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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 45

by Theodora Lau

  Horse + Rabbit

  These two parties may not find accord because of the differences in their personalities. The Rabbit can be affectionate, inspired, and very personable once fully confident in the relationship, but the Horse does not care to have anyone anchor all their hopes on him or her, so off the Horse goes in whatever direction they please. No doubt the Horse will perform well, but the tender Rabbit cannot tolerate uncertainty or insecurity. As a result, both will be discontented and unhappy. They may find their relationship difficult, but they should consider matters carefully before passing judgment. Because the Horse is governed by emotion and intuition, the Horse is bored by the Rabbit’s deliberation and sensitivity. The Rabbit finds the Horse thoughtless, inconstant, and mercenary. The Rabbit prefers rest and solitude; the Horse is constantly on the go. Each is too preoccupied or self-absorbed to make any great effort to adjust to the other. This union will never work unless each partner makes big changes.

  Horse + Dragon

  These two adventurous souls will both lead a busy, roving life, as neither is content to stay at home for very long. The Dragon is persuasive and powerful enough to deal with the Horse’s inconsistencies. However, the Horse will most likely delay making an official commitment. Actually, both parties perform better when provided with variety and freedom. Both outgoing and charismatic, these two will undoubtedly be drawn to each other, but it will take far too much compromise for these two to have a longstanding relationship. The Dragon’s ambition and idealism will take him or her far and wide, and the Horse’s natural desire for exploration will also keep the Horse moving from project to project. Perhaps these two could find a workable relationship later in life, after they have each traveled and gathered enough experience to settle down or go places together at a slower pace.

  Horse + Snake

  This is an unlikely match, although both are mentally agile and realistic enough to capture each other’s interest. Nevertheless, each has a different approach to life. The Snake is cautious, tenacious, and strong-willed, with clear long-term goals. The Horse is adventurous, mercurial, and impatient, caring more for the joys of the moment. The Snake is consistent in his or her endeavors; the Horse is impulsive, quick-witted, and inconsistent. The Snake finds the Horse’s carefree ways irresponsible and hard to keep up with, while the Horse dislikes the Snake’s serious, calm, deliberate mental deductions. But while the Horse is mercurial and needs freedom and variety, the Snake can be resistant to change and resentful of the Horse’s rash and self-centered ways. The Snake may be too determined, private, and refined for the Horse’s tastes, and in turn the Snake may not find the Horse’s strong appetites consistent enough to be worth the Snake’s while. Both have to be very unselfish to make this relationship work.

  Horse + Horse

  Teamwork and cooperation are possible because these two work at similar speeds. It would be better if they are born in different seasons so as to provide more variety in their relationship. Both are passionate but independent and restless. Their witty, lively, materialistic, and adventurous personalities may make life very hectic, but there is no guarantee they will get anywhere unless one is skillful enough to control the other. They may not be able to build a solid foundation for a home, as both are bored by routine and restrictions.

  Horse + Sheep

  The Sheep may be jealous and possessive, while the Horse is independent and impulsive. But the Horse will not take the Sheep’s self-pitying ways too seriously. The Horse is capable, delightful, and quick at sensing delicate signals. The Sheep could curb the Horse’s restless ways by providing the Horse with enough variety and attractive options to stay and spice up the Sheep’s life. The Horse will be grateful for a pleasant and warm home with the Sheep’s company. Each will complement the other, and this could be a very happy union indeed.

  Horse + Monkey

  Both are adaptable and intelligent enough to leap over obstacles to their progress. But their very similarities may breed mutual contempt. Just as the Horse is practical and opportunistic, the Monkey can be unscrupulous. The Monkey is versatile and adroit, and the Horse may irritate the Monkey with his or her shrewd and mercurial movements. The Monkey is bright and beguiling, and the Horse is equally witty and persuasive. They may end up trying to con each other into submission. However, both partners in this union are versatile, flexible, and outgoing. Whether they can coexist in a spirit of goodwill will depend largely on their ability to control their self-centered personalities. Endurance is neither sign’s forte, and they will not persevere in working out their differences if one finds the other lagging behind. They are both independent and practical individuals who can cooperate if they want to, as they possess the same quick mind and keen faculties.

