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Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Will I have to give my blood or take a special oath?”

  “Nope. You’ll just have to declare your loyalty to me and to the club.”

  She nodded, staring at the cup. “Chip, I want to say something to you, but I don’t want you to give it much thought not until you come home.”

  “I’m listening.”

  Licking her dry lips, she took a deep breath, and stared into his eyes. “Are you ready?”

  He laughed. “Yes. I’m ready.”

  “I love you.”

  Silence met her words, and she watched the shock cross his face, and thought it was so cute to have taken him by surprise.

  He went to say something, but she stopped him with a finger across his lips. “No, you don’t get to say anything. That was what I wanted to say to you. I don’t expect you to say anything, but I want you to know we should talk about that when you get back.”

  She wasn’t even for a second going to think that he wasn’t coming back. She couldn’t.

  Moving a finger from his lips, she smiled at him.

  Finishing off her coffee, she climbed out of bed and quickly changed into her clothes, running a brush through her hair.

  Taking his hand, they walked downstairs, and she noticed nearly all of the men were outside waiting.

  She stood by Chip’s side as they all turned toward Duke, who was the last to come out of the house.

  “You don’t all have to come with me,” Duke said.

  “There’s no chance you’re getting away with looking like the biggest badass out there,” Pie said.

  “We’ve all got reputations to protect.” This came from Floss.

  “I want to kick some ass,” Landon said.

  “You’re not alone,” Pike said. “The club stands behind you.”

  “For Russ,” Raoul said.

  “And for Sheila,” Crazy said.

  Kasey saw the brotherhood in that moment, with Duke as their rock, and each one supporting each other.

  Chip turned her toward him, and she stared into his eyes. “I’ve got to go, babe.”

  She didn’t get the chance to say anything as the sound of cars approaching filled the air. Through the crowd of bikes and people, she wasn’t able to see who it was.

  “Diaz, what are you doing here?” Duke asked.

  The man now known as Diaz to her shook Raoul’s hand, and moved toward Duke. “My crew is your crew.”

  “This is not your fight.”

  “Trojans and my crew go back a long way. I’m not going to sit back. We’ve got your back. We’re brothers, Duke, and I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  Duke and Diaz shook hands and did that man hug thing which seemed to be so popular.

  Chip cupped Kasey’s face, slamming his lips down on hers. “You better keep your bed warm for me, baby.”

  He straddled his bike, and she stepped away.

  “Everything is going to be okay.”

  One by one, the men climbed onto their bikes, and she couldn’t believe the sight as one by one, they pulled out of the clubhouse.

  She watched as Mary hugged Holly, the friendship shining between the two.

  “It’ll be fine,” Holly said.

  “Yeah, it will be fine. They’re going to kick ass,” Mary said.

  Kasey still stared at the open gate, waiting, hoping that he would come back. She loved him, and she’d watched him ride off.

  What if she didn’t see him again?

  Don’t think like that.

  He’ll come back.

  Recalling her brother’s death, Kasey no longer felt in the mood for company, and so she reached into her purse, grabbing her keys.

  Holly stepped in front of her. “He’ll be back.”

  “I know. I’ve, erm, I’ve got to get to work. I’ll call you guys.”

  Moving toward her car, she climbed inside, needing the peace away from it all. Knowing she loved Chip, and he was entering something so dangerous that it required all of the club, she was struggling.

  Instead of going straight to work though, she drove the distance to where her brother rested with her parents. She hadn’t been to his resting place in so long. Parking her car, she didn’t care that it was so early as she made her way inside the dreary graveyard.

  It had been a long time since she’d last been here, and moving toward the back of the graveyard, she stared down at the three stones that marked her family.

  Her mother, Isabella Lintel.

  Her father, Geoffrey Lintel.

  Her brother, Shamus Lintel.

  Three people that she had lost.

  “Please, I don’t know if there’s a God, or if I even believe anymore, but please, take care of him and the club. Please.”

  Resting her head in her hands, she sat there for thirty minutes, just trying to find the peace that wouldn’t come.

  Finally, she went to the hospital to do her shift for the day.


  Chip finished filling up his tank, and made his way inside the gas station picking up a couple bags of chips. They’d made a stop on the drive toward Abelli, who lived a couple of hours from Vale Valley.

  Once he paid for his gas, he moved his bike out of the way, to allow for another to use the pump.

  Opening his bag of cheese chips, he took a bite and sent a text to Kasey.

  Chip: Eating some chips while waiting for the guys to fill up. How r u?

  “How are you? Are you a pussy or something?” Pie asked.

  Pocketing his cell phone, he took out another chip, shoving it into his mouth. He crushed the bag to his chest when Pie went to grab a chip.

  “Tight ass.”

  “You bet ya.” He turned, showing off his firm ass. “And this one doesn’t share.”

  Pie stared at him for a few moments. “Kasey’s good for you.”

  Chip stared at him, waiting to see if he’d joke about it, or say some shit.

  Eating another chip, he watched as Pie stood next to him, and they both stared at the gas station and the bikers filling up.

  “You regret letting her go?” Chip asked.

