Dungeon Enslaved

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Dungeon Enslaved Page 11

by D. R. Rosier

  The ones in my dungeon were merely pawns of the masters, and even had they wanted to break with the church they couldn’t. I’d learned that the other day, from some of the younger ones bitching about it. Apparently, anyone born with the affinity to wield light magic were forced to join and serve the church, even to the point of tearing them away from their families when they turned sixteen.

  It was that or voluntary banishment.

  Part of me understood that, but the partition that burned with rage wanted to kill them all. That part of me was even mad at my descendent, even though I knew intellectually there was no way for her to know who she truly was, what her birthright was, and I wasn’t sure if that even mattered anymore. Was her birthright even still valid, after two thousand years and a hundred generations? I imagined my line had served the church for that long, and that more than anything burned my ass. Figuratively of course, since I didn’t have an ass.

  Still, I knew that wouldn’t happen, the rage wasn’t the only part of me. I would settle for burning out the corruption, and also killing the bastards in charge who maintained and were responsible for it. Of course, making that actually happen while not getting killed was problematical at best.

  After all, I had a reason to live on now. A foot-tall reason of exuberant sexiness and sweetness. I think I even loved her touchiness and relatively rare fits of temper, she was… mesmerizing in all her moods, at least to me. She was my servant, but she’d also ensnared me. We’d been spending almost all our time together, save when she slept, and the rare few hours a week she spent searching the forest for new life patterns I could use and create.

  It was the middle of the night, and I was contemplating the horrors and wonder of my existence when I felt someone enter the dungeon. She was short, four foot nine, and wore a long coat with a hood that completely hid her, even her face was covered in shadows. The only reason I even knew it was a female, was because no male had ever walked with that certain and naturally alluring swish of the hips.

  When she got down the stairs, she knelt, and pushed the hood off of her head. To my surprise I was looking at female goblin. She was actually rather attractive, if green of skin tone with rather large pointed ears even larger than an elf’s. Her skin was smooth, her face thin with high cheekbones giving her a severe alien and exotic beauty. She had shoulder length dark red hair, and dark brown eyes with a tinge of red in them. I was fascinated, it must’ve been one of the goblin tribes from the wasteland to the west, I was also impressed by Astrith’s connections, if gossip among the darker races of my awakening had reached that desolate place.

  She said, “I wish to make a pact of service on behalf of my clan, may I approach?”

  I spun up a dark spell configuration for communication, I could understand her speech, but of course I had no mouth with which to speak. Air dungeons could use air magic to create speech by vibrating the air, but of course I was dark, fire, and earth. That left using dark magic and direct mind contact for communication.

  “You may.”

  She stood up, and then moved her arms back and shrugged the long coat off, presumably because there was no further reason to hide or sneak. She removed the scepter sized crook she had hanging at her neck, and she wielded it in her right hand. I could feel the magic emanating from it, although I couldn’t discern the enchantment it held. She wasn’t mine yet, so my magic couldn’t read her and her equipment, just like any other adventurer in my dungeon.

  She wore a tight leather vest that was somewhat reminiscent of one of Astrith’s sports bras from that other dimension. Her tight stomach was bared, as well as a generous amount of her cleavage. The leather vest did little more than contain her perky B cups, and clearly wasn’t armor. She also had on tight leather breaches, and what looked like sandals. Her body was lissome, and she was small at four foot nine, but the curves and mature beauty of her face clearly marked her as an adult woman. By the staff, several necklaces with hanging fetishes, and her aura of earth magic, I suspected she was the shaman of the tribe.

  That made a certain amount of sense, the goblin tribes were co-ruled by the chieftain and shaman, but I supposed sending the shaman to negotiate made the most sense. Chieftains tended to be more war leaders and in charge of battle, while the shaman worked on cooperation, communication, and deals.

  I exerted my will and held my creatures still, as she walked boldly forward without fear now that she had my leave to approach the core room. Her face was calm and composed, as she moved at quick walk but appeared to be in no hurry. It wasn’t the impression I’d had of goblins, when I’d been human, but then she was in a dark dungeon among a possible future ally, she had no reason to act in an intimidating or wild manner.

  I waited patiently as she walked down, and I also took the opportunity of the time afforded to wake up Astrith and let her know what was going on.

  Astrith frowned, “Goblins are pretty weak. Barely stronger than undead.”

  I quickly agreed, “They are, but they’re also different and new, and better than nothing. I can swap things around, perhaps summon more powerful elementals, and make them the four levels for mid-adept to mid-master, and then use either the goblins or undead to replace them. I’ll have to see what I’m working with first. The shaman herself feels at least high apprentice, if not low journeyman, which would work out perfectly.”

  Astrith smiled, “Good point, I didn’t think of that. She’s kind of cute, for a goblin.”

  “I hadn’t noticed.”

  Astrith smirked, “Liar, but I love you for it. Look all you want, but no touching.”

  “Yes maam.”

  Astrith beamed, then frowned, “I shouldn’t have said that, I belong to you.”

  I replied, “And I belong to you by choice.”

