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In the Blind

Page 6

by S. J. Maylee

  After talking with Marcus the other day, it was hard for Jane to believe there was anything conniving in his invitation. Anne’s warning ran through her thoughts. Could Gina be up to something more than watching out for her ex? Maybe it would be better to pull out now before she risked any more of her heart.


  Jane had played it safe in the love department for years. Adam was a perfect example. The kind of guy you could take home. He had a great career, good home, fine family. Her grandpa had seen his worth straight away. She’d still tried to make it work, believing he was her prince and a ticket to an easy ending.

  She needed to listen to her gut this time.

  She was going back to the club.

  Chapter Six

  Jane could barely contain her excitement as she stepped onto the curb in front of Club Blind, until she spotted Gina by the door. No sense in hoping she was waiting for somebody else.

  “Are you following me?”

  “Hardly, but I am glad I ran into you again.” Gina pushed her hair behind her shoulder. “I’ve learned several new things about you today. I might have pegged you wrong.”

  “Was that an apology?” She clenched her fists at her sides and looked at Gina head on.

  “I don’t apologize.” Gina took a step closer to her. “I know what you’re about to do, and I wanted to warn you.”

  “Somehow you know I’ve done this before. So, I don’t need your warning.”

  “I’m not concerned about you, sweetheart.” Gina crossed her arms over her beautiful figure.

  Jane locked her knees against the desire to shake the woman.

  “It’s Rob I’m worried about. This place isn’t his style, and I’m afraid his needs aren’t going to be met.”

  “What is it you think he needs?”

  “For starters, he needs to be at the club upstairs. He needs to dominate, and I’m not sure if you’re capable or willing. This place won’t be enough for him.”

  Jane swallowed the lump in her throat. She’d just talked with Anne about Club Voyage and she had a meeting with Mistress Charlie next Sunday afternoon, but she hadn’t promised anything because she didn’t know if she was ready. The bundle of uneasy nerves that danced along her skin told her she wasn’t.

  There was no telling what all Rob would need from her. Some dominance and submission excited her, but the rest might push her limits.

  “It might be best for you both to stop now, before someone gets hurt. He needs a submissive, and I don’t think it’s you.” Gina walked away with the same confident stroll. Her work here was apparently done.

  Why hadn’t Anne told her Rob was a Dom? She wanted to rip apart every confidentiality policy that ever existed, as apparently it was a love-hate relationship. A nervous giggle bubbled out of her.

  Anne had been slowly broaching the subject of the club and had pointed out the interest Jane hadn’t been able to hide. Time seemed to slow when they had in-depth conversations about Club Voyage. Now, she couldn’t tell which was gaining more ground, anxiety or anticipation.

  She pounded her fists against her thighs wishing she’d already talked it through with Mistress Charlie. There was no way she’d figure this out now. She looked down at her toes and tried to convince herself to forget about Gina, walk through the door, and get the answers she’d been craving.

  Adam never took the time to understand her desires, and until last weekend Jane hadn’t either. Entering Club Blind now felt like a simple move. She knew she wanted to do it again, but what if this was her limit?

  She hunched her shoulders when she remembered how long it had taken her to ask Adam to blindfold her. The nasty attack that followed made her glad she hadn’t asked for anything else. He’d condemned her desires. It was possible she was still reeling from his cruelty and not accepting her own needs. She might not be able to give Rob what he needed.

  She pulled out her phone and called Anne.

  “Why aren’t you already inside?”

  “I’m not sure I should go in.” She kicked the side of the building and then leaned against it.

  “What happened?”

  “I think I should hold off until I talk everything through with Mistress Charlie. I really don’t know what I’m doing.” She turned around, looking for an escape route.

  “But you know who you want, and he’s waiting for you inside.”

  “I don’t know if I can give him what he needs.” She spotted a cab coming her way. It wouldn’t take much to flag it down.

