath caught in her throat. They were all massive, each more beautiful than the last. The first had long golden hair and skin that appeared to have been kissed by the gods. The next was even larger with long, dark hair. The third was bald, a tribal tattoo covering the top of his head. The last had short, dark hair and eyes that were so green she could see them from across the room. All were naked to the waist, their broad chests and powerful thighs exposed. She bit her bottom lip in contemplation. What was she supposed to do with them?

  “My lady.” The bald one bowed and moved forward. “We are here to attend to your every need.”

  “Get me out of here.”

  “You shall leave this evening. When the banquet begins. Until then, we must prepare you. Come. Eat. Let us bathe you. You must be prepared.”

  “Undress now,” the blond one said.


  “How shall we bathe you if you are clothed?”

  “It is our duty. You would dishonor us if you do not allow us to perform.”

  “You do not wish to dishonor us, do you?” the bald one asked, his breath close to her face.

  “No,” she managed.

  “Then allow me to undress you,” the one with the shorter hair said.

  There were no words of protest in her throat, even though her head screamed out. She couldn’t form a plea or a denial as her body readied itself to mate. The dragon blood coursing through her veins was stronger than the best of her intentions. The fog surrounding her forced her forward as the man placed her at the edge of the pool.

  The bald one smiled. All four of them entered the water, waiting for her to follow suit. The men parted, directing her toward a set of steps at the opposite end. She walked through the water, aware of their eyes on her every movement. And aware of the strange sensation in her head that made her feel off balance and a little out of control.

  Sitting on the edge of the steps, she inhaled sharply as they moved toward her, circling her, leaving her no room for escape. But something inside her refused to even consider escape. Her brain felt foggy and her body ached with longing, reminding her of the spell Damon had cast over her their first night together. Just as then, she was defenseless against these men.

  “Let us please you,” the short-haired man whispered, his breath coating her shoulder, sending a shiver down her back.

  “What is in the fruit?” she demanded with what she could find of her voice.

  “A relaxant. It will curb your inhibitions. Everyone in Karn eats the fruit. Everyone seeks their pleasure. It is the way of things,” the one with long, dark hair said.

  “What is your name?” Kira asked him.

  “I am Rhode. This is Klaud.” He pointed to the bald one. “This is Dael and the one with golden hair, the pretty boy,” he laughed, “is Luc.”

  “I am Kira.”

  “We know your name,” Luc smiled. “You brought the dragon king here. Tonight there will be a feast in your honor. But we must first prepare you else you will tire early and not enjoy the festivities.”

  She leaned her head back, as it suddenly felt heavy. It fell against Dael’s shoulder as he encircled her waist with his thighs.

  Luc began working the ties on her bodice, exposing her breasts as his hands moved quickly and gently. Her arms felt limp as they were raised, freeing her of her last restraints. Her breasts spilled forward and were quickly covered by large hands that began massaging her nipples. Dael’s fingers began working at her neck, gently rubbing circles there to ease her tension.

  She was only vaguely aware of Klaud ducking beneath the water. When his hands made contact with her thighs, she was startled for a second. Soon, he freed her legs, exposing her sex, which suddenly throbbed with longing.

  “We shall wash you first,” one of them said. “Then we shall play.”

  The words seemed to come from somewhere far away. All she could think of was the longing, the need between her thighs. Her breasts felt heavy when Luc released them. Soon, three sets of hands were on her, soaping her, rubbing her as Dael’s hands continued to rub her shoulders. She felt his erection press against her bare bottom when he shifted her into his lap. The pressure of it pressed against her almost drove her mad with desire. All she wanted to do right now was turn to face him and ride him as she had ridden Damon the night before.

  Damon. The name seemed to come from nowhere. How could she have forgotten about him? She had to think, had to regain control. “Lie back,” Dael directed as he moved away from her, dipping her hair into the water. When she obeyed, her bottom rose out of the pool, only to be captured by Rhode’s big hands. As Dael washed her hair, Rhode ran his fingers along her thighs, her stomach. She felt as if she were a bow, ready to be plucked, played.

  The warm water flowed over her hair, Dael’s hands working out the knots and dirt. She felt herself being lifted from the water but her body again did not feel like it belonged to her. The next sensation was one of being wrapped in warmth. The hands worked quickly to dry her after they placed her onto a high table at the back of the room.

  “Now, relax, Kira. Let us serve you.”

  She lay spread-eagle on the table, her arms limp at her sides, unable and unwilling to protest as the men began rubbing warm oil on her body. Rhode was at her head now, drying her hair and combing it. Luc took one leg while Dael took the other. Klaud rubbed the oil into her breasts, concentrating on the nipples, tweaking them with his fingers and driving her mad with desire.

  Dael’s fingers worked their way up to her stomach and then down lower to cover her mound. He parted her lips, holding them open while another set of hands, Luc’s, began rubbing the oil into her lips and over her clit, which was painfully swollen and begging for release. His fingers lingered just on the edge of her opening, threatening to spill inside, but the release did not come.

  Too soon, she was turned onto her stomach and the games began anew, this time with the concentration on rubbing her opening from behind. Skilled fingers rubbed the edge of her anus while another set continued to work her nether lips. Her clit lay pressed against the table, throbbing, longing to be touched, teased, sucked.

  Klaud’s hands were no longer on her breasts, having found their focus near her shoulders.

  “This one is very responsive,” Luc remarked.

  “Yes, she is. She would be heavenly to take.” Dael’s voice seemed to come from right above her pussy, as his breath brushed against her.

  “You know we can’t keep her. We have our orders.”

  “But we can still watch her come. The dragon will never know how we destroyed her. Besides, Karina is treating him to the same. You know that now he lies beneath her while she fucks herself silly on his cock.”

>   “Perhaps we should ask the woman.”

  “Kira,” Dael’s voice was against her ear now.


  “What would you like? Do you want to be filled? Do you want us to take you?”

  “Mmmmm.” She couldn’t find the words. The drugs in her system were too strong, stealing her voice, forcing confusion upon her.

  “Is that a yes, love?”

  “Mmmm. Yes.”

  “Say it.”

  “Yes. Take me.” The words were barely out when she felt a cock press against her opening. Her walls spasmed in anticipation. “Damon,” she managed, imagining that her lover was positioned behind her.

  A growl erupted from somewhere far off and the release she sought did not come. The hands that had covered her were no longer there and she felt cold suddenly. Then she was lifted, her head resting against a hard shoulder. Damon. He was here.

  “Kira, did they harm you?” his voice was strained, his breathing ragged.

  “Damon,” the word was barely audible even to herself. Where had he come from and how had he managed to find her?

  * * * * *

  Damon’s heart raced as he looked down at Kira. Never had he imagined that her sister, Karina, would go to such lengths to control him. She had made it clear more than once that she planned to take Kira’s place as Damon’s bride and though her father had not yet signed the decree, Damon knew the man wished the same thing. But Kira was back now. She was home and she was the rightful heir to the throne, and his rightful bride. But she was also in more danger than he had thought.

  Now, she had almost been destroyed. There was something that changed inside her, something to do with the curse that he did not understand. When a dragon spilled his seed during the lunar period, the woman changed, bonding with him, and if her soul, like Kira’s, was already part of him, the bond was even stronger. This placed her in danger if another man chose to take her as his own. He could have lost her forever!


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