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Thriller : The Killer - Setting the scene: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Crime Thriller, Murder) (ADDITIONAL BOOK INCLUDED ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery, Serial Killer, crime)

Page 2

by Matt Troy

  "Darling, he is your only brother," Naomi pointed out gently. "Try and have a little sympathy for him, he's obviously having problems."

  William gazed at his fiancée with wondering eyes. "How can you always be so kind?" he asked in gentle amazement. "Sometimes I swear you're a saint."

  A smile that was far from saintly spread across Naomi lips as she leaned over the desk to bring their mouths together. "Only sometimes," she murmured.

  "Oh no way," I exclaimed, getting up from my spot by Carly and Matt and stalking over to the table to pour myself a Coke. "I refuse to read cheap porn like that."

  Kate sniggered. "I'd never have pictured you for a prude, Blake. You always seemed so cool, calm and collected."

  I gestured towards the book that Carly and Matt were reading with much raucous laughter and moaning noises. "Come on, we're only a few pages in and already they're going at it like rabbits. Where's the bloody integrity?"

  Keiran nodded and scribbled in the large notepad we'd bought for the assignment. "Your comment is duly noted. Now be a man and get back to it."

  "Look at it this way," Carly pointed out. "If her fiancé gets killed off fairly soon, they've got to get the shagging out of the way now. If they had it later it would be a whole different kind of novel."

  We all winced at the images her comment provoked. "Thank you for that," I grimaced. "Now you've managed to mentally traumatise us all, shall we get back to the plot?" The book was thrown in my face as a response and I sighed. After a mercifully quick bout of office-room sex, Naomi and William appeared to be prepared to progress with the story and the action moved accordingly to William's huge familial mansion.


  As William parked the silver BMW, he noticed the dirt-splattered motorbike with a sinking heart. "It looks like Callum's back," he announced.

  Namoi squeezed his hand before climbing out of the car. "Don't worry," she reassured him. "There isn't anything he can do to spoil this wedding." She watched as her fiancé nodded and tried to smile, before offering her his arm as they entered the house.

  The entrance hall was light and airy, with its marble floor and arching chandelier-decorated ceiling. However, Naomi and William's attention was first drawn to the black-clad form that sat hunched at the base of the stairs, no doubt in wait for them.

  Swinging himself to his feet with lazy grace, Callum studied the couple with a vague sneer on his pale face. "Well if it isn't the lovebirds," he remarked in what was clearly meant to be an insulting manner.

  Naomi raised her head defiantly, refusing to be intimidated by the black-eyed, black-haired youth that glared at her. "Good afternoon Callum," she said politely. "Did college finish early?" Beside her, William squeezed her arm in support and the redhead took strength from her handsome fiancé.

  Callum snorted and flicked his hair back, pulling it into a loose ponytail that hung just below his shoulders. "Not exactly," he replied.

  William frowned, obviously wary of the youth's overly casual attitude. "What happened this time? Have you been suspended again?"

  "Not exactly," his younger brother repeated defiance on every sullen feature. At William's intense gaze, Callum looked away and scuffed his toe on the marble, leaving black streaks across the polished floor. "They kicked me out."

  "What?" William gasped in shock and Naomi could clearly see his mortification at having the Norrington named disgraced in such a fashion. "What on earth for? Have you been messing around with drugs again?"

  Callum glared at his older brother with such malice that Naomi felt the need to step closer to her blond boyfriend. "I was in a fight," he confessed with obvious reluctance.

  William inspected his brother closely. "You don't look as if you were."

  An insolent smirk spread across the teenager's features. "I never said I lost, did I?"

  Anxious to avoid another confrontation, Naomi tugged at William's arm. "Leave this for your father to deal with," she urged. "We still have lots to organise for the wedding."

  With a curt nod, William allowed himself to be led away by the redhead as Callum turned to watch them go. Feeling the youth's eyes on her, Naomi suppressed a shudder. How could William and Callum be brothers when they seemed so different, she mused not for the first time? Catching her train of thought with a firm shake of the head, Naomi pushed her unkind thoughts of Callum to the back of her mind. It was hardly suitable to think such things about her future brother-in-law, and the boy obviously had problems. All she could do was offer him help should he ever see the error of his ways.

