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Déjà Vu All Over Again

Page 16

by Ashantay Peters

  She collapsed against the headboard, her thoughts spinning. This was worse than she anticipated. The upside was that she could once again clearly see auras. Having sex with Jack seemed to have been the key. The downside was the colors around Jack were murky and dark instead of clear and bright.

  “Shit. Fuck. Piss. This sucks.” Jack spat the words. “Figures that bitch Glynnis would find a way to get some air time for herself.” He pulled on his jeans.

  “Are you planning to confront the media while going commando?”

  “Fuck the media. Carlos and Abby come first. Then our shower.”

  She had already pulled on a hotel bathrobe and smoothed her hair behind her shoulders. Grabbing his hand, she stopped him before he pulled on a T-shirt. “Slow down. Take a deep breath. Now take two more.” His chest rose and fell in long inhalations. His face regained color.

  “Crisis response works better with a calm mind.” She patted his arm. “Now we’ll be better armed to face the problem.”

  He pulled her in to a hug. “See? This is why I need you around.”

  “If I weren’t here, the story about Carlos would be nonexistent. Plus, I remember that you never got upset about people’s comments when they concerned you. You only flew off the handle when someone was unkind to a person you cared about.” She smoothed her hand over his chest. “We knew what could happen and chose you.”

  “Damn, woman.”

  “Let’s see how the kids want to handle this. Then I’ve got some serious shower work in mind.” Jack’s color looked better, but she sensed he had some residual back pain. Hot water would complete the cure.

  They entered the suite’s living room hand in hand. Carlos and Abby sat at the table drinking coffee. An array of dishes, some covered, filled the surface.

  “Hey Mom. Dad,” Carlos said. “Sorry to roust you, but I figured the sooner you knew about the story, the better.” His tone was casual, but the set of his shoulders gave away his stress.

  Jack pulled out her chair then moved his closer to her. His thigh pressed against hers. No sense pretending they hadn’t shared a bed last night. She laced her fingers with Jack’s and caught her son’s eye.

  “Sweetie, what’s your take? Do you want to go ahead with the statement we drafted last night, or take another direction?”

  He pinned Jack with a glare. “First I want to know the truth about Glynnis. Are you playing my mom?”

  “Son, you were with me almost all night. What do you think?”

  Carlos glanced between Jack and Sally. “Stupid question.”

  “Thanks for sticking up for me, sweetie. Now let’s decide about the statement.” Sally’s heart warmed. She’d never worry about how she’d raised Carlos again. True he hadn’t had the financial advantages he could have experienced, but he’d learned how to be a decent human.

  “Abby and I think that’s still our best option. We’ll get Mitch’s office to fine tune our words and ask for privacy.”

  Jack nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

  She tapped her fingers against her cup. “Any takers on odds the media will respect our request?”

  Jack snorted. “Sucker bet.” He rubbed his forehead with his free hand. “Shit. I’m sorry I dragged you all into this mess.”

  She covered their entwined hands with her other palm. “Enough guilt, already. We’re adults. We can deal.” Her gaze took in the kids. “The dogs are settled, right? What about the café? And your mural work?”

  “Already handled,” her son said. “Abby has one small job with a flexible completion date, and I called my employees. They’re happy to step in until this blows over. I told them to bring in whoever they needed to help cover.”

  Another wave of pride filled her. Until Abby, Carlos had never stepped away from his business, even though he had a crackerjack crew. He’d learned to let go, thanks to her.

  “I can’t figure out who leaked the story,” Abby said. “Everyone we met last night is devoted to the band. No one in that group would want to hurt you, Jack.”

  “Well, there is Glynnis,” Sally said.

  Jack sighed. “I thought of her too, except—”

  “Except what?”

  “One of the reporters in the press conference asked some pointed questions. The conference took place before Glynnis showed, I think. That tells me someone inside talked.” His lips thinned. “I’m hoping it wasn’t crew, but we had to take on some new roadies and security this trip. Some of our regular guys weren’t expecting a tour and weren’t available.”

