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Dungeon Enslaved

Page 9

by D. R. Rosier

  I was frozen for a moment, as the five senses overwhelmed me. As a dungeon I had something similar to sight and hearing, along with an awareness of everything in my dungeon’s aura, but I’d had no sense of touch, taste, or smell. The varied sensations were overwhelming for a moment, the warm breeze against the skin of my face and stirring of my hair, and the mélange of sweet scents from the flowers and mountain breeze. It was all both familiar and alien, temporarily overwhelming, and felt very real though I knew I was in the fantasy world of Astrith’s mind.

  I could see out on the veranda a candlelit table set for two, it was dark out, nighttime, and the sky was clear, which afforded me a breathtaking vista of millions of bright stars above.

  But none of that drew my eyes, like Astrith did. She was looking out over the veranda’s edge, her hands on the fence, with her back to me. She had on a slinky crimson dress that hugged her curves, and flared out at the waist, the voluminous skirts went down past her knees. Her dark midnight hair was up in a bun, revealing the back of her neck, and her wings were pulled in tightly in that moment.

  I wasn’t sure if she was bigger, or I was shrunk, but in the end that didn’t really matter. From my perspective in scale to my human memories and size, she was about five foot four, with that same tight, supple, and curvy body. I couldn’t wait to see her face and look in her eyes. Something I’d done before, but she’d never been able to look back into mine.

  I smiled, and then took a few steps forward and then up the stairs. It was then I noticed this dream took place on a mountaintop, and the view was stunning. Almost as stunning as my Astrith. I moved forward, and put my hands lightly on her sides, and she started to tremble slightly. I leaned down, and gave her neck a brushing kiss, her skin was warm and like silk against my lips, and she released a soft sigh and turned in my arms.

  She was a demoness, but her face was angelically beautiful, and her green red-speckled eyes were wide with anticipation and excitement. Her full pouty lips were slightly and breathlessly parted, and her body felt so warm under my hands as I held and caressed her waist and hips. Her face was more serious than I’d ever seen it, as she searched my eyes. She rested her hands on my chest.

  I said, “You are stunning.”

  I kept my hazel eyes on her green ones, but that didn’t stop me from taking in her vast and mostly covered cleavage peripherally, her proud and rounded breasts were very bountiful, impossible to hide even in a conservative dress with a sweetheart neckline. My double D estimation in her shorter size turned out to be too conservative, just slightly so, but then in the moment she was five foot four, not five foot even. Her stomach was flat and tight, her waist tiny, and her hips sexy.

  But those vivacious green eyes were mesmerizing as she looked up at me, I got lost in them.

  A wide happy smile broke out on her face.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m going to kiss you now,” I said in a confident voice.

  The earlier tremble came back, and her eyes were filled with desire, need, and hope as she slightly nodded. She went up on her toes, as I bent my neck down, and our lips touched for the first time. What to say about our first kiss, it was everything I’d imagined, and so much more. Her lips were like fine silk, and slightly moist and yielding to my own. It started out soft, tentative, but we quickly found our own sensuously personal rhythm.

  She gave a little breathy sigh into my mouth, while her hands rubbed up my chest, over my shoulders, and around my neck. Her body melted against mine, and her lips slightly parted as I licked along her bottom lip seeking entry.

  My own hands explored the supple nubile flesh of her hips, waist, back, and even the sides of her generous breasts, that last one made our first kiss go from gentle and probing, to demanding, breathy, and lustful.

  She moaned in my mouth when she felt my growing bulge, and her whole body ground against me like a cat in heat.

  When I broke the kiss, we were both a little breathless, and my heart was pounding in my chest. I turned my gaze away regretfully, and I looked at the dinner table covered in foods. There was steak, a red thing I assumed a lobster, baked potato, and a lot of other sides.

  “Dinner?” I asked almost regretfully.

  She giggled, a little nervously, and a lot naughtily.

