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The Secret the Italian Claims

Page 15

by Jennie Lucas

  “Where have you been?” he said tersely.

  She stopped. “On a walk.”

  “I told you to always take Salvatore!”

  “I wanted to be alone.” She bit her lip, trying to think of how to break the news to him. She wanted to do it gently and couldn’t. Her brain was exploding. “I met your father.”

  “What?” Eyes wide, Cristiano stumbled back. “What are you talking about?”

  “I got a message that a man wanted to meet me. So I went to talk to him.” She looked at her husband anxiously. “Perhaps you should sit down...”

  He didn’t move. “You met my father?”

  “I’m afraid this is going to be a big shock.” She took a deep breath, then said very gently, “Cristiano, your father is Luigi Bennato.”

  For a long moment, he stared at her. Then he turned away, his shoulders shaking. At first, she thought he was crying. Then she realized he was laughing. His laugh was harsh and strange.

  Hallie stared at him, wondering if the shock of the news had disjointed her husband’s mind.

  “Don’t you understand, Cristiano?” she said in a low voice. Reaching out, she put her hand on his shoulder. “The man you betrayed—he’s your father. I’m so sorry. Such a horrible coincidence—”

  “Coincidence?” He whirled on her, silhouetted in front of the windows overlooking the sea. His dark eyes glittered. “I knew Bennato was my father. Of course I knew! And from the moment my mother died, I vowed to make him pay!”

  Hallie drew back, astonished. She whispered, “You knew?”

  “My mother told me how he ruined her life. She was just an innocent girl when he seduced her. He gave her her first drink, and when she got pregnant, he told her to go to hell!”

  Hallie thought of Luigi’s heartsick face, at the tears in his wrinkled eyes when he said, “I tried so hard to find them. But I should have tried harder. I never should have given up.”

  “Luigi told me, after Violetta got pregnant,” she said slowly, “he tried to make her stop drinking. But she hated that, and she ran away. He said he tried so hard to find you—”

  “He was lying,” Cristiano said coldly.

  She shook her head. “I believed him.”

  “Of course you did.” His lips twisted in a sneer. “A man as devious as Bennato could easily twist your innocent little heart.”

  His scorn made her shiver. She lifted her chin. “You’re wrong. If you’d only speak to him—”

  “What else did he say?” He came closer to her, his face like stone. His powerful body left her in shadow.

  Hallie saw the cloud of darkness around him, and for the first time she was afraid.

  This was the darkness she’d feared. The darkness she hadn’t wanted to see.

  “You’ll never talk to him, will you?” she whispered. “You hate him beyond all reason. You’ll never be free.”

  Cristiano’s black eyes narrowed into slits as he repeated dangerously, “What did he say?”

  “He regrets not protecting you when you were a child. He’s all alone now. He wants to make amends. He wants a family.”

  “He wants money.”

  “No.” She shook her head eagerly. “If you’d seen his expression when he touched Jack’s head—”

  “Jack?” His expression changed, then his folded hands dropped to his sides as he roared, “You let him touch our son?”

  “Of course I did. He’s Jack’s grandfather!”

  “Don’t call him that!” Furious, he turned away. “Where is Jack?”

  “Sleeping in his stroller. In the foyer—”

  Cristiano strode out of the salon. When she caught up with him in the foyer, she found him cradling their sleeping baby tenderly against his powerful chest. When he looked up at Hallie, his dark eyes glittered.

  “You will never,” he said in a low voice, “talk to that man again. Or allow our son anywhere near him.”

  His voice frightened her. “You’re being ridiculous!”

  “You will give your word,” he ground out. “Or I’ll never allow you to leave my sight again without six bodyguards at your side.”

  “You won’t allow me?” she cried.

  His jaw clenched. “It’s a dangerous world. I have enemies. Luigi has good cause to hate me and he could choose to take it out on you. Or our child.”

  “How can you think of the world like that?”

  “Because that’s how it is,” he said grimly.

  Hallie stared at him in horror. He was refusing to even consider that he might be wrong about Luigi. Justifying his own selfish actions by trying to punish a sweet old man who hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “It’s not true.” The lump in her throat became a razor blade as she whispered, “The world is full of second chances. It’s full of love if you only—”

  Still cradling their sleeping baby, Cristiano turned away. “I’m done talking.” He looked at his platinum watch. “I’ll take Jack upstairs to Agata. Go get ready for the gala.”

  “Why are you acting like this?” she whispered.

  “It’s my responsibility to protect my family.”

  “But not to tell us anything.” Anger filled her. “Agata told me that we’re leaving Italy tomorrow.”

  He looked off-kilter. “She told you?”

  “Did you think I wouldn’t notice when she started packing all our clothes?”

  “Yes. We’re leaving for Tokyo.” He lifted a dark eyebrow. “So?”

  Swallowing over the pain in her throat, she choked out, “You said this was our home.”

  “And the next place will be, as well. And the place after that.”

  Hallie stared at him. “You spent millions on this villa, just for us to live here a few weeks?”

  “And if I did?” he said coolly. “I can buy you ten more houses anywhere around the world. I can always sell them again. What does it matter?”

