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Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “How can … do you even own a vibrator?”

  “Please, Lindsey, enough. I can’t just have sex with a guy I’ve just met.”

  “Why not?” Lindsey asked. “Most guys can screw a woman on the first ten minutes of meeting.”

  “I’m not comfortable getting naked with some guy.”

  “Why not? You’re hot. I’d totally do you right now if you’d like.”

  “Stop doing that. I know you’re all liberated, and stuff, but I’m not like that. I like you as a friend, and we will never go that far,” Kasey said.

  Lindsey held her hands up. “Fine, fine. I’m just saying like it is.”

  “I’ve never been … filled with that need to get naked and have hot, sweaty sex with a guy.” Even though Chip certainly got her worked up.

  Late last night her body had been on fire, and she’d thought about him as she touched herself. She’d brought herself to orgasm just thinking of Chip’s hands all over her body, his cock driving inside her, and she had loved every single second of it.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I’m all about expressing myself. I don’t have that filter that everyone seems to possess.”

  “It’s fine,” Kasey said.

  She left the counter and gave Lindsey a very friends-only hug.

  Making her way back toward the kitchen, she flipped the pancakes just as the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get that.”

  Kasey didn’t know who it would be, but when she heard Chip’s voice, her heart fluttered. Her pussy came alive and her nipples tightened.

  She’d never had such an instant reaction before, and she hoped the padded bra she wore wouldn’t show him how aroused his voice made her.

  “Well, well, well, my day just got all shiny,” Lindsey said. “Chip’s here to see you.”

  She watched as Lindsey took a seat.

  Her neighbor had admitted to her many months ago that even though she didn’t mind expressing herself, men in relationships were completely, one hundred percent, off limits to her. She didn’t screw guys with rings.

  Chip held a single rose in his hand.

  “You don’t have to constantly bring gifts. You could just bring yourself. I wouldn’t have a problem with that.”

  He handed her the rose and took her hand, placing a kiss on her knuckles. She recalled the kiss in the car, and wished Lindsey weren’t there so she could sneak another kiss in.

  “It’s a thank you,” he said.

  “What for?”

  “Talking to Holly.”

  “You know I talked to her?”

  “I woke up and found her cleaning up the kitchen. She had everything ready to prepare Sunday lunch, and that is not something I’ve seen in a long time.”

  “Then I’m pleased I was able to help.” She smiled, thinking about Holly.

  “You talked to her.”

  “I did. She wasn’t in the best place, and sometimes it can take someone saying that feeling certain things is okay.”

  “You’re not going to tell me what they are?”

  “Patient-client privilege. You’ve got your secrets. I have mine.” She smiled as he reached out and tucked a curl behind her ear.

  She always put her hair up, but after their date, she suddenly liked wearing it down.

  “So, the club is having Sunday lunch, and I figured seeing as you helped with everything, it’s only fair that I invite you. I’ve got some movies, lots of chips and dips.”

  “You’re going out?” Lindsey asked.

  “You didn’t give me the chance to tell you that I’m heading out this evening. Spending time with Chip.” She put her arm around him, and Lindsey seemed to melt.

  “You two make like the cutest couple in the world. I just adore seeing you both together.” Lindsey grabbed her cell phone. “I’ve so got to take a picture.”

  She snapped the photos using her phone, and Kasey pulled away after several shots to grab the pancakes.

  Lindsey showed her the pictures. “You could end your fasting with him. He knows what he’s doing.”

  “And he can probably hear you, so shhh.”

  “Can I join for pancakes?” Chip asked.

  “If you’d like some. I made plenty.”

  Taking a seat between Chip and Lindsey, she glanced at him to see if he showed any signs of overhearing Lindsey’s words. She couldn’t see anything.

  Cutting into her pancake, she drizzled a little more maple syrup over hers as she liked them incredibly sweet. She didn’t have any room for savory when it came to pancakes.

  “I was hoping to invite you to dinner,” Chip said. “Holly’s cooking. The gang’s back together, and I want you to see what you’ve done.”