  Horse + Rooster

  This is an incongruous but sometimes workable arrangement. The Horse is witty and skillful, while the Rooster may be frank, knowledgeable, and zealous. The Horse could start something magnificent and then dash off when he or she gets bored. The efficient Rooster will complain and no doubt criticize the Horse’s lack of dedication, but the Rooster will sort out the details and finish the job (if motivated to do so). The Horse is too high-spirited and detached to be really annoyed by the Rooster’s outspoken and fault-finding ways. In fact, the Horse may not even stay around long enough to hear the end of the lecture. Neither animal will be greatly disturbed by the faults of the other if they find their union interesting enough. If not, the provocative and undiplomatic Rooster will castigate the Horse for high living and flightiness. The Rooster may find the Horse’s lifestyle is too sophisticated, witty, and flamboyant to settle for the simple and hard-working lifestyle the Rooster enjoys.

  Horse + Dog

  This will be a happy and fruitful match, as these two people have a sound understanding of each other’s needs and deficiencies. Both are animated and demonstrative people who may find real joy in their union. The Dog is loyal, honest, and sincere, and the Dog will pay attention to the Horse’s excellent intuition. The Dog will be impressed by the Horse’s intelligent, high-spirited, and perceptive ways, while the Horse loves the Dog’s sense of humor, reason, and logic. The Dog is realistic enough to understand and accept the Horse’s shortcomings. The Horse, in turn, will not take offense at the Dog’s curt but observant and straightforward manner. The Dog is honorable and intelligent enough to work well with the capable Horse. The Horse admires the Dog’s keen sense of timing and strategy. These two will both get the cooperation they seek and still be able to enjoy the degree of individualism and independence they require to be fulfilled.

  Horse + Boar

  The Horse is persuasive, magnetic, and appealing, and he or she will be able to convince the compromising and good-natured Boar to accede to his or her wishes. The Boar is kindhearted; being sociably inclined, the Boar enjoys activities with the athletic Horse. These two animals are both pleasure seekers, and with this comes its own challenges for a long-term relationship. The Horse is imaginative and resourceful, and the Boar is dependable and good-natured. The Boar admires the Horse’s animated and cheerful ways. Because both understand the value of compromise, they will have an active and involved relationship without stepping on each other’s toes. They will, however, opt to live their lives to the fullest. Unfortunately, this usually means neither party will worry too much about tomorrow. But it may not be finances that present the biggest problems for the couple. Being a devoted soul, the Boar craves more togetherness and affection than the self-centered Horse can often provide. The Horse, on the other hand, is not amused when the Boar is too conforming and so considerate that he or she pleases everyone else besides the Horse. Each may have some difficulty coming to terms with the other’s weaknesses and making the compromises needed to steady the ship.

  The Sheep’s Relationships

  Sheep + Rat

  Both are charming and capable of great warmth and tenderness, but that is where the similarities end. The Rat is resourceful, inquisitive, and hard-working. The Sheep
is likely to take life too easy for this industrious partner. The Rat saves and treasures money, while the Sheep splurges and indulges on a whim. The Rat is alert, practical and levelheaded; the Sheep is creative but emotional and sometimes indolent. While neither animal is combative, the Sheep can find the Rat fussy and nitpicky when irked. Meanwhile, the Sheep finds the Rat too shrewd and conniving to deal with. There may not be a great deal of give and take in this union because the partners have difficulty understanding each other.

