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Mahabharata: Vol. 5

Page 67

by Debroy, Bibek

  197The word used is tata.

  198Tat means that. Aum Tat Sat is an expression used in the context of the brahman. Aum stands for the brahman. Tat means that. Sat means the absolute truth. Hence, Aum Tat Sat means the brahman is the absolute truth. One should also mention the expression Tat Tvam Asi, an expression that features in the Upanishads. Tvam means ‘you’ and Asi means ‘are’. Therefore, Tat Tvam Asi means that you are the brahman.

  199Vishnu bears the srivatsa mark (or curl) on his chest. This is the place where Lakshmi resides.

  200Vishnu’s jewel that emerged from the churning of the ocean.

  201The word used is tata.

  202However, at the time when this is being said, the present kali yuga has not yet started.

  203Dawn and dusk.

  204The earth rests on the serpent Shesha.

  205Madhusudana means the destroyer of Madhu.

  206These are respective references to Vishnu’s varaha (boar), narasimha (man-lion) and vamana (dwarf) incarnations.

  207Hrishikesha means the lord of the senses.

  208A makara is a mythical aquatic animal and makara can loosely be translated as shark or crocodile.


  210Nakula and Sahadeva.

  211The name of Krishna’s conch shell.

  212Referring to Arjuna’s standard.

  213In the Mahabharata, Shaivya was the king of Govasana. In the Puranas, Govasana is given as the name of a king, and his daughter, Youdheyi, was married to Yudhishthira.

  214A gopa is a herdsman or cowherd. Govasana can be translated as a region where cattle reside.

  215There is an inconsistency, because the Kalingas have already been destroyed by Bhima and the king of Kalinga has been killed.

  216The king of elephants is Airavata.

  217Uluka was Shakuni’s son.

  218Of the Kouravas.

  219Satyaki is being referred to as Varshneya.

  220Yuyudhana is Satyaki’s name.

  221The word used is aryas.



  224Arjuna and Krishna.

  225Subhadra belonged to the Yadava lineage and is being referred to as Satvati. Lakshmana was Duryodhana’s son.



  228Indra’s weapon is the rainbow.

  229Bhurishrava had a sacrificial stake on his standard.

  230Bhurishrava was the son of Somadatta and Somadatta was descended from Pratipa, who was also the ancestor of the Pandavas and the Kouravas.


  232The krouncha bird.

  233Susharma was the king of Trigarta and the capital of Trigarta was Prasthala.

  234The imagery seems to be that of a beautiful woman whose pride has been hurt.

  235The word used is tata.

  236For war.

  237Not to be confused with the famous Karna, who was not fighting at this stage.

  238He had been fighting with Drona.

  239That is, the Kourava army.


  241A divine weapon that causes loss of consciousness.

  242The enmity between Drona and Drupada doesn’t quite explain why Drupada should flee. Drupada probably remembered that Dhrishtadyumna had been born so that Drona might be killed.

  243Prajna means wisdom or intelligence. Mohana and pramohana have the same meaning.

  244The five Kekaya princes, five of Droupadi’s sons, Dhrishtaketu and Abhimanyu—these were the twelve.

  245The mouth of a needle.

  246Dhrishtadyumna had studied under Drona.



  249Small arrow.

  250Arjuna is being referred to as Krishna here.

  251A reference to Krishna’s mission of peace.


  253The names of Droupadi’s sons were Prativindhya (through Yudhishthira), Sutasoma (through Bhima), Shrutakarma (through Arjuna), Shatanika (through Nakula) and Shrutasena (through Sahadeva).


  255Shrutakirti is another name for Shrutakarma.

  256Referring to Jayatsena.

  257The text is such that it can also be translated as ‘slain’, but smitten is indicated. There are two reasons why slain can’t be right. First, Dushkarna wasn’t killed and surfaces again in Drona Parva. Second, Duryodhana and all his brothers were killed by Bhima.

  258The first yuga means satya or krita yuga.

  259A herb with wonderful healing properties. Literally, something that removes pain.


  261Mandala means circular.

  262Iravat or Iravan was the son of Arjuna and the naga princess Ulupi.



  265Ghatotkacha and Bhagadatta respectively.

  266Equivalently, Shrutayush.

  267Divine missile named after Indra.

  268The king of Trigarta.

  269White planet probably means Venus, but it can also signify the moon.

  270Shankha was Virata’s son.

  271Meaning Satyaki.

  272Satyaki studied the art of war from Arjuna.


  274Dhrishtadyumna was the overall commander of the Pandava army.

  275Vrishaka and Achala were the sons of the king of Gandhara (Subala) and were thus brothers to Shakuni and brothers-in-law to Dhritarashtra.

  276Succeeding sentences show that this means Anuvinda’s horses.

  277Famous battle that took place between the gods and the demons. This is sometimes described to have been over Tara (Brihaspati’s wife) and sometimes described to have been over Taraka (a demon).


