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Ignition Page 7

by Skye Callahan

  “You just met me last night,” she yelled. “You don’t know a damn thing about me.”

  Didn’t I? I’d known enough to get us this far. “I know there’s a good reason you haven’t run or gone to the cops long before now. You don’t talk like a city girl and probably grew up on one of the back creek roads outside of town. Your nails are a mess even with the fresh acrylics that you applied yourself. Most girls around here wouldn’t dream of walking out on stage without a professional manicure—broke or not. But I’d wager you’re not even concerned with how your nails look.”

  She looked down at them, then fisted her hands and tucked her arms around herself.

  “You barely fussed with your mane of bed hair all day, but you’re physically fit. Probably from staying active, but not necessarily obsessing over working out. You’re bright but not street smart—otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten wrapped up with Devlin. You could have chosen another small town, but like most people, you probably moved to the city hoping for anonymity. A place to start over where you could fade into the background. Well, darlin’, I hate to break it to you but it’s equally hard not to stand out in a city like this one when you obviously don’t belong. A bit stereotypical, I admit, but Devlin always targets a certain type and you fit it. Feel free to tell me which part I got wrong.”

  The muscle around her jaw pulsed as she shook her head and glared out the window at the passing lights of the city. And that’s what made her so fucking vulnerable around here. Devlin did this for a living, he could spot girls like her even quicker than me. Not that I was in that business. I preferred to reserve my scouting for expensive things with four wheels and internal combustion engines.

  They were easier to steal and they certainly didn’t come with so much baggage. They were also less likely to backfire.

  “How do you know Alex?” she asked. She sure had some kind of crazy timing with her questions. An attempt to get a jab in on me, no doubt.

  I shook my head. “I remember when she was a lot like you, but I never knew her outside of watching her dance.”

  “Did you try to save her?”

  “I’m not trying to save anyone, darlin’.” I peeked in the rear view mirror. There were plenty of headlights in the distance, but it was impossible to tell if any of them were following me. I slowed as the ramp dumped us back in the middle of the city and headed down a side street. “All I’ve done is give you the facts. You know there will always be something with Devlin—always a catch.”

  “What’s the catch to this deal?”

  “It’s on me,” I said, keeping it simple. The truth was, I didn’t know for sure. But whatever it was, I was going to take care of it because that was my end of the deal with her. I may have been everything she said, but as far as I was concerned, this was a business deal and I always kept up my end of the bargain.

  She squirmed and fished around for something in her pocket. “They demolished everything that I left in my locker last night, cell, bus pass—” she held up the phone showing off its shattered screen.

  “Well,” I clucked my tongue. “Seems you made some friends. But you certainly won’t be needing a bus pass for the next few months. When I said you’d be mine, I meant entirely.”

  She stared at me, her eyelashes quivering like she was about to cry. If she did, I might not make it until after the boost to take her.

  “What about all of my stuff—my apartment—my life?”

  “That apartment is a big part of how you got into this mess, but we can pick up whatever you want in the morning.”

  “If Devlin doesn’t take care of it first.” Her voice cracked. The reality of everything she’d just done sat heavy in the car. “He’s not going to let me go.”

  “That’s my problem, then. I have you now, and you’re staying with me until our deal is over. Do what I say—that’s our agreement. You give me six months—depending on how much of a pain in the ass you are—I’ll keep you alive and then you’re free to go and torture someone else with your questions. I may have a sadistic streak, but I won’t do any permanent damage so you can walk away and figure out your own life when we’re done.”

  Before she could respond, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I didn’t have to glance at the screen to know exactly who it was.

  “Bring her back.” My brother’s voice exploded from the speaker as soon as I accepted the call.

  “I’m a little busy at the moment,” I said.

  “This isn’t a negotiation.”

  Questions and fear marred Aubrey features and her skin turned a pasty color until she looked like she was about to throw up.