  Sheep + Ox

  The Sheep can organize an artistic and comfortable nest, if the Ox can take the lead on the finances. The Ox is prudent and persevering, whereas the Sheep is sentimental and capricious. That is to say, the Ox accumulates and the Sheep spends. The Ox is strong and decisive; the Sheep needs constant support. The Ox may not be so obliging with kind words, instead insisting on more discipline and self-denial in the relationship. The Ox will not relish the Sheep’s indulgent and impractical demands. The Sheep must be loved and appreciated to bring out the best in him or her. The Ox’s emphasis on order and discipline will be too constricting for the Sheep. The Ox is resolute and uncompromising and feels the need to make optimum use of time and energy. Meanwhile, the Sheep must wait for the right mood to strike to inspire action. With criticism on both sides, each may find the going rough at times.

  Sheep + Tiger

  This relationship is unlikely to be a longstanding one. The Tiger is outgoing, involved, and vivacious. The Sheep is domesticated, sensitive, and attention-loving. The Sheep needs affection and understanding to thrive. Although the Tiger may be attracted to the Sheep, it will be difficult for the Tiger to devote themselves exclusively to the Sheep’s needs, finding the Sheep dependent and indecisive after a while. The Sheep is basically understanding but could wallow in self-pity if the Tiger is curt, impatient, or appears unconcerned about trivial complaints. The Sheep is easily hurt by sudden bursts of fury and dramatic scenes. A genteel soul, the Sheep needs a quiet and comfortable life. The Tiger prefers a fast life and cannot tolerate the Sheep’s unhurried and worrying ways. In the end, the Tiger may be too strong for the Sheep’s liking; the Sheep is not suited to handle the Tiger effectively. Each will have to adjust to the other’s ways before they can make a relationship work.

  Sheep + Rabbit

  These two personalities may be compatible to a high degree. If the astute and inscrutably suave Rabbit takes the lead, the Rabbit can help the Sheep achieve great things with the Sheep’s inherent talents. The Rabbit will provide the Sheep with the right environment to work in, and the Sheep will be grateful for the Rabbit’s guidance and subtle way of steering the Sheep onto the right path. The Rabbit appreciates the Sheep’s compassionate and sensitive ways, and the Sheep finds this partner kind, astute, and sagacious enough to make the couple’s decisions. Each is receptive to the vibrations of the other partner. The Sheep’s dependence could make the Rabbit feel more important and purposeful. The Rabbit is suitably gentle for the sentimental and occasionally too modest Sheep; but the Rabbit is also decisive and shrewd where the Sheep tends to be too generous or compassionate. Both are romantic and affectionate and will enjoy domestic bliss. With a strong partnership, they could accumulate more than just love and happiness.

  Sheep + Dragon

  Each will have a trying time in this union. The Sheep might be fascinated by the Dragon’s brilliance and dominant ways. The Dragon, on the other hand, could be drawn to the Sheep’s kindness, loyalty, and sincerity. On the darker side, the Sheep may be too timid to go along with the Dragon’s highly ambitious undertakings, and the Dragon may find the Sheep too reserved and unadventurous. The Sheep will be able to depend on the Dragon for encouragement, but the Sheep could push the Dragon beyond his or her level of endurance. The Dragon is adventurous and independent, while the Sheep is ruled by emotions and moods. The Sheep loves home and family, but the Dragon may not care to be so domesticated. The Sheep will want a more expressive partner than the Dragon wants to be on a daily basis.

  Sheep + Snake

  There is much common ground in this relationship, but both parties will need to make a sincere effort for this to work over the long term. Both are materialistic and receptive to beauty and refinement; these characteristics could seal their union. However, the Sheep lacks the perseverance of the scheming Snake. The Snake, on the other hand, could be too secretive and distrustful for the sensitive Sheep to tolerate. The Snake is calculating and guided by wisdom, while the Sheep is emotional and led by artistic inclinations. They will occasionally disapprove of each other’s behavior but still find much they can agree upon. The Snake’s unfaltering determination could be a valuable asset for the Sheep to cling to. However, Snakes who are very ambitious or extremely independent will find some Sheep too codependent for their tastes.

