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Beloved by Brothers [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 17

by Chloe Lang

  “Yes,” she told him.

  “Where are they now? I want to see them.”

  Corey nodded. “They’re right outside this door.”

  Her mom leaned down and kissed Shane on the cheek. “I’ll let them come in and we will be right outside, son. Phoebe, you stay here.”

  Her parents and Corey walked out. A moment later, her three wonderful men walked in.

  * * * *

  Jason walked straight to Shane’s bed. “I’m so sorry, bro. I should’ve trusted you. I should’ve believed in you.”

  “So does that mean I should’ve won an Academy Award for best actor?” Shane smiled. “I also am sorry for what I put you through, Jason. You’re my best friend. But that terrorist plot had to be stopped. It was bigger than any of us.”

  “I heard. My God, you’re a fucking hero.”

  “So, I’ve been told recently.” He laughed. “I’m so sorry, guys. I never dreamed that my mission would break you and my sister up.”

  Jason put his arm around Phoebe. “Water under the bridge, buddy.”

  “I’m so glad you are back together again. You belong with each other.”

  “Yes, we do,” Lucas agreed.

  “Damn right, we do,” Mitchell added. “We’re waiting for you to get back on your feet to be our best man at our wedding.”

  “I’d like to be asked first, if you don’t mind,” Phoebe teased. “But my answer is a resounding yes.”

  “To be best man? We would rather Shane take that role,” Mitchell shot back. “I thought you would rather be the bride, baby.”

  “You devil. You know what I mean.”

  “Fill me in, fellows,” Shane said. “Did we get Mitrofanov? And what about the diamonds? Is Lunceford in custody?”

  “Slow down, Shane,” Jason said, happy to see his old friend so lively. “We don’t want to tire you.”

  “So you’d rather I just lie here and wonder? Come on.”

  “He’s got a point, Jason,” Mitchell said.

  They told him everything that had happened at the warehouse after he’d been shot.

  “Damn it, that bastard is still out there.” Shane looked at Jason. “I know you had been working hard to bring Mitrofanov down for some time. I’m glad you got your man.”

  “I’m glad you saved my life, bro.”

  “I would do it again in a fucking minute. I will always have your back. You know, Jason, since Kip has declared war on Destiny, we all have to work together.”

  “I plan on deputizing every single citizen. We’re going to get the motherfucker.”

  The door opened and the doctor came in. “Only two visitors at a time, please. My patient needs his rest.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I am so proud of Lucas.” Phoebe loved seeing the whole town come out to pay tribute to one of her men.

  She sat with some of her favorite friends in folding chairs. All the guys in town, including Jason and Mitchell, were setting up the area for the groundbreaking ceremony.

  “You should be,” Amber said. “He’s the big man around town these days, that’s for sure.”

  “You have to come up and see what he’s done for the Boys Ranch.” Belle’s eyes widened. “It’s amazing.”

  Phoebe knew she was more than a little interested in two Destonian men. “That’s what my brothers told me after you gave them the tour of the place.”

  Belle smiled. “I’ve given lots of tours.”

  She liked Belle very much but wondered if a woman who had grown up outside of Destiny would understand the kind of life her brothers would want. “Are you still planning to open the Boys Ranch by Christmas?”

  “Absolutely. We have several more boys arriving by then.” Belle was a woman who had the heart of a mother, though she had no children of her own. The way she took care of Juan and the other orphan boys was something to behold.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the groundbreaking ceremony for our new hospital will commence in five minutes,” Patrick O’Leary announced from the temporary stage that had been set up for the event.

  “Looks like the entire town has turned out for the festivities,” Megan said.

  “Don’t you mean the entire county, Megan?” Nicole asked. “Why not? Lucas has designed an amazing building to replace the old clinic.”

  “Did you see the model he made of how it’s going to look? It’s going to be a showstopper. I wouldn’t be surprised if your man doesn’t win some architectural award, Phoebe.”