  I finished off the chapter with yet more boring drivel about the upcoming wedding and took a break, looking around the group expectantly. "Anyone not think the kid's going to off his big brother?"

  Kate pulled a doubtful face. "It's a bit obvious, isn't it?"

  "It's a trashy book," Keiran observed. "I'm guessing that's exactly what happens, but they'll waste half the book chasing down random drug dealers and the like."

  "Yeah, because that Naomi bint is obviously way too sappy to just open her eyes and realise she's got a piece of shit for a brother-in-law," Matt added, seemingly not enamoured with his character.

  Kate laughed. "You’re playing the heroine, you should be a bit more supportive of her. As for Callum, with the insight that comes from playing him for a few pages I have to state now, the boy is just misunderstood."

  Keiran raised an eyebrow as he paused in his note taking of our observations. "Really?"

  "Nah, I just felt another cliché wouldn't hurt."

  We managed to muddle through another chapter of overblown descriptions and badly written sex before calling it quits for the evening. Keiran, Matt and I dragged a load of duvets and pillows down and we all managed to make a big nest-type thing in the middle of the living room floor. Boy was I glad my parents were up in Scotland for the weekend. Flopping down onto the construction with little ceremony, I stretched out and yawned. "Think you'll be able to get some rest despite the tension of the book?"

  "Definitely not," Matt responded completely deadpan. "I'm going to be tossing and turning all night in absolute suspense."

  "That's not going to be the reason for you tossing and turning," Keiran leered and got hit with a pillow for his efforts.

  Kate just rose above the laughter and settled down next to Matt without a word. The warning glance her twin shot us spoke volumes though. We left the lovebirds alone.

  I woke slowly, in stages. Something was irritating me, but I wasn't awake enough to work out what was wrong. Grunting, I turned over and burrowed further into the bed. The mattress springs creaked under the redistribution of my weight and I muttered sleepy curses at the cheap bed. Then my brain informed me that I was supposed to be asleep on a mountain of duvets and cushions with my four closest friends. Confused, I cracked open an eye to examine my surroundings.

  Sunlight speared my eyes from where it lanced through the gap in the cheap curtains that couldn't quite cover the full width of the window. The material was a rather nasty collection of oranges, which just made the brown of the carpet appear even more revolting. Between the window and I was another bed in which I could see the tips of Kieran’s distinctive spikes. He still seemed fast asleep, if the soft snores were anything to go by. Of the others there was no sign.

  Understandably alarmed, I sat up and pushed at the white sheets and blankets that covered me (and I mean sheets? What the hell?) The room we were in resembled nothing as much as a cheap hotel room, but damned if we all managed to sleepwalk and book ourselves into one. And what the hell was I doing sharing a room with Keiran anyway? Where were Matt and the twins? Had we been abducted or something?

  "Keiran" I hissed, unwilling to speak too loudly in case our captors were listening in on us. "Oi, Keiran. Wake up now."

  Keiran groaned and rolled over, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like "not today, I've got a headache."

  I rolled my eyes and slipped out of bed, crossing over to Keiran and giving the useless
lump a bloody good shaking. "Keiran, I really think you need to wake up now."

  Opening his eyes, Keiran jerked back in surprise to find me leaning over him. Groaning, he weakly punched my arm. "Shit, Blake. The last thing a guy wants to see in the morning is your ugly mug staring down at him."

  I growled and threw a return mock punch, in no mood to deal with sarcastic humour. "Well better get up because we don't appear to be in my house anymore."

  "Huh? You what?" Was Kieran’s stunningly eloquent reply as he began to take in his surroundings. His eyes opened comically wide and he turned to me with an expression of complete shock on his face. "Where the fucks are we? And where are the others?"

  I shrugged, but my response was cut off by an urgent hammering at the door and a familiar voice calling out "Keiran? Blake? Are you guys in there?"

  Leaping from the bed, I swung open the door to find Kate, Carly and Matt blinking at me with equal expressions of confusion on their faces. Seeing me and Keiran over my shoulder, Carly sagged in relief and pushed past to enter the room. "You're both okay. Thank god. Now who can tell me exactly how we ended up in a motel?"