  “Or… we could work up an appetite first. I’m yours Narian, forever, you are my master, and you are so much more than that already. I need to be yours, I need to be…”

  What else she needed to be I never found out, as I reclaimed her lips with a demanding kiss. I did care about Astrith, very much, might have even loved her after spending a month with her, but in the heat of that moment, it was all fire, anticipation, and need. I needed to claim her as much or more than she needed to be claimed.

  She gasped, and kissed me back with needy breathlessness, when my hands slid down her back and firmly squeezed her supple bubbled ass, something I’d been wanting to do for a long time. It was better than I’d imagined, firm, supple, and eminently squeezable.

  “Narian,” she said a little desperately, in a breathless and needy voice.

  I teased her lips with mine, and slowed down the kiss, just as passionate, but also mixing in the softer and deeper emotions along with the lust, while I slowly pulled up the skirts of her dress an few inches at a time as I fisted my fingers over and over. Slowly dragging it up her silky fair skin.

  The sexual tension rose quickly with my teasing slow movements, and the anticipation of what was to come was delicious.

  She sighed breathily, and melted into me even more aggressively, when my fingers finally dug into the skin of her milky thighs instead of more fabric. Her arms tightened around my neck and her legs went firmly around my waist, as I picked her up by her ass cheeks, which was even better with skin to skin contact. Her whole body arched, and her hips swiveled as she ground herself against me with a needy whimper.

  I was so hard it hurt in its confinement. Her skin was so supple and soft, silky, and would remain forever so. Her scent was sweet and heady, and her fingers felt like magic on the back of my neck. Her warm body felt incredible against mine already as I carried her down to the bed, and we still had clothes between us.

  I placed her on her feet, and we continued to kiss, tease, and nip as we stripped each other slowly. When we were naked I took a moment to enjoy the view of her without a strip of clothing. Her breasts were even larger now they weren’t bound, and impossibly pert and gravity defying, while still slightly and naturally swaying with her supple small movements. I’d already seen most of the rest of it in her sluttier clothing that she’d worn for me that last month, save the sexy mound of her pussy which was flowered open, puffy, and her light pink labia glistened with her obvious arousal. She was ready for me.

  “So beautiful,” I whispered in honest lust and admiration.

  My mouth watered at the idea of getting a taste, but my cock was painfully hard, and insistent. Oral pleasures could wait, it was time to claim the love of my… second life.

  I also noticed something else, I had my brown hair and hazel eyes, and it felt like the body I’d been born with, except for one thing. I’d never been small, seven inches, and thicker than average, but Astrith’s dream had extended that another couple of inches, I wasn’t going to complain about it, and at the time I hardly even noted it, I was far too mesmerized and turned on by Astrith, her green eyes, beautiful face, and sinful body.

  I pulled her against me, and we both moaned at the feeling of our skin against each other. So much better without the clothes, my nerves were alight everywhere her body touched mine, and my hands were in heaven as I caressed her body. I lifted her, and then placed her on the bed.

  She looked up at me through her eyelashes with hunger, devotion, and surrender in her eyes, as she arched her back and spread her legs in both a lewd and yet a breathlessly sweet offering.

  I couldn’t help myself, as I crawled up onto the bed and kissed her ankle, and I continued to kiss my way up her body slow
ly, teasingly. I needed to claim her badly, but I could hold on a little longer, and I loved the breathy sighs that fell from her lips, and how responsive and out of control her body was to my lightest touch.

  She trembled in desire, and twitched in need, as I teased her senses with my hands, fingertips, lips, tongue, and teeth.

  I spent a brief moment to steal a taste at the apex of her legs, and knew I’d be back there soon, as I kissed along her pelvis, up her stomach, and then paid brief homage at her succulent breasts.

  She gasped, and her hands gripped my hair, as I took a nipple into my mouth, and teased it with my tongue and teeth. One hand was holding me up, but the other was freely exploring and teasing her other breast.