  Sheep + Horse

  The Sheep may be jealous and possessive, while the Horse is independent and impulsive. But the Horse will not take the Sheep’s self-pitying ways too seriously. The Horse is capable, delightful, and quick at sensing delicate signals. The Sheep could curb the Horse’s restless ways by providing the Horse with enough variety and attractive options to stay and spice up the Sheep’s life. The Horse will be grateful for a pleasant and warm home with the Sheep’s company. Each will complement the other, and this could be a very happy union indeed.

  Sheep + Sheep

  Sheep naturally care deeply for their family’s welfare. Both love luxury and dependency too much, but they could succeed as a unit if they combine their strengths. One will need to assume responsibility when there is no one else around to do so, and the other should be comfortable being the less visible partner. Both are good at taking care of their precious home and are compassionate enough to put up with each other’s weak points. However, they should be careful about being too protective or indulgent with children or pets. These two can certainly go overboard.

  Sheep + Monkey

  There is no deep or permanent attraction here, as the Monkey is too complicated and egotistical for the Sheep. Because the Sheep is so much more subdued in taste and action, all the Monkey’s expertise and craftiness will only upset and annoy the Sheep. The Sheep cannot keep up with the Monkey’s inconsiderate demands no matter how good-natured and obliging the Sheep may be. The Monkey is clever and appealing and will use the Sheep’s weak points to manipulate him or her. The Sheep is creative, pure-minded, and compassionate, but these qualities will go unappreciated because the Monkey prefers someone who is more shrewd and conniving. At first, the Monkey may be flattered by the Sheep’s attentiveness but will most likely grow to find that the Sheep’s flaws outweigh the virtues. The Sheep, on the other hand, is no match for the calculating and evasive Monkey, who may not always take the Sheep seriously. The Sheep stands to lose more in this relationship, as the Monkey will exploit the Sheep’s kind and generous nature. Unfortunately, they are on different wavelengths.

  Sheep + Rooster

  These two animals have vast dissimilarities in their basic outlooks, which may prevent them from enduring each other’s peculiarities easily. In fact, the tolerance factor in this combination is very low. The Sheep is kind-hearted and considerate enough to make a sincere effort at anything, but the Sheep can easily grow to find the Rooster too cold, calculating, and particular for this creature’s comfort. The Rooster loves to investigate, analyze, and administer other people’s lives. The Sheep is pessimistic and subjective, while the Rooster is optimistic and objective. The Rooster’s energetic and fearless attitude could intimidate the sensitive and unobtrusive Sheep. The Sheep needs to be indulged and supported, but the Rooster will have neither the patience nor the talent to lift the Sheep’s spirits. The Rooster, on the other hand, will say it is difficult to deal with someone so sentimental and self-indulgent.

  Sheep + Dog

  This relationship will probably not work because these two communication styles will grow to wear on each other’s nerves. The Sheep needs a lot of compassion and support to be
able to put his or her best foot forward. But the wistful ways of the sentimental Sheep will only irritate the logical Dog, who will be more curt and impatient than sympathetic. The Sheep is tolerant and unselfish when handled correctly, but in this case the Sheep may become withdrawn and dejected in response to the Dog’s hardy and direct manner. In the final analysis, both may find that they have too little in common to bear the strain of their very different personalities. There is not much congeniality to go around, as each tends to bring out the other’s negative traits.

  Sheep + Boar

  In this warm, intimate relationship, both will give their best to the union and have a deep love and genuine concern for the other. The Boar is sturdy and thoughtful enough to please the gentle and compassionate Sheep. The Sheep, on the other hand, will gladly spoil the Boar. Fortunately, the sensual and simple Boar will see the Sheep’s possessiveness as true love and devotion. The Boar is generous and protective too, so the Sheep will be able to perform at his or her best, something Sheep can do only when they know they are loved and appreciated, as the Sheep will definitely be in this union. Neither animal minds making concessions, and both prefer activities centered around the home. Theirs is a home that will be lively, where friends will naturally congregate.


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