  He caught Abby’s eye. “I hate to burst your bubble, but not everyone is loyal when it comes to money.”

  Sally listened for answers from her spirit guides, but they weren’t talking. She also couldn’t see auras, though she figured they’d be a chaotic mess.

  “Mitch will find out,” Jack said. “The man has ears everywhere.”

  She received a sudden picture of blue jeans, a uniform, and an image of a silk blouse.

  “What do you think, Sally?” Jack tapped her hand. “Your spidey sense providing any answers?”

  He wasn’t teasing. He really asked. A flash of euphoria swept her.

  “I think three people were involved, a tech or roadie, one of the security guards, and Glynnis. I don’t know how it played out, but that’s what I’m seeing.”

  “I believe you,” he said. He sipped his coffee. “I’ll e-mail the draft to Mitch and give him your leads, then we can grab a shower.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Let’s eat first.”

  He grinned. “You’re right. I’d better build up my strength. Who knows what could happen in that seven-jet shower.”

  Her face heated.

  “Hey you guys,” Carlos said. “I wanted my parents to get along not embarrass me with their sexual prowess.”

  “Think of it this way, son. You’ve inherited kick ass genes that will allow you to get it on with Abby for many years.”

  Carlos put his arm around Abby. “I think we can both get behind that.”


  Jack pulled Sally under the spray. “Did you notice the shower seat? I can make love with you and not have to worry about throwing my back out.”

  “Nothing I appreciate more than an intelligent lover.”

  Water sluiced over their shoulders and between them, beating away residual aches from their previous night’s activities. They soaped and rinsed, tried the shower seat then decided they preferred the bed.

  “Good thing the hotel has a large hot water supply,” Jack said. He shook his head, water flying from his hair.

  She passed him a fluffy bath sheet. “I agree. I’ve stayed in some hotels where, if you didn’t get an early shower, you had to wait until mid-morning for hot water.”

  His blood pressure spiked. He worked to keep his tone even. “Where was this? Some lover too cheap to treat you as you deserve?”

  She stopped patting herself dry. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous. You? Mr. Flick-A-Wrist-Get-A-Woman?”

  He buried his face in his towel.

  “Don’t think you can pretend to dry yourself and avoid answering.”

  “Okay, yeah, I’m jealous, but I’m more pissed. You deserve the best of everything, not some half-assed hotel that can’t provide enough hot water.”

  Her face held no expression, and then she smiled, lightening his heart. “Not a lover, a college-funded trip to a seminar. Blue Peak College isn’t Ivy League.” She pulled his towel from him. “But I think your defense of me is sweet.”

  “Sweet? Is that all? I was hoping for gratitude.”

  “Thanks, sweetie.”

  He held her face between his palms. “More tangible gratitude.” His voice turned gravely. “Physical. Gratitude.”

  She went up on tiptoes and gave him a peck on the cheek.

  “I can see the professor needs a seminar.”

  She lightly slapped his bare chest. “And I can see keeping your ego in check is a full-time job.”

  “You can
handle it.”

  They kissed their way to the rumpled bed.

  “I scanned the concert review that Carlos earmarked,” she said. “They claimed you’d never played better. As if you were exorcising demons in the second half. Musical history.”

  “Babe, did you write that review? Yeah, I was working out my guilt about Billy, but I played my best because my family was there.” His hand snaked out and encased her breast. “I didn’t want to let anyone down. Especially not you.”

  He pushed his growing erection into her hip.

  “Feels like you don’t want to let me down this morning, either.”

  “Honey, I can’t help myself.” His hand moved down to rub her stomach. “By the way, did I tell you to never get rid of that black dress?”

  She licked the sensitive area behind his ear. “Yeah. Are you wanting me to wear it again?”

  He moaned as her hands slipped down his sides to rest at his hips, fingers circling.

  She threw a leg across his waist. “I don’t mind putting it on if you’re planning to undress…me.”

