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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 12

by Theodora Lau

  Following are the time periods governing the twelve ascendants, with descriptions of each ascendant’s effect on the Tiger born during that period. The time of birth used to determine the ascendant is always the local time in the place of birth.

  11 p.m. to 1 a.m. = Hours of the Rat

  You are a charming hothead of a Tiger with a loving, sentimental side. You can put up with anything except being ignored. Often you will pick a fight just to have the pleasure of making up. Outgoing, impulsive, and articulate, you will go far if the Tiger in you allows the Rat ascendant to hold the purse strings and curb your spending.

  1 a.m. to 3 a.m. = Hours of the Ox

  You may have the strong will of the Ox and the temperamental nature of the lively Tiger. Hopefully, the Ox brings discipline into your life, and you will possess a calmer personality as a result. You like to get things done without too much fuss but can be vocal about your dislikes if you are crossed. Not as dramatic as other Tigers, you are reliable, levelheaded, and more predictable.

  3 a.m. to 5 a.m. = Hours of the Tiger

  You can be absolutely vivacious when things are going well, or all teeth and claws when you are angry. Because you are a study in contrasting moods, there is never a dull moment with you. Life is full of excitement and is a veritable roller-coaster ride with you at the controls. This is a pure Tiger sign, so you will have a double dose of every lovable Tiger characteristic as well as of the negative traits of impulsiveness and indecision.

  5 a.m. to 7 a.m. = Hours of the Rabbit

  You will be a serene, quiet, even docile Tiger because of the Rabbit ascendant, but it would be a big mistake for anyone to think the Tiger fire is quenched. The positive influence of the soft-spoken Hare curbs your impetuousness and impatience. As a result, you make better decisions, know how to be diplomatic, and are able to avoid a confrontation when it is not in your best interest. The Rabbit does not enjoy controversy as much as the Tiger does.

  7 a.m. to 9 a.m. = Hours of the Dragon

  The dominant Dragon ascendant reinforces your Tiger ego, and you tend to be extra-competitive. You will try harder and aim higher just to prove to yourself that you are the best. Not one to be outdone, you tend to be easily angered or frustrated when others fail to cooperate with you. You could be a dynamic leader if you were less unpredictable and demanding.

  9 a.m. to 11 a.m. = Hours of the Snake

  With the cool wisdom and natural reticence of the Snake ascendant, the Tiger in you will value discretion and be able to hold your tongue. A Tiger who profits from the Snake’s intuition and ability to negotiate difficult deals, you will not lose your temper and thereby jeopardize your chances of winning. Your natural Tiger tendencies are muted, and you will tend to be more conservative and objective.

  11 a.m. to 1 p.m. = Hours of the Horse

  The Horse ascendant makes you more practical and flexible. Your risks will be calculated ones, since the Horse is very much in favor of self-preservation and is not the daredevil that the Tiger is. However, this combination is composed of two freedom-loving signs who could lack a serious sense of responsibility. You can, however, easily be everyone’s best friend, as you tend to draw people to you with your magnetic personality.

  1 p.m. to 3 p.m. = Hours of the Sheep

  A Tiger who could be artistic and emotional, you may also have the Sheep’s tendencies toward jealously and possessiveness. Your talents and innate flair for beauty and art will be recognized. With this combination, you will seek the limelight but will also be sought after for your gracious nature and rare abilities. You are a powerful Tiger in Sheep’s clothing and not as soft and woolly as you look.

  3 p.m. to 5 p.m. = Hours of the Monkey

  Here, Tiger strength and charm meet the Monkey prowess for mental pursuits. If everything is in the right proportion, there is no telling how far you could go. The Monkey ascendant will incline you to use brains instead of brawn to fight the opposition or solve problems. Optimistic and always ready for challenges, you approach life with a positive attitude that wins half the battle. Still, having the most incompatible sign as your ascendant means a constant inner struggle over which side to take.

  5 p.m. to 7 p.m. = Hours of the Rooster

  You will have a very colorful and fascinating personality with this combination. The Rooster ascendant gives you focus and a love of order, but in a distinctly unorthodox manner. The troublemaker Tiger meets the troubleshooter Rooster here, and your presence in the world will not go unnoticed. A high achiever and mesmerizing performer, you will always insist on being seen and heard. It would be an understatement to say you love to be in control.

  7 p.m. to 9 p.m. = Hours of the Dog

  The Dog’s inherent love of fair play and common sense will make the Tiger ego more cooperative and easy to deal with. The Tiger’s propensity to intimidate instead of negotiate will be toned down by the sensible Dog ascendant, and any bullying or colorful tantrums will be discouraged. You will tend to hold strongly democratic views, will never turn from a fight when you feel wronged, and will have a tongue that can be sharper than a razor.

  9 p.m. to 11 p.m. = Hours of the Boar

  Vivacious, impulsive, and occasionally a bit naïve, you tend to attract love and friends like honey attracts bees. The Boar ascendant enhances your love of pleasure and huge appetite for the good things in life. However, both signs in this combination can turn vindictive and destructive under pressure, so it is highly important for you to guard your emotions and not give in to your desire to get your way at any cost. On the whole, you are extremely giving and helpful, and you’ll go out of your way to please family and friends without complaining.

