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Claimed in CHAOS (CKMC Book 4)

Page 7

by Linny Lawless

  I met Noah’s parents for the first time a week later. He told me so many good things about them and I wanted to dress to impress. I asked him if we could take his truck to his parents’ house so that I could wear a nice summer dress.

  Noah’s eyes roamed down my body as I climbed into his truck in front of my house, “My parents will love you no matter what you wear, Kat.” He leaned over and kissed me. The kiss started out sweet, then suddenly began to get heated, our tongues tasting each other.

  He pulled away first, “Don’t want to show up with a raging hard on in front of my parents Kitten.” His voice low, and strained.

  I couldn’t help but giggle “OK. I’ll give you more of that later.” I batted my eyes at him, looking innocent, but he knew what a wildcat I could be when we were alone.

  His father, Ted, and his mother, Penny, greeted us at their door with warm hugs and smiles. And I could see that Noah got his ruggedly handsome good looks from his father. I pictured his mother, Penny, starry-eyed and tongue tied around Ted when they were young teenagers in love.

  They showed me some of their family photos and one of Noah when he was a teenager in high school that hung on their wall. He was so handsome even as a teenager dressed in his football shoulder pads, wearing his uniform and holding a helmet. “I was good at tackling…” Noah said low, winking.

  We sat at their dinner table and chatted. I felt as comfortable as I could be around his parents. They were so kind and had a great sense of humor just like Noah. Both Ted and Penny were close to my mother’s age and I had a good feeling they would get along well.

  I helped Penny clean up after dinner like I always did with my mom at home, leaving Noah and his Dad at the table, drinking beers and chatting like fathers and sons did.

  Penny was a brunette beauty, her hair color just a shade lighter than my own. Noah had her gorgeous blue eyes.

  It was getting late, as Noah’s parents gave me warm hugs. “You should bring your mother along next time for dinner, Kat. Ted and I would love to meet her.” Penny said, making my heart feel like it had wings and wanted to fly. I hugged her back, “Thank you so much Mrs. Davenport -.”

  “Please, just call me Penny. No need for formal stuff around us, Kat.”

  “Ok Penny. I’ll bring my mother, Jean over for dinner soon.”

  Then Ted gave me a hug, his height matching that of Noah’s and I felt like a dwarf, “Now you keep tabs on Noah. We want him over more often. And now he’s got you to keep him on the straight and narrow, Kat.”

  Noah took my hand as we walked to his truck, “Hey, let’s go take a walk. I’ll show you around my neighborhood”

  He pointed to the house across the street, “That’s where Tanya lived and grew up with her parents. And there, in her front yard, is where she kneed me in the balls.”

  I stopped walking and doubled over laughing.

  He tilted his head, “I love your laugh Kat. It’s genuine.” He wrapped me in his arms and leaned in to kiss me.

  We walked to a playground two blocks away from his parents’ house. I walked up to the swing set. It was built a long time ago, with old rusty metal poles and black rubber seats that hung from metal chains. “I haven’t swung since I was a kid! Will you push me?”

  “Sure Kitten.”

  It was getting dark out and lightening bugs appeared around us, flying lazily, their little bodies glowing yellow, as Noah pushed me on the swing. As Noah pushed me, I leaned back, lifting my legs straight out, then leaned forward, bending my knees when I swung back to him.

  “So how are things going with Jackie, your tutor?”

  Noah pushed me again, “All right, I guess. She let me choose between a few books to read, so I picked one. She’ll come by the house for about an hour once a week.”

  “Which book did you choose?” I felt I was prying because he seemed like he didn’t want to talk about it.

  “I chose ‘The Chronicles of Narnia.” He pushed me again and I swung even higher, the lightening bugs blinking around me.

  “Oh, that will be a fun book to read!”

  I swung back, but this time Noah grabbed the chains on the swing, covering my hands with his, and stopped my momentum. “I don’t know Kat. This tutoring thing. Not sure it’s for me. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And I’m old when it comes to trying to teach me how to fuckin read!” His voice was low and strained.

  I leaned my head back and looked up at him. “Noah, I’m here to for you. Your parents know about your tutoring too and I think it’s a very brave thing to do. To learn and grow and get your GED. And I understand when it gets frustrating, but just remember why you are doing this. You want to help your dad and his business. They are proud of you. I’m proud of you.”

