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The Governess' Training: An Erotic Victorian BDSM Tale (A Victorian BDSM Erotic Romance Book 3)

Page 3

by Tamsin Taite

  He walked back to his chair and sat, the ruler set across his knees. “I imagine you've been wondering why you're here,” he said.

  Virginia looked at him, unsure whether he was referring to his study, here tonight, or the sum total of her employment in his household. Honestly it hadn't occurred to her to wonder about the whys of either; she was more concerned with the question of what paces she would be put through this evening. She realized he was waiting for an answer and cleared her throat nervously.

  “I suppose, sir,” she said quietly.

  “We must begin your training. There are acts I must prepare you for, and ways you will learn to serve me.”

  She flushed. Virginia had no idea of the exact acts her training might entail, but a wave of excitement rolled through her.

  “Would you like that?”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered in a small voice. She couldn't shake the idea that it was wrong to seek this sort of enjoyment, but far worse would be returning to a life without it.

  “Come,” he said, standing and walking towards his desk. Virginia rose to follow him but he turned back suddenly, glaring at her angrily. In two steps he was directly in front of her, grasping her arm painfully and delivering a handful of sharp smacks to her rear with his ruler. She cried out and felt her eyes overflow with tears.

  “Did I tell you to stand?” he asked, his voice cold and steely.

  “No, sir,” she sobbed out, quickly falling back to her knees. At first she wasn't sure how he meant for her to travel to the desk but then he pointed towards its base with his ruler. Her mind flashed back to the time Dr. Talbot made her crawl around his examination room and she quickly moved onto all fours. Mr. Hayes watched with satisfaction as her slim body crawled along the floor and she took up a kneeling position in front of the desk, spreading her legs and holding her chest out as he'd showed her.

  “Good girl,” he said, “you really are a quick study, Virginia.” Her heart lifted at the praise and she arched her breasts forward a tiny bit more.

  He walked to the other side of the desk and opened a drawer. Taking something out he placed it on the desktop. Virginia couldn't see what it was but she heard it click against the mahogany desk with a soft knock, like a chess piece landing on a board.

  “Stand up and meet your new friend,” Mr. Hayes said.

  Virginia stood as gracefully as she could and looked down at the table top. There was a small, dark object seated in the middle. At first she thought it was a little statuette but it seemed too plain. It had the shape of a slightly elongated egg with a flat base that flared out to stabilize it. Because of its dark coloring she couldn't make out if it was stone or a very fine-grained wood.

  She looked up at Mr. Hayes, wondering why he called it her friend. He was watching her closely, his avid stare sending a chill down her spine.

  “You will get to know him, and his friends, very well in the coming weeks. Bend down and give him a kiss.”

  Her brow wrinkled but she didn't question her employer. She placed her hands flat on the desk and bent forward until her mouth lightly brushed the top of the object.

  “Good. Now take him into your mouth, slowly and gently as you did for me in Dr. Talbot's offices.”

  Virginia flushed at the reminder of the time she had suckled his manhood to completion, but her blush was from excitement more than embarrassment. She took a small step back so she could better reach and then parted her lips to take the tip of the object in. It was not very tall, only a few inches, and so at first she concentrated on taking her time to reach the bottom, careful to only move her lips and tongue down a fraction of an inch at a time.

  Mr. Hayes grasped her nipples softly, surprising Virginia and drawing her eyes upwards. He was across the desk from her, reaching his hands out to stroke her breasts. He appeared to be kneeling down, so that his eyes were at the level of the desk and her head.

  “Yesss,” he whispered as she worked her way down. Seeing the way he looked at her, combined with the extra stimulation on her nipples, increased Virginia's arousal greatly. She put even more energy into making this a show for him, imagining it was his member she was servicing.

  After a time he told her to bring her head all the way down, so that her lips touched the desk. Although the statuette wasn't tall, the wideness of its base made this an extremely difficult maneuver. Each time she did this she could feel bits of drool escape the sides of her mouth, allowing saliva to pool around the object.

