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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 27

by Theodora Lau

  11 p.m. to 1 a.m. = Hours of the Rat

  You are a lovable but opportunistic and crafty Sheep. Both signs are sentimental and close to their families, but the Rat’s presence could make you more dependable and less inclined to fall apart during a crisis. The Rat has a more outspoken and spicy disposition than the retiring Sheep, and you could turn out to be an excellent critic, writer, or artist who is able to get on everyone’s good side.

  1 a.m. to 3 a.m. = Hours of the Ox

  You will be a Sheep who radiates charm mixed with the Ox’s rugged authority. Punctual, conservative, and set in your ways, you are apt to be more patient and determined than Sheep with other ascendants. You are a studious and reliable Sheep whose word is your bond. The Ox’s stubborn resolve is mitigated by your innate sympathetic nature, and you will be kind and protective to those you love.

  3 a.m. to 5 a.m. = Hours of the Tiger

  The Tiger’s feline impetuosity will accentuate your Sheep’s exquisite personality in a colorful and attractive way. Creative, innovative, and a great success on the stage, you may still have that temperamental side that makes you volatile and indecisive at times. This is a good combination because Tigers are optimists, while Sheep tend to worry and complain when matters are not to their liking. The Tiger in you will go out and do something about it. You have the courage and daring other Sheep may lack.

  5 a.m. to 7 a.m. = Hours of the Rabbit

  You are a clever but unobtrusive Sheep, and you are less charitable than you pretend to be. This is a combination that cannot be counted on to commit readily to anything that involves a great deal of work or sacrifice. The Rabbit ascendant makes you shun too much involvement. You tend to observe from a distance and make astute judgments that win the respect of all. You will make an excellent referee, arbitrator, or mediator.

  7 a.m. to 9 a.m. = Hours of the Dragon

  With the Dragon as your ally, you will show great determination and an ability to lead. The Dragon ascendant imparts the courage and conviction you need to carry out your ideas and plans. But the Sheep in you still has a strong desire for adulation and appreciation, although you are less afraid of opposition. You tend to stand by your beliefs and can inspire others with your sterling example and charity.

  9 a.m. to 11 a.m. = Hours of the Snake

  You could be a Sheep with great potential and a fine, uncluttered mind. The Snake ascendant makes you more self-assured and competent in whatever field or profession you choose. You can make up your own mind and keep your secrets and emotions to yourself. Patient, calm, and ambitious, you will strive to achieve your goals and make your presence felt by everyone you work with. Your quiet front can be deceiving because both signs here are fiery and subjective.

  11 a.m. to 1 p.m. = Hours of the Horse

  You are a happy-go-lucky Sheep who is popular, quick-witted, and adventurous. The Horse ascendant makes you expressive, expansive, and fanciful. The active Horse in you may be in hot pursuit of money, and the dominant Sheep side will certainly know how to dole it out. With the Horse as your partner, you do not fear to tread new ground or worry too much about what tomorrow will bring.

  1 p.m. to 3 p.m. = Hours of the Sheep

  You have a pure Sheep combination, which makes you very ardent and responsive but also somewhat of a clinging vine when you become possessive. Actually, you would prefer to rely on others to serve or help you. Still, you are generous to a fault and would want to help everyone if it were possible. Although you have many notable talents to offer, you still feel insecure, and you need strong associates to guide you and protect your interests.

  3 p.m. to 5 p.m. = Hours of the Monkey

  The Monkey could make your Sheep personality more inclined to take action and could give you self-assurance in the bargain. You could also have the Monkey’s delightful way of looking at the sunnier side of life. With the Monkey’s ascendant, you are not afraid of risks or challenges, and you will be inventive and innovative in handling your problems. The Monkey’s innate confidence could also do wonders for your self-esteem, although at times you may tend to have that quirky superiority complex that Monkeys tend to display.

  5 p.m. to 7 p.m. = Hours of the Rooster

  You could be that super-efficient Sheep who loves to organize and supervise social functions or charitable events. You are disarmingly charming but may have the Rooster’s knack for far-fetched ideas and complicated solutions to simple problems. The Sheep in you is compassionate and giving, and the outgoing Rooster side is calculating and opinionated. You will doubtless be brainy and have many positive qualities, but you need to work as part of a team to bring out your talents.

  7 p.m. to 9 p.m. = Hours of the Dog

  With the likable Dog as your ascendant, you will be a more rational and sensible Sheep. The Dog gives you more strength of character and helps you face reality without complaining or wishing for the impossible. The Dog’s toughness makes you less susceptible to tears or self-pity. With this combination, you tend to be more cooperative and even amenable to teamwork. As a result, people will value your skills, opinions, and level-headed outlook.

  9 p.m. to 11 p.m. = Hours of the Boar

  You will be a Sheep who will always lend someone a shoulder to cry on. With the sturdy Boar as your alter ego, you will be able to bear trials and endure hardships with resilience. However, this combination tends to be sensual and indulgent and will enjoy all the creature comforts life has to offer. Self-denial is not one of your strong points, and you could go overboard when your passions are aroused. It would be a good idea to have a strong associate to manage your finances or control your diet.

