Santa's Assistant (A Holiday Office Romance Bundle #1-3)

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Santa's Assistant (A Holiday Office Romance Bundle #1-3) Page 11

by J. L. Beck

  “I’ll never hurt you again. I’ll never let anyone hurt you, not myself, not anyone at work. I promise you Sadie.” Every tear that she shed was like a kick to the balls. I should’ve done more than fire Dawn for the pain that she caused Sadie.

  “Did you mean it?” Sadie pulled away sniffling, bright red rings around her eyes. I clenched my fists at my sides, letting the anger inside of me fester. I hated myself more then, than I ever had in my entire life.

  “Mean what? All the things I just said, because yes I did. I’ll get down on my fucking knees and beg for your forgiveness if I have too. Whatever you want baby…” I would forever worship her, because I had discovered that a world without her wasn’t worth existing in.

  “No not that stuff, I meant the other stuff…” There was a smidge of shyness in her voice.

  “What stuff baby…?” I pushed a few strands of her hair behind her ear and looked her straight in the eyes as I spoke. I could see a swirl of frustration in her eyes and I wondered what it was she was talking about.

  “What you told my brother Jeremy, you know about us?” Her eyes darted from mine and I knew then exactly what it was that she was talking about. I licked my bottom lip, and then leaned into her face, my breath fanning against her ruby red lips that begged to be ravished by me.

  “About you being my girlfriend?” I questioned even though I knew that’s what she was asking. She tipped her chin up and down, and I watched as she swallowed past the lump in her throat.

  With one hand behind her head and the other against her cheek I spoke the words I thought I would never speak.

  “I fucking love you Sadie Walker, and it would be a fucking honor to be your boyfriend.” The words came out like a whisper even though in my mind they were far louder and robust.

  Sadie didn’t say a word and I wondered if she had even heard me then she pressed her lips against mine and everything else in the world faded away. It was no longer about an agreement between two people. Instead it was about love, and discovering the one person you can’t live without.

  Chapter Ten

  The butt plug that Cameron had placed in my asshole before showing up to dinner at my parent’s house was all I could feel or think about. No matter how much I adjusted myself at the dinner table or rubbed my thighs together nothing would alleviate the tension that was running rampant throughout my body. The fullness in my ass was all I could think about and caused my clit to throb with every single breath I took.

  “It’s so nice to finally meet one of Sadie’s boyfriends she doesn’t usually bring them around so you must be special.” My father chuckled. I caught Cameron smirking at me out of the corner of his eye. He knew with one single look that I was in desperate need of pleasure.

  “Really, it’s an honor Mark.” Cameron responded back to my father raising his beer bottle in appreciation to everyone else at the table. I moved from side to side for the millionth time in my chair my pussy clenching uncontrollably. My brother gave me a strange look and I knew right then and there I needed to dismiss myself from the table and take care of my problem.

  “I need to use the restroom.” I excused myself quickly trying to get out of the room without a moan slipping from my lips. Cameron was going to pay for this a hundred and one times over. I walked down the hall and to the bathroom furthest from the dining room. As soon as I slipped into the bathroom, and closed the door I lifted my dress, my fingers sinking into my pussy immediately.

  “Fuck…” I hissed out, my pussy clenched tightly around two of my fingers as I slipped them in and out as fast as I could. Oxygen entered my lungs and my entire body snapped as waves of pleasure coursed through me. I could feel the pressure building deep in my belly.

  "Open the door right fucking now." Cameron's deep angry voice pulled me from my self-inflicted pleasured state. Hesitantly I twisted the knob opening the door and letting him into the small bathroom. I looked up at him an angry look marred his features.

  “Bend over the sink, and lift your dress.” It wasn’t a choice. It was an order. I did as I was told, hoping he would reward me with some type of pleasure. As soon as my dress was lifted and my ass cheeks were exposed a shudder ripped through me.

  “Ahhh…" The moan left my lips involuntarily. The man hadn't even touched me yet and I was on the verge of coming and I did a second later right as he landed a hard smack on my right ass cheek. I gripped the vanity praying it would hold me to the present as every muscle in my body tightened and then snapped a euphoric feeling encompassed me, and I placed my head against the faucet.

  “Next time you want to come, I’ll take care of you but it’s always going to be me Sadie. Always.” He bit the bottom of my ear as he undid his belt, and shoved his pants down just a enough to pull out his hard as hell cock.

  “Yes…” I purred, answering the question I knew he would ask.

  “Do you understand Sadie?” I nodded my head yes instead of speaking which earned me a rough smack against my ass. Cameron’s hand worked over the flesh soothing the smack as soon as he was finished.

  “Use your word Sadie.” He ordered.

  “Yes Cameron.” I smirked at him over my shoulder. I was beyond ready to be fucked by the man that had claimed my body and soul as his. His fingers sunk into my hair and he pulled tightly, stings of pleasure covered my scalp. My ass jutted out, running straight into his cock.