  It wasn’t quite dark yet, and as my head leaned back, I could see his handsome smile before he leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips.


  The following weekend was girl’s night out with the Chaos Coven. It wasn’t my first time joining the Coven for some fun but since me and Noah were together, it made it even more special. I felt even closer to Tanya ever since Noah told me stories about them growing up together and how loved each other like brother and sister. I also remember the first time I saw Noah at the clubhouse and how she had warned me to just admire him from a distance because he was a player, the Chick Magnet.

  Fiona’s brother, Seth, was now prospecting for the club and Tanya’s man, Skully was his sponsor. Seth wouldn’t get his club name until he was fully patched in, but everyone started calling him Scrapper. From what I was told, Seth and Fiona had a rough upbringing at home with their parents. And Seth ran away but came into town to find his sister again. All anyone knew was that he had lived alone, homeless, on the streets, fighting to survive. Skully also had a tough upbringing as an orphan, going from one foster home to the next. It was only natural to see Skully and Seth quickly form a bond.

  Seth even took a motorcycle riding course and got his M-class license. He was still a beginner rider, but he seemed to catch on and fit in well with the Chaos Kings. He bought a used bike from the owner of the motorcycle shop that Skully worked as a mechanic. He rode it that night to follow us as a chaperone, as we all climbed into an Uber van - me, Sam, Madge, Tanya, and Fiona.

  We always seemed to find a reason to celebrate and this time it was for my promotion to manager at the bookstore. We stopped in at a nightclub near DC, and grabbed a table, ordering a few rounds of fruity shooters. Sam seemed quiet and she got a bit nauseous sitting in the back of the van, so she wasn’t really up to drinking. Fiona’s friend, Destiny showed up a bit later, pulling her out on the dance floor. It was the first time I met Destiny, a gorgeous dancer friend of Fiona’s, with her exotic features and long black hair. Seth was one step behind, of course, watching over them both, his arms folded and looking so intimidating. He held his stance wide near the dance floor, to make sure no men would try and make a pass or even dance with them.

  James kept blowing up Sam’s phone with text messages. He was not the insecure jealous type, who tried to keep tabs on her, but he was the protective type, so I found it odd that he would bother her with texts when she was with the Coven. The techno music was loud and thumped through the speakers in the dimly lit club. Strobe lights and disco balls made me a bit dizzy after a few beers and shooters.

  Sam touched my elbow leaning over, “James wants us all back at the clubhouse!”

  “Is everything ok?”

  Sam smiled, “Yeah, everything is ok. James has just been a bit edgy today that’s all.”

  My phone lit up just then with a text from Lillian:

  “Jean said you were out tonight. Can I meet you? I need to talk”

  I groaned, not wanting to respond, but Lillian had never sent me a text before, so I thought whatever it was might be important.

  “Sure. Meet me at the Chaos Kings Clubhouse. I’ll be there within the hour”

  Madge gathered the Coven, Seth interrupted Fiona and Des
tiny on the dance floor, and we took an Uber back to the clubhouse within the hour. The Chaos Kings’ bikes were on kickstands in the lot as we pulled in, along with James’ truck, and I was wondering why he didn’t ride his bike.

  Sam saw her first as we entered the clubhouse, “Is that your step-sister? Lillian?”

  Lillian stood by the bar, her arms folded in front of her, smoking a cigarette. Noah stood next to her, his elbow leaning on the bar. “Yes. She texted me at the nightclub. I didn’t know she smoked…”

  Wez marched toward me and Sam, his brows knitted. “Your sister just walked in here all by her fuckin self! Don’t know if she’s naive, brave, or just stupid! She’s lucky Magnet and Ratchet knew who she was.” I couldn’t tell who looked tenser, Lillian or Wez?

  I placed my hand on Wez’s burly chest, “It’s ok, Wez. I told her to meet me here. I knew she would be safe.”

  As I approached her, she fidgeted with the cigarette between her fingers, flicking ashes in a huge glass ashtray on the bar. Noah greeted me with a huge grin. He picked me up and thrusted his tongue into my mouth, making me tingle between my legs.

  “Hey kitten. You taste good and fruity…” He grumbled into my ear. I giggled as he put me down and I turned to Lillian.