  This continued on for a long while, until Virginia's jaw began to ache and she grew quite uncomfortable. Mr. Hayes' twisting and pulling at her nipples began to feel almost tortuous. She was aroused enough to crave further stimulation but unable to ask for it, even if she could somehow summon the courage to do so.

  She was finally given a reprieve when Mr. Hayes instructed her to stop and lift it up with her mouth. Virginia tightened her lips around the narrow part just above the base, lifting her head up but not daring to fully stand without explicit orders.

  “Perfect,” he murmured, releasing her nipples and circling the desk to come stand behind her. He reached around her and plucked the object from her mouth. When he had removed it, his other hand pressed her head downwards, turning it sideways so that her cheek was pushed against the pool of spittle that had formed on the desk's top.

  Virginia grimaced as her face slid against the wet desk, tears springing to her eyes at such contemptuous treatment. She could not explain why this bothered her more than Mr. Hayes smacking her with a ruler or making her crawl across the floor, but after all the effort she had just put forth she had been hoping for some praise or a kind word. But she soon found herself with fresh cares, as Mr. Hayes brought the tip of the hard object to the entrance of her back passage.

  “Relax Miss Ashby, and this will be over quite quickly,” said Mr. Hayes by way of warning.

  Remembering her past experiences Virginia knew this was true, but she found it impossible to relax against the sensation of being breached back there. It hardly seemed to matter to Mr. Hayes when she clenched down anyway, he would only twist the intruder and continue to work it inwards, as through screwing it into her. She groaned at the slightly painful but terribly uncomfortable feeling, wondering where Mr. Hayes and Dr. Talbot had acquired a taste for such unnatural acts.

  When he had driven it all the way home, Virginia found that it stayed lodged firmly in place due to the narrowed area above the base. Mr. Hayes let go of her head and brought that hand back to join the other one, kneading her cheeks apart and occasionally pulling or twisting the object. Each time she felt the object move Virginia felt a small shock in her cunny, in addition to the discomfort of her rear feeling so filled.

  His fingers delved lower and circled her quim as he played with her bottom. She found herself drawn in once again by pleasure, wondering that she could still feel such bliss with this unforgiving object inside of her. Indeed as his stroking continued Virginia thought that sometimes movement of the object alone brought her a thrill. All too soon it was over though, and Mr. Hayes removed his hands before she could reach her climax.

  “You'll wear this plug until morning, when Emma will come remove it for you,” he said, ignoring her disappointed groan. “Tomorrow evening I expect you back here, waiting for me.”

  Mr. Hayes moved back to the other side of the desk and opened a drawer. He placed a wooden case on the desk and opened it, facing Virginia. Her eyes widened as she saw that it contained a series of plugs in increasing sizes.

  Drawing a selection of three out, Mr. Hayes placed them onto the desk right in front of her face. With her head still pressed against the desk's surface, they looked huge to Virginia and she whimpered. The biggest plus seemed to loom menacingly over her, and when she flicked her eyes back to the case she saw that it wasn't even the largest contained in the case. Her bottom clenched around the plug she wore as she contemplated her fate.

  “As you see, Miss Ashby, we have quite a task before us,” Mr. Hayes said,
returning the plugs to the case and putting it away again. When he was done he came to her side and drew her upright, stroking her shoulder reassuringly. “Don't worry, we will take our time. I will have you enjoy your training as well.”

  Virginia began to feel a little less frightened as he led her to the pile of her clothing. He handed over her shift to slip on first and she took it gratefully, but when she reached for her drawers Mr. Hayes stopped her.

  “There's no need, you may carry the rest.”

  “Oh no, sir, I couldn't go back like this,” she gasped out, shaking her head vehemently. But he would not listen to her protests, and insisted she return to her room, undressed as she was. He finally put an end her pleading by threatening to take off her shift and send her back naked.

  “But what will I say if I am seen?” she asked, realizing he could not be influenced.