  Kasey finished chewing her mouthful, and looked toward him. “Is that allowed?”

  He burst out laughing. “It’s a biker club, babe. Not a jail. Of course, you’re free to come as well.” He looked toward Lindsey.

  Her neighbor held her hand up. “That’s okay. You and Kasey have a great time.”

  “It’s not trouble if you want to join us. I know a guy I’d like to introduce you to.” Kasey saw her friend’s interest perk right up.

  “Now you have my full attention.”

  “You can come for dinner, and we’ll drive you back. It’s no trouble.”

  Lindsey looked toward her. “Would you mind me crashing with you?”

  “It doesn’t bother me.”

  “Yay. I totally have to change.”

  Before anyone could say anything, Lindsey was out of the door, and Kasey laughed at her retreating figure.

  “You don’t mind me inviting her?” he asked.

  “Of course not. She wants to go to the clubhouse, and has been asking me constant questions about it.”

  “So, what fasting are we talking about here?”

  She looked toward Chip and saw him smiling. “You heard that?”

  “Lindsey can’t whisper at all. I heard every single word.”

  “Ugh.” She groaned, rubbing at her forehead. “Please, ignore her. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about half the time.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t mind.”

  Their breakfast finished, Kasey grabbed the plates and headed into her small kitchen. Placing them in the sink, she felt Chip move up behind her.

  She turned to face him, and wished for a split second that she hadn’t done that. He was so close, and his breath fanned her face.

  Licking her dry lips, she stared up at him. His green eyes captured her, holding her steady, as he stepped a little closer.

  “What kind of fasting?” He pushed some of her hair back, and her body tensed up, not in fear, but in arousal.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Doesn’t sound like nothing.”

  “I’ve not been with a man in a really long time. That’s the kind of fasting she’s talking about. Sex.”

  “Now how has a gorgeous girl like yourself gotten away without fucking?”

  His bluntness shocked her. She liked it even. He didn’t try to evade anything. He always said what was on his mind, and she liked that more than anything. She hated when people were vague or holding back the truth.

  “I’m … sex means something to me. It has to. Guys tend to want to take me to visit their parents, and sex always is the last thing on their mind.” She’d never been wowed by a guy before, not until Chip came along at least.

  In the past couple of days, he’d certainly inspired a lot of feelings from her, but none of them about love, at least not yet.

  He aroused her.

  Her dreams were heavily dominated by him, and what his hands and tongue could do to her body.

  “Have you ever thought that you’ve not found the right guy to fuck?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back, and she saw the smile in his gaze. “Your body is giving away your response, baby.”

  “Your nipples are tight, and your eyes are saying ‘take me now.’” The sound of a door slamming had Chip pulling away. “I think we’ll explore that later.”

  Lindsey was already back, and Kasey gritted her teeth. Need had rushed right through her, and she craved his touch unlike anything else in the world.


  Blue balls.

  Chip was convinced if he took the time to look at his dick and balls, they would be blue, and the tip of his cock weeping with pre-cum. Glancing over at Kasey, he wished they were alone and he could get his hands on her.

  Hearing Lindsey coming back had really messed with his plans. He’d intended to press Kasey up against the kitchen counter, remove those tight jeans, and taste her pretty pussy. Moving a little in his seat to relieve the ache, he focused on the road, getting them back to the clubhouse.

  “I cannot wait to go inside the club. It has always been a dream of mine to see inside one. I bet it totally rocks, and all you guys are so hot,” Lindsey said.

  “What do you do for a living, Lindsey?” he asked.

  “I’m a receptionist at a plastic surgery clinic.”

  He glanced up in the rearview mirror, and saw her roll her eyes. “I know. It is such a shit, crappy job. The people that come in often leave in tears.” She shrugged. “They’re there to tell everyone they’re not pretty. It pays really good money, and I only have to work five days a week, so yay me. I won’t do it forever, though. Nope.”

