Playing the Witch's Game (Keepers of the Veil)

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Playing the Witch's Game (Keepers of the Veil) Page 6

by Zoe Forward

  Her heart accelerated in reaction to the heat in his gaze. “I guess you’re betting pretty heavily on that. It can only be this one time, though. And Owen can never know.”

  “Are we in agreement?” He raised his eyebrows in subtle question if she accepted his terms.

  She nodded.

  He placed a finger under her chin to tilt her head up. “That guy was an idiot. We will have those nights to prove there’s nothing wrong with you. I promise. But it’ll be my name you cry out, not this Owen asshole.”

  Her face burned, but she believed him.

  He said, “There’s still the issue of the vision I had. The one that involves someone trying to kill you.”

  “Was there any specific weapon involved in the vision? Like a way this person would attempt murder?”

  “Whoever it is will try to shoot you.”

  “Got it. A gun.” She pushed out of the changing room and addressed the waiting group. “We’ll do it, but I have one condition. No shooting at us. I want it in our contracts. No bullets, darts, paintballs, or any projectiles coming at us. I don’t recall this to have been used in previous seasons and see no reason this would be necessary. I will not be shot at, and since Nick is a protector by trade, it makes him a little bit nuts. If we are shot at by anyone associated with the show, then there needs to be a penalty.”

  Nikolai gazed down at her. She smiled back at his stunned expression. He said, “The contract will be voided and the show will pay each of us two million dollars if we are shot at. Four million if one of us dies from that shot.”

  No show would ever agree to a deal with so much money. She tugged at Nick’s arm to get his attention, panicked at the thought of not getting on the show. His warning scowl froze her.

  The producer stood. “We don’t do add-ons in the contract.”

  “Fine. Then we’re not your candidates.” Nikolai pivoted, pulling her with him toward the exit.

  She glared what the hell at him, but followed his lead. Her panic escalated as they neared the exit. She had to get on this show. Had to. “That was way too much money.”

  He leaned in close and whispered, “Your life is worth a hell of a lot more. The winner of the show gets two point five million. These guys are loaded. Plus, I have a suspicion your boyfriend pulled some strings to ensure we make it on the show.”


  “Chill. Wait for it.”

  When he had his hand on the exit doorknob, she heard behind her, “Wait.”

  They slowly turned.

  Rick said, “We’ll add it into the contract. No shooting.”

  Nikolai said, “With the penalty on your end asserting if you or anyone associated with this show violates the stipulation you will release us immediately from the show and pay us.”

  The producer nodded.

  Nikolai rubbed his hands together. “Great. Then let’s do this.”

  Chapter Six

  One hour of contracts and bathing suit fittings later, Nikolai followed Jen toward the parking lot, and the car hired to transport them to the airport. Then on to the show’s starting destination. In another country. His radar for bad-shit decisions pinged like nuts in his brain.

  You must protect her. The mantra had played on fast-loop replay in his mind while he’d signed his name on the contract. He watched the sway of her hips as she walked in front of him, remembering the sexy blue tattoo just north of the seam between two perfectly shaped globes.

  Screw altruistic protection duty and denying them those three days afterward. If they both survived the next few days, he’d bind her so tight to him with sensual pleasure that she wouldn’t remember Owen’s name.

  They’d get hurt in the first twenty minutes. Then they were out of there. He counted on it. He hoped the injury wouldn’t be fatal and had nothing to do with his visions. If they lasted longer…no way they’d make it the full five days.

  “Hey, Jen,” yelled a male voice behind them.

  Nikolai halted before he bumped into Jen. She whipped around and jumped away from him. He frowned at the one foot of air now between them. His molars slammed together when he recognized the slow sauntering man headed their way.

  Extreme Survivor’s host. Owen.

  Jen stroked the necklace and gazed at Owen in a dreamy way that pushed Nikolai to a dark, jealous place. The necklace, a likely trinket from Owen, had to go.

  “Hi, Jen.” Owen smiled.

  She granted him a you’re my hero smile, which Nikolai wanted for himself.

