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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 5

by Theodora Lau

  The more introverted members of the sign like the ability to pop in and out of view as they please, so it’s no surprise that they enjoy being a bit incognito, especially with regard to social networks. Private and selective, these Rats will actively manage their settings, carefully segmenting connections and drawing a line between work and home life. While they love the idea of being connected to family and friends and learning from interesting people, they often lurk in the shadows, making sure they can only be reached by people they know and trust.

  The native of the year of the Rat will be successful in whatever they choose to do because Rats adapt themselves to the situation at hand. They have the ability to cope with difficulties and are at their best during a crisis. Levelheaded and alert, they possess keen intuition and foresight. Adversity merely serves to sharpen their wits, as they are always busy cooking up some scheme. One can’t blame them—they just thrive on challenges.

  There is no need to worry about the Rat’s safety, as they always check out the back door when entering. They do this in case they have to make a quick or untimely exit from the scene. Self-preservation is high on their list of priorities, and they usually find the path with the fewest repercussions. If you want to get out of trouble fast, follow the Rat’s course. They have a built-in alarm system and a defense mechanism that rarely fails.

  Their stumbling block is being overambitious. They try to do too much too soon, and as a result they scatter their energies. If they can avoid doing this and persevere in finishing what they’ve started, a person of this sign will end up wealthy, which is just as well, as the Rat loves money!

  Despite the Rat’s inborn ability to sense danger, they often have great difficulty relying on their own sound judgment because they simply cannot pass up bargains and so-called “great deals.” Alas, they end up falling into the proverbial trap. They will have no problems in life if they can only conquer their greed and quit while they are ahead. The covetous Rat has to suffer at least one large financial blow in their lifetime before they learn that avarice does not pay. However, it is most unlikely that you’ll find a poor Rat native; and if you do, well, with their resourcefulness, you can bet they will not remain poor for long. It would be totally out of character for them not to have a nest egg hidden away somewhere.

  Being the true sentimentalist of the Chinese cycle, the Rat is not only deeply attached to their children but to their elders as well. Parents who have children born in this year can be sure their kids will go on to love and care for them well. Unlike the Dragon child, who may demand perfection of their parents, the Rat child will have infinite trust in their parents, cater to their needs, and overlook their shortcomings. Many Rats go into the medical profession just so they can provide health care for their parents. For parents with multiple children, those born in the year of the Rat will be most willing to have their parents live with them in their old age. Rats also make excellent doctors, nurses, and pharmacists.

  The Rat is a natural caregiver and thrives on bringing order out of chaos. Rats revel in making their house a home, and lucky you if you are along for the ride. Roommates and partners benefit from the Rat’s constant foresight and thoughtfulness. From planning meals to organizing big birthday dinners, the Rat stays on top of what the calendar will bring. And when a Rat becomes a parent, look out—the already seamless operation will go into overdrive. Social activities, volunteer events, and community involvement will be energized with the motivation that comes from setting a good example. Rats are the connective glue for many social groups.

  The time of the day when they were born plays an important role in the Rat’s way of life. Needless to say, one born in the evening will have a more hectic and strenuous life (night Rats scurry around constantly in search of food) than Rats born during the quiet of the day.

  The Rat person will be attracted to people of the Ox sign, finding them strong, reliable, and appreciative of the devotion that will come their way. Equally compatible with the Rat will be the mighty Dragon people. Likewise, the Rat finds the Snake attractive and intelligent, and may make a suitable alliance with them. Power and brilliance captivate the Rat, and that is why they will always fall for the irresistible Monkey. They admire the clever Monkey’s way of doing things, and the Monkey will be overjoyed to find the Rat on his own cunning wavelength. Tiger, Dog, Boar, and another Rat will have no trouble teaming up with a Rat.

  The Rat will come into conflict with persons born under the Horse sign. The Horse is just too independent and changeable to please the clannish Rat. The two could never team up well and find harmony. It would also be unwise for the Rat to marry the Rooster, an intrepid dreamer, who will exasperate the practical Rat to no end. Their constant arguments and mutual fault-finding will bear little fruit. A marriage with the Sheep is similarly questionable; the indulgent Sheep may squander the Rat’s hard-earned savings and fail to appreciate the Rat’s practical, frugal ways.

  The Rat Child

  A child born in the year of the Rat will be sweet and loving. Outwardly, they may be shy, but inwardly they are fiercely competitive. When very young they often resort to crying to get more attention, and they usually cling to one or two people with whom they identify. Although they have a charming disposition, they tend to be possessive of parents and friends and jealous of attention given to others.

  They will likely talk early. They like to eat (the mere mention of their favorite foods always makes them light up), and they take an early interest in cooking and other household chores. Because they are so affectionate and demonstrative, they will not like being left alone. They will enjoy group play, can concentrate on detailed work, and will make friends easily. You can depend on them to keep things tidy or at least know where their possessions are.