  “Sounds like an interesting job.”

  “Not really. It’s boring as fuck. Not only that, three of the surgeons have come up to me, and told me that even though I’m stunning, they can make me even better. I told them to stick their scalpel up their ass and fuck themselves.”

  Kasey burst out laughing. “Oh, my, and you still have a job?”

  “Of course. You see, the key to working in such a shitty environment like that is to be, like, super-confident with yourself. Me, I love the way I look. I’m not being vain, but I have no intention of ever, ever getting beneath a scalpel. They can kiss my ass before I’d even consider doing anything like that,” Lindsey said.

  “I can’t believe you’d be so blunt.”

  “Meh, in this world you’ve got to be. Isn’t your club about living to your own set of rules and totally saying screw it to everyone else?”

  “I get what you’re saying.”

  “Exactly. I have no interest in being a perfect, plastic woman. If a guy doesn’t like me for how I look now, then screw them. In fifty years, unless my genes have been really good to me, I’m not going to look this great. That’s the thing. I’m looking for my forever guy just as I’m enjoying having some fun.”

  Chip reached out and squeezed Kasey’s knee.

  Lindsey kept on talking, and he looked at Kasey, who was smiling back at him.

  In no time at all, they were arriving back at the clubhouse, and Lindsey’s excitement reached fever pitch as he parked the car.

  As he was climbing out, Lindsey was already bouncing where she stood.

  Kasey came to his side, and he wrapped an arm around her waist. If his plan worked, Pie would be completely smitten with Lindsey, and any competition Chip faced would be finished with. Not that he minded the competition at all. He wanted Kasey all to himself.

  As they headed inside the very clean clubhouse, the sounds of laughter, children’s playful screams, and chatter filled the air. Already a large table was set for dinner, and the scents made his mouth water.

  “It smells amazing,” she said.

  The aroma of beef filled the air.

  Duke had Bell in his arms, and he made his way over toward them. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me for anything.”

  “Whatever you said or did, it brought her back, and I know I may have helped with that, but you gave her the final push.”

  “I’m pleased that she’s back.”

  Even Chip loved how the clubhouse finally felt. For too long it had felt like a ghost house, the energy having died when Russ and Sheila were taken from them.

  “If there’s ever anything you need at any time, you call me, and the club will have your back.”

  “Thank you.”

  Duke moved on, and Kasey breathed a sigh of relief. “He can be quite scary.”

  Chip was used to seeing Duke smitten with his kids and woman, but he’d also seen him commit murder without even blinking, washing blood from his hands as if it was just mud from the garden.

  To a lot of people, he imagined Duke was a force to be reckoned with. “I think you’re safe. He’s in your debt.”

  “Let’s hope I’m never in his.”

  Just then Pie came out of a room, and Chip noticed him pushing his shirt back into his pants, and the girl that had been trying to put Holly in her place came out after him. Her lipstick was smeared.

  The moment Pie saw Kasey, he came on over.

  Holding her waist, Chip pulled her a little closer. The sweet-butt came along with him.

  “Kasey, I had no idea you were coming.”

  “Sweetie, you’ve got something wrong with your lipstick,” Lindsey said, coming out from behind them.

  On the way inside, Lindsey had gotten a text or something, and she’d been clicking away while Duke had been talking to them.

  “Sorry, just keeping my man occupied.”

  “Lindsey, I’d like you to meet Pie,” Chip said.

  “Holy crap. You’re the guy with the flowers.” Lindsey’s arms folded, and Chip had read her right.

  For all of her bubbly personality, her loyalty to Kasey was that of a best friend. He wondered if his woman even realized that she’d gotten a friend for life in Lindsey.

  “What are you doing giving flowers to one woman and getting your dick sucked from another?” Lindsey had also stepped a little in front of Kasey, protecting her.

  “Lindsey, it’s fine, really.”

  “You see, I don’t think it is. I don’t think it’s funny or fair at all.”

  “Kasey, it’s so good to see you here.”