  Owen held out his hand to Nikolai. “You must be Jen’s boyfriend.” Owen’s gaze bounced behind them to gaze through the glass doors, obviously worried others might overhear.

  Nikolai scowled at Owen’s hand and refused to shake. “Yeah.” So back the fuck off. As Owen advanced toward Jen with an outstretched hand, every protective instinct in Nikolai flashed red alert warning. A flare of dark energy signaling magic of an unknown source, possibly evil, slithered across his shoulders. Nikolai circled his hand around Jen’s waist. He pulled her into his side and out of Owen’s reach. Was the energy from Owen?

  He couldn’t tell. Having hunted people from the evil to the corrupt, to the boring ultrarich, he recognized a familiar smart cunning within Owen.

  Nikolai said, “We’re pretty excited to be on the show. She told me she’d run into you a few times. Guess we’ll see you there. Wherever we’re going.” He granted Owen his fakest life is great full-tooth grin.

  Jen stared up at Nikolai with a befuddled expression he couldn’t interpret. They shouldn’t get on the plane. They most definitely shouldn’t compete on the show with this Owen shit holding a measure of power over them.

  Owen’s gaze darted out the exit door again. “Would you give Jen and me a moment? This might be the only chance we get in the next week or so.”

  Jen wriggled out of Nikolai’s grip and gazed adoringly up at Owen. Nikolai fisted his hands against reaching out for her.

  Owen took her hand. “Are you sure about this, Jen? About going on the show?” Either the guy was an Academy Award–worthy actor or his concern was real.

  Jen moistened her lips and swayed toward Owen. “You said—”

  “I know,” Owen interrupted her. “But now I’m not sure. I’m scared for you. I’m not sure you’re up to this. I just got the dossier of challenges and it’s…” He blew out an uneasy sigh. “It’s going to be a rough ride this year. Great TV, though.”

  Nikolai silently calculated several painful ways to end Owen’s life. If the asshole kissed her, then he’d do it, consequences be damned. Owen pulled her close and leaned in as if to kiss her, but his gazed darted out the glass door. He jumped away from her and whispered, “Soon.”

  The blond from the interview strode up the sidewalk outside toward them.

  “Well, good luck,” said Owen. His regretful gaze lingered on Jen for a few seconds.

  “When will we see you again?” she asked, her eyes large and sad.

  “Probably not until the first night’s meeting. I’m glad you’re on the show. It means a lot to me.” Owen turned away.

  “I vote we stop this bullshit right now.” Nikolai folded his arms across his chest.

  “Haven’t we already had this conversation?” she asked, staring transfixed at Owen as he departed.

  “Have you ever kissed that guy?”

  She shook her head. “I have to do this show first.”

  “You’re betting your life on a guy with whom you haven’t even shared spit?”

  She didn’t respond, but stared at the space Owen had occupied seconds ago.

  “Are you even listening to me?” He waved his hand in front of her gaze.

  She double blinked and put a hand on her hip. “Anyone can share spit. It doesn’t mean a thing.”

  Fury exploded in his brain. “Admit that our kisses turned you on. They damned well meant something.”

  She smiled in a superior way. “You’re jealous.”

  “That asswipe isn’t n
ormal. You know that, don’t you? He’s got some sort of special ability, but I don’t know what. How can you be certain he didn’t use magic to con you into this with intent for you to die?”

  “He’s…” She cast a moony look in the direction Owen disappeared and sighed softly.

  His jaw clenched. “I’m not doing this until you—”

  The blond from the interview yanked open the exit door and interrupted, “Look, I understand cold feet, but you guys signed the contracts. You can’t reneg now.”

  “What if I’m suddenly feeling ill?” His gaze narrowed when it met Jen’s. “Very ill.”

  Jen crossed her arms. She squinty-eye challenged him.

  The blond said, “We’ll get our doctors to fix you up. You signed the medical waiver verifying you’re in peak health and no undisclosed medical conditions that would preclude you from being on the show. Get in the car. Please.” She pointed to the waiting tinted-window SUV. “We’re on a tight schedule.”