  “That would be something.” She’d grown so close to Amber, Megan, and Nicole, all of whom had come to Destiny from other places. They’d found love in the arms of men she’d grown up with all her life. Why couldn’t Belle do the same? Shane and Corey certainly were interested in her.

  Erica grinned. “When will we be seeing you walk down the aisle, Miss Blue? Isn’t it about time you made honest men out of the Wolfe brothers?”

  “You only care because you want to be my maid of honor, right?”

  “I’d settle for bridesmaid,” she said with a laugh.

  Like her, Erica had lived in Destiny her whole life, but her past had been much more difficult. She’d lost her parents in the plane crash that took out some of the best citizens that the town still mourned to this day.

  “The Wolfe brothers were sort of talking about a wedding,” Ashley told them. “At the hospital in Chicago.”

  “Ash, can’t you keep a secret? I swear to God, I should dock your pay,” Phoebe teased.

  “You would be lost without me, boss, and you know it.”


  “How is Shane doing?” Belle looked honestly concerned.

  Maybe she would be perfect for my brothers. “He’s doing great. The doctors are amazed at how fast he’s recovering. It’s only been two weeks, but he’s zooming through the physical therapy sessions.”

  “That’s good to hear, Phoebe.”

  Mitchell’s band took the stage.

  “Betty’s daughter looks stunning,” Gretchen said. “Look at all the single men gawking at her.”

  “Too bad for them,” Ethel chimed in. “Kaylyn only cares about her work.”

  “She trains guide dogs, doesn’t she?” Jena was the newest member to their girl pack.

  “That’s right, and does an amazing job of it, too,” Erica said. “See those two guys over there with the German shepherds? Those are hers.”

  Gretchen smiled wickedly. “The dogs or the men?”

  They all laughed.

  “The black guy is Chance,” Ethel said. “Betty told me that Kaylyn has been mooning over him for years. Chance was born blind. He educates adults who lose their sight later in life.”

  “The other man is my old partner, Jaris.” Nicole’s guilty feelings could be seen on her face. “He’s a wonderful man. I hate what happened to him.”

  “Honey, we all do,” Megan said. “But look at him with his dog. He’s going to be fine.”

  Jaris’s bravery was unquestioned. The whole town knew what he’d done that day when the crazy woman had tried to shoot Nicole. Phoebe wasn’t sure if he would decide to settle here, but she knew every person in town was trying to convince him to stay.

  Gretchen lowered her voice. “Word on the street is that Kaylyn likes Jaris, too.”

  Ethel shook her head and grinned. “Where did you hear that, Gretchen Hollingsworth?”

  “I have my sources, Your Honor.”

  The men started filing into the rows of chairs, taking their seats next to their wives and girlfriends.

  Emmett, Cody, and Bryant Stone sat with Amber, who was expecting. Their child was due June of next year. Scott and Eric placed Megan in between them. The two billionaire brothers never looked happier. Nicole sat between her men, Sawyer and Reed. Those cowboys had found their perfect match in Destiny’s newest deputy. Cameron sat with Erica, but Dylan, wearing his ever-present sunglasses, remained standing. Those two men were alike in many ways and not so much in other ways, but it was clear to
Phoebe and the whole town, they belonged with Erica. Jena’s guys, Matt and Sean, walked to her with her mom and little Kimmie. Those five were Destiny’s newest residents, and everyone welcomed them with open arms.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” Jason sat down next to her.

  “Hi, honey.”

  He put his arm around her shoulders. “Big turnout for Lucas, isn’t it?”

  “Very big. I’m so proud of him.”

  “This might be the biggest audience Mitchell’s band has ever played for,” Jason said. “Look, baby. Here comes both my brothers.”

  She watched Mitchell and Lucas leave the stage and head straight for her. God, this was her dream. She’d walked away from them three years ago like a fool, but thank God the love her men had for her was stronger than she’d ever imagined. Her heart belonged to them completely.

  “Honey, the band is going to play a new song,” Mitchell told her. “It’s one I wrote for you, and it is our sound.”