  “Have you forgotten? You’ve already been to this club? You know what will happen. Tonight isn’t about what will happen next. It’s about two people bringing each other pleasure.”

  “You’re right.” Jane turned around and blocked the street from her view and took a long deep breath.

  “This is the only way you’ll know for sure if you were with Rob last week. Plus, Mistress Charlie will help you with the rest. Don’t rush the process.”

  “Love you, Anne.”

  “I love you, too. Call me in the morning.”

  She pulled her purse higher on her shoulder, shook out her hands, and walked through the front door of Club Blind.

  The locker room felt nothing like last week. The women danced around the room, clearly excited to hang with their men in a kinky night of blind sex. Last week, she’d had no idea who was about to touch her. This week, she knew exactly who would drive her nerves right to the edge. Her palms were sweating and her toes were tingling, almost like her blood was pumping so hard it forgot to travel full south.

  She hung the last of her things in the white locker and froze when she heard the welcome speech.

  “Good evening, ladies. Thank you for trusting Club Blind with your sexual fantasies. Tonight is date night. Your partners are ready and waiting in their rooms.” Marcus’s gaze landed on Jane. Staring right at her he continued, “Club Blind is not a BDSM club. However, even though you know your dates, the monitors will be listening for safe words. Call out ‘yellow’ if you need your scene to slow and ‘red’ if you want a full stop. For yellow, we’ll monitor your scene and ensure your partner slows. For red, we’ll escort you back to this room. Are there any questions?”

  She had no idea what it was like to have an older brother, but she couldn’t deny Marcus seemed to be looking out for her. Her thoughts of Marcus trying to trick her flew out the window. The whole idea had just been her nerves talking.

  Who had first dates like this? Could you even call this a date? Her leg muscles tightened. She shook them out, signaling the tension to leave. She had to know, had to know what had been eating her all week.

  Was Rob her mystery man?

  A flutter flipped through her chest, and her whole body heated. She was determined not to get discouraged when it turned out he wasn’t the one. Maybe the experience would be even better with Rob, although she didn’t know if it was entirely possible.

  “Time to go, ladies. Line up for me right here.”

  Music filled the room, followed by cheers and giggles.

  The line moved faster this time around, or maybe it was her imagination. In a flash, she was the next one up.

  “Are you ready?”

  “No.” She smiled at Marcus. “Yes.”

  “That’s better.” A sweet smile bloomed across his face. “I’m happy for you two.” He held out his hand.

  She grabbed onto him with all her might. He turned and they slipped past the door, and she welcomed the darkness. There were no thoughts of haunted houses this time. The darkness wrapped around her like a welcome friend, and the adventure of the night slipped into her.

  They turned a corner. It seemed different from last time. They must have been headed toward a different room. Their forward movement stopped, and her hand was placed in Rob’s. She could no longer hear the music for her heart boomed in her ears. It seemed the world had stopped turning.

  She shrugged out of her robe and stood naked, in the pitch black room, holding the hand of th
e man who’d filled her fantasies for months. And just like that, she calmed down. Her nerves should have been on overdrive, but her steady pulse reminded her she’d done this before.

  His thumb caressed the back of her hand, and her knees threatened to give in. The next touch landed softly on her cheek, fingertips caressing her chin and her lips. The temptation was too much. She licked her lips and sucked lightly on his finger, the same clean taste. The pounding in her ears bottomed out, and need spread through her body.

  His hand stroked across her chin and around to the nape of her neck. A second of waiting and then his mouth crushed down on hers. His lips were firm and demanding, driving her desire, and his warm, wet tongue swept through her mouth. The kiss ended as abruptly as it started, leaving her wanting and desperate to know the truth.

  “Was it you?” she cried out. “Please, just tell me, tell me it was you.”

  His mouth claimed hers again, his strong lips taking possession of everything it touched. Their tongues danced in a simple seduction, and then he tore his lips from hers to nibble on her ear. “Yes, my sweet, it was me.”

