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Reign of the Vampires

Page 6

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

  Mason doubted it. Her scent still hung in the air. If he got out, he’d be able to follow it wherever she was, provided she hadn’t gotten on a plane. His blood warmed at the thought of her. Taking a deep breath, he tried to slow down his pounding heart. He grumbled deep in his chest and rubbed his forehead as memories of his Vampire captor flooded him. The bites, the pain, the solitude. He lashed out, pounding his fist on the cell wall. The pain in his hand replaced the horrible memories. Blood trickled from his knuckles.

  “You all right over there, Mason?” someone shouted.

  His skin knit together and the blood caked on his hand. Her eyes flashed into his mind. He didn’t like that she’d gotten to him. The way those ice-blue eyes glowed with need touched him somewhere he hadn’t been touched before. Part of him longed to satisfy that need, in any way possible. The other part screamed that she was a Vampire who preyed upon the weak and innocent. She deserved death.

  He sat on his cot. Why did he desire that Vampire? It made no sense, not when doing so may cost him his freedom, his soul, and possibly his life.

  He hadn’t been with a woman since before the awakening. Too risky for someone to find out what he was. Her image swam before him. Vampires didn’t treat humans like humans, it was true, but she’d been different: the unnaturally pale color of her skin, the slowness of her gait, the elongation of her fangs. She hadn’t fed in a long time. She’d talked to him, studied him. Perhaps it was possible she was different.

  Mason shook his head, trying to clear it. He needed to stop being stupid. One way or another, he was going to get his freedom and never see her again.

  The cell block opened and voices drifted down the courtyard. The viewing had begun.

  After several minutes, a loud, heavy stride moved down the courtyard. The Vampire strode straight to Mason and stopped. Mason caught the scent of the Vampire easily. He was high up and old. The aroma of his blood told Mason as much. It was peppered with the scents of a thousand different humans. Mason glanced over despite himself.

  The tall and thin, almost skeletal Vampire had jet-black hair pulled into a tight ponytail at the base of his neck. An angular nose, sharp and pointed, accentuated his high cheekbones. His lips were almost nonexistent beneath a thin long mustache that curved into a goatee. A long duster with a huge fur collar muted the deep-blue silk shirt underneath. He looked meticulous and harsh.

  The Vampire stood motionless, staring at Mason, both hands wrapped around a silver-topped cane. Other Vampires stopped momentarily at Mason’s cell door, but then looked at the older Vampire and continued on their way. The longer the Vampire stood there, the more uneasy he made Mason. At the end of the hour, the bell rang and everyone filed out, except for the Vampire. He continued to stand and stare at Mason. Finally, Clive came down to escort him out.

  A chill swept over Mason as the Vampire left. The way the Vampire had stared at him left Mason with a pit in his stomach.

  Ten minutes later, Jenny came down with food for everyone. Questions bombarded her. “I don’t know, I’m sorry,” she answered.

  She reached Mason’s cell. He stared at her through the bars. “Jenny?” he asked. “Can you tell us what happened when you were sold?”

  Jenny paused, looking around. Everyone hung on the bars of their cells.

  “I wasn’t sold here. There are six auction houses total in the United States and several in Europe, Asia and South America. The one I was at wasn’t as nice. The other slavers delivered me here to Clive. I was introduced to the rest of the slaves, and set to work. It was like getting a new job in a boarding house. You work, you sleep, you eat, and if you’re bought by a kind Vampire, you’re allowed liberties.”

  “What about the Vampires who were here tonight?” asked Jax.

  “The tall blond couple are a businessman and his wife. They’re in the market for a new breeding mate. The last one died after giving birth to a dead baby. The short, stocky man who was accompanied by his minion needs a new blood slave. He killed the last one in a fit of rage. The woman with the young man is looking for a guardian for her son. The others I’m not sure about, they aren’t very high up in the Vampire hierarchy.” She sounded detached by what was going on.

  That must be how it was after a while. It all became your life, Mason thought. Not for him. Never for him.