  “Nope. If I really wanted her, you wouldn’t have stood a chance.” Pie looked at him, “I don’t share or give anyone a chance to take what’s mine.”

  “I guess you don’t.”

  “She’s a good woman, though. I can see why you like her. She’s one of a kind, a keeper.”

  Unable to resist, Chip offered Pie a chip; instead he took a large handful of them.

  “You better have washed your hands,” Chip said. He finished off the bag, tossing the wrapper into the trash and opening another.

  Glancing at his cell phone he saw she hadn’t texted him, and saw the time. He figured she’d gone to the hospital.

  “Do you think they’re happier?” Pie asked.


  “The brothers who have settled for one pussy. Duke, Pike, all of them?”

  “I’ve settled for one pussy.”

  “You’ve not made it official.”

  “I did. She’s my old lady, and we’ll talk about everything else when we get back.”

  “Kasey doesn’t strike me as the kind of woman who’ll be fucked in front of a bunch of men.”

  Chip glared at him. “Everything will be fine. Mary did it. Holly. All of the old ladies have been able to handle it. Kasey can handle it, too.”

  “Do you think it was Russ’s way of getting a hard-on? Getting the chance to see all of the women?” Pie asked.

  He looked at Pie. “No, I don’t. He did it to show the difference between the club pussy and the old ladies.”

  The ceremony for an old lady required several of the club brothers to be present when the member claimed his old lady. The club accepted them as a union, and would risk their lives for the old lady, and she was not up for grabs. No one could make a play for her.

  Now, a woman who wanted to become club property, a club whore, or a sweet-butt was taken by more than one man, and they h
ad a train of fucking. The open invitation to more than one man to show there was no one claim. She wasn’t an old lady. She was free pussy.

  To some the ceremony was unnecessary, but Chip understood it as he believed it created a difference between the two types of women of the club.

  Kasey was no sweet-butt. She was his woman, and he had no intention of sharing her with anyone.

  “You think you’re ever going to settle down?” Chip asked.

  “Nah, I can’t be done with settling down shit. There’s way too much to enjoy right now, and I’ve no intention of ever letting one pussy control my dick. There’s more than enough Pie to go around.” Pie stood up. “Speaking of pie, I need a slice.”

  Chip smiled and rested against the wall, finishing his second bag of chips.

  Landon came to stand with him. The brother looked troubled, and considering Landon often was the joker, that spoke volumes.

  “What’s got you looking like someone said your dick’s rotten?”

  “Just thinking.”

  “What about?”

  “The meeting. What’s going to happen.”

  “Take my advice, and don’t think about it. Believe me, it’ll drive you crazy. You don’t need to keep thinking and worrying about that shit,” Chip said.


  “Think about what you’re looking forward to when you’re done. I’m going to make Kasey my old lady, and then I’m going to either move in with her, or find a place a little closer. She lives too far from the clubhouse.”

  Landon laughed. “I like how you make these plans without even including her.”

  “I’m good like that. How are things with Maya?”

  “Last night was rough. Knowing we were coming to visit her grandad, she didn’t exactly sleep peacefully.” Landon sighed. “Damn, I’m feeling really old right now.”

  “It happens to the best of us. Believe me.” Chip’s cell phone began to ring, and he checked the caller to see that it was his woman. “Duty calls.” He stepped away, answering the call. “Hey, baby, miss me already?”

  “Yeah, however the vomit was a close second.”


  “A drunk that couldn’t keep it all down. I stink really bad. It’s not attractive at all.”

  He wrinkled his nose. “I don’t imagine it is.”

  “I won’t be drinking vodka anytime soon.”

  “Nasty stuff.”

  “How is … everything? The drive? Or is it the ride?”

  “It’s going great, baby. It’ll be over before you know it. Are you going to the clubhouse after your shift?”

  There were a few seconds of silence, and he waited.

  “No. I’m going to head home. It’s been a few days since I hung out with Lindsey and she’s complaining.”


  “Will you be home tonight?”

  “Probably early tomorrow.” He wanted to hold her, to kiss her, and tell her that everything was going to be okay.

  “I went to my family’s graveside today. Wow, that sounded morbid, didn’t it?” she chuckled.

  Now he wished he had her in his arms so that he could comfort her.

  “I love you, Kasey.”

  “I love you, too. Come back to me, Rufus, please, come back.”

  His heart squeezed, and his gut twisted. “I will.” The brothers were getting ready to leave. “I’ve got to head out. I’ll call you when everything is done.”

  Hanging up his phone, he straddled his bike.

  Chip wouldn’t let her down.


  Kasey made it to her apartment room floor when Lindsey came out of the room. Within a few feet of her Lindsey pressed her fingers over her nose. “Pee-yew, is that smell you?”

  “Yep. I was urinated on, vomited on, and crapped on. Good times.”

  Lindsey kept a wide berth, and Kasey didn’t even linger, going straight to her bathroom, where she removed her clothes, throwing them into the laundry basket. “Do you mind if I do the laundry first?”

  “Nope. There’s no way that smell can linger. I’ve closed your door,” Lindsey said, entering the bathroom, and not seeming to care that Kasey was naked. She sprayed some lavender scented stuff in the air to hide the disgusting smell.