  “Oh, Rob.” Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she took his mouth in a desperate need to be closer. “I wanted it to be you.” She pressed her body against his and wished she could see the expression on his face. There could be no assumptions. She’d have to ask. “Is it okay that it was me?”

  His hands stroked around her back to grasp her ass, and he pulled her against his hard body. “You are a fantasy come to life. Since the day we met, I’ve dreamed about having you naked and in my arms. Now, here you are, for the second time.” His hands stroked her curves building her desire.

  She clung to him, needing more.

  He stroked up her back and then through her hair. “It’s as silky as I remember.” He grabbed hold of her by the nape of her neck. “I need you in my life, Jane. Please tell me my actions have shown you what I want.”

  She knew what she wanted. She wanted this man to be happy, and it seemed his happiness was now tied to her own. Fear of getting hurt again jumped through her thoughts. Rob was so different from Adam. He clearly found her attractive and obviously didn’t find her desires abhorrent. Yes, very different from Adam.

  “I believe they have. I think we are both ready to move on. But I have a few stipulations.”

  “Anything you want, sweetheart.” His hands roamed her body, taking possession.

  Pleasure squeezed her cheeks into a blissful smile. “First, I still want to come to Club Blind.”

  His hands stilled.

  “But only if it’s date night.”

  “I’ll agree to your stipulation if you agree to mine.” His hand found her breast, squeezed her nipple and immediately let go.

  Warmth flooded her pussy. “I’d love to give you what you want.”

  “You can go on date nights.” He pulled on her other nipple. He nibbled on her earlobe and trailed kisses down her neck. The pressure on her nipple increased. “But you have to be my date.”

  “Absolutely.” She squeaked at the pressure he’d built, and her hips rocked against him. She moaned, lost in pleasure.

  “I have one more request.” He sucked on her neck and pulled on her tightly held nipple.

  “What do you want from me?” She rubbed her pussy against his length.

  “There’s another club upstairs.”

  “You’d rather be up there?”

  “I want to be wherever you are, sweetheart.” He rubbed up and down her backside.

  “Oh, Rob.” She felt her way to his neck and pulled him down for a sweet kiss. “We’ve been in the blind for far too long.”

  “You’re absolutely right. We have a lot to talk about.”

  “I have scheduled a meeting with Mistress Charlie. It’s next Sunday.” She stroked her fingers through his hair. “Will you consider joining me?”

  “I’d love to. I had no idea you were considering joining the club.” He rubbed her hip.

  “I’ve been too nervous to do much more, but I think it would be different if we went together.”

  “It would be my honor. Thank you for asking.”

  “This is where we begin.”

  “Absolutely, and right now I intend to bring us both as much pleasure as possible.” His arms wrapped around her legs and shoulders, sweeping her up. She was set on top of the mattress.

  She searched for him, but her hands only met air. Then she heard a faint clatter.



  “I knocked over the bowl of condoms.”

  “Oops.” She laughed. “Do you have one?”

  “I do now.”

  “Well done, honey.”

  Several heartbeats more and the bed dipped, and his body covered hers.

  “Sometimes we make things harder on ourselves.”

  “Gosh, that’s so true.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and guided him down for a searing kiss.

  “My precious Jane, we’ve waited too long for this.” He stroked her face. “We’ll no longer be in the dark. We’ll explore our needs together.” He pushed her knees apart with his own, and his hard cock pressed against her entrance. “You know me. You know I want you in my life and in my bed.”

  “I know, and I want the same thing.” Her hips rocked until she had him where she wanted him, his cock dipping into her pussy. She shifted her hips again, and he slid a bit further inside. Pleasure rippled up her spine, and she moaned. “Oh Rob, take me.”

  “With pleasure, sweetheart.” He pushed all the way in stretching her, filling her.