  “Shouldn’t you have written one for me?” Lucas winked at her. “This is my day, baby. Right?”

  “Yes, it is,” Mitchell said. “We are all proud of you, bro.”

  Jason smiled. “You’ve definitely lifted up the Wolfe name around town, Lucas.”

  “That coming from a man who has an election coming next year,” Lucas teased. “Glad to help.”

  Mitchell waved to the band and they started playing.

  She could tell something was not on the up and up. “Mitchell, shouldn’t you be up there with the rest of Wolfe Mayhem?”

  He grabbed her hand. “Actually, we’re all going to the stage.”

  She looked at her three men, their loving eyes on her. “What’s this all about?”

  Jason stood. “You’re about to find out, sweetheart.”

  As they headed to the front, Kaylyn started singing the song Mitchell had written for Phoebe.

  Phoebe’s heart swelled hearing the romantic words.

  As we begin our life together,

  The love we share,

  Witnessed by the stars above,

  Grows stronger with each and every kiss.

  We will give you all our tomorrows,

  Forever, until time no longer exists.

  Standing in front of the whole town, Phoebe’s eyes were filled with happy tears seeing Jason, Lucas, and Mitchell get on their knees.

  “Phoebe Lynn Blue, will you do us the honor of becoming our wife?” they asked in unison.

  “Yes, Jason. Yes, Lucas. Yes, Mitchell. I want to marry you. With all my heart.”

  The crowd roared their approval as her men hugged her tight.

  The loneliness of the past three years was no more. She glanced at her parents and saw her mom dotting her eyes.

  This is where I belong.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Phoebe grinned, seeing her men running around like roosters in her living room. Their chests had remained puffed up since she’d accepted their proposal earlier that day. Her every need was met by them. If she even hinted that she wanted anything, they had it in her hand. She was surprised they let her brush her own teeth.

  When they brought her another piece of cake and cup of coffee, she had to say something. “What’s up with you three today?”

  Mitchell held up his hands, clearly faking surprise at her question. “What do you mean by that, baby?”

  She pointed to the cake and coffee. “Case in point, gentlemen.”

  “We love to spoil you, honey,” Lucas said.

  Jason put his arm around her. “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing. But since this morning, you’ve been going overboard. Please. Tell me. What’s up?”

  Mitchell smiled. “We have a surprise for you, sweetheart.”

  Jason kissed her. “We’re taking you to Phase Four for a special evening.”

  “You are?” Eagerness swelled inside her. “Is that why you’ve kept me moving from one of your beds to the other instead of sharing me like I’ve been asking?”

  They all three grinned. “Yes, baby,” they said in unison.

  * * * *

  Jason watched Phoebe’s chest rise and fall as her breathing increased and the corners of her lips curled up slightly. When she licked them, he knew he’d been right in setting up the scene on the main stage for her. She was clearly vibrating with excitement at the idea of being put on display.

  Phase Four had a few members milling around, but it wouldn’t be long before the crowd would arrive.

  Mitchell grinned, placing his hands on her breasts. “I can just imagine what is going on in that pretty little head.”

  Lucas stood behind her. “You don’t have to be a mind reader to know that.” He lifted her leather mini, which the three of them had chosen for her. Since she wore no panties, his brother’s fingers had free access to her flesh. “She’s already wet.”

  Jason cupped her chin, enjoying the flood of red that came to her cheeks. “We have big plans for you, baby. We’re going to tie you up, spank your ass, shock your nipples, clamp your clit, use plugs, paddles and whips on your soft, silky body.”

  He could see her pulse fluttering in the sides of her neck at the list of lusty exploits they were going to give her.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?” Mitchell asked her quietly, though just loud enough for Jason to hear.

  He held in his smile.

  “I’m good, Sir.” Phoebe needed Mitchell’s sensitivity as much as she needed his and Lucas’s dominance.

