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Crave Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  She smiled, but he saw the sadness once again in her eyes. “It happens.” She sighed. “So, a date?”

  This time he did smile. “I hope you don’t think it’s rude me asking.”

  “It’s not rude to ask, is it?”

  He saw the laughter. “No, last time I checked asking for a date rather than taking one is very grownup and manly. It’s what I’m all about.”

  She chuckled. “Then after you’ve gone through all this trouble. I’ll have to say yes.”

  He felt on top of the fucking world.

  Chapter Two

  The following day Kasey stood looking at the board where the doctor had ticked off his latest rounds. She had to follow up every hour to keep an eye on the patients’ monitors. Making her way to each room, she smiled at the patient, spoke with them, had a bit of a laugh with those that she recalled seeing often, and marked off their chart. Most of the time she loved her job. She loved helping bring families together, and to watch that joy spread as they realized the person would live.

  Then of course, the days when they lost patients were the worst. She hated it more than anything else in the world. Being professional sucked those days.

  She always felt their pain, but she’d been told not to cry with them, just to tell them the news and leave them to their grief.

  Kasey had stood in a room after being told her brother didn’t make it. No one wrapped their arms around her. She’d stood alone, lost, and frightened.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she finished her rounds, and was about to leave for her lunch when she heard her name being called.

  “Kasey, yo, Kasey.”

  She turned to see Pie making his way toward her.

  “Hello,” she said, stopping. She glanced behind him. “Do you have a friend or someone needing to be seen?”

  “No, nothing like that. I came to see you.” He stopped right in front of her. A huge smile filled his face, and she couldn’t help but respond. Even though sadness played heavily in her work, she tried to fight it every single day with happy thoughts. Some days were better than others, but Pie seemed to have an ease about him that just made her think of fun.

  “Two Trojan boys in two days,” she said.

  “Chip saw you?”

  “Yes, last night.” She locked her fingers together, and waited. “What can I do for you?”

  “Did you get my flowers?”

  “I did. They’re very beautiful. Thank you so much for taking the time.” Her stomach chose that moment to growl, and she winced.

  “Long day, huh?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Come on. I’ll take you to lunch. My treat.”

  She was surprised when they left the hospital and she saw him move toward a large, gleaming motorcycle. She shook her head. “No, no, no, I can’t get on that.”

  “Why not? I drive safely.”

  “That’s a death trap. Can we take my car?”

  “You don’t want to enjoy the ride of your life?” he asked with a wink.

  “Not really. Maybe another day. Can we take my car?”

  He rolled his eyes. “You know I’m determined now to get you on the back of my bike.”

  “My brother used to ride a bike.” She didn’t know why she blurted it out, but for some reason, it seemed important. His bike was the only one she’d ridden on, and she loved every second of it. He always told her though that no matter what anyone said, she was only ever to ride on the back of someone she trusted.

  It took skill to ride a bike.

  She wasn’t about to impart his advice to Pie. The last thing she wanted was to make him upset.

  “I won’t push about that. Come on, I wanted you to have a good lunch, not be feeling sad or anything. Shit, I’m sorry. That sounded cold, didn’t it? I’m not good with all this stuff. I’m used to people dying around me, and there I go putting my foot in my mouth.”

  “It’s fine. Honestly, it’s fine.”

  She found his concern and rambling rather endearing. He looked … worried, which was strange. Pie always seemed the most collected of all the bikers.

  He took her keys, and they walked toward her car.

  Pie opened the door for her, and she thanked him, getting inside.

  Seeing the large man inside her rather small car made her chuckle even harder.

  “You’re finding this really funny?”

  “It just doesn’t look right seeing you there. I’m sorry.” She covered her mouth, but when he had to adjust the seat, she couldn’t help it, and the laughter overcame her.

  He joined her, and for several moments they sat in her car laughing until tears were running down her face. She wiped them away, shaking her head. “I’ve not laughed like that in a long time.”

  “Then I’m glad I amuse you.”

  Pie finally got comfortable, and they headed in to Vale Valley. She lived not too far from the hospital, but not inside the actual biker town. She’d visited it a few times as it was in fact a nice area to live in.

  She remembered reading somewhere that the overall crime rate was actually rather low, and she put that down to the MC living there.

  He took her to a place called Mac’s Diner.

  “This used to have Mary’s name on it, but after some serious shit went down that nearly cost her Pike, she pulled away from Mac and the diner,” Pie said.

  “Right, okay.”

  Pie led the way, and they took two seats near the window. She reached for the menu, and Pie shook his head. “Try the burgers. It’s why I come here. They’re so good. They’re second place to Holly and Mary’s, but I’ve not eaten anything they’ve cooked in a few weeks now, and I’m in serious withdrawal.”

  Thinking about Holly, Kasey put the menu down. “She’s still not coming around after everything that happened?”

  “The death of her parents is really hitting her hard. I can’t tell you everything, but you were at the funeral.” Pie shrugged. “None of us know what to do.”

  “It’s hard. Losing not one but all of your parents. You can go to a dark place, and that can be a hole that you can never get out of.”

  “Did you go to a dark place?”

