Playing the Witch's Game (Keepers of the Veil)

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Playing the Witch's Game (Keepers of the Veil) Page 7

by Zoe Forward

  Eli said, “We should have about a half hour before the others wake up. It was a bitch for my brother to get someone close to you guys. This TV show is all hush-hush top secret. He was able to get me as a substitute for a conveniently missing person on the prep team, and then I’ll continue on as a medic.”

  “Who’s Matt?” Nikolai folded his arms tight across his chest.

  Jen said, “He’s Eli’s brother and the head druid. Matt’s in charge of the guys who protect the women like me.”

  “This Matt person is okay with all of you waltzing into this?” Nikolai asked.

  “He was furious,” Eli said. “He was an absolute no-go on any of us being here until Shannon talked to him…more like persuaded him, probably using something special.” He cast a disapproving scowl at Shannon. “Alexi also informed him doing this was probably a part of the bigger picture. Greek gods and their bullshit to muck about in our life. Fun, fun. So, here we are, bigger-picturing this crazy shit.”

  Eli removed a laptop from his backpack and motioned for them to follow him to the back of the cabin to a table surrounded by four bolted-down chairs. When everyone was seated he said, “Okay, before I give you the standard prep talk I just have to say, I don’t get it. The risk for both of you is ridiculous. What exactly is the bigger picture? Why are you doing this show?” He paused. When neither of them jumped in to answer he said, “Jen, I’m not sure you can handle this. I met one of the other couples a few hours ago. They’re ex-Olympic athletes, marathoners. There are ten couples total, and the others are superstars in their fields. There’s a navy SEAL and his wife who’s a triathlete, and then two mountain climbers, and the couple from Alaska who are into survivalist stuff. I get them being extreme, but you? Jen, you cried when you twisted your ankle at your cousin’s birthday party last year.”

  “It hurt when I sprained it, but I can be tough.” Jen glanced at Nikolai, who stared out the window as if not paying attention. Not helpful. “I can be. Really. There’s this guy who I think might be my destined. But he laid down this challenge that I have to go on this show and then he’ll take our relationship to the next level.”

  “Nick, did you require she do this?” Eli asked.

  “No.” He shook his head.

  Jen said, “Nikolai isn’t the guy. It’s Owen. The show’s host.”

  “Owen Campbell? Seriously? He’s…” Eli trailed off.

  “He’s what?” Jen asked.

  “Seems like a bit of a player. Are you sure he’s not playing you?”

  Her gaze shot to Nikolai, who now seemed avidly interested in their conversation. She said, “We don’t have a committed relationship yet, but there’s something there.” She stroked the necklace.

  Eli glanced to Nikolai and then back to Jen. “I still don’t get it. I assume this guy is…druid?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so. He’s got magical abilities, at least I’m pretty sure.”

  “He’s something,” Nikolai muttered.

  “What is he?” Eli’s penetrating gaze centered on Nikolai.

  Nikolai’s shoulders lifted and dropped. His gaze drifted over to her. “I didn’t like him. At all.”

  “You’re just jealous. That’s okay.” She patted his hand.

  He yanked his hand away from her. “I don’t need your condescending crap. We’re about to risk our lives for your sex life and I’m really not into it.”

  Eli glanced between the two of them and frowned. “You’re sure the two of you aren’t…”

  “No.” Jen shook her head.

  Nikolai remained silent.

  Eli leaned back in his chair. “If Jen’s right about Owen being her destined, then it’s important they make it work. But most of the time, at least from what I’ve noticed, when a destined couple gets together he usually doesn’t want her doing anything dangerous. He definitely wouldn’t be into her pretending with another guy on television.”

  “He’s different.” Jen nibbled on her lower lip.

  Eli propped his chin on his hand and gazed at Jen. “Do you have to actually finish the show, or just go on it for this Owen guy to be appeased?”

  “I think being on the show is good enough. I’m not sure we could make it to the end.”

  “I’m glad you understand that. You do know to get off the show means you have to get hurt. They’ll spit you back into the action if you fake it or just have a sprained ankle.”

