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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 18

by Theodora Lau

  5 a.m. to 7 a.m. = Hours of the Rabbit

  With this ascendant, you possess both strength and diplomacy. You could be a quiet, noncombative Dragon given to reflection and sound thinking. Strong, subtle, and intuitive, you will make good use of the Hare’s prudence in your actions, and you will be more successful and popular than other Dragons because of your ability to get along with others. You could be the darling of influential society, as your advice and views will be valued.

  7 a.m. to 9 a.m. = Hours of the Dragon

  This doubly intense combination makes you a “pure” Dragon personality. It will be hard to miss or dismiss you. Possibly the high priest or priestess type, you tend to exact unquestioning devotion and obedience. You could have the charisma to establish a cult of your own or just bask in the adoration of your large fan club. You will have the capacity to give of yourself as much as you receive. Your courage and influence will be felt by all.

  9 a.m. to 11 a.m. = Hours of the Snake

  The Snake’s finesse and introverted demeanor may mask your Dragon ambition and love of power, making you a Dragon more apt to plotting your moves and executing plans with calm tenacity. Attractive, witty, elegant, and intelligent, you will stand out in any crowd. The only things that could hold you back are the Dragon’s judgmental, moralistic attitude and that Snake suspiciousness that always lurks in the back of your mind.

  11 a.m. to 1 p.m. = Hours of the Horse

  The Horse ascendant makes you happy, carefree, and more action oriented. You like to gamble for high stakes and are skillful and aggressive. When you are negative, you could be a rebellious and stubborn person who is difficult to reason with. But the Dragon’s sense of duty and largesse should tone down that temperamental Horse ascendant. Fast and self-assured, you are a quick learner and an athletic, sports-oriented person gifted with above-average reflexes. You should have a wonderful life if you can control that Horse temper and impulsiveness.

  1 p.m. to 3 p.m. = Hours of the Sheep

  The Sheep ascendant brings modesty and understanding to your Dragon birth sign. Creative, kind, and compassionate, you will always seek peaceful solutions to your problems. Sympathetic to others and very cosmopolitan in your outlook, you are one Dragon who can really get things done right without having to resort to brute force. The Sheep makes you lovable and popular, but the Dragon in you won’t let people take too much advantage of your generosity.

  3 p.m. to 5 p.m. = Hours of the Monkey

  You could be a superstar in your own right with this wonderful combination of problem solver and overachiever. You may appear affable and friendly on the outside, but on the inside you are made of steel, and nothing gets past you. Observant, diligent, and inventive, you are a Dragon who will make your own rules and have no trouble getting others to support you.

  5 p.m. to 7 p.m. = Hours of the Rooster

  With the Rooster crowing at your birth hour, you will be a fearless and active Dragon possessing immeasurable pride and industry. A relentless, hardworking, and unconventional character, you will be admired for your resourcefulness and unwavering dedication to your goals. Heaven help those who do not agree with your views. At least there will never be a dull moment in your company.

  7 p.m. to 9 p.m. = Hours of the Dog

  The Dog ascendant could make you a very down-to-earth Dragon with practical ideas and an amiable disposition. Loyal, respectable, and noble in your intentions, you care deeply for the welfare of everyone you come into contact with. You tend to fight more for your principles than for your ambitions or your oversized Dragon ego. Helpful, brave, and altruistic, you may be the perfect social worker and champion of the masses. However, you could still have a nasty bite when you are angry.

  9 p.m. to 11 p.m. = Hours of the Boar

  The Boar ascendant could make you a warm-hearted Dragon who is deeply devoted to working for the benefit of all. Charitable, traditional, and even naive and undisciplined at times, you may combine the Pig’s appetite for indulgence with the Dragon’s devotion to duty. A passionate and commanding personality, you draw people from all walks of life into your great circle of influence and inspire them with your ability to lead.

  When Moon Signs Meet Sun Signs

  In our interpretation of Chinese horoscopes, the first lunar sign, the Rat, is not linked with the first Western astrological sun sign, Aries. Instead, we pair the Rat with its Western counterpart based on the month and season of the Rat, which are December and winter. This makes the most sense, as the lunar month of December (also called the Twelfth Moon or the Twelfth Earth Branch) is supposed to parallel the sun sign Sagittarius, the Archer. We envision the Eastern and Western horoscope cycles as two large wheels, each with twelve spokes. To correctly juxtapose these cycles, we must find the matching notch that will join them together. Once the Rat and Sagittarius are paired as the first signs, the other eleven signs of both systems fall into place.

  Following are the twelve Western solar signs, with descriptions of each sign’s effect on the Dragon born under that sign.

  Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

  Sagittarius Dragon = Fire + Positive Wood

  Pleasant, jovial, warm, forward, and somewhat opinionated, the Sagittarian Dragon is swift and faithful and will abide no deception. Both signs here are always ready for action. This masterful and impatient Dragon thrives on involvement and will participate in whatever action abounds. Their interests are sure to be numerous and varied. They often offend unintentionally by their pointed speech, but they do so without malice, unaware that the Archer’s arrows have struck close to the heart. These noble and unselfish people show their true worth when they come forward to help when no one else will stick up for you. Their deeds are more notable than their words.