  When Moon Signs Meet Sun Signs

  In our interpretation of Chinese horoscopes, the first lunar sign, the Rat, is not linked with the first Western astrological sun sign, Aries. Instead, we pair the Rat with its Western counterpart based on the month and season of the Rat, which are December and winter. This makes the most sense, as the lunar month of December (also called the Twelfth Moon or the Twelfth Earth Branch) is supposed to parallel the Sun sign Sagittarius, the Archer. We envision the Eastern and Western horoscope cycles as two large wheels, each with twelve spokes. To correctly juxtapose these cycles, we must find the matching notch that will join them together. Once the Rat and Sagittarius are paired as the first signs, the other eleven signs of both systems fall into place with each other.

  Following are the twelve Western solar signs, with descriptions of each sign’s effect on the Tiger born under that sign.

  Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

  Sagittarius Tiger = Fire + Positive Wood

  This person is extremely alert and vivacious. As a result, their interpretations of situations are likely to be both swift and accurate. An upright, energetic, and expressive combination, Sagittarian Tigers have few inhibitions. They love to dispense with formalities, and nothing deters them from getting to the heart of the matter once their curiosity is aroused. Fiery wit and colorful manners will typify this person. This Tiger can be argumentative and at times high-handed, but their refinement and intelligence will prevent them from being uncaring or crude.

  Capricorn: December 22 to January 20

  Capricorn Tiger = Earth + Positive Wood

  The result of this combination will be a captivating but less headstrong and impetuous Tiger. They will still have that strong temper, but Capricorn’s influence will see that it is properly directed. When linked to the Mountain Goat, the Tiger is not as restless as usual and is inclined to be less of a radical. They do not like sudden changes and can be relied upon to fulfill their promises. This dutiful Tiger can withstand hardships if they help develop the Tiger’s abilities. The Capricorn Tiger will not be entirely led by the heart, as are Tigers of more combustible combinations.

  Aquarius: January 21 to February 19

  Aquarius Tiger = Air + Positive Wood

  A provocative combination, this Tiger has the courage and grace to realize their
wildest dreams. Transparent and free of guile, they are nice to know and love. However, they rarely allow relationships to get too settled or sit still long enough for you to study them properly. They get in and out of predicaments, with a paradoxical penchant for puzzles. A publicity lover, the Aquarian Tiger is very communicative and given to cheerfully adjusting regulations to their advantage. Independent and constantly variable, they are ruled by colorful ideals and forever led on by great expectations. This Tiger’s mind and spirit are as free as the wind. It is impossible to ever contain them, and one shouldn’t even try.

  Pisces: February 20 to March 20

  Pisces Tiger = Water + Positive Wood

  The serene, peace-loving Pisces could do wonders for the dramatic Tiger personality. Adaptable but not entirely pliable, the Tiger will take on a calm inner nature, thereby reducing their liveliness to a sparkling yet poetic level. The Piscean Tiger shields their claws and uses psychology effectively to gain their objectives. The Fish is active and assertive here, while the Tiger relaxes and finds less conflict in life. But then again, it’s never safe to assume that Big Cats will ever allow themselves to be subdued. Pisces Tigers may purr more than they roar, but they do roar.

  Aries: March 21 to April 19

  Aries Tiger = Fire + Positive Wood

  This combination will produce a fiery tempest that will neither wane nor blow itself out. Neither sign in this combination is known for patience or forbearance. Super-exciting and magnetic, the Aries Tiger will have a life full of exclamation points. It’s hard to imagine this personality at rest. A fireball of energy, they could dash about incessantly or suddenly lash out in fretful tantrums if we don’t read them right. Restless, innovative, and notoriously brave, they are never short of friends or enemies. Sensuous and magnetically attractive, this person is bound for an eventful life because they will make every effort to take center stage.

  Taurus: April 20 to May 20

  Taurus Tiger = Earth + Positive Wood

  The otherwise stolid practicality and efficiency of the Bull will be lightened by vivacious feline humor and regality. This could be an endearing and relatable Taurean or an unusually stable and intellectual Tiger, depending on how you want to look at it. This Tiger is inclined to be rather traditional and conservative in outlook. However, the Taurean reserve may be replaced by the Tiger’s natural congeniality here. Firm and methodical about achieving their goals in life, these people will nonetheless be generous with their time and energy for the right causes.

  Gemini: May 21 to June 21

  Gemini Tiger = Air + Positive Wood

  One could almost hear this spontaneous and witty Tiger’s laughter cracking the ice at any uneasy gathering. Quick and talkative, they can be invaluable assets if they do not become temperamental or too outspoken. A person born with this combination is bound to be incessantly on the move and in too much of a hurry most of the time. High-strung and competitive, if they can bring themselves to sit down and do some thorough planning before employing their speed and inborn love of activity, they could well be unbeatable.

