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The Zoran's Fated (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides)

Page 5

by Luna Hunter

  My angry outburst doesn’t have the reaction I imagined it would have. Lilith doesn’t cower, doesn’t hide. Instead, she stands up, fists planted in her side, a furious look on that pretty face of hers. She is fuming.

  “Do you want my pity?” she says. “Do you expect me to feel sorry for you?! I’m lightyears from home, your prisoner, my friends are captured or dead, and I’m not even sure which is worse for them right now — I’m not feeling very empathetic, if you don’t mind.”

  I rise to my feet and take a step forward, my chest pressing against hers. I look down at her, my eyes narrowed. Our foreheads are an inch away from touching.

  “You should be thankful,” I grit with a clenched jaw.

  “For what?” she says, not backing down in the slightest. “For keeping me locked up in your cave?”

  I’ve never met anyone as fiery, as passionate as her. She is impossible — and that only makes me want her more.

  “It’s not safe for you out there!”

  “So I should stay here? Forever?”

  “No — why won’t you listen to reason?!”

  “Why won’t you let me take a damn shower?!”

  Our foreheads press against each other. I’m leaning forward, towering over the human female, and she stares right into my eyes, those big brown eyes of her filled with a warrior’s fury. I have the overwhelming urge to crush her lips with mine, to throw her against the wall and hold her in place, to punish her for her insolence, her ungratefulness, yet I resist…

  But only barely.

  “Is that what this is all about? You want a shower?”

  “It’s not just that, you big dumb alien,” she says, simmering with rage. “It’s everything. All I know is that I was attacked, and you took me here! All I have to go in is your word. And I believe you. Or I want to, as crazy as that may be. But if what you say is true, and you really want to help me, then help me. Don’t treat me like your prisoner. Treat me like a human being.”

  “What I say is true,” I growl. “Every word of it.”

  “Then let me out of here,” she says, poking me in the chest.

  I grab her wrist, and a jolt of electricity courses through my veins the moment we touch. Instantly, I am hard.

  We both hold our breath for a moment, and the world around us disappears. There’s only me and her, our lips only inches apart, my body yearning for her touch…

  I back away.

  “Let’s go then,” I say, offering the liana to her.

  “Are you… are you sure?”

  “Go, before I change my mind,” I say. “And if we both get killed, it’s your fault.”

  Chapter Seven


  Oh boy.

  The liana is resting in my hands, feeling very… brittle.

  This is what I wanted, right?

  So why am I not filled with relief?

  Or was I just pushing Daruk to get a reaction?

  “Are you sure this is safe?” I ask. “It feels kinda flimsy.”

  “It held us both when I carried you down, remember? It’ll hold.”

  I place my feet against the wall and take a deep breath. It looks so easy when Daruk does it, scaling this wall… but then again, he’s a mountain of muscle. I am anything but.

  “Will you catch me? If I fall?”

  “Of course,” Daruk answers. He stands behind me, placing his hands on my waist.

  “Just walk,” he says. “And don’t let go.”

  I ignore the fire burning in my core and follow his advice. I walk, vertically, up the wall, my hands clutching the liana as tight as I can. It goes well — for a step or two. Then, my arms start to grow heavy. My hands start shaking.

  My muscles ache.

  “You’re doing great,” Daruk yells.

  His voice sounds far away.

  In fact, all sounds start to fade, and the edges of my vision are turning white.

  I’m fainting.

  I glance down. It’s only a couple of yards, but the Zoran warrior feels like a mile away.

  My hand slips.

  When I open my eyes again, I’m staring right into Daruk’s.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Wh-what happened?” I stammer.

  “I caught you,” he says.

  I only now notice he’s carrying me, his strong arms wrapped around my frame. I feel protected. Safe. I close my eyes, and savor the feeling. I don’t want it to end. I don’t want to climb back into the overgrown jungle, I don’t want to face whoever attacked the ship… I just want to enjoy the feeling of being weightless for just a second longer.

  And I feel guilty for it.

  Captain Shepherd needs my help — though I haven’t figured out how I, a courier, am going to bust a whole ship worth of soldiers out of captivity. Hell, I already failed climbing out of this damn pit.

  I’m taking it one step at a time.

  “Hold on tight,” Daruk says. “I will carry you out.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, my legs sliding around his waist as he climbs up the steep cave wall. I close my eyes, my heart racing. This was a lot less scary when it was dark, and I couldn’t see how far down we were going.

  “You can let go now.”

  I open my eyes to find we’re standing in the jungle, surrounded by trees.

  “That was… quick,” I say. I let the alien warrior go, but not without a tinge of regret.

  “Do you want to take that shower?” he asks.

  “I do,” I answer.

  The Federation uniform is sticking to me — it’s grown quite hot since the sun came up, and my failed climb up the wall has only made me sweat even more.

  And that’s while ignoring the fact that merely looking at the nearly naked, golden-colored alien warrior makes me hot. Now imagine how touching him makes me feel.

  I’m hotter than a supernova.

  “Then follow me.”

