Santa's Assistant (A Holiday Office Romance Bundle #1-3)

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Santa's Assistant (A Holiday Office Romance Bundle #1-3) Page 12

by J. L. Beck

  I swallowed around the lump in my throat and tried to discreetly adjust myself before my new employee realized just how turned on she made me. Fuck, I needed to remember that I was a fucking CEO of a multi-billion dollar company and that I didn’t get tongue tied over sexy women like Chloe, but that I also certainly didn’t pop boners like a sixteen year old boy that couldn’t control himself.

  “Call me Ryan. Mr. Nelson is my father.” I hid the aggression from my voice, and desire to strip her bare and take her right here on my desk. Chloe tipped her chin up and down in understanding, her bangs moving against her forehead as she did so.

  Looking over at Cameron the smirk on his face couldn’t be missed. That fucker. He knew exactly what it was that he was doing bringing her into my office. This sexy little damsel in distress as he claimed her to be. The fucking asshole knew the moment I saw her I wouldn’t be able to change my mind or go back on what I said. I had played right into his fucking hand.

  “Ryan…” Cameron coughed hiding his laughter under it. I was totally going to kick his ass for leading the lamb right into the lion’s den.

  “Thank you so much for this. You have no idea how much it means to me. I’m forever grateful Mr… I mean Ryan.” The words came out all at once, as she wrung her hands together nervously. I narrowed my eyes at Cameron once more giving him a look that said he owed me.

  “Believe me sweetheart, it’s my pleasure.” Fuck me sideways. I needed to not say pleasure in her presence. The way her eyes lit up as I spoke basically gave me the indication she thought I was a God. It also meant that it wouldn’t take much effort to have her naked and beneath me.

  “Alright…” Cameron cleared his throat taking a step back. “I’m going to go, and let you two get acquainted with each other. Let me know if you need anything, Chloe. I’ll get in touch with you next week Ryan. Maybe we can meet up for a beer or two…?” He didn’t linger not even for one second. Instead he slipped from the room as if he was never here to begin with. Leaving me alone with a boner, and a very attractive woman.

  God, save me from making an ass of myself right now.

  All I could do was stand there against my desk and stare at the sweet little lamb that Cameron had all but shoved at me. I squeezed my eyes closed in frustration. I needed to get my shit together before I did something stupid.

  What, like fuck her? My subconscious knew me well.

  “Are… are you okay?” Her voice was smooth, and sweet, so fucking sweet. I knew nothing about her except that I wanted her. God did I ever fucking want her.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. Get your fucking shit together Nelson!

  “I’m fine.” I informed her rather harshly, a frantic look formed in those deep blue depths of hers. I was a dick. I should call Cameron right now and make him come and get her before it was too late. Before the lion sunk his teeth into her skin and tasted her blood.

  I stared at her wondering what the hell I was going to do with her next. It was as I was staring at her that I noticed white teeth sinking into her ruby red bottom lip. How was it even possible that my cock grew harder in my slacks?

  “Caroline!” I growled as I slammed a finger down on the phone directly next to me. I could feel the fear rolling off of Chloe in waves each one hitting me harder than the next and I wanted to be sorry for hurting her already but I couldn’t be. Not when I wanted to fuck the sweetness right out of her after only knowing her for all of five minutes. I needed her gone, at least for a couple of hours.

  “Yes… Yes sir?” Caroline stumbled over her words through the receiver.

  “Please come and get our newest hire Chloe and show her around the office. When you’re finished with that take her to HR and get her the new hire forms to fill out.” Good that should keep her busy and out of my way for a while.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of Chloe’s red lips; the desire to nibble at them was nearly consuming me. I could feel my body pulling me in her direction, needing to get closer to her at any expense.

  “Of course sir.” Caroline gulped before her line of the phone went dead. I placed the phone back on the receiver and averted my eyes to anywhere but Chloe’s.