  No, I didn’t realize that. She nodded, although her brain screamed, I can’t do this. Somehow she’d thought if she wanted off, all she had to do was admit defeat.

  Eli said, “I’ll try to be available if something happens to you.”

  “Just give us whatever bullshit prep they want you to tell us.” Nikolai shot him a bored expression.

  “Before I do, Matt wants your promise that you’ll keep her safe. We can’t get one of us on the show as a couple at this point. A month ago, maybe. We’ll do what we can, but you will need to use everything you’ve got.”

  “You didn’t say I had to protect your ass in addition to pretending I think it’s sexy.” Nikolai’s lips tipped into an amused smile.

  “I can take care of myself,” she snapped.

  Eli smiled at Nikolai. “Great.” He woke his computer up from sleep. “I’m going to give you details on what you’re supposed to do. We’re going to South America. They’re going to have you get into your swim outfits, which will be skimpy wet suits with swim shoes. Then there’s going to be a two-hour photo session to get stills and video for the show intro and promo spots. They’re going to do some interview stuff. You guys need to have your stories straight. There’s going to be a lot of interviewing. It might drive you crazy, but it’s in the contract that you have to do it. You need to be nice. Actually, you need to be charming. You need to make America love you. Remember, starting on day three America will vote which couple gets a little help. I can’t stress enough that they’ll make you come off as an ass if either of you acts even a bit like a shit. Jen, just smile and be pretty.”

  Nikolai chuckled.

  “Don’t you dare say it,” she said to Nikolai.

  He mouthed, Brunette Barbie.

  She prickled. “My boobs might’ve gotten me on the show, but I want to be remembered for more than that.”

  Eli choked back a laugh. “Give the audience a day and they’ll see you’re a lot more than a pretty face and…whatnot. Of course, you will be in a form-fitting outfit. This also assumes you’ll make it beyond day one. After the interviews, they’ll load you onto a helicopter where they’ll fly you out to the ocean. They’re going to dump you in the water. You’ll have a one- to two-mile swim to an island. I’m not sure which island it is. There are several possibilities. Their computer system is a bitch to get into for me to find this out. Stay between the boats. They’re there to keep you on target. They want you to get to the island. Currents can be strong in that location. So they don’t want you floating too far off-mark. The swim in that choppy cold water alone is the challenge.”

  One or two miles? She considered herself an okay swimmer, but never competitive. She hadn’t been in a pool in years.

  “I could hack their system and find out where,” Nikolai said. “But it doesn’t matter. The island will be filled with slithery dangers, if this is South America.”

  “Probably.” Eli nodded. “Focus on the swim. Just remember this isn’t a race. Tortoise and the hare. Be the tortoise. You just need to get there, not be first. You’ll be given instructions on the location of the initial night meeting before you jump. The goal of day one is to make it to that meeting. On night one they’ll feed you, congratulate you, and then they might give you day two and three’s details. Do not eat the food or drink whatever they offer you. Let me repeat. Do NOT eat the food. You’re going to be exhausted and hungry. They’ll tell you one couple’s food is poisoned or something like that. There’s been a lot of chatter on this but no exact plan. Assume everything’s tainted. Jen, you’re going to have
to use your plant ability to know what to eat from the forest. Can you do that?”

  “Of course. I did a semester on rain forest botany in undergrad.”

  “How does your plant ability work?” Nikolai asked.

  “It’s instinct, really. I don’t command them or anything, but I just know which are good for what—medicine, food, whatever.”

  Eli continued, “After night one you’re on your own for food and water. You’ll need water. That is your goal for the first day. If you can find it on the way to the meeting, then great. I think they’re going to make you figure out how to get off the island or something for the second challenge. Not sure, though. But be thinking of that. They don’t plan to have you stay there longer than that first day. Any questions?”

  Jen couldn’t say anything as the reality of the impending nightmare of this show settled in. One- to two-mile swim.