  He put his hands on her waist and rolled her on her back. “Maybe later.”


  Abby leaned closer with an innocent look on her face. “So, Sally, are you enjoying getting to know Jack?”

  She laughed. “You are merciless.”

  Abby smoothed down the front of her shirt with the palm of her hand. “I know. I learned from you.”

  “How is Carlos handling this mess? Really?”

  “He’s fine. Really.”

  “You’re caught up in this, too. Your lovely private wedding is looking less likely.” She slapped her hand over her mouth. “I take that back. I don’t want that negative stuff coming true. Your wedding will be as you wished.”

  “Not exactly.”

  She leaned forward. “What are you saying, Abby? You’re still being married, aren’t you? Please don’t leave Carlos.”

  “Oh for goodness sake. Calm down. Your son is not getting away from me again. No, I’m sorry to say my mother called earlier.”

  “Oh, joy. Sorry. What did she say?”

  “For starters, that she was horrified, simply beside herself to learn I was engaged to the son of a dirty musician.”

  “Hey, that’s not fair. Jack takes showers. I helped wash him myself not long ago.” She waved her hand as if shooing a fly. “Oops. Too much information. What other gems did she disperse?”

  “I can’t believe your proposed father-in-law is a man they’re saying fathered a child out of wedlock, then paid his friend to adopt. Goodness knows how he treated that son of his.” She dropped her mimicking voice. “She thinks Jack uses drugs without stop, even though he only had two beers during our dinner. Well, he did call her Marge. Did you tell him to do that?”

  “No, Jack figured her out all on his own. Come on, tell me the rest. You need to get this out.”

  “She threw out a few more insults against Jack, including the idea that he breaks every traffic law for fun, specifically speeding through school zones.”

  “I’ll say it again. How you turned out as sweet as you have with…never mind. I’m sure there’s more.”

  “She wants me to break the engagement immediately.”


  “Or she’ll leave for home and boycott the wedding. She implied she’d disown me.”

  “So you must choose between your mother and Carlos?”

  Abby nodded. “Yep. “

  She tapped her finger against her chin. “I have an idea that may turn her around. Give her time to calm down. She won’t believe the stories are lies, but ask her to ignore the news.”

  “What will you do?”

  “That’s easy. Appeal to her snobbery.” And her need for attention.

  What she wouldn’t tell Abby is that she’d have to ask Jack’s mother for help. The same woman who hadn’t lifted a finger to see Carlos, but who now professed to care for him. The last time she’d seen Eleanor Young, she’d been offered a free makeover. Her then mother-in-law had made no secret that she thought Jack should have married someone from the privileged social set.

  On the other hand, Carlos and Abby had exclaimed over Eleanor’s warmth and generosity when they’d visited. Abby had described the touching reunion between grandmother and grandson. Her picture of the event had portrayed a different woman than the one populating Sally’s memory banks.

  Sometimes letting go of the past hurt, and the process always meant looking at your own part in the drama. Back in the day, she couldn’t have changed any more than the Young family. For her son and Abby’s sakes, she’d take the first step. That meant calling Eleanor directly.

  The things she did for love.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Eleanor, this is Sally, Sally Ford. In case you don’t remember me, I’m your grandson’s mother.”

  “Hello, dear. I’m so glad you called.”

  Sally stared at her phone, checking the number she’d dialed.


  She replaced the receiver to her ear. “Yes, I’m sorry. I thought perhaps I had the wrong number.”

  Eleanor laughed. “It’s been a long time since I offered to buy you clothes and cosmetics.”

  Now why had she mentioned the one memory guaranteed to hurt? Had she not changed much, after all?

  “I must apologize for that thoughtless act, dear.” A sigh sounded over the line. “I won’t blame my husband for my words, but he certainly ruled the roost back then. And I allowed him the power. I am so sorry that I hurt you. I knew I had at the time, but I really had no idea how to communicate with you. We inhabited different social worlds.”

  Sally’s chest hurt. The woman’s words seemed meant to soothe but still held a bite.