  When Caroline walked in a moment later, after what seemed to be an eternity but couldn’t have been longer than a few seconds, relief flooded my veins. I could feel the heat of Chloe’s stare against my skin, the anger she was radiating was palpable and I wasn’t even looking at her. When I finally did look up at her just as she was leaving the office I saw a small trace of sadness fill her features.

  You’re a douche bag.

  “Fuck!” I swore as I tipped my head back and took in a deep breath of air. When I stepped foot into my office today I didn’t think it could be any worse than a bunch of paperwork and meetings. Little did I fucking know a beautiful temptress named Chloe would come walking into my life, kicking me in the balls, and taking my breath away. I couldn’t fuck my assistant, but I wanted too, hell I almost needed too.

  “Deep breaths, Nelson. You’ve got this. You are the boss and you run this shit, not your dick.” I gave myself a pep talk as I stepped back behind my desk and delved into the stack of paperwork that I needed to review all while images of the alluring Chloe played in the back of my mind on repeat.

  Chapter Two

  “This is the break room. We get a half hour lunch at noon, and the bathroom is here…” Caroline who I assumed was Ryan’s current assistant guided me around the office. Yet as she spoke all I could think about was that egotistical asshole sitting in his office laughing at me. I never should’ve told Sadie about my problems with my landlord. I would much rather be homeless than deal with that asshole every single day.

  “And basically that is it… do you know what Mr. Nelson hired you for?” Caroline wrinkled her nose at me and I could only assume it was because of the dirty look that marred my features. It wasn’t directed towards her, though she didn’t know that.

  “Umm… I think assistant.” It was strange to say knowing that, that was her job right now but she asked, so I told her.

  “Hmmm, that can’t be right…” Annoyance laced her words. This was yet another reason why I should’ve just grinned and bared it instead of telling Sadie what was going on. I didn’t want to step on toes when I didn’t have too, and that seemed to be all I was doing here.

  “That’s what Cameron, Mr. Nelson’s best friend told me.” Her eyebrows lifted in disbelief and I could see the anger just below the surface threatening to break free from her. She was pissed, and honestly she had every right to be. Had someone taken my job from me, or my boss given my job to someone else without even mentioning it I would be angry too.

  “Well I guess we better go have a talk with Mr. Nelson then huh?” The tone of Caroline’s voice said she was about to fuck shit up. She adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose and headed from the break room and straight towards the double doors of his office. I followed behind her a few steps; sweat starting to form against my palms at the thought of being in that man's presence again. Yeah he was a dick, but even I wasn’t immune to his handsome charm, and bad boy ways. I had heard all about the sexy man in Cosmo Magazine.

  “Fuck yes!” A growl erupted from deep in Ryan’s throat, and it was just as Caroline and I pushed through the frosted glass doors of his office that we heard it. A shriek of terror filled the room and before I could ask Caroline what was wrong my eyes landed on a very naked, at least from the waist down, Ryan. His expensive dress pants were bunched at his feet around his ankles, his thick cock was fisted in his hand, and a look of pure blissful pleasure resonated through his features.

  I knew I needed to look away but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t force myself to unglue my eyes from his massive, veiny cock. Without warning my nipples hardened and I felt my tongue slip out onto to my lips wetting them. Was it hot in here, because the temperature seemed to rise with each breath I took.

  My eyes refused to move even as Caroline swore under her breath, and Ryan grabbed
at his pants in a haste to pull them up over his cock. It was too late though; the damage had already been done. My pussy clenched as if on cue, begging me to react to the image that had been placed before me.

  “Get out! Get the fuck out.” Ryan roared, the blissful pleasure that consumed him just moments ago was gone and in its place came placid rage. I blinked away the image of him fucking me from behind on his desk.

  “Sir… I’m… I’m so sorry…” Caroline stumbled over her words, her lips trembling as she spoke. I looked between the two of them and then back to Ryan. This was hella awkward.