  Turning her shower on, Kasey waited for the water to heat up, and climbed into the stall.

  “We’re still good for tonight, hanging out and having fun, or are you going to ditch me for cock?”

  Kasey laughed. “Nope. No ditching today.”

  “Speaking of cock, where is your boyfriend?”

  “Chip has a name.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m pissed at him.”

  Sticking her head out from the curtain, she stared at her neighbor. “Why?”

  “He stole you from me.”

  “I’m not property,” Kasey said.

  “I know that, but I’m used to having you all to myself. I don’t like to share, and I’m jealous.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re still my friend. I’d have invited you to come to the clubhouse, but it’s going through some really serious stuff at the moment.”


  “Yep, and no, I can’t gossip about it.”

  “Is this the kind of gossip that if you tell me, you’d have to kill me?” Lindsey asked.

  “It’s wrong that you sound excited about that, but yes. Seeing as I took a vow to do no harm, I really can’t be killing you.” She ran the soap all over her body, and even when the suds rinsed from her body, she was convinced she still smelled bad, so she did it all over again. “Tell me why you don’t have your date, or one of your dates?”

  “I’m not interested in screwing anyone right now.”

  “Why is that?” Kasey asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m just bored of being disappointed. The past three men I’ve been with have been a real letdown, and you know what? I’m going to give myself time to actually want to screw again.”

  Putting the soap down, Kasey grabbed her shampoo, followed by her conditioner. Once she was completely rinsed off she was still sure she stank.

  “Do I still stink?” Kasey asked.

  “I can smell your clothes. Maybe that’s what you can smell.”

  She turned the shower off, wrapping her body in the towel and opening the curtain. “I’m going to get dressed, and then I’m going to head down to the laundry room.”

  Lindsey followed her as she quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants, a bra, and large shirt.

  The shirt was one of Chip’s, and his scent surrounded her, calming her nerves, somewhat. They didn’t disappear completely, but it also wasn’t so bad either.

  “You seem on edge,” Lindsey said.

  “Just dealing with some stuff right now.” Not only had she admitted to falling in love with Chip to him, there was also the risk that he may not make it home alive, and apart from a talk earlier, she didn’t know if he was all right. Grabbing her laundry basket, she waited outside for Lindsey as she grabbed hers.

  “You know you can tell me anything, right? I won’t judge.”

  “I know.” They made their way down toward the basement area where the machines and driers were kept. She liked doing her laundry once a week, standing at the machines, folding, changing, and everything that it required. Instead of finding the job tedious, she actually found it really enjoyable. “I told Chip that I loved him.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He told me he loved me first before I ever said anything.”

  “Why are you not like screaming, and happy about this? And why didn’t you tell me that Chip told you that he loved you?” Lindsey asked.

  “I am. I am happy.” Just thinking about it, a smile came to her lips. “I was kind of scared, actually.”


  “I’ve not known him that long, and then with everything going on, it just seemed a little fast. Do you think it’s a little fast?”

  “Do I think falling in love is r
eal fast?”

  “I don’t know.” They entered the laundry room, and Kasey went to the farthest machine and began to separate her clothes into different washes.

  “Last time I checked, honey, there wasn’t a time limit on how long it can take for you to fall in love with someone.”

  Putting the first load in the washing machine, she put the powder and softener inside, and started it up before helping Lindsey, who was taking way too long.

  “Love is such a strong feeling, though.”

  “You can only know what you feel. When you look at Chip, what do you feel?” Lindsey asked.

  “Like everything in the world is going to be okay, and nothing else can touch me. He makes everything better just by looking at him, and I couldn’t imagine him not being in my life.” The love she felt for him was absolute, but also the fear of knowing he could die today made her a little unsteady. She held onto the washing machine and was grateful for the support that Lindsey offered her.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’m fine. It’s just been a really long day.” Between really difficult patients, constantly checking her cell phone, and just knowing something bad could happen, she was so tired.

  “I thought I was in love once,” Lindsey said.

  “You were?”

  “Yes. When I was in high school. It was the usual thing. The hottest guy in the world, you know. He made my heart go pitter-patter with just a look. I cannot believe I fell for him, but there was my luck. I fell for him so bad. It was … disgusting really, now that I think about it.”

  Kasey noticed that Lindsey got very busy, and her hands were shaking a little bit. It was the first time she’d ever seen the other woman in any way vulnerable.

  “Anyway, he started being all nice to me, you know. Treating me like a princess, and saying all the nice things that girls want to hear. How pretty I am. How special I was to him. How he didn’t give a fuck what anyone said because he loved me.” Lindsey turned to her. “And so, I fell for him, and for a short time we were the weirdest couple in the world. I didn’t care. I was so in love with him, and one night, I gave him my virginity. It wasn’t great. It hurt a lot, and to be honest it was really boring, but that’s the first time, right? Boring, painful, not exactly memorable. He filmed the entire experience with a hidden camera, and then uploaded it for everyone to see. It went all over social media. I pretty much had a sex video that went viral.”


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