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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 43

by Theodora Lau

  Tiger + Boar

  This will be a warm and gratifying union, as each side has a strong desire to please the other. Dedicated and inspired, they will work more energetically for the goals of others than for their own. They will make a happy team. The Boar will be tirelessly devoted to the idealistic pursuits of the Tiger, who admires the Boar’s courage and stamina. They are both sensual, uninhibited, and passionate in love. Both are affectionate, dynamic, and progressive in their basic attitude and will nicely complement each other. Both can brush aside little differences and will enjoy journeying through life hand in hand. The Boar is kind and understanding enough to cope with the unpredictable moods of the Tiger. Tigers are usually repentant for their outbursts when met with opposition, and the Boar’s good humor and compassionate ways will bring out the best in the Tiger, helping the Tiger become more compliant as well. The Boar may even bring out a more indulgent side to the Tiger, inspired by the animal’s natural taste for luxury.

  The Rabbit’s Relationships

  Rabbit + Rat

  These two individuals are charming and pleasant but hardly selfless and dedicated. The two homebody personalities will need to balance each other out to find a long-lasting partnership. If not, even with the best of intentions, constant coexistence may strain both of them and bring out the worst of both parties. The Rat is possessive and romantic, and the Rabbit can be too passive in response. If the two can align their goals, the Rat devotion and outgoing personality may brighten up the Rabbit’s perspective. The result can be a responsible and good match.

  Rabbit + Ox

  The Rabbit is gentle, sagacious, and receptive to ideas and the feelings of others. The Ox may be lacking the emotion and sensitivity to understand the Rabbit’s refined personality. However, the Rabbit can be acquisitive, indulgent, and selfish. The Ox can be pragmatic but virtuous and well-disciplined. With these differences, each could supply the other with missing attributes if they care enough to make their union work. The Rabbit finds the Ox steady, realistic, and dependable, while the Ox sees the Rabbit as sociable, sympathetic, and feminine. However, the Ox can be very exacting and will criticize the Rabbit’s lack of discipline. The Rabbit may choose to withdraw from an unnurturing environment. Regardless of how this relationship ends, getting to know each other may be well worth an effort in this partnership, as both of them could sustain a satisfying relationship if they can adjust a little.

  Rabbit + Tiger

  The imaginative and docile Rabbit is inclined toward mental and creative endeavors. The Tiger is dramatic, sensuous, and electric. The Tiger may be too strong and colorful for the quiet and impeccable Rabbit. Nevertheless, the refined Rabbit may be attracted to the tough and appealing Tiger. Upon closer examination, though, the Rabbit’s interest may be put off by the Tiger’s impulsiveness and daring. The Tiger’s attraction may wane as the Big Cat may tire of the Rabbit’s moody and worrying nature. The Rabbit is rational and opportunistic; the Tiger is led by feelings and has little need for diplomacy or tact. The Rabbit is polite and sensitive; the Tiger is loud and spontaneous. Both will have to make a major effort to put up with the other’s idiosyncrasies if the relationship is to work. While this relationship may not last long, this pair’s differences could promote a learning opportunity. The Rabbit could help solve many of the Tiger’s problems if the Tiger could take time to listen. On the other side, the Tiger could build up the Rabbit’s confidence and assertiveness if the Rabbit can open up to the Tiger’s unorthodox teaching methods.

  Rabbit + Rabbit

  This duo will cohabit peacefully. Both are calm and intelligent enough to do whatever is practical and necessary to make their relationship work. However, they can gratify each other only to a certain point, as each does what is essential and not much more. This is because the Rabbit is basically selfish and self-serving. True partnership will have to be a well-thought-out affair with equal sharing of responsibilities. There will be trouble if one thinks he or she is bearing a little more of the weight than the other. Both are gifted and intuitive but may neglect to encourage each other.

  Rabbit + Dragon

  The Rabbit needs the Dragon’s strength and daring, while the Dragon can benefit from the diplomatic Rabbit’s competence and companionship. The Dragon is forceful and outspoken; the Rabbit is indulgent but tactful. Where the Rabbit is adaptable but moody and defenseless, the Dragon will step up as a warrior and protector. The Rabbit will arrange an artistic and restful home. The Dragon is independent, vivacious, and cheerful. The Rabbit is capable but introverted and calculating. The Dragon has the ability to lift the Rabbit’s spirits and inspire more ambitious objectives. This will be a good marriage if the couple can strive for their common welfare and do not allow petty or calculating concerns to interfere.

  Rabbit + Snake

  These two are compatible to a good degree if they can enhance each other’s stronger points. The Rabbit has great potential, vision, and tact. The Snake is determined to succeed and supports the Rabbit’s materialistic aims. But though both will have the same refined tastes and inherent love for ease and beauty, the Snake could be too ardent and demanding for the Rabbit’s superficial style of involvement. On the dark side, both signs are philosophical and meditative, and the lines of communication could be severed should they decide to be negative. These signs are basically not very obliging. They may neglect each other in their search for self-expression and gratification of their desires. But the Rabbit is not as possessive as the Snake and will not be too upset if the Snake gets wrapped up in work. The Rabbit will be content so long as he or she has an independent and fulfilling life of his or her own.