  The Rat child will start to show their calculating nature early in life. They will insist on getting the bigger half of the apple and exactly the same number of cookies as their sibling (preferably more, but under no circumstances less). It will be hard to cheat them. They learn fast and never miss a trick. They take regular stock of their possessions—so don’t try to give away any of their old toys, thinking they won’t be missed. Then again, if you consult them about donating their old toys or clothes, be prepared for a struggle, as the little Rat won’t part with anything easily.

  With younger children, the Rat child will be an ideal babysitter, but at their worst, a Rat could turn into the kind of big brother or sister who will boss younger siblings around mercilessly. Given the proper encouragement, they will be ambitious in school. Rats are avid readers, so they will learn the importance of the written word early and be able to express themselves well. Many of the world’s greatest writers and historians were born in the year of the Rat, including Leo Tolstoy, Charlotte Brontë, and Truman Capote.

  The Five Different Rats

  Metal Rat—1900, 1960, 2020

  This type of Rat is most likely to be idealistic in thought, vivid in speech and actions, and intensely emotional. They may cover up their feelings by presenting themselves as cheerful, generous, outgoing people. In reality, they are easily moved to jealousy, anger, selfishness, and possessiveness. Their outlook is based on what their senses can appreciate. They love money but will not hoard it and won’t mind spending if they can get good value and quality. They know how to invest wisely. They will not be as romantic and sentimental as the Rats of other elements but could be sensual and moralistic at the same time.

  They like to impress people, and their home will be as splendidly decorated as they can afford. They love drama and pageantry, and they have classic, expensive taste. They will probably be athletically inclined. If they curb their domineering tendencies, they will succeed in making themselves known and liked by all the right people. Here is a Rat who will advance by getting into influential circles.

  Water Rat—1912, 1972, 2032

  More concerned with mental exercise and the intricacies of the thinking process, this Rat’s insight is excellent, allowing them
to relate well to people of all levels. They will be respected and able to promote their talents because of their accommodating and understanding nature. Traditional and conservative, they prefer to swim with the current rather than fight it. Still, they are calculating and shrewd. A person born under this combination will manifest all the qualities needed to wield influence in areas important to them. They are instinctively aware of other people’s likes and dislikes, and Water Rats know how to please those in a position to help them. However, they may not be too discriminating and may tend to confide in anyone who cares to listen. This might sometimes get them into trouble.

  Drawn to the written word and the acquisition of knowledge, Water Rats are adept at putting their thoughts on paper and will work to further their own education throughout their lives.

  Wood Rat—1924, 1984, 2044

  Progressive, success-oriented, and amicable, this Rat will try to explore everything and find good use for almost anything they come across. The Wood Rat is expansive and very comprehensive in outlook, yet they are corporate souls who know how to make the system work for them. Wood Rats are farsighted and always concerned with finding out the whys and the wherefores. Although they are egotistic, they make themselves agreeable and are quite considerate of others because they seek universal admiration and approval.

  Yet they have their principles and know what they want. They have strict priorities, but they can be flexible in order to achieve their aims. One reason Wood Rats works so hard is that they love security and worry constantly about their future.

  Outwardly, Wood Rats exude confidence and know-how and are probably professional in manner. They are good talkers and can promote ideas objectively and manage projects capably. Here is someone who will have little difficulty in drumming up support for their ventures.

  Fire Rat—1936, 1996, 2056

  This chivalrous, dynamic Rat loves getting involved in all sorts of activities and never tires of embarking on new campaigns for justice and a better deal. They love travel and fashionable clothes and are open and aggressive by nature. They can also be the most generous of the Rats.

  Although Fire Rats are energetic and idealistic, they tend not to be very diplomatic, and at times they may be too blunt to win the support they require. Because they are not very disciplined, they will follow the dictates of their heart more often than those of their head. As much as a Fire Rat is devoted to their home and family, they may still take off whenever they feel too hemmed in. They need lots of room and attention to soothe their oversized egos. An independent and extremely competitive person, the Fire Rat will not be content to maintain a simple middle-of-the-road existence. If they are too impatient for success, their fortunes may change often—and quite drastically.

  Earth Rat—1948, 2008, 2068

  Earth Rats mature early; for them, happiness and contentment are found in order, discipline, and above all, security. They will strive to develop their positive traits and be recognized for their talents. Earth Rats are realistic and not at all given to flashy dreams and expectations. They like to maintain good relations with everyone and prefer to work in one place or job where they will have loyal friends for a long time. Earth Rats can zero in on one subject at a time and are thorough in their work. On the darker side, they can be too achievement oriented, self-righteous, and impatient with others, especially if they are in a rush to get things done exactly to their specifications.