  Eli continued, “You’ll be granted one swimsuit and one item to take with you. That’s it. May I suggest a machete and a canteen.” He reached into his backpack and placed the two items on the table. “These are approved. They’re also tagged with a locator for us to find you.”

  Nikolai withdrew the long blade from its sheath without comment.

  “Can I tie my hair up with a band or does that count?” Jen asked.

  “It counts. They’re hard-ass about this. No earrings, watches, or jewelry.” Eli’s gaze passed over her necklace.

  “They’ll give you your chosen item right before you jump out of the helicopter.”

  “Jump off a helicopter?” Jen echoed.

  Eli replied, “I’m not sure how far a drop, but I don’t think they’re chuting you in. They’re really excited about the jungle on this island. In my opinion, avoid the jungle. If you can traverse around the island on the shore, do it. A lot of these islands are very rocky, not sandy, though. That makes the shoreline impossible and nonexistent. It might take a lot longer to go around, but you might avoid whatever the hell has them excited for filming.”

  “That’s nice,” Nikolai said sarcastically.

  “Here’s the official bit I have to tell you.” He changed to a monotone and read, “You are now going onto national television. This is our first couples edition. As such, we recognize a team approach can make you stronger. The challenges have been adjusted in difficulty to take this into consideration. There will be no sex during the filming of this show. Naked is to be expected, but you are not allowed to flash genitalia gratuitously. Please remember at all times that you are being filmed.” Eli glanced up to smile. “That means if you scratch your balls or pick your nose, you will be caught on camera and immortalized for that, possibly remembered for nothing else. The show makes no promises to edit that out. We will not show you going to the bathroom. You are not allowed to disturb the cameras or microphones. That includes still cameras, which may be placed into the landscape, and any of the camera crew. Should you do so, you will be eliminated from the show or set back in your challenge. All filming is sent by satellite phone to central command where it might be edited and then broadcast. But they’ll be an hour or so behind real-time on airing the show. They’ve got three hours of airtime daily, but they’re negotiating for six. That’s an insane amount of viewer time.

  “You’re not allowed to take any offerings from the crew other than an accept of defeat, although you can forfeit only if you are severely injured. You may continue onward if you are injured unless the show deems you to be at risk of death. Then the show may force you to pull out. You must win together. If one of you is pulled, then you are both off. You may not switch partners during the show.” Eli paused. “There’s a bit more but we can do that when…I can’t even remember the other lady’s name, damn it. Well, when she wakes up she can fill you in on the boring parts. And now to Matt’s rules. No magic unless this turns into something else. If someone is throwing magic at you to try to hurt you, then you say ‘game on’ to the camera. Then we’ll do everything in our arsenal to protect you and get you to the end point or a safe exit. Once I have a fix on our location, our people will fly in and be on standby. Jen, shift to your alternate if you are in danger. I don’t care if it’s a magical threat or another. Charlotte will be waiting. We’ll do what we can about fallout on television, which will be a bitch.”

  “What does that mean? Shift to your alternate?” Nikolai asked. He popped upright and gazed at her.

  “Crap, he doesn’t know about all your abilities, does he?” Eli said. “How can you expect him to do this if he doesn’t know?”

  “He knows I’m good with potions and spells, but not about that. I didn’t have a good moment to tell him. Besides, I swore to keep it a secret.” She nibbled a nail.

  Nikolai’s forehead furrowed. “What does shifting mean? Are you able to turn into a dog or something?”

  Chapter Seven

  Jen took a big breath and met Nikolai’s gaze. “I don’t shape-shift. I can jump to an alternate dimension. It’s a part of being a Pleiades witch.”

  “I thought Pleiades was a star constellation, that the goddesses were made into stars or something as part of mythological bullshit.”

  “At least you know some Greek mythology,” Eli said. “The Pleiades existed eons ago. They were pursued by Orion. In order to allow the women to escape him, Zeus granted them the ability to dimension-hop to avoid his attention. They went somewhere the Greek gods couldn’t. This ability is passed down to each generation’s eldest human goddess female descendant.”

  “What do you mean you can go to an ‘alternate dimension’? Where’s that?” Nikolai asked.