  “Yes. It frightened me.” She bit her lip, wondering if she should tell him the full extent of the damage. “I, erm, I was studying to be a nurse when I lost my brother. The doctors, nothing could save him, and I remember feeling helpless. I wanted to be a nurse to help people. To be a little light in a really shitty day, and when no one could save him, I figured it was crap. I still studied, and I went through the motions. I worked, and I got through my classes. The fire I once had was gone. You know. Totally extinguished. Anyway, my depression hit me, and I no longer wanted to feel the pain, and being the person I was, I tried to score a hit.”

  Pie’s eyes went wide. “You went looking for drugs.”

  “I went looking for drugs. I’d seen what they did. The total oblivion. I was jealous, and I wanted that kind of hit. I wanted to forget. I had everything prepared. I remember heating it up so that it was liquid, my arm was prepared. I’d found a vein and gotten the needle. I was just about to stick it into my arm, and I just stopped. In a strange way, it was like I could see myself through my brother’s eyes. He was dead, long dead, but I stared at what I was about to do, and I was horrified. I threw the needle away, and I curled up in a ball, crying, completely at my lowest point, but knowing I couldn’t let myself get worse.”

  “Your brother’s memory saved you.”

  “Yeah, it really did.”

  “Wow, totally hard-ass. I have to say you wouldn’t be sitting in front of me now if you were a user. The club doesn’t take drugs. They’re not allowed, and if anyone does them, Duke’s all over their ass. Their patch is taken.”

  “Drugs ruin lives a hell of a lot more than people realize. I’ve seen some of the patients, and it’s not pretty.” Their burgers arrived, and the smell was so amazing.

��Thanks,” Pie said, picking up his burger. “Now, there’s an art to eating this burger right.”


  “You hold it like this.” He held the burger with two hands. She did. “Then you open your mouth.”

  She laughed. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No. Open. Come on. You’re in company of a man who is dying here for another burger. Come on.”

  She rolled her eyes, opened her mouth, and watched as Pie shoved it into his mouth. “Do it,” he said, his mouth stuffed.

  Shaking her head, she opened her mouth once again and stuffed the burger inside, taking a large bite. There was more in there than she could chew.

  “Good, right?” he asked. His mouth full, but he was able to push it down one cheek as he spoke.

  “Very good,” she said, copying him.


  Chip was ready in his suit, and as he made his way toward her building for their date, he wanted this to be perfect. Pie had already come home and told him about the amazing burger they had at Mac’s Diner, and even though he was pissed, he discovered that she’d not agreed to a date. They’d just had lunch together.

  “Well, hello, handsome,” a busty blonde said.

  He smiled at her and took the elevator, which she slid into.

  “Are you coming to see me?” she asked.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Now that’s a pity. I know most people on this floor, and I’ve never seen you before so I’m guessing you’re the date for the night?”

  She stood a little too close for his liking.

  “With all due respect, could you back up?”

  She held her hands up. “Sorry, I know everyone on my floor, and seeing as you clicked the same floor as me, I was curious.”

  Wanting her to shut up, he looked toward her. “I’m going to see Kasey.”

  “Kasey. Oh my, are you like one of those MC guys that have been sending her flowers?” She was clapping her hands, and any interest seemed to change direction.

  “The name’s Chip,” he said.

  “That’s it. You’re the one with the most beautiful bouquet. Kasey’s eyes lit right up when she saw them. I’m Lindsey by the way. Her very good neighbor.”

  “You’re the noisy neighbor.”

  “Oh, dear, you heard that? I do try to be quiet, and I’ve told Kasey many times to come and give me a knock, and I’ll tone it down. I tell you, some guys just know what to do with it, and this guy was huge, and he knew. I felt I’d hit the jackpot, and then the guy came in like five minutes. Jackpot sucked big time. He couldn’t even get it straight up again. I was so lonely. Speaking of lonely, do you have a lot of really hot, really well-hung guys at the club?”

  He frowned. “I don’t spend a lot of times checking guys’ dicks out.”

  “That’s a real shame. If you have a party can I be Kasey’s plus one?” Lindsey asked.

  Chip had never known a woman like her. He’d known of women talking all day long but not the kind that told him everything about their personal lives. They had pussy back at the club, but he hadn’t used that in some time.

  He’d not been interested in tapping any of them.

  “Kasey will be my plus one.”

  “Is it serious already? I should have known. If you ever need an extra in the bedroom count me in. Her body is fucking smokin’. I love those tits of hers as well. They look like the kind that would be heaven with a cock pressed between them.”

  “You’re bisexual?” he asked. He was very much aware of how hot and sexy Kasey’s curvy body was. She wasn’t thin—he’d put her between a size sixteen and eighteen. He loved her large tits, thick thighs, and rounded stomach. Her ass was also a big deal for him. He loved watching her bend over, and it took every single ounce of strength inside him not to caress that beauty.

  “Honey, I’m a woman who just wants to enjoy life and never say never.” She winked at him.

  The elevator doors opened, and they were heading toward Kasey’s door.

  “Tell Kasey she’s a lucky woman.”