  Earth Rats care a great deal for their reputation and public image but are warm and protective toward people they love. They have high material expectations and are always comparing their degree of success with that of their contemporaries. At times, the Earth Rat becomes too practical and stingy with money. This is a Rat who does not like to gamble and rarely takes chances. They stick to proven rules and modes of operation, and they expect those who work with them to do exactly the same. As a result, their fortunes will increase slowly but surely.

  Compatibility and Conflict for the Rat

  The Rat is part of the First Triangle of Affinity, a group of positive people identified as doers. The Rat, the Dragon, and the Monkey are performance- and progress-oriented signs adept at handling matters with initiative and innovation. They are self-starters who prefer to initiate action, clear their paths of uncertainty and hesitation, and forge ahead. Restless and short-tempered when hindered or forced to be unoccupied, they are full of dynamic energy and ambition. This trio is the melting pot of ideas. They can team up beautifully because they possess a common way of doing things and will appreciate each other’s method of thinking.

  Triangle of Affinity for the Rat

  The Rat will encounter their most serious personality clashes with someone born in the year of the Horse. Anyone whose ascendant is of the Horse will also be likely to come into conflict with the Rat. In the Circle of Conflict, the Rat and Horse are 180 degrees apart and thus total opposites. The Rat’s direction or compass point is directly north; the Horse’s is directly south. The Rat represents winter, the Horse summer. The Rat’s natural element is Water, which puts out its opposite, Fire, which is the Horse’s natural element.

  Aside from the super-compatible Dragon and Monkey and the super-incompatible Horse, the other nine signs are compatible with the Rat to varying degrees.

  Circle of Conflict


  The Rat works well with its own sign. Two Rats will make a good team if they have a common goal. However, they are competitive and should try not to take things too personally. This combination is compatible to a certain degree.


  A union with the Ox will work out well. The Ox has need of the Rat’s expertise, while the Rat will appreciate the stable and devoted Ox. This is a nice partnership because both will take their roles to heart and work for the common good. Besides, the shy Ox will not try to upstage the Rat.


  The combination of Tiger and Rat will work if both are willing to accept some criticism and hold on to their tempers at the same time. The attraction has to be very strong for this relationship to prosper. Remember, the Tiger’s best friend, the Horse, won’t care for the Rat and will no doubt try to disrupt such a partnership.


  The Rat can maintain an amicable relationship with the Rabbit. There is little difficulty with these two signs getting along. But since both are sure of themselves and of what they want, they had better want the same thing, or the deal is off. Neither will put too much effort into a partnership if they perceive that no real benefits are forthcoming. Instead, each may try to get what they can at the expense of the other. Still, Rabbits are such smooth operators that it will be hard for Rats to outmaneuver them.


  This meeting of the minds will be productive and enjoyable. The Rat and the Dragon appreciate each other’s talents and have the same work ethic to get the job done. The Dragon appreciates the Rat’s positive attitude, and the Rat admires the Dragon’s passionate energy. Organized and industrious, the Rat will naturally gravitate to managing the details, which the Dragon is more than happy to allow.


  The Rat admires the Snake’s intellect and beauty. These two signs know how to cooperate to make a relationship work. The Rat is willing to make commitments if the Snake is not too intense and demanding. With mutual respect and understanding, such a partnership will be successful to a good degree.


  The Rat will be easily frustrated by the Horse’s spontaneous ways. Without a common ascendant, these two animals will butt heads in struggles for control. The Horse’s appetite for adventure challenges the Rat’s need for security. Both the Rat and the Horse are natural leaders. If both are willing to listen more than they speak and exercise more flexibility, the two can find a way to work together.


  The Rat has little sympathy for the frivolous ways of the Sheep. They do not have a lot in common. The Rat saves every penny; the Sheep spends, borrows, and indulges every whim. The aggressive Rat enj
oys hard work and challenges; the creative Sheep wants to be pampered and protected. Such different outlooks will generate animosity on both sides. However, if a Sheep is born during the hours of the Rat or if a Rat is born during the hours of the Sheep, the two signs may be able to establish a good rapport.


  The Rat and the Monkey can produce quite a lot of synergy when they put their heads together. The Rat is impressed by the Monkey’s natural ingenuity, and the Monkey appreciates the Rat’s clever mind and strong work ethic. The two can achieve great things because their strengths complement one another, and each animal takes criticism as an opportunity to improve.


  There will be difficulties in communications, as these two signs seem to test each other’s patience. The Rooster likes to criticize, while the Rat can be just as picky and argumentative. In such a competitive and fault-finding atmosphere, nothing lasting or special can develop. If they can work through friends to defuse potential clashes, their chances for a successful relationship will be better.


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