  Hallie looked at him, stricken. “You said we’d have a home. You said we’d be a family.”

  “And we are. But we’re doing it my way.”

  “And your way is to drag us around the world at your beck and call, and tell me who I can and cannot speak with?”

  Holding their baby against his chest, Cristiano set his jaw. “Either you’re with me, or against me. Either you’re my partner—”

  “Your prisoner!” she cried.

  “Or you’re my enemy.” His eyes glittered. “Decide carefully, cara mia, who you want to be. Now get ready.” He gave her an icy smile. “You must sparkle like a star tonight.”

  And he left her.

  Numb with shock, Hallie went back into the salon. She collected the red Cinderella dress. But as she carried it upstairs, it felt heavy in her arms.

  As she got ready that night, putting on exquisite lingerie and the gorgeous designer ball gown, she felt cold inside. She brushed her dark hair until it shone, then stopped, looking at herself in the mirror.

  When she tried to defy him, to fight for their happiness, he saw her as an enemy instead of recognizing it for what it was—love.

  How could it be otherwise, when he’d never known what it was to be really, truly loved by another?

  Either you’re with me, or against me.

  How could she get through his darkness, the pain of his childhood that still enveloped him like a shroud?

  How could she show him that the world was more than danger and betrayal and cruelty and regret? Could she show him that she wasn’t his enemy, but that she was fighting for his happiness, as well as her own?

  Cristiano had given them his name, his wealth, his status. But Hallie and their son would never be more than possessions to him. He would never give them a home. Unless...

  She took a deep breath.

  There was only one way to break through. One risk she h
ad to take, to win or lose it all.

  Putting on lipstick, Hallie met her own scared eyes in the mirror.

  Tonight she would tell him she loved him.


  WEARING HIS TUXEDO, Cristiano paced furiously at the bottom of the villa’s sweeping stairs. They were already five minutes late to his own hotel’s grand opening gala.

  Another transgression to add to the list. A low curse escaped his lips.

  He could not believe Hallie had gone behind his back to speak to his father, his mortal enemy.

  He’d thought he could trust her. Their marriage had been going so well. Living in this lavish villa overlooking the sea, as he’d been busy overseeing the Campania Cavello’s final preparations, Hallie had been the perfect wife: beautiful, patient, supportive and uncomplaining. She’d been an excellent mother to their son by day and a hot temptress in Cristiano’s bed by night. In his opinion, it was the perfect relationship.

  Then she’d snuck out to meet Luigi Bennato behind his back.

  Cristiano ground his teeth. He would send Salvatore to visit the man and warn him off. No, better yet, he’d send a lawyer. Send a cease-and-desist letter. Get a restraining order. Yes. Then he’d take Hallie, leave Italy and never return.

  But the world was a small place. What would stop Bennato from contacting Hallie again if she wanted it? Pacing, he clawed his hand through his dark hair.

  If Hallie wouldn’t obey his rules, how could he protect her? How could he keep Hallie and the baby safe? How could he make sure he never lost them?

  His eyes narrowed. He hoped she now realized the error of her ways. He expected her to apologize tonight. He would try to forgive her.

  He would also make sure she never had the chance to betray him again.

  “Am I late?” He heard her sweet voice from behind him.

  Turning, Cristiano looked up and sucked in his breath.

  Hallie was at the top of the stairs, her glossy hair pulled up in an elegant bun. Her red ball gown fit perfectly, from the tight bodice to the full skirts. He held his breath as he watched her come down the stairs, in awe at her beauty.

  “You are magnificent,” he said in a low voice. She smiled, her cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink.

  “You are too kind.” But she gave him a troubled glance from beneath her dark lashes. Her lips were full and red. His eyes widened, then fell lower to the round curve of her breasts, plump and ripe beneath the corset-style bodice.

  Even as angry as he was, he was tempted to grab her and take her back upstairs. He’d already started to reach for her when he caught himself. He couldn’t miss the gala tonight. He was the host. He took a deep breath and forced himself to pretend he was civilized.

  “I have something for you, cara. The perfect addition to your dress.”

  Reaching into his tuxedo jacket pocket, he pulled out a flat black velvet box. Inside it was a sparkling diamond necklace. As she gasped, he put it gently around her neck, attaching the clasp at the back.

  Hallie looked down at the glittering stones. “They’re beautiful.”

  “Nothing compared to you, my beautiful wife,” he whispered, kissing her. Feeling her lips against his was pure heaven, making him tremble with the power of her unconscious sensuality. When he finally drew back, he was more determined than ever to make her submit to his will, to keep their perfect marriage exactly as it was.

  He held out his arm. “Shall we go?”

  She hesitated, then took his arm, wrapping her hands around the sleeve of his black tuxedo jacket.

  After helping her into his red sports car, he drove the short distance to the new Campania Hotel Cavello, clinging to a rocky cliff overlooking the village across the bay. A uniformed valet took their car, and they walked into the hotel on a red carpet. She clung to his arm as photographers flashed pictures of them. “Look over here!”


  “Mrs. Moretti!”

  Hallie didn’t exhale until they were inside. Then her eyes widened as she breathed, “Wow.”