  279Namuchi was a demon killed by Indra.


  281He was proud, because they were his sister’s sons.



  284Indra’s younger brother, Vishnu.




  288These can be loosely translated as wind, bile and phlegm. In Ayurveda, these are the three doshas or humours in the body and they are always striving against each other.

  289Bhima had taken an oath that he would kill Duryodhana and his brothers.

  290There is an inconsistency between the number of thirty-two and sixty.

  291The Pandava warriors.

  292It had been agreed that Yudhishthira would kill Shalya.

  293That of the Pandavas.

  294Shalya’s weapons.

  295Aratta is a distant kingdom. It is difficult to pinpoint its precise location, though it figures prominently in Sumerian literature.

  296Later sentences identify this son as Chitrasena.

  297Of avoiding the club.


  299Earlier, Shikhandi had been the lady Amba.

  300It was afternoon and the sun was in the western sky.

  301Mountain behind which the sun sets.

  302From the wounds.

  303Meaning that it had cusps or horns.

  304The word used is shatahrada. Literally, this means something with a hundred rays of light.

  305The land of the dead.

  306Meaning the soldiers on the Kourava side.

  307The text says Pandita. But Pandita is the same as Panditaka.

  308The promise that he would kill Duryodhana and his brothers.


  310The word used is tata.

  311The word used is tata.



  314Bestowed on Arjuna. Her father Kouravya was the king of the nagas and was descended from Airavata. Thus, Kouravya can also be referred to as Airavata. The story has been recounted in Section 16 (Volume 2).

  315Meaning another person’s wife.

  316This is left dangling It is probably a reference to the naga Takshaka, who bore an ani
mosity towards Arjuna because of the destruction of nagas in Khandava.

  317The names of Shakuni’s six brothers. Their father was Subala.

  318Referring to Iravat’s army.

  319Vrishaka was the only one of Subala’s sons who survived.

  320Rishyashringa was a famous sage.

  321Bhima had killed a rakshasa named Baka.

  322The word used is tata.

  323Bhogavati is the capital of the nagas and Bhogavat can mean any of the serpents residing there. But it is probably a reference to Ananta.





  328The lower lip.

  329Indra killed a demon named Bala.

  330Although described as the lord of Vanga, this is Bhagadatta.

  331Bhishma is addressing others too.

  332It is not clear which of the two from Avanti is meant.


  334The word used is tata.

  335Fighting with the enemy and protecting Ghatotkacha.

  336Of the fighters.

  337Mountains are believed to possess wings, until Indra lopped them off. Mount Mainaka was the only one which escaped.

  338Obviously, on the Kourava side.

  339This actually means Ashvatthama, the word son being used in a loose sense.

  340Viprachitti was a famous demon and was the son of Kashyapa and Danu. Kashyapa and Danu had 100 sons and Viprachitti is described as the most powerful of the lot.


  342Some non-critical versions mention the charioteer too. In that event, we have a tally for the seven arrows—four for the horses, one for the charioteer, one for the standard and one for Nila.

  343All of this was the outcome of an illusion and wasn’t real. But the Kourava soldiers didn’t see it that way.

  344Sanjaya saying this is unusual. However, the text allows for no other translation.

  345However, there was no reason for Bhishma not to have known that. This is really a prelude to what follows.

  346The word used is tata.

  347However, Indra was actually vanquished by Taraka.

  348Supratika was the name of Bhagadatta’s elephant.


  350This fire is called samvartaka and appears at the time of the dissolution of the universe.

  351Both Vyudoraska and Kundalina are Duryodhana’s brothers.

  352Unidentified weapon that could kill one hundred people at one go.

  353The word used is tata, used not just for father, but anyone who is senior. In this context, ‘father’ is singularly inappropriate. But we have stuck to it for the sake of consistency.

  354The implicit sense seems to be that if Bhishma defeats the Pandavas, the encounter will be over. Hence, Bhishma is unnecessarily prolonging it.

  355Rubia manjith, the Indian madder.

  356That the Pandavas are invincible.

  357The story of Amba becoming Shikhandi has been recounted in Section 60.


  359Referring to Bhishma’s vow of celibacy, so that Shantanu could marry Satyavati.

  360The word used is tata.

  361On the Kourava side.


  363Literally, something that is fortunate in every direction. Probably in the form of a square.



  366Maya was a famous danava. He was also the architect of the demons.

  367Arjuna is also named Krishna.

  368There are various demons named Shambara. This is the one whom Indra defeated to obtain soma.


  370Bhaskara means the sun, or something that brings light.

  371Arjuna and Krishna respectively.




  375Descended from the Vrishni lineage. In this context, Satyaki.

  376Mercury and Venus respectively.



  379Drona and Susharma.

  380As an adjective, shaila means something that is made out of stone.

  381Three arrows for Dhrishtadyumna, Drupada and Virata. He did not touch Shikhandi.