  “Brace yourself baby, this one’s going to be rough.” I gripped the vanity the best I could and prayed for the best sex of my life. Cameron slammed into me a second later with no warning. All the air in my chest expelled in one heap as he pulled out and slammed back into the hilt again.

  “Oh fuckkkk…” I moaned through the pleasure and pain. The sound of our bodies smacking together filled the room.

  “Your pussy is so tight…” Cameron growled, his hold on my hair tightening as he upped his pace, his cock being tortuous against my pussy.

  “It’s your baby…” I assured him barely getting the words out. Cameron’s right hand gripped my nipple through my bra, he pinched it and rolled it between his two fingers as he thrust deep inside of me.

  "Fuck yes it is. Just like my cock is yours." Cameron's words turned me on even more and being full on both ends was all it took to push me over the edge. My pussy clenched as did my asshole and I came so hard I saw stars appear before my eyes. Waves of pleasure smacked into my knocking me over, and as I rode out those waves of pleasure Cameron upped his pace until I was sure he was going to break me in two.

  His grip was relentless, and with one last slam into me he came, his hot semen filling my cunt to the brim. I had never felt more loved, and cherished than in that one single moment. With little effort Cameron removed the butt plug from my asshole, and placed a kiss against my cheek.

  “I fucking love you.” Were the last words he spoke before leaving the bathroom. I cleaned myself up and then made my way back to the dining room hoping my absence hadn't been noticed.

  As soon as stepped into the room all eyes were on me.

  “How long have you been dating?” My father started shooting questions at Cameron and he took them like a champ answering them openly and honestly.

  "A few weeks, though I know she is the only one for me now." His confession made me blush. Ever since last week when he held me in his arms all night and listened to me cry things have been better. Dawn was fired, and Cameron hired me as his new assistant letting Laura go. He had paid off all my tuition fees, and debt, and he made sure no one at work talked badly about me. He treated me like a fucking queen and I couldn't be anymore blessed, and pleased than that.

  “So you love her then, is that what you’re saying son?” The question was already asked before I could object to my father asking it.

  Cameron stared at me from across the table, his eyes never leaving mine. “Yeah I do. I love her. Love doesn’t have any boundaries. It’s just love. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known someone or how long you’ve been with them? All that matters is
that you cherish them and treat them like your number one no matter what and I intend to do that for your daughter for however long she will have me as hers.”

  Was it strange that my heart seemed to fly out of my chest at the words he said and the compassion that encompassed them? He was more right than he knew. Lots of people didn’t believe in love at first sight and it wasn’t love at first sight for us, it was simply love at first kiss. We longed for something in each other that we couldn’t find in anyone else.

  "Sounds like he's a good fit Dad," Jeremy commented stuffing his mouth full of my Mothers green bean casserole.

  I knew just from the twinkle of happiness in my father’s eyes that he approved of Cameron, and had given him the blessing of being with his daughter. Even though he didn’t know we just fucked hard in the guest bathroom.

  “Welcome to the family Cameron.” My father said slapping a hand against Cameron’s back. I could feel Cameron’s eyes on me as I lifted my wine glass to my lips. Yeah, shit had happened between us but I trusted this man knowing that he would do whatever he could to protect me from his past, and his future.

  The End

  Dirty Deeds

  An Office Romance #2

  J.L. Beck

  Copyright © 2016 by J.L. Beck

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  To all the dirty girls out there, this one is for you.

  Meet J.L. Beck

  J.L. Beck is a stay at home to two little minions and happily married to her high school sweet heart. When she's not writing steamy hot as sin books, you can find her with a glass of wine, and book of choice in hand. She believes all love stories should have a happy ever after, but knows that real life sometimes occurs so for her readers if she can give her books a HEA then she's happy.

  If you like romance that bleeds from the pages, and love stories that make you swoon then pick up a J.L. Beck book and forget about the world for a while.

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  Chapter One

  “Mr. Jefferson is here for your two thirty meeting.” Caroline, my temporary office assistant announced as she popped her head around the corner and into my office her dark blue eyes meeting mine.

  “Go ahead and send him in.” I requested letting out a ragged breath. I leaned back in my chair casually. Cameron Jefferson had been one of my longest partners in the business industry but not only that; he was also my best friend. Any time I needed a lawyer, advice, or help he was there.

  “When did I have to start scheduling an appointment to see my best friend?” Cameron joked as he stepped into my office. I shoved from the desk in a hurry and crossed the room in a few quick steps. We shook hands like we always did, and I couldn’t help but smile at the bastard because every time I seen him since Sadie came into his life he had been in a good mood.

  “Only when you stopped coming around as often, that and it doesn’t help that I’m literally always fucking busy.” I sighed into the air scrubbing a hand down my face wondering if that one move could erase all the stress from my life. I was drowning in business deals, income reports, and phone calls from my father who was supposed to have given the company over to me, no strings attached.