  When Moon Signs Meet Sun Signs

  In our interpretation of Chinese horoscopes, the first lunar sign, the Rat, is not linked with the first Western astrological sun sign, Aries. Instead, we pair the Rat with its Western counterpart based on the month and season of the Rat, which are December and winter. This makes the most sense, as the lunar month of December (also called the Twelfth Moon or the Twelfth Earth Branch) is supposed to parallel the sun sign Sagittarius, the Archer. We envision the Eastern and Western horoscope cycles as two large wheels, each with twelve spokes. To correctly juxtapose these cycles, we must find the matching notch that will join them together. Once the Rat and Sagittarius are paired as the first signs, the other eleven signs of both systems fall into place.

  Following are the twelve Western solar signs, with descriptions of each sign’s effect on the Sheep born under that sign.

  Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

  Sagittarius Sheep = Fire + Negative Fire

  This sun-moon combination produces well-meaning and philosophical Sheep with a wide-angle view of coming trends. Direct and honest, they are still likely to shun irksome details or dirty work. The Sagittarian Sheep will love to explore new heights and present startling theories. This sort of person is more athletic than emotional. They can laugh off their mistakes and take constructive criticism well. Endowed with a sense of fashion and good taste, they will be able to create innovative new styles with aplomb. Because they are so confident of their powers, they will be more outspoken than other Sheep.

  Capricorn: December 22 to January 20

  Capricorn Sheep = Earth + Negative Fire

  Here the noncommittal and pliable Sheep comes under the steady guidance of the Mountain Goat. Hence, these people are more certain of what they want and will not hesitate to make their own decisions. Because of the good fortune and benevolence the eighth lunar sign brings them, Capricorn Sheep will be handsomely rewarded for the hardships and deficiencies they must endure. Less content to stay in the background, these Sheep will take an active role in shaping their own destiny—and we won’t be hearing so many complaints, either. Don’t lock horns with them.

  Aquarius: January 21 to February 19

  Aquarius Sheep = Air + Negative Fire

  This sun-moon combination may have too much moderation. Both signs are friendly and tolerant, given to intuitive pur
suits and altruistic activities. Freedom-loving Aquarius may refuse to conform, so this mild-seeming person may be inquisitive and unconventional. The good-natured, sensitive Sheep could possess the Water Bearer’s deep well of knowledge and the Sheep’s ability to bring situations to a peaceful resolution. Aquarian Sheep do not watch their popularity ratings too avidly but will still want to keep everybody happy and contented. Self-denial is quite alien to these Sheep, however, and they would rather have their fun now and pay later. But with the Sheep’s ability to gather sympathy after the fact, they may not have to pay at all.

  Pisces: February 20 to March 20

  Pisces Sheep = Water + Negative Fire

  In spite of their tedious and overly particular ways, Pisces Sheep are still delightfully attractive, thoughtful, and entertaining. Because of their generosity and kindness, they often end up with the biggest piece of pie. They can also be sentimental and maudlin where their emotions are concerned. A lover of quiet pastoral scenes, stained-glass windows, organ music, and lofty cathedrals, Pisces Sheep find that the background is a much safer and happier place for them to inhabit. Here they can meditate; solitude brings out the best in their character, enabling them to give sympathy and good advice.

  Aries: March 21 to April 19

  Aries Sheep = Fire + Negative Fire

  This combination may produce a more submissive Ram, but perhaps only in appearance. These Sheep keep their own counsel. While looking ever so meek and mild, they may be terribly set in their ways. Their aggressiveness is muted and buried, but it will surface whenever they feel threatened. Hence, the Aries Sheep will be a more controlled and patient personality, free of guile and treachery. The Aries half will stand its ground and fight for what it believes in, no matter how peace-loving the Sheep half is. When these Sheep lead, they will lead by their fine example and will not be egotistical or despotic.

  Taurus: April 20 to May 20

  Taurus Sheep = Earth + Negative Fire

  This team brings forth a strong-willed Sheep who clings too much to the past at times. Bulls are purposeful and blessed with firm ideas about what they want, which ideally curtails the Sheep’s indecisiveness. However, the malleable Sheep is always open to suggestions, while the Taurean is not. This combination produces a character full of constructive common sense, calm persuasiveness, and an unerring eye for beauty. Taurean Sheep may be lovers of ease, but they will apply themselves diligently to ensuring their personal comfort and security. They have fixed tastes and fixed opinions, and they do not welcome changes of any kind unless they initiate those changes themselves.

  Gemini: May 21 to June 21

  Gemini Sheep = Air + Negative Fire

  A versatile and creative combination emerges when this sun sign meets this moon sign. The Sheep’s good taste and refined manners coupled with Gemini’s wit and humor should strike a congenial balance. With Mercury’s influence, the Sheep personality loses some of its sentimentality and acquires some of Gemini’s love of action and practical outlook on life. This is an adventurous and many-sided personality who loves excitement, new ideas, and challenging experiences. It would be hard to keep up with or even just keep track of them when they are out chasing a dozen different things.

