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Crave Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “You guys always strike me as being a family. Like nothing can get between you.”

  Sadness washed over his face, and she regretted her words instantly. “Normally, we are. At the moment we’re heading toward a crisis point. I can’t go into the details. It’s a club thing.”

  “And I’m not part of the club.”

  “Unless you want to skip the entire process and go straight into being my old lady?”

  She smiled. “I’d love to say yes, but, erm, can we do the dating thing first?” She didn’t want to upset him. Chip was really nice. She really enjoyed his company, but she wouldn’t jump straight into a relationship just because of it.

  “I’m only partly kidding. I’m a good catch. You should listen to your neighbor.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement. She’s been in love ten times this year alone.”

  “I’m the exception to the rule,” he said. “I’m a hot catch.”

  “Of that I have no doubt at all. You’re a very good catch, which makes me wonder why I’m sitting opposite you.” She leaned forward a little, and so did he.

  “I don’t know why we’re whispering, but I think you just put yourself down.”

  “I’m kind of boring. I work all kinds of hours at the hospital. I’m not considered a catch.”

  “I think you’re very beautiful. You clean up nicely, and I enjoy being around you.” He reached out, stroking her cheek. “Don’t put yourself down so much.”

  “So what exactly do you do at the club?”

  “What job?”


  “I work wherever I’m needed. Most of the time I take care of business at the mechanic shop.” He waved his hands. “I’m good at fixing things. If your car ever needs to have a look over it, give me a call or drop by. We’re always willing to help a woman out.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  “I’m not a businessman, and I don’t have some special mad skill. I’m a simple man at heart. I love good food. The men at the club are like brothers to me. I’m loyal to them and my patch.”

  “You’d die for them?”


  She tucked some hair behind her ear. “I miss that about having a family.”


  “Having someone you know you could trust, love, die for.”

  “Were you close with your family?” he asked.

  “Yes, I was. So very close. My parents died in a car accident when I was fifteen. I was terrified that I’d end up in a home or something. My brother was there though.” She smiled. “We were sitting at the hospital. Child services were waiting to take me away, and he said to me, ‘Kasey, you promise me not to give me any shit. You go to school, no drugs or wild parties. Promise me.’ I promised him, and I was able to stay with him.”

  “Sounds like a pretty decent brother to me.”

  “He was the best. When he died, it made it even more terrible.” She smiled.

  Chip reached across the table, taking her hand. “You’re not alone. You may think you’re alone, but you’re not. I can promise you that. You’ve got me, Crazy, Leanna, Strawberry, Luke, the club.”

  She thought it was really sweet of him, but she knew that in the scheme of things, she didn’t really have the club.

  “Let’s not make this date morbid. You know the nitty-gritty details of my life, so let’s move on.” The soup no longer appealed to her.

  Next, pasta.

  She loved pasta, and from Chip’s reaction he did as well. “So, I heard that each guy has their own road name or something like that. Crazy once told me it’s because when he’s pushed too far, there’s no stopping him. He’s crazy.”

  “He told you that?”

  She nodded. “Yep, one day when I visited, and Leanna mentioned it.”

  “I had a chip on my shoulder when I was younger. One of the guys, ha, Russ as it happens, gave me the nickname ‘Chip.’ I had a chip on my shoulder. It would always be, ‘Chip, grab me a beer.’ ‘Chip, go empty the trash.’ Chip. He gave me the name. Pie is obvious. He loves pies. I mean the brother is obsessed with them. Whenever Mary and Holly are experimenting with pies, they’ll call him. He’s like their expert.”

  “What’s your real name?” she asked.

  “My real name?”

  “Yep, I’d like to know it.”

  “You’ll prefer Chip.”

  She laughed. “Just tell me.”

  “Rufus Jones.”

  Silence fell between them, and for some reason, she just couldn’t help but laugh, covering her mouth as she did. “Rufus Jones?”

  “Yes, I told you you’d prefer Chip.”

  “It just doesn’t seem right, you know. I was expecting a David or a Larry.”

  “It’s Rufus.”

  She held her hand out. “Well hello, Rufus. I’m Kasey.” He shook her hand.

  “You’re enjoying this.”

  “No, it’s nice to know who I’m with.”

  “It’s not a mystery. You can ask me whatever you want, and I’ll answer it.”

  She twirled her fork in the spaghetti and thought of some questions. “What do you like to do in your spare time?”

  “Take beautiful women out for Italian food, ride my bike, party, have some fun. Take in the sights.”

  “You like sightseeing?”

  “Occasionally. I can certainly be talked into it. What about you?”

  “I love sightseeing. There’s nothing like taking a few moments to look out over the view and just remember how small you are in the scheme of things. It helps to relax me.”

  “Have you seen the view over Vale Valley? Our town, which is small, looks amazing.”

  “No, I’ve never seen it.”

  “When the weather’s good, I’ll take you out there. It’s a sight to witness.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  They finished their main course, and then onto dessert, which was some cream pie. She couldn’t eat her portion, so at Chip’s request, she fed him hers.

  He was right. She really couldn’t think of him as Rufus. He was a Chip. Just the thought made her smile, and she couldn’t seem to stop.