  She just seemed so nervous, “Hi Kat. I didn’t want to just sit in the car out there in the dark. But I don’t think your biker friend likes me very much.”

  “It’s ok. That’s Wez. He doesn’t like a lot of people. So, what do you want to talk about? Is everything ok?”

  Her eyes began to well up with tears. Another surprise coming from her, “I wanted to say I’m sorry. Sorry for being such a bitch and saying those things to you at the cookout a few weeks ago. What I said about your boyfriend, Noah.”

  “Everything I said was just wrong and hurtful. And other things I’ve said to you in the past. I know there’s no excuse for the way I’ve acted sometimes. You were right. I have always been a bit jealous of you. “

  “Of me?”

  “Yes. You’re gorgeous and have a warm personality. I felt I had to compete with you when my Dad married your mom. I’m owning up to it now. I hope you can forgive me.”

  She broke down then and I pulled her to me, giving her a hug. “I accept your apology, Lillian.”

  She sobbed more, “Thank you Kat. Your mother told me that your neighbor, Stuart, tried to attack you!” She leaned away, looking at Noah, “And how Noah punched his lights out!”

  “I would’ve done a lot worse, but I’d be locked up now, too if I did.” Noah’s voice tensed, remembering that day.

  “I’m ok Lillian. I kneed him in the balls. And Sean and Brett kicked him out of their house.”

  Lillian rubbed her tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand and smiled “I hope I’m as brave as you if I ever need to be someday, Kat.”

  “I hope you never have to experience something like that Lillian. Ever! Now cheer up. You know Noah and you’ve met James and Sam over there. And now you’ve met Wez too.”

  “Ok.” She looked down at herself, dressed in a tight black pencil skirt, red blouse and pumps, “I don’t exactly fit in here.”

  “The Chaos Kings are not like that, Lillian. You can be who you are here. No one judges you. They are a great group of people. It’s tribal.”

  Everyone’s heads turned to a loud piercing whistle. It came from the President, Rocky, “Turn that jukebox off, Gunner!”

  Gunner pulled the plug on the jukebox from the wall and Rocky continued, “Our brother, Ratchet, wants to tell us all something.”

  Everyone went quiet as James stood on one of the pool tables. He towered over Sam, standing beside him, her arms wrapped around his waist. He looked so huge compared to her, with a wide grin on his face “I got my little Rabbit knocked up! And now I’m gonna marry her!”

  The Coven screamed in unison as whoops hoots and hollers came from the Chaos Kings. She was crying, with happy tears as James leaned down and smashed his lips against hers. He jumped down from the table, lifting Sam off, placing her feet on the floor.

  Noah seized me by the hips, spinning me around to face him, “It’s good when a woman makes an honest man out of a Chaos King huh, kitten?”

  Tears of happiness began to swell for me as I looked into Noah’s eyes. He never said he loved me, but I could feel it when I looked into his eyes. He dipped down and brushed a soft kiss against my lips. Innocent at first. I moaned, gripping his hard shoulders, my tongue diving between his lips first.

  He gave my ass a loud smack “Now go squeal with the Coven and bring Lillian with you.”

  I took her by the hand, “Come on Lillian, let’s go squeeze the knocked-up bride-to-be! I’ll introduce you to my Coven.” We rushed over to the circle surrounding Sam, full of squeals and tears of joy.

  It dawned on me then why Sam wasn’t drinking that night and why she complained about being nauseous in the van – she was pregnant! Shots of anything and everything behind the bar, plus cigars were passed around to the club members, as the Coven drank their own share of alcohol to celebrate.

  It was way past midnight as some sobered up enough to ride home or staggered into the rooms down the hall. After a few shots of vodka, Lillian started to relax and after introducing her to everyone, she actually began to enjoy herself. She smiled more that night than I had seen her do in years. I noticed Wez watching her every so often, but he still seemed so tense ever since Lillian showed up.

  “I’ll be ok to drive, Kat.” Lillian started to hiccup, rummaging through her designer purse.

  “No Lillian. You should get a ride home. James drove his truck. I’m sure he’d take you home.”

  She pulled out her keys, “I’m good.” She hugged me, “Thanks Kat. I haven’t had this much fun since…I can’t even remember!” She giggled and hiccupped again.