  383Of slain combatants.

  384Bahlika is the name of a kingdom, rather than of a specific king. Pratipa had three sons, Devapi, Bahlika and Shantanu. Shantanu became a king because his elder brothers, Devapi and Bahlika could not, or did not. This passage suggests that the Bahlika who took part in the war was Shantanu’s elder brother and was thus Bhima’s great-grandfather. Given the age, this seems unlikely. Somadatta, Bhurishrava and Shala were descended from this Bahlika and they are more likely candidates as the Bahlika who took part in the war.

  385Mercury and Saturn respectively.



  388The Pandava warriors.

  389Noon had passed and the sun was in the western horizon.


  391The chariots.

  392The Pandavas.


  394The sun.

  395Krishnaa, Droupadi.

  396Of the life.

  397Referring to the matrimonial alliance through Subhadra.

  398The word used is tata.

  399Ganga goes to the ocean.

  400Though not explicitly stated, this is Yudhishthira speaking now.

  401It is not immediately obvious what this means. It probably means that everyone knows that Bhishma will not fight with Shikhandi.


  403Indra is a title and there have been earlier Indras. The present one is Purandara. But having said this, it is difficult to make sense of the text. No earlier Indra is associated with any of the Bhishma stories. It is possible that this is an oblique reference to Arjuna being Indra’s son. In all probability, this is a typo, since non-critical versions don’t have this expression.

  404It is not clear which of the five are meant, unless it means the five Pandava brothers.

  405A vatsadanta is an arrow that has a head like the tooth of a calf.

  406A fire.

  407Unwilling to fight.

  408That is, the lady.


  410The word used is tata.





  415In this context, Varshneya means Hardikya Kritavarma, descended from the Vrishni lineage, while Parshata means Dhrishtadyumna.

  416In fighting against the demon Taraka, Skanda (Kartikeya) hurled a javelin at Mount Krouncha, within which, Taraka was hiding.

  417This seems to be a reference to Duhshasana.

  418On the Pandava side.

  419In astrology, parigha is an inauspicious yoga or conjunction of the stars, signifying obstructions.

  420Shikhandi. Yajnasena is Drupada’s name.




  424Indra’s younger brother, Vishnu. This is a description of Abhimanyu.

  425This is probably a reference to Dhrishtadyumna. Shikhandi is also possible, but unlikely.

  426Bhima’s charioteer.


  428The Pandavas are being included as part of the Kouravas.

  429As to which side would be victorious.

  430The word used is tata.

  431Jayadratha was Vriddhakshatra’s son.



  434The only Susharma we know of is the king of the Trigartas. He fought on the Kourava side and Chitrasena is Duryodhana’s brother. Clearly, this must be some other Susharma, fighting on the Pandava side. However, no such other Susharma has ever been mentioned. Therefore, these shlokas have probably just been thrown in. In any event, they are irrelevant.


p; 436Shikhandi. However, there was no reason for Shikhandi not to understand, since Bhishma had already mentioned the reason.


  438On Bhishma’s standard.


  440The word used is tata.


  442The Susharma on the Pandava side mentioned earlier.

  443Bhishma’s followers.

  444The army.



  447Krishna’s name.

  448Because they are protected by Krishna.

  449This Kali is Satyavati. When Shantanu married Satyavati, Bhishma took a vow that he would remain celibate and would not marry. That is the reason Shantanu granted him a boon.

  450Vyasadeva had conferred those powers on Sanjaya.

  451There is an anomaly here. The Critical edition excises some intervening shlokas, where Bhishma had counter-attacked. Since he had decided to die, the counter-attack is incongruous. However, without the counter-attack, there shouldn’t have been a bow in Bhishma’s hand. It had already been severed. The subsequent shlokas, with Bhishma taking up more bows, should also be excised.

  452Magha spans January and February and is thus a wintry month.



  455The east, the west and the north are not being counted.

  456For his death.

  457Dakshinayana is when the sun follows its southern course, from mid-July to mid-January. Uttarayana is when the sun follows its northern course, from mid-January to mid-July.

  458Sacred lake near Mount Kailasa (Kailasha), in Tibet.

  459Middle because Bhishma represented a bridge between the earlier generation of the Kurus and the current generation.

  460To ensure Bhishma’s protection.

  461From continuing with the fight.

  462The word used is tata.

  463In this context, Vaishravana is Yama and Yama’s direction is that of the south.

  464Of being tended to by phyisicans and surgeons.

  465The sun.

  466The Kurus and the Pandavas temporarily cast aside their enmity.


  468The word used is tata, in the singular. The water was presumably brought by Duryodhana.


  470All of these are named after different gods.

  471The word used is tata.

  472Kartikeya was born in a clump of reeds.

  473Karna’s name.


  475The word used is tata.

  476The word used is tata.

  Section Sixty-Five: Dronabhisheka Parva

  1We will use the words killed or slain, though Bhishma had not yet died.


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