  She melted a bit at that, and then straightened back up and started to bounce on her toes in excitement when the shaman walked in. I wasn’t worried she’d heard our voices, we talk mentally, not out loud.

  The shaman knelt again, and then waited.

  I said, “A hundred years of service, what is the size and power of your tribe, and what are your terms?”

  She said, “Great dungeon, our tribe numbers twenty-five hands strong, and our abilities for our warriors range between apprentice and journeyman. I myself am in that second category, which is how I earned the title of shaman. We have some initiates, but they would not fight until they are up to snuff, and we train our own.”

  I pondered that, “How many warriors?”

  She replied, “Twenty-two hands and three.”

  Okay, a hand was five, so there were a hundred and twenty-five in the tribe, and a hundred and thirteen warriors. That only left twelve of them who didn’t fight? Whatever, I figured for four floors, twenty-five on each floor, and maybe thirteen of them in the last room, including the chieftain and shaman, and their best warriors. That would be perfect for my second four levels, where the elementals were at the moment.

  I put my experimental mind partition on working on summoning more powerful elementals in the mid-adept to mid-master range. I also wouldn’t have to change the levels, not really, I’d be using teleport alcoves, so their physical order didn’t make a difference, the goblins would actually be on the lowest four levels physically, but they’d be the second block of four levels encountered by the adventurers.

  I was excited I had all twenty levels worked out now, but I still had to design four goblin levels. I’d have that done a while before the current levels being built were finished though, so good stuff. I was also aware the goblins would continue to grow, eventually they would move up in power requiring another reorganization, but that was fine, and wouldn’t happen fast or often.

  “Alright, what are your terms, for your tribe of warriors to serve me for a hundred years.”

  She replied, “Knowledge and power gained from our encounters, our bodies should be at the same age they are now when service is done. I would also like you to try and improve them, so we may seek power b
eyond master levels. It is rare for goblins to achieve such power, we live short violent lives, and die in battle. I would have more for my people. We will also require food, water, weapons, and armor for all my warriors. Lastly, a safe den for our children.”

  Were all goblins that smart, or was she an exception? I’d find out soon enough.

  I said, “That is acceptable. I will build four levels you must defend from adventurers and one other only accessible by your tribe for crops and non-combatants.”

  My build partition was already planning it out. Smaller tunnels and warrens, with a lot of cover and ambush points, and a few mundane traps. To make things more interesting, I made the tunnels wide enough for two goblins to fight side by side, but not wide enough for two humans to do so.

  I also immediately stopped building the last four levels, and started on the goblin ones, the living space and food level first, then I’d build the four dungeon levels. I’d a feeling I needed that one floor fast, but not the other four until the dungeon opened.

  She nodded, “Very good, I must retrieve my tribe, and bring them here so they can swear allegiance, but I will do so now to seal our deal, by the terms we have discussed.”

  That worked for me too, her soul would be bound to the dungeon, to me, and if by some freak accident she was found and killed sneaking away from human lands, she’d respawn and get to try again. I was pretty sure that wouldn’t happen, but it was still a good thing.

  “Agreed,” I said, and then bound her to me.

  She stood up.

  I said, “One moment before you go.”

  I created a crystal, that would act as a beacon of sorts, for a portal spell. Portal spells were light magic, and I couldn’t cast one directly, but I could put a portal enchantment in their cavern and activate it, that way she wouldn’t have to sneak a hundred and twenty-five goblins within two miles of Tenemin, and somehow get them past all the guards, into the keep above us, and down into my dungeon. It would take the mana crystal a day or two to absorb enough light magic, but then the level wouldn’t be done for almost a week.

  “Take that with you, it will take me five or six days to complete your quarters and farming level, at that time I’ll activate a portal linked to that crystal. You can bring your tribe through at that time to swear allegiance. I don’t want to lose any of you to a senseless skirmish while crossing the human’s land above.”

  She goblin shaman actually smiled, and bowed, “As you will. Thank you. I should be back with my tribe in three days. You may call me Tish.”

  Tish, interesting name, and the smile had transformed her face, made her beauty not so severe and less remote.

  She picked up the crystal, and then started to backtrack through the dungeon.

  I supposed I could have told her about the back-stair shortcut, but then I figured she needed to pick up the long coat she’d left behind on her way out.

  I said to Astrith, “So it looks like my dungeon will be twenty levels, four levels of each of undead, then goblins, mutated forest creatures, elementals, and golems. At least, to start with, and good enough to free myself.”

  She tilted her head, “Sounds good. Are you worried about overpopulation?”

  I replied, “Not especially. When the tribe is doubled in size, I’ll make it so they can’t have more children until the term of service is up, at that point they’ll be able to have shifts and have time to study, practice, and all that good stuff.”

  She nodded thoughtfully, and then bounced a bit on her toes. I was almost sure she didn’t even know she was doing, nor did I stop her, or even consider telling her. I just shamelessly enjoyed the view and the obvious effect that had on her most salient features.

  “So, about a month to finish things up?”