  He crossed his arms and glared right back at Jen.

  Jen threw up her arms. “Fine. God, you are so stubborn. I’m sorry. Exchanging spit is important.”

  He cocked an eyebrow.

  She blew out a frustrated breath. Color suffused her cheeks. “Your kisses are good.”


  “You are so infuriating.”

  He leaned in close and whispered, “I bet my kisses made you wetter than anything he ever said to you. Wet for me. Not him.”

  Her face flushed bright red.

  Oh, yeah. He grinned.

  Her chin notched up. “Don’t push your luck.”

  Three days with her naked. After those days she’d be ruined for any other man, especially Owen. She’d be his. He glanced over her shoulder and caught himself before he showed any reaction. Alexi signaled to him from just up the hallway, pointed to the bathroom and disappeared. Serenity must be with him, using her invisible ability to mask them.

  “I need a bathroom break before we’re rushed to the airport,” he said.

  “Fine. Me, too.” Jen marched up the hall.

  He entered into the men’s room and glanced into emptiness. “I know you guys are in here. Serenity, quit the invisible shit.”

  Serenity, with her black hair and red highlights, materialized near the sink. Alexi appeared next to her. Hand in hand.

  Alexi said in their native Lithuanian, “Sveiki.” Hello.

  Serenity removed her hand from Alexi’s and smiled. She enveloped Nikolai in a brief hug.

  Nikolai glanced over her shoulder and met his brother’s glower. Alexi still hadn’t gotten over a moment when he’d made a pass at Serenity. That was way back when he didn’t know how involved the two of them were. Before they’d been married.

  Serenity leaned back. “Did you talk Jen out of this yet?”

  He shook his head. “We’re flying out to wherever within an hour. Did you do that background on Owen?”

  Alexi nodded. “No red flags. He has a past addiction to cocaine and a blackmail episode with a college girlfriend over drugs that his father paid off. He hit a pedestrian a few years ago. Sounds accidental. Bought off the judge and made it all go away. But I don’t think he’s into anything illegal or magical, at least not that I could find. The guy comes from old money. He doesn’t need family money, though, since he gets paid exorbitant amounts for his television work. You mentioned he’s got skills, but I can’t find anything on that, or association with other magicals.”

  “Nothing? The guy has some ability. He’s not druid. I don’t know what the hell he is. Maybe he’s another Greek gods descendant or something.”

  Alexi held up a solitary finger. “There was one thing. His father donated money to the Order Lutomaleficum two years ago. Deducted it on taxes. Nothing since. The family connection to those witch hunters is unclear. I can no longer peruse the OLM’s computer system since I stopped contracting with them. But…” Alexi paused and his face pinched. “I think Owen plans to get married. He bought a ring last week.”

  “How would you know this?”

  “Credit card receipt.”

  “Engaged? To Jen?”

  “I didn’t say that. I just said he bought a ring. A yellow diamond that cost six figures.”

  “Crap.” Nikolai would kill Owen without regret if he attempted to propose to Jen.

  “I don’t know who it’s for.”

  “Jen will not marry that asshole.”

  Alexi smiled. Serenity chuckled.

  “What?” Nikolai asked.

  Alexi said, “You’ve got it bad for her.”

  He scowled. “I just don’t want her doing anything with that prick. He’s not what he seems.”

  Alexi nodded. “I agree on Owen. But you…I think this whole thing might be an excellent idea. Maybe this is the gods finally screwing with your life.” He glanced at Serenity. “I suffered for eleven years until we made it right.” He leaned down and kissed Serenity.

  “That’s enough. Get a stall.” He waved at the two empty stalls. “Are you going to try to follow us wherever we’re going?”

  Alexi nodded. “I’m pretty sure the show will end up in Guiana, but they’re starting somewhere else.”

  “See you there.” Nikolai pivoted and exited the restroom.


  Settling into her seat on the private jet, Jen leaned forward. “How long is the flight?” she asked the assistant with the clipboard.

  The blond shrugged. “Twelve or fourteen hours.” She waved at two people who shuffled onto the plane with carry-on suitcases. “This is Eli and Patty. They’re your prep team.”