  Not in my damn car, I warned her with a pointed glare. I had enough to worry about with Devlin, I didn’t want to deal with a girl vomiting in my car. “You have her for what? Two years? Working off the debt you coerced her into—and I know you’ll find a way for her to do that whether dancing or not—but I want to make a deal.”

  “She and I already have a deal. Why don’t you have one of your business lectures with her and—”

  He was worse than her questions. “Wilson might be willing to talk a deal.”

  That was my wildcard. Devlin had been trying to talk business with Wilson for a few years. I’d managed to get an in with him through my own means. Whether or not Wilson would agree—which was doubtful given their overinflated egos—wasn’t up to me, but all I needed was for Devlin to say deal.

  “Why do you give a fuck?” His deep voice vibrated from the phone.

  “I’m bored,” I said casually. “And I’ve found myself in the market for an assistant.”

  “Buy a hooker.”

  “Boring,” I said. Not that I’d really want to touch one anyway. “You get practically everything you want—a meeting with Wilson and your money—and you have plenty of playthings around. Hard not to notice that Alex was back.”

  “Two-hundred grand,” Devlin said.

  I choked on his ridiculous proposal. “You want nearly a quarter of a million dollars for one stripper?”

  Aubrey’s jaw dropped and the color drained from her skin even more.

  “Interest,” he said. “Early pay off fees, and such.”

  I pretended to mull it all over while Devlin mumbled things on the other side of the phone and Aubrey stared at me with her mouth still gaping open. I couldn’t let him think I’d happily pay that—or worse, that I’d be willing to pay more.

  But he also knew that it wasn’t as if I couldn’t afford it, and negotiating with my brother wasn’t one of the more enjoyable parts of life.

  “Don’t you think the meeting with Wilson covers some of those fees,” I asked.

  “Only if he agrees to play ball on my terms. Otherwise....” he hummed knowing I didn’t need words to fill in the rest.

  “Fine,” I said.

  Aubrey’s eyes were impossibly wide, and from the looks of her shaking body and erratic breaths, she wasn’t going to take much more of this whole thing before passing out.

  It did for a moment make me question what I had planned for her for the night, but that was a different matter.

  “Since when are you into buying women anyway?” Devlin asked, just as I thought he’d already disconnected the phone.

  “We all have to change things up every now and then.”

  “Right.” He cleared his throat. “We’ll pretend that’s the case. Get me that meeting and my money, or I’ll make you both pay a much higher price.”

  I disconnected the call and sent off a text at the next stoplight. Beside me, Aubrey buried her face in her hands. “We are so dead.”

  “Not yet, darlin’. You better be worth two hundred thousand though.”

  Her breaths were shallow and labored and her eyes fluttered frantically as if she hoped to blink away her new reality.

  I gunned the engine sending a plume of smoke and filling the car with a deafening squeal. Aubrey’s fingers clutched at the door handle, her other hand at her side, holding onto the seat for dear life. I
could almost taste the mix of fear and adrenaline that coursed through her body. The desire was already building, tightening around my spine and tempting my cock with what was to come.

  Foreplay. Long, bittersweet, grueling foreplay.

  When I got up to speed, I felt for the smooth skin of her stomach, inching her shirt up. Her muscles hardened under my touch, threatening to pull from my reach, but she let me continue. I traced the top of her jeans, slipping a finger between the material and her skin. Then, I trailed my hand down and between her legs where the looming heat of her core tempted my restraint.

  I didn’t readily admit it, but there were some things that not even the most luxurious car could stand up to—the sensations aroused by the touch of a woman.

  Her breaths became audible, low rumbled growls that entwined with the sound of the engine. She wasn’t aroused—not yet—she was fighting, trying to hold back. Whether or not she knew it that was the most arousing reaction she could have. But by the end of the night, I’d guarantee that she would be so needy, so wet with lust, that even as she fought, she’d be yearning for me to bury my cock in her for sweet release.