  “What the fuck?” The words slipped from my lips without even a single thought. I didn’t think about the repercussions my words may bring. Not when my new boss was stroking his cock just feet away from his employees.

  “Excuse me?” Ryan’s voice turned menacing, and honestly it should’ve scared me, it should’ve made me run for the hills but when a man like him had been caught with his dick in his hand something told me I had nothing to be afraid of.

  “You heard me, what the fuck!?” I was flabbergasted by this man, and at the same time completely turned on. His rage was festering, his cheeks growing redder with every passing second.

  “Caroline please see yourself out.” Ryan ordered. Fear crept up my spine, but I shoved it away, I wasn’t about to show fear to this man.

  Caroline looked to me and then back at Ryan, my guess was that she was trying to decide if it was safe to leave me alone with this angry man or not. In the end she must have decided it was safe to leave because without a word spoken she slipped out the door she just barged through, leaving me alone with my new boss.

  As soon as Caroline was out of the room, and the door was firmly closed Ryan was on me like a lion claiming it’s prey. Instinctively I took a step back, wondering just what I had gotten myself into.

  This entire day has been a mistake.

  “This is your fault!” He growled between clenched teeth one hand holding his pants in place while the other lifted above my head landing against the wall behind me. I should have been afraid, but instead I was angry. Hell even livid, that this man was blaming me for getting caught beating off. Like I controlled his cock or something.

  “No. It’s yours.” I shoved one of my fingers firmly against his strong, broad, sexy as hell chest; the action though simple seemed to be the one thing that pushed him over the edge. There was a lustful look in his eyes, and before I could even mutter another word he was on me, his lips slamming against mine with so much intensity I was sure we were going to break through the wall and expose ourselves to the rest of the staff.

  “Those feisty fucking lips of yours, taste just as good as I imagined they would.” His voice vibrated through me, and my pussy clenched involuntarily as if it was ready to be taken by this beast of a man.

  Holy fuck was I really that turned on by this asshole? Turned on enough that I would let him take me on his desk or better yet against the wall?

  “Don’t kiss me again!” I swiped my hand over my lips catching the amusement in his eyes as I did so. Who did this fucker think he was, God of all the vagina in the nation?

  “You liked it, I can tell. I bet if I slipped a finger deep inside that cunt of yours I would find that you were drenched for me and from nothing more than a simple kiss.” He quipped a smile lingering on his lips that made my heart go pitter-patter in my chest. God those dirty words. He was right about one thing my panties were soaked but it wasn’t the kiss that did it for me. No, it was watching him stroke himself off. Watching him get caught in the act.

  It didn’t matter though, not that he made my heart race or my blood pressure rise with just one look. It didn’t matter that he made me so wet without even touching me. No. All that mattered was that he kissed me and as far as he would ever know I didn’t want him too.

  “You’re disgusting.” I spat at him. He leaned into my face, his lips mere inches from mine. I could smell his expensive cologne in the air and feel his hot breath against my cheeks. God, why did he have to smell so fucking good? Look so good? Hell even his lips against mine felt good, even if it was for a second. A second I would cherish for a lifetime.

  “Keep pretending that you don’t want me as much as I want you. You might be able to fool yourself but you can’t fool me. I saw the look you had in your eyes earlier. The lustful stare…” A blush crept up my throat and onto my cheeks. “Since the second you walked into this office with your perky tits on display, and your innocent little image, my fucking cock has been stiffer than ever. The thought of bending you over my desk, your full round ass up in the air, while your pussy is wet and glistening, begging for me to take you….” I can feel my face getting hot, my breathing getting heavy picturing just what he’s describing. The achy need between my legs is getting stronger but I know I need to keep my cool. I can’t let him see how much his words are affecting me.

  “You were beating off because of me?” I couldn’t hide the astonishment from my voice as the truth of the matter finally dawned on me. This man was more fucked up than I had originally thought and for some twisted fucking reason that turned me on more, just to know he was thinking about me while stroking himself.