  “That smile looks wicked.”

  “It’s not. I’m happy. Very, very happy.” They shared a coffee to finish the meal, and the waiter brought the check.

  “How much?” she asked.

  “This is my treat, and you don’t have to worry about the cost.” He pulled his card out, leaving it on the tray. Every now and then she saw the ink peeking out of the jacket that covered his arms.

  She knew his arms were completely covered in pictures of death and destruction. Considering he seemed so level-headed and nice, the ink work was out of place, or at least to her it was.

  Once they were finished, he escorted her out to the car, and they headed back toward town. Kasey lived on the other side, on the outskirts of Vale Valley in the town over.

  Chip pulled into a parking bay and turned off the car.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and turned toward her. “Pie is going to try and date you as well.”

  “Oh, you know we only had lunch.”

  “He wants to date you, and I like you, Kasey. A lot.”

  “I like you, too.”

  “I was wondering if you were doing anything Sunday?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, nothing.”

  “Would you like to hang out at the clubhouse with me? Watch a movie or something.”

  “Erm, sure. Do you not live elsewhere?”

  “No, I don’t. I’ve looked at other places but never felt the need to. Saving money up for when I needed it.”

  She nodded.

  Kasey had been to the clubhouse a couple of times. The funeral was one time, and the other was when Strawberry fell down, banging her head. She’d checked her over.

  “Are you sure I’m allowed to be there?”

  “I’ve invited you. You ca
n be anywhere you want to be.”

  Biting her lip, Kasey didn’t want to jump ahead, but she also didn’t want him to be under any wrong impression. “I’m not going to have sex with you.” She slapped a hand over her mouth. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. What I mean is, I can’t just have sex and get over it.”

  He laughed. “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing even though I am. I’m not inviting you over for sex, Kasey. Don’t get me wrong, I want to fuck you, have sex, make love. See, I’m just as bad at this. I’m used to being blunt.”

  “You can call it what you want, and be blunt. Don’t ever change to please me.” She reached out taking his hand. “I’m … new at all this dating, and I think I’m getting it wrong.”

  He shook his head. “I actually think you’re getting it right. Sunday?”

  “Call it a date.”

  Staring at him in the close confines of the car, she saw him look at her lips, and then begin to lean over. She knew he was going to kiss her, but she didn’t once try to stop him.

  The feel of his lips on hers sent a flood of desire straight between her thighs. Cupping his cheek, she kissed him back, melting as he held her close.

  “You’re so incredibly beautiful,” he said.


  Entering the clubhouse later that night, Chip was on cloud nine, so fucking ecstatic. Kasey had agreed to another date, and as he took a seat he glanced over at the pool table where Landon had one of the club pussies bent over, and was taking her up the ass.

  “How was the date?” Pie asked, grabbing a chair, spinning it around to straddle the main seat.

  “Good. Really good. She likes Italian food.” Since Pie wanted to date Kasey as well, he didn’t want to give anything away. “I’m seeing her again on Sunday.”

  “You’re not wasting any time, are you? Running from one date to another,” Pie said.

  “I like her.”

  “So do I.”

  He stared at Pie, who was glancing over his shoulder at the woman being fucked in the ass.

  “You have a go at her?” Chip asked.

  Pie returned his attention to him.

  Chip held his hands up. “I’m not going to stop you from having at her. You seem to clearly want her.”

  “What’s your game?” Pie asked.

  “I’m not playing a single game right now.” Chip nodded at Landon and the woman, whose name he really couldn’t remember. “Are you wanting Kasey because I’m wanting her?”

  “I like her.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want club pussy either.”

  “You’re telling me you don’t want a taste of that tight ass that Landon has stretching out for any brother to want. She’s stroking her clit, begging for another brother to slide into her mouth.”

  Chip shook his head. “I’ve not had a woman in months. Not interested in dipping my dick in anything else. I like Kasey.” He had for a long time.

  All he’d done was keep his thoughts and feelings to himself. With everything going on, he didn’t have time to talk to any of the brothers about settling down. Duke, Pike, Raoul, Crazy, Daisy, Knuckles, and Brass had all settled down. Each of the brothers had been spending more time at home than at the clubhouse especially with the Abelli threat. Since Anton Abelli had killed Russ and Sheila, and Duke had taken out Anton with the agreement that Francis was to leave them alone, it had been tense.

  He wouldn’t put it past Duke to start a war with the Abelli mafia. The brother was a maniac when it came to his woman, and anyone who posed a threat or stood in his way, needed to get the fuck out of it, or he’d take you down.

  Pie stood up. “I’m bored of this shit.”

  Chip watched Pie walk away. It just so happened to be at the time Landon finished. He watched Pie grab the woman, hike her up onto his shoulder, and take her out of the room.

  Bertie came to take a seat with him. It had been a while since Chip had spoken with the other club brother, who always remained a bit of a mystery. He didn’t talk all that much, never had the need to.

  Landon dropped down with a big, dramatic sigh. “I needed that, man. I tell you. All this tension has me worked up, and all I want to do is fuck. If you ask me it’s why the brothers are keeping their old ladies at home. Worried about the competition.”