  She hugged herself, wishing she could erase Nikolai’s agitation. Discovering his partner has a get-out-of-jail-free card must be mind-blowing. And unfair. She couldn’t take him with her when she hopped, and feared he’d ask. “The other place is like here, but not here. It’s the same year, same time zones, and similar but not quite the same politics.”

  “Can you go anywhere you want here or there?”

  “Sometimes. If I focus hard I can end up in a particular spot in this world. I try to jump to the same spot in the other place when I go there because I know it’ll be safe when I arrive.”

  Eli glanced toward the front. “I think the other half of your prep team is about to wake up. Patty, that’s her name.”

  Nikolai leaned in and asked low, “Can you take other people with you?”

  The question she dreaded. She owed him the truth. “Not anyone. I can take my child whenever I have one, or my destined guy. No one else. If I try to take someone else…I’m not sure what happens but I’ve heard it can be bad for everyone. Deadly bad.”

  “What are you guys up to?” Patty asked from the front of the plane.

  Eli shot Patty a lazy smile. “They wanted to get started. I saved the minutiae for you to do.”


  The helicopter blades deafened Jen. Her heart pumped hard. She squirmed against the too-tight crisscross seat belt clamping her into the bench seat next to Nikolai. Sweat poured down her face in the hot, humid air. Her thighs stuck to the hard plastic seat, and she plucked at the plunging neckline of the neoprene bathing suit designed to accentuate her bust. Cameras buzzed around them from their automated lines zigzagging across the cabin.

  A well-preserved fifties-ish man in combat fatigues paced slowly up the aisle between contestants. He screamed loud enough to be heard over the blades, “Welcome to day one.” He flashed a set of perfect pearly whites in a feral smile that was all about glee over their impending hell. “You will all be granted the one item that you chose now.” He consulted his watch in a very dramatic way. “You’ve got four minutes to prep yourself for the drop. Remember what we discussed.”

  When had they discussed this? Did she miss that Drop into Water 101? Her terrified gaze shot to Nikolai.

  Nikolai said, “This is a scare tactic. Don’t stress.”

  Her smart-ass reply was drowned out by Lieutenant Big Mouth’s yell, “You’ll have a thirty-foot
drop to the water. The helicopter blades will be kicking up winds that’ll remind you of a hurricane. The bigger animals, like sharks, will be initially frightened off by the commotion, but you’ll need to swim fast and watch for them. There’s an island northwest two miles from here. That’s your target. It’s noon now. Get to the lighthouse by six p.m. for tonight’s meeting.” The lieutenant leaned into her visual field and screamed, “Do not drift away, people. The current is vicious.” He pulled away and terrorized a woman two people down. “If both of you don’t make it there, you will be eliminated. Get up.”

  Jen unclicked and gripped the back of the seat for balance against the helicopter’s motion. A sudden bump threw her into Nikolai. She mumbled an apology and regained her footing.

  An assistant moved to them and clicked a slim band around their ankles, probably a tracking device. The guy held out the machete and canteen. Nikolai took the knife and strapped it to his upper thigh. The assistant pointed to her necklace and shook his head. She reached up to unclasp but it wouldn’t come off. She yelled to Nikolai, “I can’t get it off.”

  “Let me try.” He yanked back his hands. “It burned me.”

  She tugged at the necklace, now experiencing a subtle pain the longer she held on to the chain. She pulled, but nothing happened other than her hands scorched like she’d gripped a too-hot mug. What kind of bad magic held it in place?

  He gripped the two sides of the necklace again and pulled. She smelled burning and yelled, “Stop. Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “Too late,” he said as he rubbed his hands on his pants. “Let me try again.” Just as he reached in, the military guy screamed something indecipherable. They were shuttled toward the opening exit ramp. The assistant shrugged, refused her the canteen, and moved away.

  Now she was freaked out by the thing around her neck and what they were about to do.

  Nikolai clasped her hand and leaned into her view. “I’m right here. We’ll figure out the necklace later. Look at me.”

  The cargo hatch slowly opened.


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