  Lillian leaned away, spun around a little quickly and planted her face right into Wez’s chest. “You’re not driving, girl.” His eyes glared, snatching the keys out of her hand, “I will. Let’s go.”

  Lillian walked beside Wez, wobbling a bit on her high heels, clutching his huge bicep for balance.

  Noah chuckled, “Thanks brother.”

  “Yeah, Yeah. Fuck.” Wez grumbled, as he helped my drunk step-sister wobble to her car.

  The clubhouse was quiet. It was just me and Noah. Alone. The next second, Noah grinned, knocking beer bottles and ashtrays off the bar with one sweep of his burly arm. All of it crashed onto the floor behind the bar, as he seized me by the hips, and lifted me up on it. The next moment, our mouths crashed into each other. I moaned, my hands gripping into his hair.

  He was over me the next instant, grinding his hips right up against my core. He rose up, unzipping his jeans, “I’ve been hard for you all night Kat. And I’m not waitin’ another second. I’m fucking you right here. Right now!”

  I gave myself to Noah so easily, wearing one of his favorites dresses that night. His warm hand caressed my thigh and glided up under my dress. His brows shot up, “Naughty little wildcat” he growled, his eyes full of sexual hunger as his thick finger slid so easily inside me. I cried out. I was soaked. “You’re not wearing panties.”

  I was breathless, unable to speak. I gripped Noah’s biceps, needing him inside me. Another bottle crashed to the floor and I cried out as Noah sank himself fully, filling me up with his massive hardness. My fast and heavy breathing matched Noah’s as my hips rose in rhythm to his trusts.

  “I’m gonna explode all up inside you Kitten. Fill your beautiful pussy with my cum.” His voice husky and low.

  “Yes Noah!” I screamed out as his cock throbbed, pulsating against my walls. I clung to him tight, as he roared, climaxing and exploding inside me.

  We both trembled as waves of pleasure rushed through our bodies. I wrapped my arms around him as he covered me his hulk size. We were breathless.

  I clung tightly to him, breathing deep, relishing this moment. I felt his warm breath caress my shoulder, “You’re
the best thing that’s ever happened to me Katrina.”


  My hands gripped the rocky ledge, the rest of me dangling. I couldn’t see the ground beneath me. It felt just like being in outer space surrounded by blinking stars. I looked up in the darkness and there was Kat. At first, she was smiling and laughing, but the next minute she was sobbing. I let go of the ledge and reached for her. I wanted to tell her that I loved her, but my grip on the edge slipped and I fell. And kept falling. Through darkness.

  I woke up in a cold sweat and I opened my eyes to darkness. I was in my bed. Kat was snuggled up next to me, my arm wrapped around her soft little body. She squirmed and sighed. I didn’t wake her. A fuckin bad dream, that’s all it was. I climbed out of bed quietly, not waking Kat and trudged half asleep into the bathroom. Going to the sink, I splashed some cold water on my face and stared at the Chick Magnet in the mirror looking back at me.

  I pulled up in front of Jackie’s house for my weekly tutoring appointment. I was running behind after work and didn’t have time to shower first. My t-shirt clung to me, damp from all the sweat on a hot summer day. I rummaged under my hard hat and found the book before climbing out and ringing Jackie’s doorbell.

  Jackie answered her door, wearing a fuzzy robe, her eyes and nose looked a bit puffy like she’d been crying. She smiled, “Hi Noah. Come on in.”

  “Are you sure Jackie? If you’re not feeling well, we can do this next week – “

  Her nose sounded stuffy, but she waved me in, “No, it’s just allergies. Come on in. We’ll just sit in my dining room instead of the office.”

  I followed her to the dining room and took a seat at the table. She sat at the head of the table, crossing her legs, revealing her bare calf. Jackie was an attractive woman and I guessed her age in the mid-forties.

  She propped her elbows on the table, “Are you ready to start book two of the Chronicles?”

  “Yep”, I showed her the paperback, “Bought a used copy of ‘The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’ at Kat’s bookstore.” My chest felt light and my dick stirred in my jeans just thinking about Kat, helping me find the book at her store. It made it more special than just buying one online or downloading it onto some tablet. This one had a few creases in the spine and she told me that’s why it’s special, because someone else had read it before me.


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