  She looked around the lobby of his new hotel. The Campania Cavello made up for its boutique size by the lavishness of its furnishings and incredible view. Seeing the awe on Hallie’s face, Cristiano felt his heart swell with pride.

  “And this is just the lobby,” he said, putting his hand over hers. “Wait until you see the ballroom.”

  Joining the other illustrious, glamorous guests, he led her into the gilded ballroom. She stared up at the high ceilings, the bright mirrors, the chandeliers. Multiple French doors opened straight onto an expansive terrace, decked with bright pink flowers, and, beyond that, the moonlit sea.

  Whirling back to face him, she breathed, “This place is amazing.” Her head suddenly craned. “Is that Nadia Cruz?”

  Cristiano shrugged as the famous Spanish actress, now married to a duke, walked by in a tight dress. He had eyes for only one woman. He wanted her in his arms. Against his body. In his bed.

  But the object of the evening was to celebrate the grand opening of the hotel with the celebrities who would be his future guests. Any hotel, no matter how exquisite, depended upon publicity from a certain type of clientele to make the property popular amongst the glitterati.

  So for the next hour, he forced himself to greet powerful guests with all the force of his charm. He gave them his complete attention, until the new hotel’s manager privately informed him they were already booked up through Christmas, and the red-carpet arrivals had drawn attention from the press worldwide.

  The Campania Cavello was a smashing success.

  As soon as the music began, Cristiano took Hallie’s hand. “Dance with me.”

  She looked around nervously at all the famous people in the ballroom. “We should let someone else go first.”

  “No one,” he said arrogantly, “would dare.”

  Holding her hand tightly, he led her to the center of the ballroom floor. He felt the eyes of all the guests on him, heard their whispered comments, and he knew that every man here envied him tonight. Not for his money or power—for the beautiful woman in his arms.

  He’d been envied before, as a well-known playboy, a free-spirited billionaire who traveled the world, never settling down in any place or with any person.

  This was different. Successful beyond imagination, he was now also married to a beautiful woman who’d been untouched by any other man. She’d not only given him the best sex of his life, she’d given him a son, an heir to carry on his line. Cristiano’s future was secure.

  He deserved to be envied.

  As they danced, Cristiano looked around the gilded ballroom of the lavish Amalfi Coast hotel. This was his. Cristiano’s hands tightened on Hallie. And so was she.

  He’d come a long way from hardscrabble poverty in Naples, when he’d been unwanted, unloved and often hungry and dirty. His parents hadn’t wanted him. His mother had resented him; his father had abandoned him.

  Now he had a new family.

  From the beginning, when he’d first charmed that rich widow in Rome into selling her palazzo for a song, Cristiano’s charm had been his second-greatest asset.

  The first, of course, was his ruthlessness.

  I’ve conquered the past completely, he thought. I’ve won.

  Dancing with Hallie, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said huskily, swaying her in his arms. “Every man here wishes he could be in my place.”

  “To own this hotel.”

  “To be in your bed.”

  She glanced around shyly. “Don’t be silly.”

  “You have no idea how desirable you are,” he whispered against her cheek, leaning forward. “Later tonight, you can apologize for that foolishness with Bennato,” he murmured lazily, running his hand down her back. “And I will forgive you. Because I c
an deny you nothing.”

  “I’m not sorry,” she said.

  With an intake of breath, Cristiano looked down at her.

  “Because I did it for a good reason.” Her caramel-brown eyes were feverishly bright.

  “What is that?” he said coldly.

  Her red, luscious lips curved in a tremulous smile.

  “Because I love you,” she whispered.

  For a few seconds, frozen on the dance floor, he stared at her as couples continued to whirl around them.

  “You love me,” he said slowly.

  “Yes.” Hallie’s face was deliriously happy. “I know it wasn’t supposed to happen. But it has. I love you, Cristiano. For the boy you were. The man you are. The man you’ll be.”

  The boy you were.

  Hallie’s words felt like ice in his heart. She saw past his defenses? Past all his wealth and power, to see the helpless boy he’d once been?

  His hands tightened on her.

  “I love you,” she choked out, searching his gaze desperately. “I’m not your enemy. And I’m not your servant. I’m your wife. I’m fighting for our family. For our home. I’m fighting for you...because I love you.”

  Music swelled around them in the ballroom. A warm sea breeze blew in from doors opened wide to the moonlit terrace.

  Hallie loved him.

  How could she?

  Then he got it.

  A low, fierce laugh bubbled up from inside him as he realized what she was doing. He relaxed instantly.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing,” he said, still laughing. He shook his head admiringly. “I just respect you.”

  “You respect me?”

  “Yes.” He sometimes thought that women didn’t realize how valuable it was, respect. Most men he knew could tolerate a lack of love far better than any lack of respect. But the women he’d known in his life, starting with his mother, seemed to feel the opposite, willing to put up with a total lack of respect from their lovers, finding it acceptable to be taken for granted and talked down to, as long as they were loved. He’d never understood that.

  Hallie clearly didn’t see his perspective, either. Her deep brown eyes looked hurt. “That’s all you have to say?”


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