  “You must take care not to get caught,” he said, seemingly unconcerned with her plight. He did not inform the worried girl that it was past the time when the housekeeper and the butler would have checked that all of their staff were abed. Indeed she was not even aware of the practice since Mr. Hayes had excepted her from it for the reason that she might be up late with the children, and because her room was not located near the rest of the servants anyway.

  Ignorant of this, Virginia walked tremulously to the door leading to the hallway. She clutched the pile of her clothes tightly to her chest and peered into the darkened passage. Her fear of being found roaming the house in only a shift almost made her forget the object lodged in her rear, at least until she scampered out towards her rooms. Then the plug made itself known with every step, slowing her progress with the discomfort it brought.

  The trip was heart-pounding. but ultimately uneventful. After quietly closing her door, Virginia sat down on her bed and hugged herself with relief. She found that once she could breathe normally, her unsatisfied arousal was still with her, possibly even heightened by her frightening trip in the the dark.

  She strummed her fingers idly over her nipples through the thin cotton batiste of her shift, only forcing herself to stop with a great effort when she realized how little it helped her situation. Mr. Hayes commands still rang in her ears as she climbed beneath the covers and tried to settle down. It was only after a great deal of tossing and turning in helpless discomfiture, mixed with worry about Emma's visit in the morning, that she was finally overtaken by sleep.

  After that night's introduction to her training, most evenings Virginia would enter Mr. Hayes' study, undress, and wait for him, kneeling in the center of the room. Although she could never be entirely comfortable stark naked like that, especially when members of the staff would bustle by in the hallways, it did become more and more routine as the days passed.

  She eagerly awaited these chances to spend time alone with him, and the waiting period became more fraught with arousal than fear of discovery. In fact sometimes as she knelt, she would imagine being found by a tall and strapping footman, who would have her buy his silence with various favors. First he would force her to stand before him as he explored her naked body, his hands becoming more and more bold in their probing. He would treat her as Dr. Talbot had done the very first time she'd been stripped and inspected by him, asking her questions about her hardened nipples and dripping quim.

  Before each meeting she hoped Mr. Hayes would allow her to climax, but occasionally he would send her to bed unsatisfied and aching with need. Those nights she would spend what felt like an eternity tossing and turning in bed, waiting for the sharp need between her legs to subside so she could drift off. It made for very difficult mornings as well, as Emma's methods for removing Virginia's training plugs involved a great deal of touching.

  Often Emma would claim it necessary to rest a hand on, or even place a finger or two inside, Virginia's cunny, in order to gain proper leverage to work the plug out, causing Virginia's excitement to rise rapidly, so that she began the day unsatisfied and distracted. Other times she insisted on placing Virginia into poses the governess found humiliating, but which always ended in unfulfilled arousal for Virginia. At first she had attempted to protest these practices, but despite the fact that Emma was nearly two inches shorter, with a seemingly light and girlish figure, Virginia had discovered that Emma was much stronger than she appeared, and could be surprisingly vicious with the tiniest of pinches and slaps.

  One night, a few weeks into these meetings, Virginia found herself once again excited and unable to slumber. For three sessions in a row she had been denied a climax and she was dreading Emma's visit the next morning. It was especially tortuous because she knew that it would be so easy, alone in her room and far from any other bedrooms, for her to touch herself with no-one to know.

  Telling herself that, even naked, she would refrain from breaking Mr. Hayes' rules, Virginia decided to take off her nightgown and see if she couldn't be more comfortable that way. It was constricting and its ruffles made it hard to find a restful position. Divesting herself quickly of her clothing, Virginia shivered in the night air and jumped back under her covers.

  It felt deliciously wicked to be naked, even if she didn't touch herself, though now Virginia found that she sometimes brushed her hands against places she probably shouldn't when settling on one side or the other. Eventually she gave up the pretense that these were happy accidents and began stroking herself in earnest.

  She curled her legs up to her chest to allow herself to both rub her cunny and begin moving the plug in her rear at the same time. Having never done that herself she was taken aback by the intensely pleasurable feelings it brought on. Just as she was becoming more adventurous with the anal plug, working the base of it in and out, she caught sight of a movement in the shadows.

