The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)
Page 49
lunar years of, in the Western calendar, xx, 238
overview of, 237–38
with the Ox, 45, 252, 373, 407
personality of, 238–44
with the Rabbit, 103, 252, 384, 408
with the Rat, 13–14, 17, 249, 251, 368–69, 406–7
relationship combinations for, 406–12
with the Rooster, 254, 286–87, 410–11, 416
seasons of, 264–65
with the Sheep, 223–24, 253–54, 405, 410
with the Snake, 163, 253, 394–95, 409
by sun sign, 259–64
with the Tiger, 71–72, 75, 250, 252, 378–79, 407–8
Triangle of Affinity for, 249–50
Moon, phases of, xxxv–xxxix, 362
New moon, xxxvii
The Ox
ascendant relationships for, 46–50
with the Boar, 46, 345–46, 374–75, 423
as child, 37–38
compatibility and conflict for, 41–46
with the Dog, 46, 315, 374, 418
with the Dragon, 44, 132, 371, 386
by element, 38–41
famous people born in the year of, 57
with the Horse, 45, 192, 372, 397
with its own sign, 43, 370
The Ox (continued)
lunar years of, in the Western calendar, xx, 30
with the Monkey, 45, 252, 373, 407
overview of, 29–30
personality of, 30–37
with the Rabbit, 44, 102, 371, 381
with the Rat, 15–16, 42, 366, 370
relationship combinations for, 370–75
with the Rooster, 41, 45, 281, 284, 373–74, 412–13
seasons of, 55–56
with the Sheep, 41–42, 45, 220–21, 372–73, 402
with the Snake, 41, 44, 158–59, 161, 372, 391–92
by sun sign, 50–55
with the Tiger, 43–44, 73, 370–71, 375–76
Triangle of Affinity for, 41, 42
Boar, 355
Dog, 324–25
Dragon, 140
Horse, 201
Monkey, 261
Ox, 52
Rabbit, 110
Rat, 23
Rooster, 294
Sheep, 230
Snake, 170
Tiger, 81
The Rabbit
ascendant relationships for, 104–8
with the Boar, 99, 100, 104, 343, 346, 385–86, 424
as child, 95–96
compatibility and conflict for, 99–104
with the Dog, 104, 316, 385, 419
with the Dragon, 102, 132, 382, 387
by element, 96–99
famous people born in the year of, 115
with the Horse, 103, 193, 383, 397–98
with its own sign, 102, 382
lunar years of, in the Western calendar, xx, 88
with the Monkey, 103, 252, 384, 408
overview of, 87–89
with the Ox, 44, 102, 371, 381
personality of, 89–95
with the Rat, 16, 101, 367, 380–81
relationship combinations for, 380–86
with the Rooster, 99–100, 103–4, 281–82, 285, 384–85, 413–14
seasons of, 113–14
with the Sheep, 99, 100, 103, 218–19, 222, 383–84, 403
with the Snake, 103, 161, 382–83, 392
by sun sign, 109–13
with the Tiger, 73–74, 102, 376, 381–82
Triangle of Affinity for, 99, 100
The Rat
ascendant relationships for, 18–21
with the Boar, 18, 345, 369–70, 422–23
as child, 10
compatibility and conflict for, 13–18
with the Dog, 18, 315, 369, 417–18
with the Dragon, 13–14, 16, 129–30, 131, 367, 386
by element, 11–13
famous people born in the year of, 28
with the Horse, 14, 17, 192, 367–68, 396
with its own sign, 15, 366
lunar years of, in the Western calendar, xx, 2
with the Monkey, 13–14, 17, 249, 251, 368–69, 406–7
overview of, 1–2
with the Ox, 15–16, 42, 366, 370
personality of, 2–10
with the Rabbit, 16, 101, 367, 380–81
relationship combinations for, 366–70
with the Rooster, 17, 284, 369, 412
seasons of, 26–27
with the Sheep, 17, 221, 368, 401–2
with the Snake, 16, 160, 367–68, 391
by sun sign, 22–26
with the Tiger, 16, 73, 366, 375
Triangle of Affinity for, 13–14