  “Hey, Pie. Was that your girlfriend? You didn’t say you had a girlfriend.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend. She’s, erm…”

  “Kasey!” Holly came rushing out of the kitchen, and Chip stepped back as Kasey was pulled into a hug. “I’m so pleased you came. I had no idea you were invited, and I don’t have your number, and I’ve been waiting for Crazy to pass it to me.”

  “Chip came and invited me to dinner. Also, we brought my very … boisterous neighbor. Lindsey, I’d like you to meet Holly. She’s Duke’s old lady.”

  “Now it is a pleasure to meet you.” Lindsey pulled Holly in for a hug. “I’ve always wanted to come to a clubhouse, and this place does not disappoint.”

  “On a Sunday it’s a little more to do with family than partying.”

  Pie glared at him.

  “I’m going to grab something to drink. Want a soda?” Chip asked.

  Lindsey and Kasey both nodded. He left his woman with Holly, knowing it wouldn’t be long before the other old ladies descended on them. Entering the kitchen, Pie followed him.

  “What game are you playing?” Pie asked.

  “I’m not playing any game. Do you like her neighbor?” He’d also misjudged Lindsey. She didn’t seem interested in Pie at all. Fine, fine, he could handle that. At the end of the day, so long as Pie realized he didn’t stand a chance with Kasey, he was happy.

  “Why did you bring her here?”

  Chip grabbed three sodas out of the fridge, and turned to give the brother his full attention. “In case your face has been shoved so far up that slut’s pussy, let me remind you. I want Kasey. I’m dating Kasey. She’s mine. I invited her over tonight to watch a movie, and she helped Holly to get her back to the clubhouse. We can argue about this, or you can get over whatever shit you think is going on.”

  Pie rubbed the back of his head. “I thought she was the one.”

“If you think a woman is the one, you don’t put your dick in another hole.” He shrugged. “We good?”

  Duke wouldn’t be in the mood for any of them to be fighting with each other.

  “Yeah, we’re good.”

  Pie left him alone, and taking the sodas out to the women, Chip saw Kasey and Lindsey were both having a good time. He gave a soda to Lindsey and stayed with Kasey, handing her a soda then opening up his own.

  With Kasey at the clubhouse and knowing Pie was taking a step back, he felt … better.

  Chapter Six

  Kasey had been talking a lot with Landon and Maya throughout the evening. Later that night, after they’d dropped Lindsey back home, Chip took them both back to the clubhouse, and after grabbing some snacks, they made their way toward his bedroom.

  On the way to the stairs that led up to the rooms, she paused when she caught sight of Pie, fucking a woman who was bent over a pool table. A couple of the men were watching, and the sight fired Kasey’s blood, shocking her.

  Not because it was Pie screwing a woman but the act itself, the raw need that was showing between the two people.

  She’d never had that.

  “Do you like Pie?” Chip asked.

  Smiling back at Chip, she nodded. “He’s nice. He’s fun to talk to.”

  Chip looked back over at Pie. “Do you wish you were her right now?”

  “What? No, ew. I actually consider Pie just a friend, really. He’s easy to talk to, and he doesn’t demand a lot of … energy. I don’t have a crush or feelings for Pie.” She saw Chip relax a little more. “Did you think I did?”

  “I don’t know. Pie wanted to make you his.”

  “He did?”

  “The flowers.”

  “That’s what those were for? I thought he was just being friendly.” Her cheeks were heating. “They were just a bunch of flowers, and it even had the cost sticker attached. Like last-minute deliveries or something.”

  “I don’t just want to be your friend,” Chip said.

  He took her hand, leading her up to his room. She watched as he closed and locked the door. Sitting down on the edge of his bed, she waited for him.

  “I’ve wanted you for a long time, Kasey.”

  “You have? You’ve not said anything.”

  He turned toward her and took a seat beside her. He held her hand, and she locked her fingers with his, enjoying his close contact. It felt good to be near him, to be close. Resting her head on his shoulder, she smiled.


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