  Cancer: June 22 to July 21

  Cancer Tiger = Water + Positive Wood

  This offbeat Crab is full of feline surprises, sparks, and ardent love songs. Although all sizzling jealousy and possessiveness up front, they are soft as butter underneath. The Cancerian Tiger is amorous and incorrigibly romantic. An avid partygoer, they are also great entertainers. Easily carried away by emotions, they can burst into laughter or tears without much provocation. Generally, a person belonging to this combination will be very helpful and considerate because of the Crab’s kindheartedness and the Tiger’s lively and optimistic view of life.

  Leo: July 22 to August 21

  Leo Tiger = Fire + Positive Wood

  A fiery personality that can scorch a disrespectful onlooker or others who dare to take them for granted, the Leo Tiger is a veritable bundle of roars and claws. They never fail to impress or draw crowds. Capable of depth and variety in their emotions, they can be torrid, sulky, and magnanimous all in one breath. They tend to act superior, especially when they’re unsure of themselves. Leonine Tigers have very strong recuperative powers, both mentally and physically. They will never stay down for long. And when they love, it’s all the way.

  Virgo: August 22 to September 22

  Virgo Tiger = Earth + Positive Wood

  The Western Earth element and Eastern Wood element in this combination work well together. Virgo is reserved and analytical, which will help the Tiger keep a close rein on their explosive emotions. Hence, the Virgo Tiger will be less spontaneous, but still sparkling—in a neat, orderly manner. These solar and lunar signs could bridge to form an exacting but humane soul who is cautious when choosing words. With the Tiger’s color and daring and Virgo’s self-control, this personality could enjoy the best of both worlds.

  Libra: September 23 to October 22

  Libra Tiger = Air + Positive Wood

  This will be a fanciful but good-humored Tiger with the enticing manner of Venus’s child, Libra. Both signs tend to procrastinate, so onlookers may be left sighing anxiously while Libran Tigers change their mind or fail to sort out their preferences. However, potent Tigers are very effective once they do set their mind on something and can be good-hearted and hard-working to boot. With Libra’s graciousness, this Tiger will stalk prey with amazing artistry.

  Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

  Scorpio Tiger = Water + Positive Wood

  Full of thrills and skills, the Scorpio Tiger possesses enough sex appeal and glamour for ten ordinary mortals. Proud and self-confident, this person will undertake ambitious projects with the endurance of the Scorpion and the optimism of the Tiger. They have strong incendiary qualities: to the fighting spirit of the Tiger is added the powerful Scorpion intensity. As sure as death and taxes, they will have to take revenge, even if it’s only a few playful scratches now and then, to remind you not to take them too lightly (as if we would dare).

  The Seasons of the Tiger


  Tigers born in the spring are playful and optimistic by nature. The noblest and most daring of Tiger people, they throw caution to the wind and pursue their objectives with abandon. Never one to take the middle of the road, these Tigers know what they want and are not shy about getting it. The toughest lesson the spring Tiger will learn in life is how to conform to society’s demands and how to take no for an answer. Prodigiously gifted with superior endurance and an amazing zest for competition, this strong-willed personality will be impossible to ignore. You can either love them or loathe them, but you can never be indifferent to such a character. Tigers born during the day are likely to be more retiring than their brothers and sisters who prowl by night.


  This is a more thoughtful and careful Tiger who is nevertheless given to indecision or sudden moves that make them dangerous and unpredictable at times. But they have reason to be alert and suspicious, as their well-being depends on their ability to outsmart the opposition. Big-hearted and helpful, they will never turn their back on friends or family. They are kind, dependable, and protective. People will rally around their leadership. They value their freedom but are sociable and drawn to the limelight. They will bask in the public’s adoration and seek center stage whenever there is an opportunity for them to shine.


  A Tiger born in the fall is more apt to question situations and people’s motives. Naturally suspicious and wary of anything not to their liking, they tend to have strong opinions and little patience. Self-reliance is their strongest trait, as they know their own inner strength and will always draw from within rather than depend on others. They are careful, studious, and sometimes fastidious personalities who need faithful followers to bring out the best in them. The autumn Tiger is an avid patron of the arts and a discriminating connoisseur. They are also alert to the latest trends and fashions. A nonconformist and rebel at times, they know how to sway a crowd as well as draw attent
ion to their work, which may be outrageous yet original and exciting.


  Winter Tigers are the most secure and mature of the lot. They view life pragmatically and are less rebellious. The season calms their roving natures and love of adventure. These Tigers like to stay close to home and to the people they love and trust. Affectionate, passionate and refreshingly outspoken, this type of Tiger knows how to check their aggressive tendencies in order to become part of the team. This is a less assertive and self-centered Tiger who could be a good leader without needing to have total devotion from their followers. Yet, while they present a competent and optimistic front, they could easily be plagued by the doubts and insecurities that are common to all Tiger personalities.

  Famous People Born in the Year of the Tiger


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