Relationship combinations, 365–66
for the Boar, 422–28
for the Dog, 417–22
for the Dragon, 386–91
for the Horse, 396–401
for the Monkey, 406–12
for the Ox, 370–75
for the Rabbit, 380–86
for the Rat, 366–70
for the Rooster, 412–17
for the Sheep, 401–6
for the Snake, 391–96
for the Tiger, 375–80
The Rooster
ascendant relationships for, 288–92
with the Boar, 287–88, 348, 417, 427
as child, 277–78
compatibility and conflict for, 281–88
with the Dog, 287, 317–18, 416–17, 421–22
with the Dragon, 134, 285, 389–90, 414
by element, 278–81
famous people born in the year of, 300
with the Horse, 195, 286, 400, 415
with its own sign, 287, 416
lunar years of, in the Western calendar, xx, 268
with the Monkey, 254, 286–87, 410–11, 416
overview of, 267–68
with the Ox, 41, 45, 281, 284, 373–74, 412–13
personality of, 268–77
with the Rabbit, 99–100, 103–4, 281–82, 285, 384–85, 413–14
with the Rat, 17, 284, 369, 412
relationship combinations for, 412–17
seasons of, 297–99
with the Sheep, 224, 286, 405, 415
with the Snake, 158–59, 163, 281, 285–86, 395, 414–15
by sun sign, 292–97
with the Tiger, 75, 285, 379, 413
Triangle of Affinity for, 281, 282
Boar, 354
Dog, 323–24
Dragon, 139
Horse, 200
Monkey, 260
Ox, 40–41
Rabbit, 109
Rat, 22
Rooster, 292–93
Sheep, 229
Snake, 169
Tiger, 80
Boar, 358
Dog, 328
Dragon, 143
Horse, 203–4
Monkey, 264
Ox, 54–55
Rabbit, 113
Rat, 26
Rooster, 297
Sheep, 233
Snake, 173
Tiger, 84
Seasons, xxvi, 362–63. See also individual seasons
The Sheep
ascendant relationships for, 225–28
with the Boar, 219, 224–25, 343, 347, 406, 426
as child, 214–15
compatibility and conflict for, 218–25
with the Dog, 224, 317, 406, 421
with the Dragon, 133, 222, 389, 403–4
by element, 216–18
famous people born in the year of, 236
with the Horse, 194, 223, 399, 404
with its own sign, 223, 404–5
lunar years of, in the Western calendar, xx, 208
with the Monkey, 223–24, 253–54, 405, 410
overview of, 207–8
with the Ox, 41–42
, 45, 220–21, 372–73, 402
personality of, 208–14
with the Rabbit, 99, 100, 103, 218–19, 222, 383–84, 403
with the Rat, 17, 221, 368, 401–2
relationship combinations for, 401–6
with the Rooster, 224, 286, 405, 415
seasons of, 233–35
with the Snake, 163, 222–23, 394, 404
by sun sign, 229–33
with the Tiger, 75, 221–22, 378, 402–3
Triangle of Affinity for, 218–19
The Snake
ascendant relationships for, 164–68
with the Boar, 159, 164, 344, 347, 396, 425
as child, 154–55
compatibility and conflict for, 158–64
with the Dog, 164, 316, 395–96, 420
with the Dragon, 133, 162, 388, 393
by element, 155–58
famous people born in the year of, 175
with the Horse, 162, 193–94, 393–94, 398–99
with its own sign, 162, 393
lunar years of, in the Western calendar, xx, 148
with the Monkey, 163, 253, 394–95, 409
overview of, 147–48
with the Ox, 41, 44, 158–59, 161, 372, 391–92
personality of, 148–54
with the Rabbit, 103, 161, 382–83, 392
with the Rat, 16, 160, 367–68, 391
relationship combinations for, 391–96
with the Rooster, 158–59, 163, 281, 285–86, 395, 414–15
seasons of, 173–74
with the Sheep, 163, 222–23, 394, 404
by sun sign, 168–73
with the Tiger, 74, 161, 377, 392
Triangle of Affinity for, 158–59
Boar, 358
Dog, 328
Dragon, 143
Horse, 204
Monkey, 264
Ox, 55
Rabbit, 113
Rat, 26
Rooster, 297–98