  Daruk leads the way, showing me a path through the dense jungle. I quickly realize that without him, I’d be hopelessly lost. As I follow him — and admire his massive shoulders from behind — I start to feel guilty.

  If what he’s said is true, he’s risking his life for me.

  A complete stranger.

  And while he’s certainly stubborn, he hasn’t mistreated me. Quite the opposite, in fact. He’s caring. Sweet, even. Underneath that impressive body lies a heart as gold as his skin.

  I have a big mouth, but let’s be real. I’m at his mercy. This world is strange. Alien. Without him, I would probably have been hit by laser fire, or died from hunger in the jungle.

  And what do I give him in return? Sass.

  If what he says is true.

  It’s still possible he could be tricking me… but I don’t believe that. When I look into his eyes, I see honor. I see courage. I see pain.

  “Here we are.”

  Daruk pulls a few leaves to the side, revealing the most picturesque image I’ve ever seen.

  Water drops down from up high into a small basin, surrounded by gorgeous, exotic plants and flowers. It’s like something straight out of a fairy tale. I’ve only seen nature as beautiful as this on my holo-tv.

  “It’s amazing,” I say.

  “I agree,” Daruk says. “I come here often, to think, to train, or just to relax.”

  He turns back to me and looks at me expectantly.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You wanted to shower,” he says. “Go ahead. You won’t find a better place on this whole planet.”

  “But… you’re here.”

  “I am.”

  The water looks tempting. It’s clear, and cool, and my throat is dry, and my uniform is way too hot… but I can’t just strip in front of this warrior.

  I don’t strip in front of any man.

  Not anymore. Not since I’ve been rejected by every man who has seen me naked.

  I barely survived the crash that killed both my parents, and I have the scars to prove it. I was too young to rem
ember the accident, but the scars… they are a constant reminder.

  To say I’m self-conscious would be an understatement.

  “You have to leave,” I say.

  Daruk shakes his head. “I stay. For your protection.”

  My cheeks grow red hot at the thought of stripping naked in front of the Zoran warrior. I’m not sure I could handle it. I look around for a way out, but of course, there is none.

  There is only the cool water, the waterfall that beckons me, and the gorgeous alien warrior furrowing his brow, waiting for me to strip on his command.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this.

  “Turn around,” I say. “You can’t watch.”

  “Of course,” he answers. “I promise.”


  My back is turned towards the human female, as I hear the zipper of her uniform sliding down. The sound alone is enough to make me hard. She is only a few feet away, stark naked, her pale body mine to take, to touch, to taste…


  Focus, Daruk. You have given her your word. She trusts you, or at least, she is beginning to. Don’t throw that away for a single taste. Conquer her heart and mind, and you can taste her whenever you want…

  What would father say if he could hear my thoughts? Would he scream, would he argue with me? Or would he simply attack me, erase my sins from his family line?

  He’s trained me well. I can take him, if the time comes.

  The water makes a splashing sound as Lilith wades in. “Oh, it’s cold!” she says.

  “Not too cold?” I ask.

  “No, it’s perfect, actually.”

  The next thing I hear is a blissful sigh as she takes her place underneath the waterfall. My fists are balled up, my heart racing, as a battle rages inside of me. The battle between lust and honor, between my cock and my word.

  And with every passing second, my cock grows harder, and my lust grows.

  One single peek won’t hurt.

  I have to make sure she’s safe, after all.

  That is the lie I tell myself to justify turning around.

  The moment I do, it is as if I’ve been struck by lightning. I’m rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to look away. The beautiful vision in front of me has ensnared me, body and soul.

  The clear water rains down on Lilith’s gorgeous, naked form. Her dark hair clings to her body, her eyes closed, a blissful smile on her lips as she enjoys the refreshment only nature can bring. The water glides down her naked body, dripping past her many curves.

  Her pale skin, her full breasts, her curvy hips — I’ve never seen anything more alluring.

  More beautiful.

  More enchanting.

  My cock was hard enough to smash rocks when I heard her zipper come down, but now it’s hard enough to split diamonds.

  My fingers itch just to hold her, to feel her warm, naked skin, to touch those curves of hers.

  To make her mine.

  I gave her my word. I promised her she could shower in peace.

  That’s one promise I can’t keep.


  The water is cool and refreshing. My eyes are closed, the pressure of the waterfall helping my stress fade into the background. There’s so much tension in my shoulders, so much fear and anxiety inside of me since the ship was assaulted… and finally, I can relax, if only for a few moments.

  While naked, out in the open, on an alien world.

  This trip is one of many firsts.

  I know that I’ll have to face the world again the moment I open my eyes. I have to face the reality of my situation: rogue Zorans have captured the ship’s crew, and I’m stranded on this strange, alien planet, completely at Daruk’s mercy.

  He’s a good guy though, even if he technically kidnapped me. He’s risking his life for me. I make a mental note to be kinder to him. A tingle runs down the back of my spine when I imagine all the ways I can thank him, and a sly smile forms on my lips.

  All things considered, things could be a lot worse. My savior is a seven feet tall, golden-skinned Zoran warrior. I’d never thought I’d see so much of one — his loincloth leaves little to the imagination — and I never thought I’d enjoy the sight as much either.