  Keiran blinked. "A motel?"

  Matt nodded as he and Kate entered, closing the door behind them. "We've been up for a while," he supplied. "We appear to be the only guests in the Norrington Hills Motel. Apart from that, all our stuff is gone."

  "The Norrington Hills Motel?" I echoed. "Where the heck is that supposed to be? I've never heard of it."

  Collapsing onto the bed at Keiran's feet, Carly frowned pensively at the ceiling. "I'm not so sure," she mused. "It sounds kind of familiar, but the only Norrington I can think of is that stupid family from that trashy book last night. So unless we're all still asleep and having some sort of mass interactive dream…"

  "I guess the best thing to do is to head out and wander around," I concluded. "We might not have any idea where we are, but there's got to be some way of finding out." The others nodded in agreement and I felt a brief burst of pride. Just a brief one though, this situation was still creeping me out far too much for my ego to start getting the better of me.

  We were all ready to head out amazingly quickly considering we were a group of teenagers before nine on a Saturday morning. Nothing like waking up in a strange hotel room to get you out of bed in the morning. We wandered out past an unmanned reception desk onto a street bathed in sunlight that was far too warm and bright to be normal. In addition to that, the pavement we were standing on was abnormally wide with a distinct lack of litter and cigarette stubs. A line of unnaturally wholesome and modern looking shops and restaurants lined each side of the road. With a growing sense of disquiet I noticed that the while some of the makes of cars that were parked along the road were indeed familiar, there were also cars that weren't normally available in the U.K. Cars like the Cadillac or the Chevy or the Mustang. Plus all these cars appeared to have the steering wheel on the opposite side to what I was used to. I turned to face the others and noted from their expression that they seemed to coming to a similar conclusion. "Can anyone tell me how we managed to wind up in America without any fricking passports?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm and steady.

  "You think we're in America?" Carly repeated, her eyebrows rose. She waited for my nod and then bit her lip. "Oh good. I thought I was the only one going mad here."

  "What the fuck is going on," muttered Keiran. I, for one, wished I had an answer.





  The Erotic Flashback.

  He was certainly a mercenary, he had this particular swagger, this incredible poise, even when crossing the river banks or hacking through jungles sweating out his guts.

  Captain ‘Killer’ Kelly had followed him for six miles through the night. Across the river bank, through a section of the Singha Raja Forest; now he was resting, getting his breath in short, gasping snorts preparatory to traverse the home stretch.

  Home of Praba, the Satan of war, the vicious terrorist whose religion was taking lives, the shedding of blood, the stirring of maniacal passion in men who would be far better off home screwing their wives, tilling their fields drinking their Palmyra palm toddy, loving their children.

  The mercenaries were the left hand of this fanatic who loved war above everything and who lived in ultimate comfort and protection and seclusion among his fellow fanatics deep in the jungle.

  It was captain ‘killer’ Kelly’s job to bring the man out from his jungle lair. To topple the mad men. To eliminate the rebel group, to educate the mad-man’s followers or kill them, to bring peace once again to Elephant pass and peace to the northern province.

  Captain Kelly’s job for the moment was to topple Selva a petty chief and the eastern province war lord.

  As a highly trained commando his mission was to penetrate deep into the jungle where the terrorist were taking refuge and also terrorizing the innocent indigenous people living there. His job as a sniper was to bring the leader of a small group of terrorists from his jungle lair.

  To eliminate this despot. His superiors threw the challenge on their faces and as none was prepared to volunteer, captain Kelly, like the ass hole he was volunteered least expecting that the mission would be a one man show. If he had known what he learned, he probably wouldn’t have spoken too soon, but now it was too late. He knew he had a great deal more to learn, all of it bad, he was to live off the land alone and confront a small group of terrorists armed to the teeth. What he didn’t know was how many were there in this particular group. He was dropped off at the edge of the jungle and from there he was on my own.

  In his camouflage kit he increased his pace, sweating like a eunuch with an erection trying to find cover quick. He checked his weaponry. He had his AK47 hanging lose by its strap around his neck along with a long barreled sniping rifle with a silencer fixed, there were a couple of grenades, there was a Rambo knife strapped on the inner side of his left thigh almost touching his testicles a long machete on his hip and a somewhat primitive weapon, a small but sophisticated cross bow and arrows. In short he was a walking arsenal.