  Rabbit + Horse

  These two parties may not find accord because of the differences in their personalities. The Rabbit can be affectionate, inspired, and very personable once fully confident in the relationship, but the Horse does not care to have anyone anchor all their hopes on him or her, so off the Horse goes in whatever direction they please. No doubt the Horse will perform well, but the tender Rabbit cannot tolerate uncertainty or insecurity. As a result, both will be discontented and unhappy. They may find their relationship difficult, but they should consider matters carefully before passing judgment. Because the Horse is governed by emotion and intuition, the Horse is bored by the Rabbit’s deliberation and sensitivity. The Rabbit finds the Horse thoughtless, inconstant, and mercenary. The Rabbit prefers rest and solitude; the Horse is constantly on the go. Each is too preoccupied or self-absorbed to make any great effort to adjust to the other. This union will never work unless each partner makes big changes.

  Rabbit + Sheep

  These two personalities may be compatible to a high degree. If the astute and inscrutably suave Rabbit takes the lead, the Rabbit can help the Sheep achieve great things with the Sheep’s inherent talents. The Rabbit will provide the Sheep with the right environment to work in, and the Sheep will be grateful for the Rabbit’s guidance and subtle way of steering the Sheep onto the right path. The Rabbit appreciates the Sheep’s compassionate and sensitive ways, and the Sheep finds this partner kind, astute, and sagacious enough to make the couple’s decisions. Each is receptive to the vibrations of the other partner. The Sheep’s dependence could make the Rabbit feel more important and purposeful. The Rabbit is suitably gentle for the sentimental and occasionally too modest Sheep; but the Rabbit is also decisive and shrewd where the Sheep tends to be too generous or compassionate. Both are romantic and affectionate and will enjoy domestic bliss. With a strong partnership, they could accumulate more than just love and happiness.

  Rabbit + Monkey

  The Monkey is a positive and innovative thinker and a captivating performer. The Rabbit is personable and well-mannered, although somewhat superficial. Both can be diplomatic and secretive when it comes to gaining their objectives. However, the Monkey needs a lot of attention and compliments to stay charming and companionable, while the Rabbit is drawn to quiet surroundings rather than active pursuits. Some hostilitie
s may develop here. The Monkey is so self-assured and proud of his or her accomplished wit that the Rabbit may feel humbled by the Monkey. In response, the Monkey will hate the Rabbit’s anxiety and brooding. Both have the ability to see through others; consequently, when they look into one another, they may not find anything so fascinating. These two realistic individuals will not cooperate unless each has something substantial to gain from the commitment. They have totally different approaches to life. However, both are realistic and will either make adjustments in their relationship or seek another solution.

  Rabbit + Rooster

  These two are unlikely to find their ideal love with each other. Their personalities may clash strongly because each is vexed by the other’s negative traits. The Rabbit would prefer to be catered to and served. The Rooster is too straightforward, meticulous, and efficient to put up with the Rabbit’s whimsical requests. Both are knowledgeable but eccentric. While the Rabbit broods in dark silence, the Rooster will compose a long list of faults and make them public. The Rabbit is an artistic and reticent intellectual who may be a bit self-indulgent and unwilling to work hard. When the industrious and ruthlessly efficient Rooster gets through with the Rabbit, the Rabbit may feel like a victim of the Inquisition. Needless to say, the Rabbit will be defiant and uncommunicative. The Rooster’s lack of tact and indelicate ways are not intentional, but the Rooster cannot avoid hurting the Rabbit, who thrives on sympathy and consideration. They could make life very uncomfortable for each other.

  Rabbit + Dog

  This will be a good and enduring match. The Rabbit is imaginative, charming, and diplomatic. The Dog is straightforward and agreeable in manner. Both enjoy honest fun and entertainment but will prefer activities that have a useful purpose. They have innately cooperative spirits and will allow each other a fair degree of independence and assertiveness. The Rabbit has a strong need for comfort and luxury, while the Dog is less materialistic and more understanding. The Dog will be loyal and affectionate to the Rabbit even when the Rabbit feels indifferent and moody. The Dog admires the Rabbit’s suave and diplomatic ways, and the Rabbit can rely on the Dog’s support and logical assessment of situations. The Dog is the more positive of the two and will encourage the Rabbit, even when the Rabbit is depressed. It helps that the Rabbit is always considerate and sensitive enough to know what is bothering him or her. Both will have little difficulty in putting up with each other’s peculiarities. This union should bring out the best in each partner.

  Rabbit + Boar

  These two will find each other interesting and sympathetic. The Rabbit is talented and astute and can negotiate his or her way out of trouble. Because the Boar admires the Rabbit’s poise and refined ways, the Boar will meet the Rabbit more than halfway. The Boar’s courage and dedication please the quiet and well-mannered Rabbit. The Rabbit is sagacious, resilient, and subtle, and the Rabbit will impart some of his or her astuteness to the Boar without the Boar noticing. The Boar finds the Rabbit kind and cautious and will lavish the Rabbit with affection and the luxuries that the Rabbit likes. The Boar is selfless enough not to seek more than the Rabbit can give, and the Rabbit will be happy to be the object of the Boar’s attentions and generosity. The Boar is dependable, generous, and naturally cooperative. The Rabbit will be touched by the Boar’s devotion and unselfishness. Neither of them is given to finding fault; rather, they will be content to count their blessings, especially in such a rewarding union.