  Virginia barely bit back a shriek as Emma stepped into her line of sight. She quickly brought her hands up and wrapped her covers tightly around her, sitting up and asking, “What are you doing here!?”

  “I could ask you the same question, Miss,” Emma replied.

  “You were spying on me!” Virginia hissed angrily at the maid. Emma only looked back calmly and replied, “On Mr. Hayes' orders. Now get up, he'll want to deal with this right away.”

  Virginia felt indignant and upset, almost incredulous that Emma's claim was true, but she automatically obeyed, having grown so used to taking orders from the maid. She rose from her bed and reached down for her nightclothes but was stopped when Emma grabbed one of her arms and pulled it up against her back, forcing Virginia to stand with the same movement.

  Her eyes raked disdainfully over Virginia's naked body and she sneered as she said, “No, you must come as you are.” Virginia shook her head in denial, but at the same time she could feel her legs weaken and a rush of moisture gather in her sex as Emma pushed her towards the door. She wished the maid's harsh treatment didn't arouse her so much, as it made it harder to keep her thoughts straight.

  Although Emma had one of Virginia's arms twisted up painfully behind her back, Virginia still dragged her feet and pleaded to put on a robe when the maid began pulling her out of the room. Once again Emma easily took control of the situation, swiftly reaching over and pinching Virginia's tongue between two fingers almost as soon as the governess opened her mouth. Her grip was so tight that Virginia found it impossible to slide her tongue back, and ended up in tears as she was marched stark naked into the hallway and down to Mr. Hayes' study.

  Virginia felt humiliated as she was forced to follow the smaller woman through the darkened house, her tongue protruding from her gaping mouth. Although she knew she had been forbidden from touching herself by Mr. Hayes, she still resented Emma's treatment of her. Somehow Emma had a gift for making every situation as shaming as possible.

  Once there Emma finally released the shaking girl and ordered her to kneel. As she took her familiar place in the center of the room Virginia worried that Emma would not summon Mr. Hayes as she'd said, but punish her herself instead. This fear was heightened when the maid began instr
ucting her in a new position, with her body sitting up in a straight line from her knees and each hand gripping the opposite forearm behind her back.

  When the maid was satisfied she bustled over to the side of the room, returning after a few moments of shuffling and rustling with a riding crop in her hand. Virginia cringed back but Emma swished the crop cruelly through the air and hissed at her to straighten her back. The governess reluctantly obeyed as Emma advanced towards her until she was just in front of the kneeling figure. Then, to Virginia's surprise, Emma placed the crop sideways into her mouth and told her to bite down.

  Emma left her like that, warning her not to move or allow the crop to fall. A few tears fell from her eyes and were dripping off her chin by the time Emma returned with Mr. Hayes in his dressing gown. Virginia wanted to run to him and beg his forgiveness, but she stayed where she was, knowing he valued her obedience more.

  “So you have broken my rules, Virginia,” he said in a disappointed voice.

  Unable to speak, she hung her head down and looked at the spot on the carpet where her tears had landed. Mr. Hayes went to his desk and came back with two cloths and some sort of leather strap. He removed the crop from Virginia's mouth, handing it off to Emma and placing a finger over Virginia's mouth when she would have spoken.

  “You do not need to speak, I know exactly what you've been up to,” he said harshly. Indeed he had purposefully denied her pleasure these last few days and charged Emma with keeping watch at Virginia's bedtime, hoping to catch her so he could teach the young governess that he must be obeyed at all times, even when not present.

  “Open your mouth,” he ordered, and when she did he pressed in a crumpled handkerchief, securing it in place with the strap pulled tightly around her mouth and buckled behind her head. The only thing left in his hand now was a long black cloth. Virginia looked at him sadly, pleading with her eyes not to be blindfolded, but he tied it into place anyway, shaking his head with disapproval. She felt him move away and slumped her head down.


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