Sheep, 233–34
Spring (continued)
Snake, 173
Tiger, 84–85
Boar, 358–59
Dog, 328–29
Dragon, 143–44
Horse, 204
Monkey, 264–65
Ox, 55
Rabbit, 113–14
Rat, 26–27
Rooster, 298
Sheep, 234
Snake, 173–74
Tiger, 85
Boar, 356
Dog, 325
Dragon, 141
Horse, 201–2
Monkey, 262
Ox, 52–53
Rabbit, 110–11
Rat, 24
Rooster, 294–95
Sheep, 231
Snake, 170–71
Tiger, 82
The Tiger
ascendant relationships for, 76–80
with the Boar, 76, 346, 380, 423–24
as child, 66–67
compatibility and conflict for, 70–76
with the Dog, 70–71, 75–76, 312–13, 315, 379–80, 418–19
with the Dragon, 74, 132, 377, 387
by element, 67–70
famous people born in the year of, 86
with the Horse, 70–71, 74, 191, 192–93, 377–78, 397
with its own sign, 73, 376
lunar years of, in the Western calendar, xx, 60
with the Monkey, 71–72, 75, 250, 252, 378–79, 407–8
overview of, 59–60
with the Ox, 43–44, 73, 370–71, 375–76
personality of, 60–66
with the Rabbit, 73–74, 102, 376, 381–82
with the Rat, 16, 73, 366, 375
relationship combinations for, 375–80
with the Rooster, 75, 285, 379, 413
seasons of, 84–86
with the Sheep, 75, 221–22, 378, 402–3
with the Snake, 74, 161, 377, 392
by sun sign, 80–84
Triangle of Affinity for, 70–71
Boar, 357
Dog, 327
Dragon, 142
Horse, 203
Monkey, 263
Ox, 54
Rabbit, 112
Rat, 25
Rooster, 296
Sheep, 232
Snake, 172
Tiger, 83
Water, xxxi–xxxii
Boar, 340–41
Dog, 310
Dragon, 127
Horse, 187–88
Monkey, 247
Ox, 39
Rabbit, 97
Rat, 11
Rooster, 279
Sheep, 216–17
Snake, 156
Tiger, 68
Wedding dates, choosing, 361–63
Boar, 359
Dog, 329
Dragon, 144
Horse, 205
Monkey, 265
Ox, 56
Rabbit, 114
Rat, 27
Rooster, 298–99
Sheep, 235
Snake, 174
Tiger, 85–86
Wood, xxxii–xxxiii
Boar, 341–42
Dog, 310–11
Dragon, 127–28
Horse, 188
Monkey, 247–48
Ox, 39–40
Rabbit, 97–98
Rat, 12
Rooster, 279–80
Sheep, 217
Snake, 156–57
Tiger, 68–69
About the Authors
Photo by Kenneth Lau
Theodora Lau wrote numerous books in her career, including The Chinese Horoscopes Guide to Relationships. She cowrote Wedding Feng Shui and the best-selling Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes with her daughter, Laura Lau. Theodora’s husband and creative collaborator, Kenneth, worked with Theodora and Laura to coauthor Chinese Horoscopes for Your Child and Best-Loved Chinese Proverbs. Theodora's books have been translated into seventeen languages and have introduced many topics from Chinese culture to readers all over the world.
Laura Lau was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Southern California. The daughter of Theodora Lau, Laura is a second-generation author writing about Chinese culture and horoscopes. Laura’s connection to the zodiac has always been strong, but it took on new meaning while planning her wedding. This experience led her to coauthor Wedding Feng Shui with her mother, Theodora. She is also the coauthor of The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes, Chinese Horoscopes for Your Child, and Best-Loved Chinese Proverbs. She currently makes her home in Los Angeles with her husband and son.
More from Theodora Lau and Laura Lau
Chinese Horoscopes for Your Child
The Chinese Horoscopes Guide to Relationships
Best-Loved Chinese Proverbs
Wedding Feng Shui
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