  The Dragon’s Relationships

  Dragon + Rat

  These two share courage and determination and will find a bright and rewarding future together. They will not try to restrict each other unduly, and the Rat will find the Dragon an admirable companion (provided they take care not to be overbearing). The Dragon will find the Rat’s loyalty and optimism endearing. The Dragon is magnanimous, and the Rat is thrifty and resourceful. Therefore, while the Dragon could make a lot of money and then lose it, the Rat will likely have stored some of it away for a rainy day. The Rat is talkative and lively but always amenable to letting the Dragon call the shots (or at least letting the Dragon think they’re doing so). This will be a fruitful and lasting union.

  Dragon + Ox

  Both these strong personalities will have to respect and admire each other a great deal before they will agree to make any adjustments in their relationship. Both signs are dutiful but stubborn. The latter factor could make or break the relationship. The Ox is slow and deliberate, much too methodical for the pioneering and dynamic likes of the fiery and excitable Dragon. The Ox’s influence could make the Dragon more persevering. It’s possible that the Dragon’s injection of optimism can liven up the Ox—or drive the Ox farther away. The Ox can be a cold and unemotional loner, while the Dragon needs fun, friends, and variety. A good deal of compromise is needed here. But if both parties try hard and succeed, they will be immensely proud of and dedicated to each other.

  Dragon + Tiger

  This is not a quiet, conventional, and uneventful pairing. Both partners are progressive, pioneering, and active. They could provide each other stimulating company if they understand their basic individual need for freedom and expression. The Tiger may respect and adore the Dragon partner but will never give up an individual identity. Both are quick-tempered and will resist being dominated. These two are both energetic, ambitious, and brave. With both of them being so innovative and daring, there may be no one left to finish the job once their mutual initial enthusiasm fades away. The Dragon aspires to leadership and will fight the Tiger for dominance. The Tiger will let some things slide as long as the Dragon does not restrict the Tiger’s actions or expect the Tiger to be docile. This overly dynamic duo cooperates successfully only after a good deal of adjustment on both sides. If they can maintain a workable balance, they will enjoy an adventurous relationship indeed.

  Dragon + Rabbit

  The Rabbit needs the Dragon’s strength and daring, while the Dragon can benefit from the diplomatic Rabbit’s competence and companionship. The Dragon is forceful and outspoken; the Rabbit is indulgent but tactful. Where the Rabbit is adaptable but moody and defenseless, the Dragon will step up as a warrior and protector. The Rabbit will arrange an artistic and restful home. The Dragon is independent, vivacious, and cheerful. The Rabbit is capable but introverted and calculating. The Dragon has the ability to lift the Rabbit’s spirits and inspire more ambitious objectives. This will be a good marriage if the couple can strive for their common welfare and do not allow petty or calculating concerns to interfere.

  Dragon + Dragon

  This will not be a very peaceful arrangement unless these two first agree on their goals. Both are individualistic, strong-willed, and aggressive. Female Dragons do not like to be overshadowed; in fact, they are often more assertive than the males. Dragons expect to be in control, but in this situation one may have to surrender some rights to find harmony. Both partners would be wise to maintain their own careers to avoid suppressing the other.

  Dragon + Snake

  The Snake is loving but possessive and complicated. The Dragon is generous, open, and excitable. The Snake acts carefully and deliberately. The Dragon may have to struggle with the Snake to communicate his or her views. Some friction is bound to develop in the relationship, but secretly the Dragon longs for someone wiser and more dominating than he or she is. The Snake will not only provide a stabilizing force for the union but will also admire the Dragon’s ambition and enthusiasm. Together, they could surge forward with greater determination. This is a mutually helpful and constructive alliance. A fulfilling and stimulating relationship will result if these two diverse personalities can adjust to each other. As the Dragon is always geared toward work and success, the Snake can impart some of his or her tenacity and common sense to the Dragon. The Snake may have a finer business acumen than the Dragon; at the very least, the Snake will handle the couple’s finances well. They can both build a sound foundation for their life together.

  Dragon + Horse

; These two adventurous souls will both lead a busy, roving life, as neither is content to stay at home for very long. The Dragon is persuasive and powerful enough to deal with the Horse’s inconsistencies. However, the Horse will most likely delay making an official commitment. Actually, both parties perform better when provided with variety and freedom. Both outgoing and charismatic, these two will undoubtedly be drawn to each other, but it will take far too much compromise for these two to have a longstanding relationship. The Dragon’s ambition and idealism will take him or her far and wide, and the Horse’s natural desire for exploration will also keep the Horse moving from project to project. Perhaps these two could find a workable relationship later in life, after they have each traveled and gathered enough experience to settle down or go places together at a slower pace.


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