  “Not because of you sweetheart, but because I want you and I know I can’t have you. ” He traced my bottom lip with one of his fingers and then released the hold he had on his pants with the other. I could feel the hard bulge of his erection against my belly as he loomed above me. He had to be close to six two, or taller.

  On a whim I said something I probably shouldn’t have. “What… What would you say if you could have me though?” Anxiety filled my belly. Why the hell did I allow that question to slip from my lips? I should be hating this man, finding the very image of him repulsive. Not asking him if he wanted to screw me.

  He lifted an eyebrow up at me in questioning, and as I wondered what it was he could possibly be questioning I took notice of the deep brown color of his eyes. The color alone reminded me of coffee beans and since I was already eyeing him up I allowed myself to roam across his other features, this time really seeing him for more than just a man that was stroking his cock at the image of me bending over his desk.

  The man was a God, and not just because GQ Magazine said so. He had well defined cheekbones, his nose wasn’t straight but had a slight hook to it, and as my eyes made their descent lower I took notice of his sharp chin, and concrete jaw line.

  “Admiring the beauty of what is before you huh?” His deep voice ripped through me pulling me from my ogling stare. This entire scenario was wrong, yet after the week I had already had, it couldn’t have seemed more normal.

  Losing your job, and nearly your apartment all in one week. Yeah, I had a bad case of luck.

  “You're not full of yourself or anything…” Sarcasm laced my words, and an impish grin formed on his face.

  “Would you to not be full of yourself if you had a cock line mine, and a woman like yourself standing before you?” He angled his hips down towards my pussy and the air around me heated. I could feel the electric charge in it, and I desperately wanted to reach out and feel it. Would I get zapped, or would I enjoy the tiny shocks and jolts of energy?

  “I need this job…” I wasn’t sure why I said the words out loud but I knew I needed to make that one comment known. Ryan didn’t seem phased by anything I said though. Instead his hand drifted from the side of my face and down my arm, stopping once he got to the hem of my dress.

  Oh fuck me.

  He’s so close to my pussy that I can almost feel the heat of his touch against my core. A shiver makes its way down my spine and goosebumps erupt across my skin but not because I’m cold. But because I’m completely turned on by this man.

  “The jobs yours but only if you can work under me. Figuratively….” One of his fingers trailed along the top of my panties right over my clit. Every movement of his finger set my body ablaze. “And literally…”

  His nail scrapped against the fabric of my undies
harshly and I kid you not my knees buckled beneath me. Ryan leaned into me, his head against my shoulder where he placed a soft kiss against my exposed skin.

  In that kiss I could feel every single frustration he felt for the day, and the desire he felt for me showed in that kiss as his body shook with need. He was holding back, letting me choose the pace.

  Never in a million years did I think I would be allowing my boss into my panties. I had never been one to have relationships with my co-workers and most certainly never my boss but sometimes things change. Sometimes new paths were meant to be made and rules were simply put in place to be broken.

  “Oh fuck…” Ryan hissed in my ear as he easily pushed my panties to the side and slipped one finger into my warm cunt. My entire body buckling as he did so. It felt so wrong to let him do this to me, right here, right now but I couldn’t stop, I wouldn’t stop him. The pleasure and need was far stronger than any fear of being caught that I had.

  “Please…” I begged, uncaring if he stripped me bare and fucked me like a wild animal on his desk. Every cell in my body was on edge because of this man and the things that I knew only he could do. The way he possessed my body and mind with just one finger had my imagination in overdrive, wondering what he could do with his cock.

  “Will you let me fuck you…?” He asked, a dark look in his eyes. I swallowed past the apprehension in my throat, and nodded my head yes. His fingers found my chin in an instant and forced my eyes upwards meeting me with a hard lust filled stare.

  “Use your fucking words Chloe. Can I fuck you?” The brashness of his voice just turned me on more, it was as if he couldn’t wait any longer than I could. As if all the patience he had for me had dissolved the moment he felt my warm pussy.


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