  Cancer: June 22 to July 21

  Cancer Sheep = Water + Negative Fire

  Here we find a character of deep piety, filial devotion, and love of children. This person is easily hurt, quick to retreat, and passive in attitude. Timorous and hypersensitive to discomfort and deprivation, the Cancerian Sheep thrives best in opulent circumstances and conjugal harmony. Appreciation and praise bring out the best in this Sheep, enabling them to perform miracles. Despite being plagued by frothy inhibitions, Cancerian Sheep will be largely unselfish and will take great interest in domestic affairs. They will also be patrons of the arts. Definitely not the solitary type, these Sheep need a lot of friends and family members around to keep them happy.

  Leo: July 22 to August 21

  Leo Sheep = Fire + Negative Fire

  The assertive Lion will ease the Sheep’s shyness and make this person bold and high-spirited. Leo Sheep will be respected and will strive nobly to live up to the confidence placed in them. Less pessimistic and less susceptible to criticism, these Sheep can stand on their own and win the approval they seek. Fortified by Leo’s will and strong character, they are more independent and will never be lacking in warmth. The Sheep loves to mother others, and Leo’s generosity is renowned. This sun-moon personality will radiate kindness to all who come into contact with him or her.

  Virgo: August 22 to September 22

  Virgo Sheep = Earth + Negative Fire

  The Sheep is elegant and full of niceties but a bit of a spendthrift. The Virgin is more somber and much more careful with finances. In this combination we could find the Sheep practicing the virtues of thrift, self-denial, and cold resolve. The congenial Sheep will be more resolute if the positive qualities of both signs are enhanced. Virgo can be a perfectionist and a tireless worker. Sheep are sociable and popular, and they will want to move in the best circles. Here is a more reliable Sheep who values commitment and personal relationships. This Sheep is devoted to friends and family and will always have their interests at heart.

  Libra: September 23 to October 22

  Libra Sheep = Air + Negative Fire

  Libran Sheep love and need attention and sympathy. Approval and friendship are of the utmost importance to them. They may look as fragile and exquisite as bone china, but they contain a certain restiveness and built-in resilience. As authorities on art forms and beauty, they have a superb sense of balance and color. Libran Sheep are also inclined to be cultured, refined, and fastidious in their dress and grooming. Their very receptive nature causes them to delay too long and too often, tirelessly tallying up votes and gathering more opinions. If they cannot capitalize on their talents through the forceful management of others, they may end up being fence-sitters.

  Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

  Scorpio Sheep = Water + Negative Fire

  The sober by-product of this Water and Fire mixture is a person strong of mind and body, graced with a delicacy of expression and creativity that could fool even the most experienced observers. They listen to their intuitions, their loved ones, and finally to public opinion—in that order. But whatever Scorpio may have planned, the Sheep puts a limit on the price to be paid for success. These Sheep won’t like deliberately hurting others or gloating over their victories. Scorpio is a good co-sign here for the Sheep, as it prevents these people from wallowing in self-pity and forces them to act on their own more often. Successful and secure, they have innate confidence in their own abilities.

  The Seasons of the Sheep


  In the spring, Sheep are bound to get more grass than they do in winter. Consequently, they have a good start in life and will be well taken care of. However, they may also be the most indulged of the lot, as their parents are likely to spoil or pamper them. As a result, they could easily lose interest in various endeavors and might avoid commitment. They will be popular because of their sweet disposition, but they may tend to depend on others to the point of losing their own identity. However, those Sheep born during the day are more sociable, alert, and communicative. They also tend to become more involved in things. Overall, the talented spring Sheep will be known for having artistic abilities and impeccable taste. They can contribute much if they are encouraged and directed in the right way.


  The summer Sheep is more confident than other Sheep and will be charming and hard to resist. Many people will help look after their interests, and they will be well-provided for in life. Intelligent, skillful at projecting their own image, and sometimes self-indulgent, summer Sheep have trouble keeping a tight rein on their emotions, and they tend to act on the spur of the moment. Usually successful in their undertakings, the Sheep of summer often expect others to clean up whatever mess they get themselves into. Caution and thrift are fore
ign to them. They would prefer to buy now and pay later. Fortunately, they always seem to receive bounty from unlikely sources, and people come to their aid whenever they are in need. Important, influential, and powerful supporters seem particularly fond of summer Sheep and will take them under their wing.


  Sheep born in the fall cherish security above all and consequently tend to worry unnecessarily. They have a stable personality and value propriety in their actions. Their shyness or reticent nature is a protective shell behind which they take refuge when their feelings are injured. They can be die-hard romantics and will worship and woo the object of their affections with great devotion. Definitely not risk takers, they prefer to go with the majority and not against the flow of popular consensus.

  Usually they are dedicated to their goals in life and do not adapt well to abrupt changes. The Sheep born in the fall is not combative and dislikes any discord. They constantly strive for harmony and acceptance. They could find a niche in the arts, where they will be valued for their talents and contributions.


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