  “What about the Vampire who stared at Mason the whole time?” asked a female.

  “That was Lord Garon. He came all the way from Las Vegas and told Clive it didn’t matter what you cost, he’d pay anything to get you.” Her eyes held a sympathy Mason rarely saw directed at him.

  “Why?” Jax snorted. “What makes Mason so special?”

  “Who is he?” Mason asked.

  “He’s the coven lord there. He keeps the vamps in line and terrifies everyone else. You saw how no one else even bothered to look at you for more than a few seconds because of him.”

  “What about the Vampire from last night?” Whitey asked. “The female.”

  “Yeah, what about the hot mama from last night. The one with the smokin’ body and the stare that can make you go weak in the knees.” Jax gave a nervous laugh.

  “That’s Lord Danika. She’s the only female lord in the US territory. She’s the coven lord of Chicago. She owns Savor, the synthetic supply company. She needs a slave. Her minion was killed.”

  “How?” asked Mason.

  Jenny’s gaze darted around the courtyard and then back to Mason. “He was a vamp. He turned on her and tried to kill her.”

  That explained her pale and fragile appearance. She wasn’t feeding. The beast inside wanted to open up his veins and let her bathe in his blood. To hold her in his hands and feel her press her fangs into his neck as they made love. Mason shook his head and turned away. He had to cool down before he melted the cell bars.

  Jenny slipped a plate of food under his door and he lay down on his bed.

  * * * *

  It was the following evening when Clive entered the courtyard. Mason walked to the bars of his cell. Jenny and another slave carried piles of clothing.

  “Last night’s auction was a great success. We’ve found placement for all of you. We’ll come around and give each of you a new set of clothing, and then you will eat before we transport you to your new homes.”

  “Where are we going?” asked Jax.

  Clive sneered at Jax and then turned away. “Whitey, you my boy have been purchased by Lord Danika Chekov. She is a good master.”

  Mason’s heart sank a bit, but his brain told him it was for the best. Whitey was a good kid. He was a natural fit, not a chance of him turning violent on her. Besides, Mason wasn’t planning on staying.

  “Ike, you’ll also be going to Lord Danika’s. Though you’re not for her, I understand. You are for the Jankowskis. You’re their new guardian.”

  On and on Clive continued down the row of cells. Mason stopped listening. A pit grew in his stomach at thoughts of what his fate might be. When Clive halted in front of Mason’s cell, his face sported a wide grin. Mason backed up and crossed his arms.

  “And here’s the star of our auction. Our most prized possession. You’re going to make my auction house the most famous ever. You, my boy, have gone for a sum far beyond anything I ever have imagined. The fight for you was fierce. I’m not sure what they all see in you, but in the end, the best Vampire won.”

  “What was his price?” asked Jax.

  “Ten million dollars,” said Clive, with triumph.

  “What?” Mason stepped forward and gripped the bars till his knuckles cracked. It wasn’t possible.

  “You’re being picked up in the next hour by our elite Tracking Squad for training.” Clive took a pile off the stack Jenny held and handed them to him through the bars.

  Mason stared down at the black T-shirt and pair of jeans. His head reeled. Ten million dollars meant they knew what he was. The plans for him to train with the Tracking Squad meant that they intended to
use him as a bodyguard, or worse, a killer. A ripple traveled through his body and he clenched his fists tight. There was nothing he could do about it—for now.

  * * * *

  Danika was working in her study when the desk phone rang.

  “Lord Danika, the Regency House van has just pulled up.”

  “Thank you. Please bring the humans up and send for Doc and Mr. and Mrs. Jankowski.”

  “Yes, m’lord.”

  Danika set down her phone. Mason wouldn’t be with them, but she was nervous nonetheless. If she got this wrong, she wouldn’t be the only one who suffered. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if anything happened to Sinya and the baby.

  A shadow stood near her dresser. “It’s you and me, Kitten. Now and forever.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It wasn’t real. He wasn’t real.