  “Narian, please!”

  My cock twitched, hard, and I took my place between her legs. I rubbed up and down her labia, mixing her liquid satin with my own precum, and then slowly but relentlessly and firmly, pushed inside her heaven.

  I gasped, as her body arched, her legs went around me, and she thrust up while I pushed down as our bodies joined together as one.

  She was so hot and tight, but incredibly slick for me, and the silken liquid friction pleasure was indescribably euphoric as our bodies slowly came together in mutual short thrusts. Our kiss grew more passionate the deeper I got, until our bodies were flush, and I paused for a moment while her rippling and convulsing tight heaven started to settle and conform around my long and thick invader.

  She gasped, “Fuck me, Narian. Make me yours.”

  Our bodies started to rock together, at first slowly as we built a rhythm between us, but it quickly ramped up to hard, fast, and full thrusts the full length of my cock.

  I wasn’t going to last very long this first time, just the wind on my skin had been overwhelming being in a body again. That was nothing to the intense hot moist pleasure of being buried in her heat, and the way she swiveled and squeezed tightly with each thrust, the stimulation was beyond euphoric bliss. Her snug walls tugged on the skin of my cock each time I pulled out, and each time I slid in sparks of pleasure inundated my body.

  That didn’t stop me from pounding into her hard and fast, my lust and need to claim her would accept nothing else, so it was fortunate she was extremely worked up as well. The second time would be longer, and far more controlled, but I doubted I’d lasted five minutes that first time.

  So, when she went over into ecstasy, screamed my name, and I felt her body squeeze and convulse around me, while her sexy legs wrapped tighter and she arched her back further, I felt my balls boil uncontrollably. Not to mention the look of sweet ecstasy on her angelic face, or the vulnerable and deeply loving look in her eyes as she was taken by pleasure.

  All of that tossed me over the cliff into bliss. I grunted deeply as my legs went numb, my balls tightened, and I started to fill her welcoming body with my offering. It was a moment I’d never forget, not just the ecstasy of her sinful body, or the sweet surrender and love in her pleasure filled eyes, but what I felt in my heart as well. There was an animalistic and instinctual victory in the claiming, but more than that it was the moment we fully connected, our minds and bodies joined as one in rapturous bliss.

  She smiled vulnerably as we came down together and I knew our night had just gotten started. The food would be waiting for quite a while longer.

  Astrith was a joy and pleasure in bed that night, I learned she was a wild little sexpot, and came easily and often for me, once she’d been worked up to it that first time. Joyfully multi-orgasmic barely covered the reality of it. She was so giving, and she surrendered it all to me that night.

  I was in awe of her.

  We were insatiably eager that first night together, multiple positions, and we drowned in the sensual and physical pleasure, but also in our deep connection as we stared into each other’s eyes. There was also no doubt she was cheating, it was a dream world after all, only in her mind, even if it all felt real, perfectly so, because my stamina was just about endless that night…

  Chapter Eleven

  The alley was dark, dank, and stunk of garbage and waste. The moon was a sliver in the sky, and she could barely see where she was stepping. She tried not to think too hard about that fact. She could have cast a globe of soft white light with a thought, she was a cleric after all, but she was keen to avoid notice.

  Jenny sighed as she neared the door to what looked like a condemned warehouse. She couldn’t see it just then, but she’d been there many times before. Once a week actually. Several of the wood boards that made up the wall were rotted, cracked, and even broken in places. She wasn’t on the best side of town, more the better, no master in the church of light would hide among the surrounding detritus.

  She knocked, and the door swung open.

  A young lady barely a woman, thirteen or fourteen, gave her a tight smile and waved her in. The young woman was dressed in a simple pair of breeches and a tunic, and the young woman led her wordlessly into the small warehouse.

  “Karen, how are you?”

  Karen shrugged lightly, “Still alive, thanks to you mistress.”