  Jen’s eyes widened when Eli winked at her. The powerful Sentry druid healer shot her a smile, but his expression dimmed. She wasn’t surprised the druids hadn’t heeded her wish to complete this adventure without their suffocating presence. They’d each sworn a vow of protection for all seven of the witches like her.

  Jen’s jaw dropped when Shannon yanked her carry-on into the cabin behind Eli and Patty. How in the world had she arranged to get on the show so fast?

  The blond said, “That’s Shannon, your cameraperson. She has to film the clips for the show’s intro on you guys, and all that. Good luck.” She waved and exited the plane.

  How had the druids arranged to have Eli and Shannon on this flight at the last minute? And why put Shannon and Eli together on the same covert assignment? That was like sticking a lit match into a crate of fireworks.

  She glanced at Nikolai. He briefly scanned the newcomers without a hint of recognition of Shannon. His expression remained remote and impassive. Not an ounce of emotion. Far too calm. Instinctually, she suspected on the inside he was a violent storm.

  The rational side of her brain recognized that joining the show was not a wise decision, not to mention extremely awkward to be stuck with Nikolai in close proximity for the next few days. They had good chemistry and, my God, the guy could kiss, but good chemistry didn’t equate with destined man. Would the gods punish her for taking advantage of her chemistry with Nikolai to put on a good show for television?

  “Everyone take your seats, please,” a chipper stewardess ordered. Minutes later they were in the air.

  Eli popped up. “Let me get us some drinks.” In his crisp British accent he asked his colleague, “Perrier?”

  The lady nodded.

  Eli asked, “Shannon?”

  Shannon’s gaze narrowed momentarily when it met Eli’s. “I’ll take a Coke.” Jen wondered if Shannon could keep her antipathy for him under control. Those two had circled each other with claws extended since they were kids.

  Eli pointed to Jen and Nikolai. Both shook their heads. Eli smiled broadly and approached the stewardess at the front of the jet. He handed out drinks and settled in a seat near Jen and sipped what looked like water.

  Minutes later Eli’s show cohort yawned. “I’m going to take a little shut-eye and then we’ll do the prep.”

  “Sure,” Eli said in a soothing tone.
br />   The stewardess also looked to have nodded off.

  Eli and Shannon stared at each other until Eli said, “Why’d Matt choose you?”

  “What? You don’t think I can do this?” Shannon shot back.

  “I never said that.”

  “But you meant it.”

  Eli covered his face with his hand for a moment. “Shannon…you’re going to be out there with them doing God only knows what in the wilderness. You’re not trained for that.”

  “And you are?”

  “More than you.”

  Shannon gave him a frosty glare. “I was the closest person with qualifications that could sub for a missing cameraman. It was convenient when I called the show to sign on this morning that they had an opening, one I’m pretty sure your brother made happen. I know that look. You think a woman can’t do this. You think I can’t.”

  “Damn it, I didn’t say that. This has nothing to do with you being a woman. I think you can handle this. I was going to say your mom would never let you do this. Hell, I can’t believe any one of the druids in charge of security let you or Jen do this show.”

  “My mom doesn’t own me.”

  Eli shot to a stand to tower over Shannon. His face flushed. “You’re the next Pleiades in her line. We cannot have you doing this kind of stupid shit.”

  “It’s Jen who started this stupid shit. Yes, I got your brother to back the hell off his head druid security freak-out. I’m the one who negotiated to get you on the show, too, which was the only way the others would let me sign on and Jen do this. Plus, Serenity and Alexi are lurking about. You know they’ll make sure we stay safe. Being on the show is important to Jen. This has to do with her destined guy. There’s no messing around with the gods’ deterministic crap.”

  “That’s enough,” Jen said. “I’m glad you’re both here.”

  Eli resumed his seat and smiled at her. “Hi, Jen.”

  “You know him?” Nikolai asked, waving halfheartedly at Eli.

  She nodded. “Sentry druid.”

  “I detected him to be something,” Nikolai mumbled.


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