  With my hand firmly planted between her legs, I didn’t want the ride to end. But we were only a few minutes from the warehouse, and soon my partner would be there to meet me so we could complete our job for the night.

  He was usually tolerable, but that was the best I could say about him. He didn’t stand for lateness, incomplete plans, or anything that aggravated his sciatica—which he insisted meant that something was about to go terribly wrong.

  It rarely did where I was concerned.

  He wasn’t going to be happy about Aubrey, so I didn’t intend to give him two things to bitch and moan about. I had to be early. And I needed enough time to get Aubrey ready for the evening.

  I drove around to the backside of the large warehouse we used to hold the cars until they were ready for transport. I didn’t deal with that shit—the boring logistics part. I just cased them, stole them, and delivered them. The kind of planning I was good at.

  Too good sometimes. It was getting boring and tonight’s boost would be easier than half of Devlin’s strippers.

  That’s why I brought along some entertainment. The lively and unpredictable kind.

  I pulled into one of the open bays of the warehouse and parked my car to the side, off in the shadows where there wasn’t a chance of anyone stumbling upon it while I was gone. I checked my watch—we had about fifteen minutes before Buck arrived. For a criminal, he was entirely predictable—always exactly where he was supposed to be, right when he was supposed to be there.

  I grabbed two black duffle bags from behind Aubrey’s seat as we climbed out of the car. One was filled with any equipment I might need for the night, and the other held a special surprise for my newest partner in crime.

  Still in high heels, Aubrey’s steps were timid as she navigated the cracked and rock covered pavement. Up a short flight of stairs, we headed through a door that led to a closed off room—we usually never used it for anything, but it’d make a decent enough changing room.

  “You going to give me one last strip tease?” I asked, tugging her closer.

  She rolled her eyes and looked at the bag. “You going to drag me around a warehouse naked?”

  I chuckled. She still had so much to learn about me. “Probably. But I have a meeting in a few minutes, and unless you’d also like my associate to see you in your skivvies, you best pull down your pants.”

  She gnawed at her bottom lip for a moment, then undid the button and zipper on the tight jeans.

  The jeans slid down her thighs, revealing her smooth pale skin. Her body was already shivering from the cold, but her discomfort only fueled my depravation. She was the hit I yearned for. The drug that’d momentarily free me from the iron-clad prison I kept around my cock and purge my brain of the constant overflow.

  I licked my lips and flipped my hand toward her top, ushering her onward. She lifted the top over her head, then reached behind her back and unfastened the bra, avoiding my eyes as she let it slip down her arms and to the floor. Her nipples were taut and pointed in invitation. My gaze lingered there, as my hand slid into my pocket and fingered the metal accoutrements that waited for her. I swallowed quickly, my mouth was watering to be on her, but time was the enemy.

  “Hurry it along and I’ll let you get dressed again,” I said, shaking the bag. Not that I wanted to hurry anything along. I wanted to take her in, steal her warmth and replace it with my own twisted perversions.

  She slid off the skimpy thong and kicked it away, wrapping her arms around herself.

  May as well get this over with before she freezes. I dropped the bag and felt around in it until I found the bra, which I tossed over my shoulder. She shook and shuddered, furrowing her brow as I approached and pulled one of the metal clips from my pocket. It was guaranteed to feel overwhelming on her ice cold nipple, but instead of warming and preparing her skin as my tongue twitched to do—I squeezed the ends of the clamp and let the metal circle snap over her nipple.

  She squealed and tried to back away, but I caught her by her ass before she could get far and popped the second clamp over her other nipple. Her face twisted and she tightened her jaw and fists, holding back any further reaction.

  That wouldn’t last long.

  Despite the tension on her face, I heard her teeth clattering and felt her skin vibrating under my touch. I slid the bra off my shoulder and snapped the strap against her ass.

  She yelped and jumped, toppling sideways against my other arm. Then, I held the bra up on one finger, tempting her to take it. With a huff, she snatched it away.