  She squeezed his cock as he pulled out and reentered her pussy. In and out, her pleasure rose higher than she thought possible. His thrusts remained an even tempo, but the force grew stronger, taking her right to the edge of bliss. As he pulled from her, sparks of pure pleasure swam around her senses, pulling her deeper into the emotion swallowing her whole.

  “Are you ready for more?” He pulsed at her entrance and took hold of her breast. His thumb brushed back and forth across her nipple.

  “I want it all. Please, don’t hold back.”

  “I want to share everything with you, including my desire to dominate.” He took hold of her nipple and pulled while he pushed back into her pussy.

  “Oh, Rob.” A tremor ran over her skin. She wanted to give into him, wanted to give him everything and not just because she’d waited so long for him.

  “I’m pleased you’re considering joining Club Voyage.” He’d let go of her nipple, and sparks ran straight to her core.

  “I have.” She expected a cold sweat, but under his firm hands, she couldn’t deny her interest. “I’ve been sitting on their application for weeks. I’ve been so nervous.”

  “It would be a privilege to share with you the delights of Dominance and submission.” He grabbed her ass and pulled her tight against his cock. “I want to care for you as a Dom. I want the gift of your submission.”

  “You’ve opened yourself to me, and I know what that takes. I want to open myself to you, but I’m completely new to this. You’ll have to guide me.”

  “You’re a dream delivered.” His light touch breezed over her shoulders. “But I must warn you, submission is not a game, and it’s not easy street. I’ll push you to find your limits.” He drove into her harder than ever before. “I’ll push you to discover what drives you crazy with need.”

  “I want…” She screamed for release, needing to be consumed by the inescapable pleasure. “I want to give myself to you. I want to put myself in your hands. I’m yours, Rob. I’m so yours.”

  “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.” He slammed back into her, his rhythm altogether different. “Fuck, Jane, you feel so good.”

  “Don’t stop.” Her body hummed with a need so strong that she braced herself against the wall behind her. A dam broke apart, and light filled her vision with blasts of pleasure.

  He followed shortly thereafter.

  She’d never fel
t more comfortable with someone. His body was molded to hers, and she had no desire to ever move again. They’d finally found the right time to be together and she hoped with everything in her that she wouldn’t ruin it.

  Chapter Seven

  Over the next week Jane and Rob spent every spare moment together. It turned out his preferred joint for stuffed pizza was better than her longtime favorite, and he finally relented that her Italian place near Wrigley Field was better than the place he frequented, except for the tiramisu. She felt like a tourist in her own city as she got to know it all over again through fresh eyes.

  With all the interviews she’d scheduled over the next week, she needed a few new suits. Rob had escorted her on a shopping trip, fetching different sizes when she needed them and opening every door for her. By the end of the week, they’d settled into a little routine. She even found one of his shirts in her laundry Sunday morning. Instead of washing it, she put it on. His scent wrapped around her like a warm hug.

  The only time she’d gotten uncomfortable was when he’d asked her why things hadn’t worked out between her and Adam. She hadn’t known what to say. Simply stating they’d wanted different things felt like an understatement, but she didn’t want to talk about Adam or that horrible day when she finally left him. She wanted to leave him in her past. He had nothing to do with her future.

  Rob had shared more about his marriage. It was hard to believe he’d once been so happy with Gina. It was clear to see in his eyes, they’d been close, and he’d loved her deeply when they’d said their “I dos”. Through the years, they’d naturally grown up and grew apart.

  When she’d called Mistress Charlie last weekend to add Rob to her training session, Charlie had been overjoyed by the news. However, she’d asked them not to have sex again until they met with her. At first, Jane didn’t know if they’d survive the day, let alone the week. Each little look or touch had set off sparks of need. Her mystery man really was a fantasy come to life.

  Although, she wouldn’t trade the time they’d spent together. Last night, they stayed up talking about their families. His parents and younger sister lived in Evanston, and she was looking forward to meeting them in a couple of weeks at the next family gathering.


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