  There was a knock.

  “Enter.” She stood, shaking off the bad memories.

  Two guards from Regency House as well as Siad led in the humans. Whitey had his hands shoved deep in his pockets. Ike’s eyes darted back and forth, taking everything in.

  “Whitey, it’s nice to see you again.” Danika motioned for the guards to remove his shackles. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Whitey took in the entire room. His hands shook as the guard removed his handcuffs.

  “You will address the coven lord as master or my lord at all times,” said one of the guards.

  Whitey blanched and then swallowed. “My lord.”

  “I think we are good here.” Danika dismissed the guards with a wave and waited for them to leave before turning to Whitey again. “Have you ever been in a Vampire’s home before, Whitey?”

  “No, my lord.”

  “Have you ever met a Vampire before?”

  Whitey shook his head. “I’ve only seen them.”

  Danika nodded. “Do you know the difference between a minion and a slave?”

  “No, my lord.”

  “A slave is a human who serves his master and is subject to the collar, or the bracelet, like you’re wearing. That bracelet or collar ensures that the slave cannot run away. There is also a blood bonding, since you will be my personal slave. We will transfer blood, you and I. This will give us a connection that will allow you to experience my feelings and needs. You’ll be the closest person to me as long as you’re mine. The exchange of blood also allows your life to extend so that you can be with me longer. A minion is a vamp or vampyr assistant. Minions do not have a tracking device, they have rights as a citizen and may exchange blood with the Vampire to whom they are in service, but it’s optional. Do you have any questions?”

  “Yes,” he managed to whisper. “Does it hurt?” Whitey’s handsome, boyish face looked confused and overwhelmed. He swallowed hard again, and she thought he might pass out.

  “No. It’s very pleasurable for you. It will take three times of us trading blood for the bond to be completed. We’ll do it over a three-day period so your body can take the mingling of bloods.”


  Danika crossed to her desk and leaned back against it, folding her arms over her chest. She’d planned on starting right away, but she got the feeling it might be too much for Whitey. “Most Vampires do it right away. But since you haven’t been a willing participant in this, we can start with giving you a bracelet and then make the change when we’re sure it’ll work out.”

  She turned to Ike. He wasn’t fragile. He wouldn’t need time to accept his new position. He’d need to be put under the bond tonight to make him comply.

  Sinya and Lance walked in, followed by Doc. Danika smiled and motioned for them to come over. “Lance, Sinya, this is Ike. He is a fifty-five-year-old human marine, and I believe he will serve your needs. He’s already acquired most of the skills needed for a guardian. However, anything he doesn’t know, I’m sure you, Sinya, can teach him.”

  “Thank you, Lord, this is a most generous gift that will be most beneficial to both Sinya, as well as myself.”

  Danika rounded her desk and began to return emails and calls while Doc gave both humans a thorough check up. An hour later, Doc pronounced them healthy and ready to work. Lance and Sinya left with Ike.

  Danika looked over Whitey, who still stood with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. They weren’t at the office, and she had no intention of going in today. The best thing to do was show him around the house.

  “Come, Whitey, let us take a stroll, and I’ll show you where everything is.” He rubbed his wrist where Doc had put his bracelet on. “You’ll get used to it,” she said. “And hopefully you won’t need it for too long.”

  Whitey nodded.

  Danika walked out into the corridor and toward the room that had been Xenock’s. Her throat went dry as she unlatched the lock. Taking a deep breath, she pushed it open, ready to see, yet again, an image of Xenock. She sighed when she didn’t see him.

  “This will be your room. You may do with it as you wish.”

  She swallowed back the dryness, remembering the last time she’d been in it. Whitey inspected everything in turn. A full-size bed waited in the middle, with many pillows and a plush, dark comforter on top. There was a honey-colored nightstand with gold inlay, which her father had brought over from Russia, and a dresser and wardrobe to match. Heavy drapes framed a large picture window, but they’d been opened to let in the moonlight. A bathroom stood off to the side.