  Lindsey was gone by the time he knocked on Kasey’s door. When he saw her in a black cocktail dress, he was blown away. The dress hugged her curves, showcasing her amazing tits and hips.

  He was tempted to cancel dinner and go straight to the dessert, but he didn’t want to be rude.

  “Am I overdressed?” she asked, running her hands down her thighs.

  “No. You look beautiful.”

  “You texted to dress for somewhere fancy, and I don’t exactly have a wardrobe for all of that.” Her brown hair was in curls and cascaded down around her.

  Chip was taken aback by how long her hair actually was, down past her breasts to her stomach.

  She usually kept it either in a bun or a ponytail at the back of her head, which he realized she looped it so the length always seemed shorter.

  “How do I look?” he asked, giving her a twirl. He loved her little giggle.

  “I have to say rather dashing in a tux.” She stepped forward, her hand brushing over his shoulder. “Just some fluff.”

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, I am.” She grabbed her purse, and he waited while she locked the door.

  Taking her hand, he made his way toward the elevator once again. “I met your neighbor?”


  “Yes. She says to tell you that you’re a lucky woman.”

  “Did she ask for an invite to one of your parties?”

  He laughed. “She told me she’d be your plus one.”

  “That’s Lindsey. I know she’s a bit … different, but I like her. Even though she’s wacky in the coolest sense ever, I think she’s got a really kind heart.”

  “She was telling about her date and how he didn’t go for long enough and couldn’t get it up.”

  Kasey groaned. “That was her date the other night. She was worried because she didn’t want him to disappoint.”

  “Let’s not talk about her date right now.” His cock was already thickening, and not for Lindsey either. No, thinking about sex with Kasey close and her floral scent were driving him crazy.

  He wanted her.

  Taking her outside to his waiting car, she paused. “This is yours?”

  “Yes. It belongs to the club really. We can all drive it.”

  “I thought you came here on your bike.”

  “Not with this tux on. This is my special dating one.” He winked at her. “I can drive, and I heard Pie saying that you’re not comfortable driving on the back of a bike.”

  “Oh, thank you.”

  “I’m not going to force you to do something you really don’t want to do.” He opened the door. “For my lady.”

  She took his hand, and slid into the passenger side.

  Rounding to the driver’s side, he willed himself to get under control. He felt like a damn teenager on his first date.

  He’d never taken a woman on a date. Being part of the Trojans for most of his life, the pussy had been free, and he didn’t have any reason to take that on a date when it was always freely offered.

  Climbing behind the wheel, he started the engine.

  “Pie came while I was on a lunch break. I hope that’s okay. He took us to Mac’s Diner thingy, and he was really craving some good burgers.”

  “Mary’s not been around as much since Holly’s become a recluse,” he said. “Mac’s like second best.”

  He drove away from Vale Valley, heading toward the city where he’d booked them into an Italian restaurant.

  “How was work?”

  “It was fine. I’m actually thinking of taking some vacation time. I’ve got a few days off next week, and I was going to see how I felt.”

  “Has it been rough?”

  “Rough as can be. I don’t know if I should change positions, find something smaller, locally, you know? It’s a thought, but then I don’t want to get bored, and being in the hospital means I’m always busy.”

  “Crazy pra
ises you often. He believes you’re really amazing, and I don’t think he knows what he’d do without you. You should charge him every time he calls you up.”

  “It’s no trouble at all. I don’t mind the conversation or helping him when one of his babies is sick, or even when Leanna is sick. Most of the time it’s home remedies like honey and lemon, or just nipping to the pharmacy to grab a few over the counter items.”

  “You’re too nice.”

  She laughed. “I’m a nurse, I’m supposed to be nice.”

  Pulling up outside of the restaurant, he shook his head at the valet who had been about to open the door on his woman. He had no intention of sharing, not tonight. It was bad enough Pie wanted a piece of her.

  There were a lot of things he wanted to share with the club, but his woman wasn’t one of them.

  Taking Kasey’s hand, he led her inside, and the maître d’ escorted them to the table he’d reserved. It was one Duke always reserved when he took Holly on a date. It offered them privacy, and Chip wanted that.

  “This is a really nice place,” she said.

  “Did you think I had some shack in mind?”

  “I didn’t know you liked Italian, and I’m a simple kind of girl. Shack, restaurant, dive, so long as the food is good, I really don’t care.”

  Her smile sparked, and it made Chip want to kiss her. The feelings she evoked inside him were so strong.

  His cock was already hardening, but it was more than just sex. He loved being around her.

  The waiter came with the menus, and he glanced through it, ordering some wine for Kasey and water for himself.

  “It’s okay. I’ll just have the water.”

  “I don’t mind you drinking.”

  “And I always found drinking to be a little boring by myself.”

  “You don’t drink at home?” he asked.

  “Nope. You’re driving tonight, and I’m not going to touch a drop.”

  “You’ll have to invite me to dinner so that we can enjoy a drink.”

  “I may just do that.”

  Chapter Three

  Kasey laughed at Chip’s retelling of Pike’s reaction to Mary going into labor, how panicked he was. He made funny faces, weird noises, and she couldn’t help but laugh as she enjoyed her bowl of chicken soup.


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