  He has a body to die for. Every muscle perfectly defined, every inch of him looking like it was hewn out of pure marble, the body of a god…

  “Open your eyes.”

  I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear Daruk’s low, growly voice from right behind me. I whirl around, nearly stumbling over in the water, my hands moving in a flurry to cover my naked form.

  “W-wh-what,” I stammer. “A-a-are you doing?!”

  The imposingly tall warrior is standing a single foot away from me.

  Completely naked.

  His cock, as big and as impressive as he is, is standing up fiercely.

  I gulp.

  And I can’t look away.

  The veins running up his length throb, and I feel myself growing wet at the mere sight of his hardness. My fingers ache to touch it, to feel its warmth, its weight, its thickness.

  What am I doing?!

  Mustering every bit of willpower I have, I manage to tear my eyes away from his golden cock. My eyes drift up his frame, following the lines of his abs, his broad chest, his powerful shoulders, his chiseled jawline… until I finally reach those brilliant, radiant eyes of his.

  “What are you doing?” I ask again, trying to sound as confident as possible.

  Trying to sound like I don’t want him to lift me up and fuck me right here and now.

  Trying, and failing miserably.

  “I couldn’t resist,” he says.

  His voice is a low growl that only makes me wetter.

  Which, considering I’m standing underneath a waterfall, is quite an accomplishment.

  “You are perfect,” Daruk says.

  His right hand moves towards my waist, but I back away, retreating underneath the waterfall. I look down at my waist, the scar running down across my stomach a stark reminder that I’m far, far from perfect.

  Yet the alien warrior doesn’t seem to mind.

  He doesn’t back away.

  He doesn’t run from me.

  Quite the opposite — he seems more than ready to make me his.

  “What about… you know… my scars?” I ask.

  “What about them?” he asks. “To be honest I hadn’t noticed them.”

  He reaches out and traces a finger across my stomach. I have one hand covering my breasts, the other between my legs, shielding my pussy from his view — this leaves me with no available hands to stop him from touching me. A jolt of electricity runs down my spine the moment he makes physical contact.

  “How could you not?” I ask, my knees trembling. “They are everywhere… and they are hideous.”

  “They are a part of you,” he says, “and therefore, they are beautiful.”

  His hand slips around my waist, resting on my lower back as he pulls me close.

  A warmth spreads throughout my entire body, radiating from his touch outwards. Not even the cool water can quench the flame he’s lit.

  Daruk places his other hand under my chin, tilting my head up. Our lips are only inches from touching. His gaze locks with mine.

  My heart is racing, my knees weak, and if it weren’t for Daruk’s strong arm on my lower back, I might have just tumbled over. My lips are yearning for his touch, begging to be kissed, but still a piece of me resists, a piece of me hesitates…

  …But every last doubt goes out the window the moment he kisses me.

  My lips part, welcoming his tongue, my body melting into his. My arms fall to my sides, overwhelmed by the powerful sensation. I have been kissed before, but never like this. Never like this.

  It is as if time itself stands still. As if the universe has disappeared.

  Nothing else exists except for us both, except for his tongue in my mouth and his hands on my naked skin.

  I want him more than I’ve ever wanted
anything in my life.

  I wrap my body around his, shamelessly moaning as his hand slides down and grabs my ass. I barely know where to touch him — I want to feel every inch of him.

  His strong, broad shoulders.

  His rock-hard abs.

  And, of course, his throbbing, beautiful, perfect manhood.

  Both of my hands slide around his length. His cock is warm and thick, and I can feel it pulse in my hands.

  “You’re so big,” I whisper between kisses.

  I place the head of his cock against my pussy, rubbing against my wet lips and my swollen clit. Every throb of his cock makes my heart jump a bit, the smile on my face impossible to lose.

  He growls into my mouth, both of his hands now moving to my ass, his fingers sinking into my skin as he gropes me.

  I love the feeling of his strong hands holding me, feeling me, taking me.

  I am his.

  Without warning he lifts me up, effortlessly raising me into the air, his strong hands resting underneath my ass. My yelp is cut short by his lips pressing down on mine, his erect cock pressing against my entrance.

  I want him, but I am scared. He’s that big.

  “W-wait,” I protest weakly as the head of his cock parts my lips, and a part of me curses when he actually listens to me.

  I’m wetter than I’ve ever been in my life. If I can ever take a Zoran cock down to the hilt, this is that moment. “Be… gentle,” I whisper.

  Daruk smirks.

  He lowers me down onto his cock, and my world is shattered.

  I can never go back to my old life.

  I can never be satisfied with staying inside and watching Holoflix, ever again.

  Not now that I’ve had a taste of sex.

  Real sex.

  Not the stuff I’ve done before.

  None of that compares to a seven feet tall, golden-skinned Zoran warrior lifting you up and making you feel absolutely weightless, watching his muscles bulge and his brow furrow, watching drops of water slide down that perfectly sculpted body of his and placing your palms on his chest and feeling his heart beat rhythmically as his thick, alien cock fills you up, inch by inch, filling you more than you’ve ever thought possible.


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