  Capricorn: December 22 to January 20

  Capricorn Dragon = Earth + Positive Wood

  This combination possesses the sure-footedness of the Mountain Goat and the unquenchable aspirations of the celestial Dragon. Both signs have ample leadership. The resulting personality will be realistic, doubly hard working, and completely self-assured. Exceptionally forceful and commanding, they could almost move mountains by their colossal willpower alone. They spare no one, least of all themselves, in their drive to accomplish difficult tasks. The Capricorn Dragon will be more athletic and muscular than cerebral. They love their privacy, too. Respect that “Do Not Disturb” sign whenever it appears on a Capricorn Dragon’s door. They really mean it!

  Aquarius: January 21 to February 19

  Aquarius Dragon = Air + Positive Wood

  The catalytic result of this combination is a person with an uncommon clarity of vision backed by an authoritativeness that is difficult to ignore or challenge. The Aquarian Dragon is forever changing and improving things in highly individualistic and expansive ways. Deceit is anathema to the shining Dragon, while the breezy Aquarian wins distinction for the ability to deal with people and tough situations. This person can be sudden and unorthodox but never cruel or scheming. Both signs can forgive and forget, although the Dragon is warlike when thwarted, whereas the Water Bearer is more broad-minded and brotherly.

  Pisces: February 20 to March 20

  Pisces Dragon = Water + Positive Wood

  This amiable-looking person will possess indomitable willpower. The Dragon’s spirit provides ambition and a sense of adventure to the otherwise placid and timid Fish. This subject could act forcefully but with suitable restraint and consideration. Pisces is beneficial to the Dragon here, and although these people may blow hot and cold in one breath when they are unhappy, they rarely find it necessary to go overboard as Dragons of more fiery matches do. Here, the sun sign’s Water nourishes and benefits the moon’s Wood, which is the fixed element of the Dragon.

  Aries: March 21 to April 19

  Aries Dragon = Fire + Positive Wood

  This bright torch likes to lead the way for anyone in need of their talents. Full of the Dragon’s noblesse oblige, it is their birthright to shine. W
ith the Ram’s stamina, they will be eternally optimistic, blessed with both a contagious enthusiasm and popular appeal. Yet this over-righteous soul could also be destructively domineering or characterized by imperious self-confidence and reckless courage. This is the all-or-nothing person who marches into battle with flags proudly unfurled. When challenged about their royal rights, the Aries Dragon can be a fearsome beast.

  Taurus: April 20 to May 20

  Taurus Dragon = Earth + Positive Wood

  Steady as the beacon of a lighthouse shining through a storm, the mundane-looking Dragon will be endowed with both heavenly might and practical, earthbound goals. The normal Taurean predictability will be overshadowed by Dragon dazzle at times, and this person will be a bit short of guile and pretense. Taurean Dragons will be distinctly attractive, although they tend to be aloof and slow to move. They are always honest, fair-minded, and performance conscious—reliable souls who invest their time and energies wisely and in the right places.

  Gemini: May 21 to June 21

  Gemini Dragon = Air + Positive Wood

  The Gemini Dragon will be a hurricane of activity. Fast, agile, and fearless, they will be noted for their tremendous do-it-yourself efficiency. Mercury’s child has a sharp, clear mind, and the Dragon never lacks the courage or determination to put their ideas to work. People of this combination will be great successes if they pay attention to detail, something both of these signs tend to dismiss too easily. With the Dragon’s leadership and Gemini’s ability to relate to people, this personality will acquire a large and respected sphere of influence.

  Cancer: June 22 to July 21

  Cancer Dragon = Water + Positive Wood

  Here the sensitive charm of the Moonchild and the dignity of the Chinese Dragon are joined in the harmony of Water and Wood. The Cancerian Dragon will not be as militant as other Dragons but will have the quiet and regal bearing of authority. The Dragon is idealistic, whereas the Crab is deep, searching, and possessive. Impressions made upon this type of person will be slow to form but infinitely more permanent. With the Moonchild’s cool disposition, this Dragon could be a less keyed-up performer. They will also use the Dragon’s strength to develop the acquisitive tendencies of the Crab. Life with this person could be pleasurable, as the Cancerian Dragon is responsive and tolerant.

  Leo: July 22 to August 21

  Leo Dragon = Fire + Positive Wood

  These magnificent, breathtaking personalities will loom over everyone, larger than life. They are truly convinced of their right to rule or at least to dominate. Leo Dragons are commanding performers who will keep their guns loaded all the time. The Lion provides the already bombastic Dragon with more dynamite than he or she can use, so this personality can be very willful and difficult to manage when others do not yield the right of way. However, they are immensely generous, and they never hold grudges. When they make explosive statements, well, that’s just their way of clearing the air. With a double regal sign, this person is blessed with good fortune. They will always strive to keep their promises, and they are noble and chivalrous to the less fortunate.

