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Angel of Auschwitz

Page 15

by Tarra Light

  Please teach me how. Help me see with new eyes. Reveal to me what I need to learn. Cleanse my mind and heart of anger and resentment. Thank you. Amen.

  Forgiveness balances karma and heals the soul. It releases us from bondage to the past so we may live fully in the present moment. It is a cleansing balm washing through the backwaters of centuries of negative thought. Forgiveness sets the future free so it can be created in innocence.

  Forgiveness breaks the cycle of persecution, victimhood, and revenge carried from one generation to the next. Now the Jewish people and all of humanity are being called to forgive the Holocaust. Let us forgive the perpetrators who caused millions to suffer, the condition of human unconsciousness that allowed it to happen, and the forces of destiny that converged at that moment in history. May the German people step forward and forgive themselves, and release their guilt and shame. Let the Spirit of Forgiveness heal the hearts of all people. May the human race be emancipated from the errors of the past.

  As millions of people forgive the Holocaust, the God Force of grace can purify the collective consciousness. Grace upon the Earth is necessary for the new world to be born. May the grace of forgiveness wipe the slate clean.


  True compassion is living in the heart. It is the willingness to keep the heart open, to feel without resistance. As we welcome all that we experience, we are able to embrace the pain as well as the joy. We surrender to the love that is always present.

  As we look into the eyes of each person, we see the light of their soul shining through. We recognize our True Self in everyone we meet. We are One Life breathing in ten thousand forms.

  Unconditional love of the self is the key to opening all doors. Let us accept ourselves as we are without judgment. Let the wisdom of love teach us how to forgive. We can forgive our past and the choices we made in ignorance. We can forgive our opponents who are blind to the Truth.

  Compassion is the realization of the universality of human experience. Within us are the seeds of all possibilities, of the light, and of the shadow. When we admit our struggles with temptation, we can stop judging others for succumbing. Perhaps they are lacking in discernment, strength of will, or spiritual maturity.

  We meet in the heart as we recognize our inherent vulnerability. The mortality of life is a bond we all share. Living in love, we know the Truth. Living in love, we are free.

  Compassion is the fruit of the Spirit.

  Mercy is the ripening of compassion

  From which flows the sweet nectar of forgiveness.


  Faith is trusting the wisdom of divine Intelligence. We trust the omniscient mind of God that governs the operation of our universe beyond our human capacity to understand. We realize that all things work together to serve a higher purpose.

  Faith is our acceptance of the flow of life, recognizing the presence of God working through every person and circumstance. We know that we are surrounded by His unfailing love, even during our darkest hours.

  Faith is inner knowing, without objective proof. It is our personal connection to universal Intelligence, guiding our Earth walk as we step into the depths of the unknown. We know that perfect order lies behind all phenomena, and that divine timing arranges the occurrence of events.

  God is the great composer orchestrating the symphony of our universe.

  Lessons from the Holocaust

  THE HOLOCAUST IS AN unfathomable human tragedy that cost millions their lives and caused countless others unbearable suffering. Let us examine the causes that lie within the human psyche so that the collective consciousness can be healed and new social institutions are established based on love and unity.

  Jews, gypsies, nonconformists, and other targets of genocide were the social scapegoats of the Nazi propaganda machine. A person who is emotionally healthy does not attack and blame others. People who love and accept who they are do not deny negative aspects of themselves and project that negativity onto others. The collective beliefs of humanity create the world we live in. Portions of the reality we manifest reflect back to us what we have repressed. Our personal enemies show us what we need to heal. The outer reality of war is the result of conflict within the self.

  Emotional release is necessary for humanity to return to sanity. Let us bring the light of our conscious awareness into all parts of ourselves that we have pushed away, avoided, and denied. The healing of the emotional body is essential for peace to prevail on Earth.

  Hitler was the self-proclaimed messiah of the New Religion, a charismatic orator who mesmerized the masses. Charisma is a form of psychic magnetism, the power to charm and persuade others. Beware of the negative aspects of charismatic power to beguile, manipulate, and control.

  When we look for answers outside of ourselves, we give away our power. When we follow external authority, we are undermining our free will. Let us not idolize religious leaders who preach an ideology of salvation, or surrender our freedom to anyone, no matter how eloquent their words or convincing their arguments. Let us listen to the voice of God in the Temple of the Heart and be guided by the Truth within.