  “That era held so much upheaval. Your world was bright, filled with opportunity and creativity. The future waited for you. My existence was closed off, rigid and dominated with men who told me how to act. I think, yes, I believe I was jealous of you. Oh, not because you’d married my son, but because you had a freedom I couldn’t imagine.”

  “Is that why you supported your husband when he manufactured a divorce?”

  “Dear, we’re both older now. I can’t change my actions, but I can apologize. Will you accept my regrets? You did a wonderful job raising Carlos. Had my husband taken a hand in his education, well, who knows.”

  Sally’s thoughts whirled. She hadn’t expected apologies and explanations when she’d called. Although she couldn’t see Eleanor, her intuition told her past hurts and anger had no part in this conversation. Still, the familiar complaints were hard to release.

  “Dear, I’m so happy that Carlos called looking for his father. I can’t tell you what a difference knowing him has meant for me. And Jack, of course. He was not a happy man until Carlos contacted him. Now he sounds at ease with the world.”

  “I’m glad that you accepted Carlos and welcomed both he and Abby into the fold.”

  “You mean, more than I welcomed you?”

  “Lay it on the line, why don’t you.”

  “My health is improved in the last few years, but I’m not so foolish as to believe I’ll live forever.”

  The words hit Sally in her solar plexus.

  “I know we’ve had a difficult history, dear. But I hope you will consider granting me my fondest wish.”

  “I’m not sure I can help you.”

  “Allow an old woman her fantasies, will you? My desire is the same one you share. To see my son settled happily with the woman he loves. I already have a grandchild, and I’m sure you’ll have one of your own. You see, we share more than you think. We share a love for Jack, isn’t that right?”

  Sally swallowed hard. “Sometimes even love isn’t enough.”

  “Oh, pish. Love is the strongest force on Earth, and you know it. But love can’t get a foothold in a closed heart. I’m hoping you’ll let his love for you become part of your life. If you would, you’d make my dream for my so
n come true.”

  A chill traveled her spine. Given what she now knew about Jack’s world, she wasn’t sure she could offer him enough love. No time to think about how to work out their lives. “You always did play hardball.”

  “That wasn’t me, my dear, that was my husband and his father.” She cleared her throat. “Of course, I did pick up several strategies from them over the years.”

  “I suspect there is more to you than anyone has ever known.”

  “I’ll tell you all my secrets if you give my boy another chance.”

  “I, uh—” She tamped down her instinctive distrust of the Young family. “Thank you, Eleanor. I appreciate your saying these things to me.”

  “I would have said them much sooner, had we had the opportunity to speak. I’m glad to finally get this off my chest. Life is too short to carry hate and regrets, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, I do.” Suddenly, using Eleanor to put Margaret down made her cringe.

  “Is there something I can do for you? Or did you call to reestablish contact before the wedding?”

  “I, uh—”

  “Don’t prevaricate with me, Sally. If we’re to be friends, we must be honest. What is the problem? Do you need help with the wedding? I understood from Carlos that everything is under control.”

  From Carlos?

  “Such a sweet man, my grandson. You do know he visited with Abby? We had such a lovely time together. He and Abby call regularly. I’ll do anything I can to ensure their wedding goes off without a hitch.”

  Her last sentence made Sally’s decision easier. “Actually, that’s why I called.”

  “Abby’s mother is causing problems, isn’t she? Sounds like a trumped up bit of work. Well? Are you going to tell me what’s going on, or shall I call my grandson?”

  That’s what she loved about elders. You could hear humble apologies then watch them mount their high horse the next second. Eleanor’s sense of propriety hadn’t lessened, but neither had she feigned her willingness to fight for family.

  “We need you to fix this situation. Here’s what’s happened so far.” Sally filled her in on her conversation with Abby.

  “I’ve never seen a couple more in love. Those two belong together.”

  Her past hurts reminded her Eleanor hadn’t thought the same of her son and his wife. First wife.


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