  I said, “Maybe a little less, my magic absorption is speeding up, and in less than a week I’ll have a hundred and twenty-five goblins to add to that. Just over three weeks?”

  I probably had enough magic to build the five full goblin levels and the rest of the golem levels in one night, but I’d be almost complete drained if I did. Better to wait until I was ready, and the church noticed my new higher level of lifeforce potential as I finally allowed it to start filling up. Then I’d make my move, hook up the floors by teleport alcoves, destroy the control spells, and move Astrith and I down to the last room in the golem levels.

  At least, that was the plan, I wasn’t exactly positive I’d survive that second step.

  Astrith reached up with her hands, stretched out her wings, and arched her back as she did a full body stretch. Seductive as a description didn’t even come close to covering it.

  I supposed I was truly a goner for her, because I was already thinking about kids. Thing was, it was a problematic idea at best. When my father knocked up my mother, they’d raised their kids, me included, outside the dungeon. That was possible because of what he was, and it was simple for him to break off a piece of his will and create a second avatar which could leave his dungeon aura. Something that was beyond my mortal soul and power, even if I had some abilities and perks from being of the upper and lower planes.

  Point was, we’d have to raise them in the dungeon, and I’d either be a rock as a father, or I’d have to create my own body I could remote control with a partition. But… what kind of life and childhood would that be?

  One other possibility was when my aura got large enough, I could leave the dungeon proper with a human body and go above ground, as long as it was within reach of my aura. Still, that would be risky, people would notice if I never left the immediate area, and if they figured it out I’d be labeled as a runaway dungeon.

  One day I’d talk to her about it, maybe she’d have an idea, but I wasn’t quite ready yet, just thinking about it. I was pretty sure she was ready for it at the time, but she hadn’t brought it up yet either.

  She said sultrily, “I think I’ll go back to bed.”

  “You tired?”

  She smiled coquettishly, “Not even a little bit,” she said suggestively in a purring sultry voice.

  Her swaying ass, and the smoldering look in her eyes as she looked over her shoulder at my dungeon crystal was more than clear enough. Woman could be too subtle sometimes, but that come fuck me look was far from subtle.

  I couldn’t get enough of her now. Yeah, vengeance was still very important to me, but it wasn’t the only thing I thought about, not since she appeared like a whirlwind into my life and changed everything. I wondered if she had any idea how she’d changed me, merely by being the exuberant and lovely creature she was. It may have been her dream to find true love and family in addition to being a dungeon’s imp, but it was sure as hell me benefiting from that.

  It was far more than the spell and the sex, it was the constant companionship and relationship. I believed I started to understand then why dungeons that lost their imp or faery lost their minds.

  Damn, her ass was pure sinful delight, and she could move it so well. Those yoga pants were awesome, although I still had no damned clue what yoga was.

  I impatiently waited until her little home was all closed up, and she was safe, then I cast the mind trap spell and followed it down our bond.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jenny said, “Tactics. When in a group with paladins always shield yourself and your paladins, just like they’ll physically guard you from physical attackers, you’re all responsible for keeping them safe from magic and for healing when they take physical damage. Light magic doesn’t have a physical barrier spell like some of the other spheres, which means they’re your lifeline.

  “On the other hand, when you learn control and power, you’ll be able to take out many enemies at once and from a distance. Your first priority, for both paladins and clerics, is protecting the group. Sometimes, that can mean an offensive spell against an enemy mage or archer, you’ll learn the knack of it during training.”

  She turned her head as the door opened, and a journeyman cleric walked in, she wasn’t sure what his na
me was, but she felt his aura’s strength readily enough. Not enough to nail down the exact rank, but the general area.

  She raised an eyebrow in question, her whole class stared at the interloper.

  He said, “I’m to finish up your class, the master over the dungeon would like to speak with you.”

  She bit her lip in thought, and nodded, “Alright, we were discussing tactics.”

  Her mind raced as she left the room, what did Ceran want with her? She couldn’t think of a thing, as she jogged through the streets. The old man had been one of the ones to propose to her, but she really didn’t think it was about that.

  She tried to calm her mind, and even muttered a quick spell that would assist with that kind of thing. It was rarely ever a good thing to be summoned by one of the masters. The only time she ever requested an audience with one was when her time to request a promotion came up. Otherwise, she did her best to keep her head down, avoid notice, and keep her extracurricular activities under the radar. Such as her weekly healing, unsanctioned paladin training, and her ambitions to reform the church.

  She whispered a quick prayer to Yphine. Not that the goddess would ever intervene, there was free will, they did little except provide the light magic to the world, and on rare occasions they might make suggestions. She suspected the masters didn’t pray very often, the corrupt church was far more interested in temporal affairs.

  It took her a little over forty minutes to get out of the city and make the two-mile run to the dungeon. She entered the keep above it and was surprised to see both Sophia and Andy standing outside of Master Ceran’s office.

  She raised an eyebrow in question, and she got two subtle helpless shrugs back. They didn’t know what it was about either, and the three of them speculating out loud in the keep was a bad idea. Too many unfriendly ears around, not enemies exactly, but others that would happily stab them in the back to get the next master position.


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