  After several minutes, she continued with the tour, through the dining hall, study, library, kitchen, game room, and Doc’s office. Whitey’s eyes stayed wide and his mouth hung slightly open by the time they finished.

  “Since you’re my personal slave you won’t be in the barracks with the rest of the house slaves. The bracelet on your wrist will prevent you from leaving the grounds. Should you try to run and escape, the bracelet will emit an electrical charge that will intensify the further away you get from the receiver I carry on me. Up to ten miles.”

  “What happens at ten miles?”

  “Your heart explodes. Or so I am told.” She shrugged. “I cannot know what this is like for you. But I’m a fair person. I do no ill to those who do me none. As long as you are in my service, I will treat you with respect. But in return, I expect your complete loyalty, as well as your willingness to learn and be the best you can. Will you do this for me, Whitey?”


  “I’m sorry?”

  “My name is William. They called me Whitey as a nickname because I am so pale. But my real name is William.”

  “Very well.” She nodded in approval. “William, will you do this for me?”

  “Yes, Lord Danika, I will do my best.”

  “I have some work to finish up, and I’m sure that you’ve had a stressful few days. Why don’t you take a shower, pick out something to wear. Grab a bite to eat if you’re hungry, then come and meet me in my rooms. I have a few phone calls for you to make.” She headed to her room. When she reached her door, she turned. He hadn’t moved. “Are you all right?”

  “Aren’t you going to... I mean... Aren’t there any guards?”

  Danika pointed to his wrist. “The bracelet, remember? Unless you give me a reason not to trust you, I do. Now, go, I’ll see you in a little bit.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  She watched William disappear into his room. The bands of tension about her decision loosened. She stood in the hall waiting for Xenock’s mocking smile, but he didn’t appear.

  She turned the knob to her room. Now she just needed to find out the fate of her more expensive prize.

  Chapter 6

  Mason sat on his bed, changed and washed, when three Vampires led by a vampyr dressed in black approached his cell. They stood between six foot two and six foot four. The tallest was an inch or so shorter than Mason and he easily had fifty pounds on all of them. Mason and the squad sized each other up. Their faces were calm and unreadable, but th
eir eyes said volumes. Mason’s beast roared at the nearness of them. He wanted out and he wanted to exact revenge for the things that had been done to him. Mason squeezed his fists shut trying to stave off the mounting anger.

  “Oh wonderful, you were able to make it.” Clive sauntered across the courtyard, his shoes clicking on the cement floor as he neared them. “Let me open the door.” He punched in the code and stepped aside. The man in front, a vampyr with long, light hair, and the telltale light blue eyes of a vampyr, stepped forward. His face was chiseled and hard.

  “Collar.” He flicked his tongue over his protruding short fangs and put his hand out. A second man handed over the black, metal-looking dog collar. Mason recognized it. It was the same as the one Clive had taken off him the hour before. His fists squeezed closed harder.

  “I am Neeman. I’m in charge of the Tracking Squad. We’re the elite guard of the Vampire society. You’ve been given to us for the next thirty days to train. Your new master has paid quite a lot of money and is highly regarded by both myself and our entire society. That is why we made this break from protocol and agreed to train you. You will come with us and learn what we teach you. If you don’t comply, there will be consequences. You’ll wear this collar until we deliver you to your new master. Do you understand?”

  Mason nodded. What he wanted to say was, Screw you! But he didn’t because getting out of this fight alive would not be an easy task. So he would wait until the time was right, and then he’d strike and kill as many of them as possible before winning his freedom. But to do that he’d need to take them one at a time, or at least fewer than four of them. They were too strong as a unit.

  Neeman raised the collar. Mason’s temperature rose and he fought to keep the anger out of him as the skin on his back stretched and moved.

  Neeman neared, and then stopped, his eyes narrowing. He moved forward again and quick as lightning clicked the collar shut on Mason’s throat. Mason swallowed hard. The collar was thick, but not as uncomfortable as others he’d worn.


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