  Mitchell enjoyed the life, but his dominant side had a softer edge than most. Lucas fell somewhere between him and Mitchell. He loved the lifestyle, but didn’t feel the need to dominate as strongly as Jason did. Phoebe responded to that as well. He smiled, knowing she also responded beautifully to his type of dominance, ever demanding and never letting up.

  “Center stage, sub,” he commanded, holding onto the chain that was hooked to her collar.

  “Yes, Master.” Phoebe stared at him as if he was the last drop of water and she was dying of thirst.

  He was both thirsty and starving for her. God knew she was the tastiest morsel he’d ever dined on, and by the looks on his two brothers faces, it was clear they felt the same way. After three years of famine, they were finally back together. Sharing her with his brothers had always been the dream. She’d always been in his heart. She was the right woman for him, the only woman. He loved her and would never let her go again.

  Lucas gave him a slight nod. He and Mitchell pulled the bench to the center, getting the floor set up for the scene they’d planned for her.

  He pulled her in tight to his frame, enjoying the feel of her nipples against his bare skin, causing his cock to harden in his leather pants. Unlike his brothers, who both wore black vests, he was bare chested. “Time to get you tied up, baby.”

  Phoebe smiled and nodded. When she saw the paddles and crops that Lucas and Mitchell were pulling out of their satchels, she began nibbling on her lower lip.

  Knowing she needed a moment, he offered her his hand. “It’s been a long time since you’ve been on this stage, hasn’t it?” He remembered the first time he’d brought her here. They both were fairly new to BDSM. Though inexperienced, that was the very night they realized the lifestyle was for them.

  “Yes, Sir.” The tremor of excitement and anxiety he detected in her voice told him she needed a moment before they strapped her to the bench. “A very long time.”

  He squeezed her hand, and she released a lungful of air. She’d been holding her breath. “Baby, I know this is a big moment.”

  She nodded, and her face softened. “Very big, Master. I’ve only been on this stage three times. Twice with you and once with Lucas and never with Mitchell. This time, I get to have all my Doms together for the first time.”

  “It’s what you want and it’s what you need, too,” he told her.

  She smiled. “It is.”

  “You respond to each of us differently.”

  “Yes, Sir.”
r />   He glanced over at Lucas and Mitchell. They were almost finished setting up the scene. “Tell me what you’re feeling, sub.”

  “Truthfully, Master, I feel like a virgin again. I’ve never been with more than one man at a time. I know that sounds weird, being a girl from Destiny, but it’s true.”

  He touched her cheek. “No, baby, that’s not weird at all. In fact, I’m glad you haven’t. My brothers and I shared you emotionally, claiming you as our girl, but never physically. I blame that on timing, our military service, college, and how busy we all were, but the truth is we were young and inexperienced. We weren’t ready. Tonight, we are. Mitchell, Lucas, and I want to claim you for our own. This is the ultimate sharing. You are ours, Phoebe Blue. All ours.”

  “Yes, Master. I am yours.”

  He crushed his mouth to her juicy lips. “Thank you, baby.”

  “For what?”

  “For saving me.”

  “You saved me, too, Jason.”

  He walked her to the bench, where Lucas and Mitchell stood on opposites sides.

  The three of them helped her lie face down on the bench.

  “Let me put my hands behind my back, Sirs. That way you can put them in the cuffs.”

  He grinned. He loved her fire. “We give the orders, sub.” He tugged on her hair, reminding her who was in charge. “You will obey our every command. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered in a sweet tone of submissiveness he loved.

  He stroked her neck. “We’re going to cuff your hands forward to the legs of the bench, baby. That way we can have free access to this beautiful back.” He ran his fingers up and down her spine and was rewarded with a tremble from her.

  They placed her wrists and ankles in cuffs and attached them to the D-clamps on the legs of the bench.

  The hubbub of the crowd was growing.

  Jason bent down, looking into her blue eyes seeing several glimmers of excitement. “You’re gorgeous, baby.”

  “Thank you, Master. You are, too.”

  He’d never been called gorgeous before, but hearing it from her trembling lips thrilled him. “You’re mine, baby, mine and my brothers.”


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