  With stealth he penetrated the jungle and stood near a trail, behind some low grown trees, keeping an eye out for his unseen foes. He saw a shadow of a moment and stood dead still and saw a terrorist, he was so sure of himself he did not bother about stealth, he acted as if it was his domain. Kelly let him pass him and trailed him about one hundred yards behind. He was making his way towards a small mud thatched house of one of the indigenous people.

  There was a feminine scream that rent the quite jungle night, it told him one thing, and only one, and the indigenous old man had a daughter. The terrorist knew about her. He had stopped for fun and frolic, and she was not interested. The terrorists advances had failed to charm the lass.

  Kelly gripped the crossbow tight and dashed noiselessly towards the house; He armed the crossbow with an arrow. Time was important, but silence was vital. There was a whole group of terrorist lurking in the area. One shot and the sound would bring the whole damned lot on his trail. Screams, especially feminine ones, did not send them crashing out of their jungle hideout. Feminine screams had been rather commonplace in this vicinity.

  They would never become commonplace with him. His batman had told him once, “Sir, you will never fall prey to the real enemy. You will get yours, sir, on the trail of a woman’s skirt.” The women he played around with, he visualized one woman with whom he had spent a week back. Kelly had met her at the officers mess, after a few rounds of drinks the lady had invited him to her home, which he accepted gladly. She was the wife of another officer who was engaged in the combat area. Since the reason for the invitation was quite obvious no sooner than Kelly reached the lady’s home, her name being Judy. Kelly pulled Judy to him and undid the band at her waist slipped her dress over her shoulders and let it slip to the floor. She gasped and bent down. Kelly thought she was going to retrieve her dress instead; she was
fumbling with his pant.

  She was in some kind of urgency to get it off. Kelly felt that she was really starved for sex. As a matter of fact, she really was. For almost two long months she has had no sex with a man, she had been masturbating throughout.

  Kelly let her drop his pant to the floor and take his organ in her mouth. She sent her mouth in and out and got his prick erect. Slowly he raised her, placed his mouth on her breasts and sucked her boobs. Because of her haste, he slowly lifted her face and placed a long kiss on her lips, taking time to slide his hands to her pulsing clit and rubbing it.

  Her sexual hunger was so profuse that she was already wet in her pussy. Kelly was getting a hard on himself; he pressed his stiff penis against Judy’s crotch and let her fondle it with her hands. Judy took his tool in her hands and tenderly pushed the foreskin back and felt his knob he too was emitting a minute amount of seminal fluid, which was wetting Judy’s hands.

  She was moving her hands forward and back, enjoying the feel of a hard cock after so long. She had his cock pressed against her belly button hard. Kelly was giving attention to her clit. He, after giving her clit a good rub spread her labia wide and entered her vagina with his fingers. He sent his fingers in steadily and slowly and felt his hands getting wet with her clitoral juices. He kept his fingers turning and twisting inside and felt Judy convulse in ecstasy. As she was getting her initial orgasm, she moaned and pressed her body hard against Kelly.

  “Ooooh, its been such a long time,” she whispered in his ears. Kelly continued his probing with one hand while his other caressed Judy’s firm breasts. He kept pinching her cherry like nipples and massaged them alternately. He extracted his mouth from Judy’s and took her boobs in his mouth; he licked and sucked them making Judy gain orgasm again.

  Kelly was reaching Judy’s G-spot repeatedly and making Judy squirt her juices in his hands and her own thighs. Kelly withdrew his hand from her clit and took it in his mouth; he licked her juices first and then sent his tongue in probing. Judy lost count of the number of orgasms she had. She grasped his head and pulled him up slowly, and went down on his dick, she licked all round it and then gave it a good suck, Kelly, too, was getting his orgasms and ready to give Judy her initial thrust. He grabbed Judy by her ass with both hands and entered her clitoris with his erect rod. Judy sent her arms around his neck and clung on, she gripped his butt with her legs and started rocking her own butt while Kelly kept thrusting his cock in.


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