  “Leave on the clamps,” I warned, pulling the next item of clothing out of the bag, a lacy black thong that matched the bra. I wasn’t a connoisseur of fashion—I didn’t care what the lingerie really looked like, whether they matched or had lace. I was enjoying the show.

  And I hoped that the lace would be a little itchy. It’d add to the fun.

  Before I handed over the thong, I pulled one final toy from my pocket. She exhaled audibly still trying to adjust the bra to be somewhat comfortable.

  Good luck with that, I thought.

  I hooked my finger in the front of the bra—essentially undoing any of her work—and pulled her forward. Holding her there, I parted her legs with my other hand. She jerked, her breath catching in her chest.

  I wagered she wasn’t used to being touched in such overt ways. I circled her clit with my middle finger, but she’d take more warming up before she really reacted to my touch. This time I eased the clamp closed, securing it around the bundle of nerves. Her nails dug into my jacket as her breath sizzled through her clenched teeth.

  She jerked the thong away when I offered it, and I kicked the bag so it slid across the floor toward her. Giving me a quick glance, she pulled out the black top. This one was tighter than the last, but still gave me a full view of her cleavage—which was nicely displayed by the bra. And finally, the tight black leather pants and black shoes that had been buried in the bottom of the bag with a leather jacket.

  I considered bringing another pair of high heels, just to make her miserable, but it wouldn’t be practical to drag along a hobbling girl when I needed to be discreet.

  Although I was a sucker for a challenge, I had my limits.

  Once she had shimmied into the pants and slid on the boots and jacket, I took a moment to admire the ensemble. Until the roar of an engine from the other side of the door cut my enjoyment too short.

  “Put your other clothes in the bag,” I ordered.

  Chapter 7

  “You weren’t lying about the sadist part,” I mumbled as Colt led me back into the large warehouse room where we’d left his car. I continued trying to adjust my clothing, but nothing relieved the sensations that seeped into my nerves and shot through my entire bod. It was as if he’d hooked each of the clamps to a direct line that tapped into my spine and ran up to the base of my

  “And I have a feeling you’re going to be fun.” His hushed words brushed through my hair and into my ear.

  A second car was now parked behind Colt’s and a tall man with long blonde hair reclined against the driver’s front panel. He cleared his throat when he saw us, giving me an extra once over before speaking. “What the hell are you thinking this time?”

  “Buck, meet my apprentice. Apprentice, this is my partner, Buck.”

  “Apprentice?” Buck grunted and scowled at me. He was the first person all day not to look at me like a piece of meat. Instead, he looked like he wanted to stuff me in the trunk of the car and leave me—not much an improvement. “You’ve lost your fucking marbles. Why can’t we just have a clean, easy run?”

  “You’re just dropping me off and keeping lookout. If it all goes to hell, cut bait and you won’t have anything to lose.” Colt pushed me toward the rear passenger door of the beige sedan.

  Easy run. Lookout. What the hell did people need lookouts for? It was far too late to be robbing a bank.

  I hoped.

  A convenience store?

  My lungs refused to draw in my next breath, and my heart thudded wildly in my chest. I never imagined—I may have gotten away from Devlin and the club, but now I was about to be a criminal.

  I followed Colt’s direction, so wrapped up in my thoughts that I forgot about the clamps until I sat down in the back seat of the car and the one between my legs shifted and pinched harder. I cried against closed lips and bit down on the inside of my cheek, hoping to hide my reaction as much as possible.

  Colt’s eyes glinted and he wiggled one eyebrow. “Be good. Leave them alone and do exactly as I say,” he whispered before closing my door.

  My hand inched toward the handle, wondering if I could get out at a stoplight and run, but if Colt didn’t find me, with my luck, he’d tell Devlin and I already knew he would have no problem tracking me down.

  My pants pressed uncomfortably against the clamp as I adjusted my legs while Colt settled into the seat in front of me. I tried to keep my motions to a minimum, hoping not to alert Colt to my distress—he’d enjoy it too much.


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