  Racial identity is a cloak we wear, covering our essential nature. Our personality is the mask we wear to greet the world. Allegiance to a particular group is a layer of identification that veils the underlying oneness uniting all people.

  The mind is programmed to ensure the survival of the body. It creates boundaries of separation to protect the self, dividing “me” from “you” and “us” from “them.” It is the nature of the mind to perceive whatever lies outside its wall of protection as threatening. Conflict takes place with the “you” and “them” on the other side of the wall. Racial prejudice, war, and genocide are consequences of identification with a group, believing it is more special, idealistically right, or safer than another.

  Victimhood is a state of mind. Those who look at the world through the eyes of a victim believe that the power of others is greater than their own. Those who call themselves “victims” do not know how to be free.

  Freedom is spiritual power that comes from within, unaffected by the events of the world and the choices of others. If we realize that freedom is an inner state, then we feel free no matter what the conditions or circumstances of our lives.

  Let us heal denial on Earth and claim our power. Let us create a new world from a heart of true love, rather than out of fear and conflict. We are all responsible.

  Set the Future Free

  ONE OF THE PURPOSES of the Jewish race is to hold emotional awareness for humanity. The ability to experience the full nature of emotions has enhanced their creativity and contributed to their success in the arts. The Jewish people are trailblazers for humanity, serving as leaders in thought and social values. As they learn to release and transform emotions, they can lead the world as way-showers of emotional healing.

  To break free from the emotions that keep us in bondage to the past, let us stop holding on to anger and blame. Covered by the emotion of anger is the hidden shame of the victim. Anger is more comfortable to bear than the anguish of shame, the most unbearable of all emotions. We blame others because we don’t want to feel our shame. Shame is experienced by victims unable to protect themselves, whose boundaries have been violated by rape, torture, and various forms of abuse.

  Embedded within the psyche of the Jewish people is a deep sense of shame for having endured centuries of persecution, a feeling that there is something inherently wrong with them. The wound of shame has cut them off from their power.

  For humanity to be free, the shame of victimization of all races and nations must be acknowledged and healed. For humanity to advance spiritually, the imprint of trauma must be released from the collective unconscious.

  Healing Anger and Shame

  Shame is a form of violence done to children by adults. We are taught to feel badly about our words, feelings, and behavior. It is natural to feel anger toward those who have shamed us. Everyone deserves to be treated with lov
e and respect.

  Let us acknowledge our shame, and understand the interrelationship between anger and shame. The greatest obstacle to healing shame is our shame of shame. We need to approach our shame with the same heartfelt compassion that we show to others. In order to have compassion for others, we need to have compassion for ourselves. In order to forgive others, we need to forgive ourselves. Self-forgiveness is one way to release our shame.

  Anger is a part of standing up for ourselves and is normal response to the dishonor and humiliation of shame. Shame is a form of unconscious anger directed at those who shamed us that we have turned back on ourselves. We need to recognize the validity of our anger rather than judging ourselves for feeling angry at our parents and those who have shamed us. To heal our anger, we need to feel and experience it in our bodies without running from it. We can do this in stages according to our capacity to bear it. As our anger is released, our life force that was bound up as anger is transformed into the power of our own being. We reconnect with our sense of self-respect and dignity. As we learn to hold ourselves in love, we learn to heal our shame.

  Catalyst for Change

  Sometimes it takes a major upheaval, cataclysm, or catastrophe to capture people’s attention so that they will question the consensus reality. A period of prolonged hardship and suffering can stimulate a reevaluation of people’s beliefs, assumptions, and views of the world, causing them to change their thinking.

  Traumatic events leave behind a residue of subtle energy. Like footprints in the sands of time, this subtle energy holds the imprints of past events. An emotional block in the mass consciousness was created by the trauma endured by millions of people during the Holocaust. Many of the victims remain stuck in the pain. Each time a person forgives the past, each time someone lets go of anger, they shine more light into the collective consciousness and increase the light of humanity. Every person can play a part in clearing the residue of past human suffering.

  We are coming to the completion of an evolutionary cycle. Releasing the emotional block caused by the Holocaust can produce a shift in consciousness, propelling humanity forward into higher octaves of awareness.