  Virgo: August 22 to September 22

  Virgo Dragon = Earth + Positive Wood

  Both signs have total confidence in themselves and are inclined to pursue knowledge, although the Virgin is the more realistic and plodding of the two. This person will have a great thirst for learning and perfection. They have to shine and could turn very resentful when opposed. They will not give up easily and sometimes will not give up at all. Both signs in this combination have many sterling qualities, and the Virgo Dragon will be admired for strength of will and character. Yet they are guilty of overdoing things at times and acting with unmitigated zeal in trying to right some wrong, real or imaginary.

  Libra: September 23 to October 22

  Libra Dragon = Air + Positive Wood

  This will be a congenial, sprightly, lovable soul, not at all fearsome as Dragons go, because this combination produces a nonbelligerent type of Dragon. The balance is tipped here toward the Dragon’s compelling magnetism. However, even though Libran Dragons have a lot of drive, they won’t be as dependable as other Dragons. Because both signs in this combination have genuine and sincere personalities, this subject will be endowed with wide-eyed honesty, unintentional frankness, and a minimum of inhibitions.

  Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

  Scorpio Dragon = Water + Positive Wood

  With this lusty, plotting Dragon, we have Scorpio’s intensity matched with the Dragon’s awesome willpower. Both lunar signs here are oversupplied with strength and commanding magnetism. This combination could be detrimental to the subject’s personality if he or she allows it to lead to excess. But underneath all that devastating charm, make no mistake, they are hard as nails and can be brutally frank about their likes and dislikes. One is strongly reminded of the nursery rhyme that goes, “When she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad, she was horrid.”

  The Seasons of the Dragon


  Dragons born in the spring are very influenced by the weather prevailing at the time of their birth. Spring showers and thunderstorms in the Western hemisphere are unpredictable and sudden, and a Dragon born at such a time will be the same. Because the Dragon’s ancestral home is the sea, unruly waves at the time of birth indicate a tempestuous life. The Dragon is also the Lord of the Insects, who comes in the spring to awaken them from their long winter’s sleep. In this way he brings spring to life with the noisy arrival of his swarming hordes. Spring Dragons are innovators and instigators. How each one goes about announcing his presence depends on the forces evident at the time of his birth.


  In China and the rest of the East, summer brings heavy monsoon rains and deadly typhoons. A Dragon born during a violent storm will have a very eventful life. According to Greek legend, the night before Alexander the Great was conceived, his mother dreamed that her womb was struck by a bolt of lightning, which a seer interpreted as a sign that she would give birth to a great leader. Thunder and lightning are supposed to precede the arrival of the majestic Dragon, so summer Dragons have many leadership qualities and are more aggressive, energetic, and egotistic than most. They find it hard or even impossible to do anything halfway. They give 100 percent of themselves to whatever they believe in, and their idealism is of the highest order.


  The autumnal Dragon is calmer and less judgmental in outlook. Not as intense as other Dragons but just as strong willed, they know how to use their strength effectively. These Dragons are less easily agitated than others; they will take on difficult tasks with missionary zeal and will not give up easily. Admirable for their courageous leadership and relentless pursuit of perfection, these steady Dragons could have smooth sailing throughout their lives if they are not overly self-sufficient. But Dragons of all seasons tend to be independent and self-reliant to varying degrees. Dragons born in the evening are less outspoken than those born during the day, especially those born in the mornings.


  Dragons born in the cold of winter are quiet but equally demanding and strong willed. They will be persistent in and dedicated to their convictions, but when they are opposed, they tend to offer unreasonable and often hostile resistance. Self-contained in their beliefs, they do not change their minds once they have set a course. A veritable storehouse of energy and optimism, winter Dragons could lead followers up to the greatest heights or down into the deepest depths, but they will never hesitate or doubt their own abilities. It is this stubbornness and power of endurance that will bring them great success and recognition.

  Famous People Born in the Year of the Dragon


  Neil Diamond

  Placido Domingo

  Queen Margrethe II of Denmark

  Bruce Lee

  John Lennon

  Florence Nightingale

  Al Pacino

  Raquel Welch


>   Jimmy Connors

  Russell Crowe

  St. Joan of Arc

  Isabella Rossellini

  Haile Selassie

  Amy Tan

  Mae West


  Sandra Bullock

  Jose Canseco

  Salvador Dalí

  Deng Xiaoping


  Emma Bunton

  Alan Carr

  Benedict Cumberbatch

  Cat Deeley

  Colin Farrell

  Betty Grable

  Sir Edward Heath

  François Mitterrand

  Ryan Reynolds


  Emma Willis

  Harold Wilson

  Reese Witherspoon


  Sergio Aguero

  Ernesto “Che” Guevara

  Walter Mondale


  Shirley Temple Black


  The Sixth Sign of the Lunar Cycle


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