  “What can I say Sadie keeps me busy…” The grin on his face proved his statement to be true. I had never seen the man happier especially when it came to a woman. I was almost jealous, almost.

  “I can tell. I’ve never seen you this happy about just breathing.” My attitude was a bit piss poor for seeing someone I hadn’t in months but I knew if anyone could understand my frustration it would be Cameron.

  A gruff laugh escaped his throat. He looked good, better than he ever had and I hated to admit it but I was jealous. God damn was I jealous. He had everything I could ever want but here I was still a bachelor. To say I was done with the one-night stands was an understatement yet I still hadn’t found a woman worth my time.

  “Actually, I’m here because of Sadie…” There was a change in Cameron’s voice hell; there was a change in the air too. The kind of change that told me a favor was on the tip of his tongue. I was a businessman after all I knew how to spot that shit from a mile away.

  I pursed my lips, and stared him straight in the eyes, there was a flicker of sadness there that I hadn’t seen before and it made me wonder what could possibly be wrong with him?

  “Don’t beat around the fucking bush Cam. We’re businessmen, but most importantly friends. If you need something you know I’ll always do as much as I can too help you out.” I assured him, but the sadness in his eyes only seemed to grow. Frustration burned through my veins. It wasn’t something I enjoyed feeling towards one of my best friends but I was pretty close to breaking down and asking him what the fuck his problem was and why he couldn’t just come out with it?

  A second later Cameron exhaled a deep breath, “Sadie has a friend, a very close friend.” I could see him struggling through whatever it was that he wanted to ask me. Cameron wasn’t someone that had trouble getting to the point so whatever was going on must be important. Which is why I was trying to be patient and wait it out, but patience wasn’t really my strong suit.

  “Spit it the fuck out, Jefferson.” I snapped hitting the end of my rope. This shouldn’t be this hard. Cameron rolled his eyes at me in annoyance and then started to speak again.

  “Chloe is her name. Sadie had a friend name Chloe, someone she has become close with. They both volunteer at the local woman’s shelter downtown.”

  He trailed off, his eyes dropping to the floor before he took a steadying breath and looked back up at me. The nervousness that was rolling off of him would be amusing if it wasn’t taking up so much of my time.

  “Get to the point.” I folded my arms over my chest.

  “Alright, alright. Sadie told me last night that Chloe needs to find a new job or she’s going to lose her apartment and I know you aren’t a job agency or anything like that.” He paused and I knew then exactly what kind of favor he was asking for.

  “If I recall correctly you were saying something about hiring a new assistant…” Why did the look on Cameron’s face make it seem like he had been the one to find an answer to all my problems?

  “I don’t mean to be an asshole but I don’t hire just anyone…” Was there really anyway to say that without coming off as a prick?

  Cameron sighed, “I wouldn’t have asked if she was anyone else, but she’s Sadie’s friend, and you know how it goes, happy wife, happy life.” I clenched my fists at my sides not because I was angry with Cameron but because I knew there was no way I could tell one of my best friends no, and that in a few days I would have a new assistant who probably didn’t know her mouth from her asshole and in the business industry that wouldn’t fly. That coupled with the fact I had no time to train her, it was like a train accident waiting to happen.

  “Fine but
I swear to you Cam if she can’t handle corporate business I will have to fire her. You’re my best friend so I’ll give her a chance but I’m trying to run an empire here and I need someone that can handle my demands.” And fuck did I have a lot of demands.

  “Awesome…” The air around Cameron changed as he clapped his hands together. The nervousness that he stepped into my office with was still there and only seemed to be growing. If me hiring Sadie’s friend wasn’t what was making him nervous then he must have something worse he needed to tell me?

  “So now that, that’s out of the way why the hell are you still so nervous…?” I questioned curiously leaning against my desk. A mischievous glint appeared in his eyes, but it was when he spoke that I understood exactly what the fucker had done.

  “Come in and meet your new boss, Chloe.” This time the nervous got turned on me. How long had she been standing there just on the other side of the door? My heart slammed against my ribs as soon as she pushed through the double glass doors. I was all but salivating when I finally finished looking her up and down.

  I started at her strawberry blonde hair that looked softer than hair really should, and moved over her soft, but slightly young facial features. I took in the dress she wore that clung to her body in all the right places. Her tits were perky and one button away from exploding out of the top of her dress.

  She was shapely, and the exact type of woman I liked to fuck. I didn’t like those stick thin women. I liked full women with a nice set of hips to hold onto while I pounded into them from behind. Yeah, this was going to be a problem, a big fucking problem.

  “Hi, Mr. Nelson.” Oh sweet fucking Jesus my cock grew harder than steel as soon as she spoke. The large bulge now pressed uncomfortably against my slacks. Mr. Nelson? Oh hell no, Mr. Nelson was my father. I was Ryan Nelson playboy extraordinaire, and the man who could make you cum within seconds or so Cosmo Magazine said. I was a celebrity in some ways.


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