  Collective Healing

  Sit quietly and focus on your heart center. Open your heart and feel the love that is present. Imagine cords of golden light going from your heart to the hearts of the Jewish victims and to everyone who suffered during the Holocaust. Imagine cords of golden light going from your heart to the hearts of the Nazi perpetrators and the bystanders. There may be millions of cords. It doesn’t matter if the people are alive or if they have passed on.

  Trust the wisdom of love to do its work. Keep sending the love in a way that feels appropriate for you. Do this practice for five to ten minutes or so at one sitting.

  Commitment to Earth Service

  TO REPRESENT THE CONSECRATION of her covenant with God, Natasza drew the symbol of the circle on the earth. By the act of signing your name to this Commitment, you may activate your contract with God for sacred service to the world. Take a moment to sense and intuit if this feels appropriate for you. Writing you name below may unlock doors to your spiritual destiny and attract allies to help you on your path.

  I, _______________________________________, choose to dedicate my life to serve the Light to the highest of my ability and understanding. I ask to be filled with the Gifts of Spirit and for divine protection, guidance, and assistance. I shall serve humanity with love, respect all life, and honor the Earth.

  Spiritual warriors all,

  Answer the call.

  Take up the Sword of Truth and Freedom.

  Cut through the lies.

  Rise above the madness.

  It is time to claim your power and stand up for the Light.

  —Archangel Michael

  The Invocation of the Heart

  Let the Lamp of Love be lit

  In the sacred Temple of the Heart.

  May all live in the Heart.

  May all know the Truth.

  May the Spirit of Forgiveness

  Heal the hearts that are hardened.

  Let the Light of Truth

  Enlighten the dark caverns of the mind.

  Let the Spirit of Peace

  Heal the hearts of the nations.

  May humanity learn

  From the mistakes of the past.

  Let the Light of Liberty free from bondage

  The prisoners of false beliefs.

  May the Law of Love prevail

  And Justice rule the Land.

  May all people be free.

  May all serve the Light.

  May the Living Waters of Spirit

  Replenish the souls of the prayerful.

  May the Angels of Mercy

  Grace the bedsides of the sick.

  Let the arms of Compassion

  Embrace the fearful and forgotten.

  May the milk of kindness

  Nourish the hungry and the homeless.

  May the Love of God

  Awaken the human heart.

  May the Light prevail on Earth.

  Let the power of love

  Vanquish evil and ignorance.

  May all live in the Heart.

  May all know the Truth.


  IT IS WITH DEEP gratitude to God that I give thanks for the gifts He has bestowed on me that have made possible the writing of this book. I wish to honor my spiritual teachers, especially Gangaji and Catherine Ingram, that through the grace of their love I opened to know the Truth.

  I wish to acknowledge the great Masters and guardians of the Light for their transmissions of wisdom and divine assistance, in particular beloved Master Jesus, who sanctioned the production of this work; Kuan Yin for compassion; Yogananda for poetic grace; Kuthumi as world teacher; Archangel Michael for the Sword of Truth; Saint Germain for spiritual alchemy and the rhythm and flow of words; Merlin, who was my spirit guide at Auschwitz and has helped me remember; Angel Betaguasse, for advice; and many others.

  I thank you, reader, for your willingness to journey with Natasza and to learn from her, for your readiness to venture with your mind and imagination and expand your horizons. Through you, collective healing becomes possible. Through you, the world will awaken.

  I want to express my gratitude to Becky Kemery for recognizing the value and import of Angel of Auschwitz and introducing me to my publisher. I thank Heather McElwain, my editor, for appearing in my life at just the right time in answer to my prayers. I want to acknowledge her selfless service and generous spirit.

  I give thanks to my friend, Priscilla Petersen, for her continuous support, encouragement, and editorial assistance, and to the Reverend Marian Breckenridge for her insight into the deeper meaning of my work and its contribution to world healing.

  With much love, I express deep gratitude to Avram Sacks for his enlightened wisdom and transmissions of grace that have nurtured and sustained me. I am extremely grateful for his unending support and editorial guidance.

  I am grateful for all of the prayer support I have received for more than a decade, including from the Ministries of Prayer, bringing divine blessings working through my writing for the benefit of humanity.

  In conclusion, I wish to express my appreciation to Richard Grossinger and the staff at North Atlantic Books for their wisdom and expertise in bringing my work to fruition.




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