  “Roses were delivered to Holly at the ranch today,” Bertie said.

  Whatever joke Landon had been about to say died.

  “Who from?” Chip asked, accepting the beer that Floss had brought over.

  “Abelli, who else. Wants to talk.”

  “Maya got one as well,” Landon said. “She tossed hers in the trashcan outside, and set them alight.”

  “We not going with the name Winter now?” Chip asked.

  “No point. Everyone knows who she is, and she’s under club protection.”

  Chip glanced around. “Where is she?”

  “My room. She’s studying for a chem test. Matthew’s helping her.”

  Matthew was Duke’s son, who’d been studying at home rather than going off to college.

  “What’s Duke said?” Chip asked.

  “The moment he heard the news, he left the clubhouse. Didn’t stick around. We’ve not seen him,” Bertie said.

  “So Abelli wants to talk.”

  “Holly’s his grandkid, with their kids being his great-grandkids,” Floss said.

  “It doesn’t matter. His son took out her parents, and Holly is really struggling with it,” Landon said. “I heard Mary talking to Leanna the other day. Holly’s taken the kids out of daycare, and has been homeschooling them.”

  “No shit!” Chip was surprised by that. Holly had been the one that wanted Matthew to venture out away from the club, to find a life that was his choice, and not one he felt he had to follow.

  Duke had asked them all to treat him like a real Prospect. To give him a crash course in what was expected of all the new recruits. None of them had held anything back. Chip hadn’t, making Matthew clean the shitty toilets, the laundry, and even cleaning up the main clubhouse after a serious fuck fest with lots of used condoms.

  He’d not participated in the party, but he’d been the brother to give the instruction to clean it up. He’d not seen Matthew around for a long time. The kid had decided to pick college rather than be a Prospect.

  The club life wasn’t for everyone, and Matthew had grown up to be a little punk ass. Some of the club had babysat that little kid, so none of them were willing to take his shit or his attitude.

  “If Abelli wants to talk that means church is going to be called soon. Duke won’t let this slide,” Chip said.

  “I know. Maya’s not happy. She just wants to get on with her life,” Landon said. “I can’t blame her. After everything she’s been through, the fact she can study shit like chemistry amazes me.”

  Landon had been put on Maya Abelli’s protection detail. She’d been raped, beaten, and left for dead at the order of her own father. She was Holly’s half-sister, and even that brought some complications. Some of the brothers had been worried that Landon was falling for the girl. He wasn’t. Landon cared for Maya just like he did Zoe, Raoul’s old lady. There was no love there. He saw Maya and Zoe as sisters.

  “If this turns into a war, there’s going to be a lot of casualties. Mafia against MC, it’s not going to turn out great for either side,” Bertie said.

  Chip saw the somber looks on every single club brother. This was the tension hanging over the club.

  What happened between Duke and Francis would determine their outcome.

  They were each at a stalemate, but with the flowers being delivered with the request to talk, that had added something to the mix.

  The game had started.

  “Anyone remember when we just had a lot of fun?” Chip asked, wanting the guys to perk up a little.

  “Remember when Duke had to chase after Holly because she wouldn’t give him the time of day?” Floss said.

  “I like Raoul, actuall
y. That fucker was so scared that Duke was going to end him,” Landon said.

  Raoul had been the brother that took Holly to prom. He’d taken her virginity and pretty much dumped her ass.

  Now that had caused some trouble in the club. Everything had been resolved with Holly and Raoul even being friends.

  Time healed all wounds.

  Chip finished his drink, listening to the brothers’ stories, loving each memory as they came to him.

  He’d been part of the club for most of his life, and he wouldn’t change it for the world. From the age of eighteen, he’d wanted to be part of the Trojans MC, the badass group at the time run by Russ before it was given to Duke.

  That was such a long time ago. He was thirty-nine years old. Then he couldn’t help but smile. He’d finally experienced his first date at thirty-nine years old, and it had been the best night of his life.

  Calling it a night first, he left the brothers to drink, and talk. He wanted to be alone to think about the ramifications of what was going to happen if Abelli didn’t step down.

  Chapter Four

  Holly stared at the flowers and didn’t know what to do. Duke wanted to throw them in the trash, and she just kept staring at them. They were a mixture of white and red roses, an elaborate and beautiful display, so big they must have cost a fortune.

  Matthew had put the kids to bed as she simply stared at the flowers. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she knew she had to get it cut soon as it had grown too long, and she was finding it harder to deal with.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking, baby,” Duke said, wrapping his arms around her waist, and pulling her close. He kissed her head, and she closed her eyes.

  He was so worried about her.

  Right now, she was struggling. She wouldn’t lie. The thought of going outside and being part of the club terrified her.

  Her parents, all three of them, were gone.

  Taken from her by a madman. Her mother killed. Russ, her stepfather, dead. Even Anton Abelli was gone. The crazy assed loser who’d ruined her life.

  Biting her lip, she grabbed hold of Duke’s arm, and he held her close.

  “Hold me, Duke.”

  “I’m holding you, babe. I won’t let go.”


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