  Jenny waved that away, embarrassed by the praise. She just did what she was led to do. She looked around and gauged the people on the ground. Some looked sick, a couple had broken bones, and there were twice as many that probably just had aches and pains.

  Instead of trying to chat up Karen more, who was clearly uncomfortable with an adept cleric of the church even if a helpful one, she got to work.

  She knelt down near the closest man, who was covered in sweat and his face was in a pain filled grimace. The arcane words of the healing spell fell from her lips, as she reached down and touched the man. It was a difficult spell, healing sickness was much harder to do than broken bones and cut flesh. But as an adept level five she was more than up for it. A soft white light left her hands and filled his body, and she felt pleasure in the act.

  Karen helped her hold the man down, as he started to jerk and shake, but it wasn’t long before his eyes cleared, the pallor of his skin lifted, and healthy color returned.

  She immediately moved to the next one, and then began the chant anew.

  Healing wasn’t exactly against the church of light’s mission, it was in fact one of their duties. The problem was, the church charged a silver for healing from anyone who came to the temple district seeking relief. Anyone without coin was turned away.

  She’d always hated that.

  No, healing wasn’t forbidden, but the poor sections of the city couldn’t afford the temples, and healing for free was very much frowned down on, and it would hurt her chances at elevation to the master ranks if she was caught doing it.

  Although, she was pretty sure her chances were already close to nil, since she’d spurned the handful of master’s that had offered her marriage. She played outside the lines in too many other things for it to make a big difference.

  Still, if they didn’t know about it, they couldn’t order her to stop doing it. That was the most important thing to her mind. So, once a week she skulked into the poor section of the city in the depth of night, and she healed anyone that showed up in the old rickety warehouse. For free.

  She understood the other side of it, the church cost money to run, but she abhorred the policy to ignore charity. After all, it was her magic wasn’t it? A personal cost, and donation to a cause. She wasn’t stealing money from the church, these people would just suffer, or maybe even die without her help, and the church still wouldn’t have more coin.

  She moved from body to body, and she was relieved when the last of the sicknesses were taken care of. It took more concentration, effort, and magic. The wounds and broken bones were simple by comparison, and her healing would prevent the complications of blood disease and other infections.

  It bothered her, that even as she healed them, they feared her. What did that say about the church? Nothing good in her opinion, but instead of getting angry or upset about it while she was there, which would just make it worse, she smile
d gently at them and treated them kindly.

  She considered the last month of training on her walk back through the dark city. She’d reached the rank of journeywoman level one as a paladin just last week. The enhancements of the body were far subtler at that level, not so much just flooding the body for increased speed and strength. Along with that subtlety was a need for greater control and concentration. She was able to enhance her hearing, sense of smell, and even her eyesight, as well as speed up her perception of movement. It was difficult, but she knew she’d get the hang of it.

  She also knew her training with Andy would come to an end soon, although they’d still be able to practice in order to maintain their current levels of expertise. He was a paladin adept, and to be trained in adept would require a master for a teacher. He couldn’t teach what he himself hadn’t mastered yet, at least not well. The chances of her getting one of the current master paladins to teach her were slim to none, she suspected she’d have to linger at journeywoman level five, or perhaps adept level one, until Andy was promoted and allowed to study and learn the final secrets. She knew it would only take her six months on the outside to get that far.

  When she got back to the temple district, she stopped at the stables and took the time to clean her boots. Fortunately, her robes were high enough off the ground they hadn’t been stained, and then she headed for her home. The church lived in large buildings that housed sixty people each. Everyone got their own room, but there was one large bath for the females, and one for the males. The sixty of them also shared a common kitchen and very large dining room.

  Married couples got multiple room suites, and those expecting were moved to smaller homes on the edge of the temple district.

  She didn’t go to her room though, she slipped into Sophia’s, and stripped off her clothes before sliding back into the bed and snuggling up with her lover as she closed her eyes. Sophia was aware of her weekly healing sessions, so she wasn’t worried about questions.


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