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Nevermore, The Complete Series (Boxed Set) (Twin Souls, Hybrid, Sacrifice, and Destiny)

Page 28

by K. A. Poe

  “Well, she’s doing an awfully good job of not looking like a vampire, if she is one. And it seems pretty strange that she would be around Karen all the time and willingly around me if she was also,” I said, trying to piece all of the information together, “unless she was trying to find me or something.”

  Salem tensed somewhat and released me from his embrace, “That is what I fear might be the case.”

  “You think she is? Should I tell Paul and Kim?” I asked as I watched Salem begin pacing, deep in thought.

  “Not until we know for certain what we are up against. We don’t want to have them hunting down a human, if somehow we are wrong.”

  “Do you think I should at least warn Karen?”

  “If Claire wanted to hurt Karen, she would have done so by now,” he replied, “I think you are her target, although I don’t know why.”

  Warily, I curled up in Salem's bed that evening. My mind was overflowing with haunting thoughts that I only wished would go away. The feeling of Claire's touch made me even more hesitant to sleep, almost knowing that I was going to delve straight into the nightmares I had briefly escaped. Salem remained downstairs. The floorboards barely creaked under his weight as he paced back and forth. I could only imagine what was going through his mind.

  My eyelids involuntarily fell shut as I listened to the rhythmic creaking sound. I fought off sleep for as long as I possibly could. The attempts at opening my eyes and staring out the window failed me repeatedly, each time I tried they would quickly fall shut once more. The exhaustion was suddenly overwhelming and I could feel myself drifting away.

  At first, everything was shrouded in mist. I could hear two distinct voices – Salem's and Claire's. Slowly, they came into view. They were outside of the house. Salem was at least ten feet away from her. Her expression was fierce and frightening as she approached him.

  “What are you doing here, Claire?” he asked, not even the slightest hint of fear in his voice.

  “I think I forgot to mention just how truly thankful I was for being allowed to see your house.” A devilish smirk played across her lips. “You see Salem, I’ve been trying to find you for months now, but the scent of that human covered you up all too well. I can smell her on you even now. Her stench has seeped deep into your pores Salem, how truly disgusting it is.” She spat.

  “Looking for me? I had assumed you were after Alex,” he said plainly. “After all, you were present at her former house.”

  “No, no, dear Salem,” she laughed, “it has been you this entire time. Out of some dumb luck your little human pet let me know she was the one you had been staying with. I thought you two may be living there. The place still smelt so strongly of her, but all I found were two little boys. It was so hard not to kill them.”

  His eyes narrowed, “What do you want of me?”

  “Daniel had once said I might find you here. I must admit that I sure was surprised when I found you had a relationship with one of…them. I would have thought you were stronger than that – better than that,” she stopped about two feet away from him, her hands on her hips. “That sort of reminds me…I don’t think I will be needing that cousin of mine anymore now that I know where you are. I doubt she will be missed anyway, not the brightest bulb after all. After a simple bump in while I was looking around the school I saw the faintest glimpse of you deep in her thoughts. You wouldn’t believe how easy it was to convince her I was some long lost cousin who had shown up for her graduation.”

  Salem maintained calm, listening to her story and watching her every move. “Daniel...” he whispered, and then asked, “and you claim to have seen Karen’s thoughts?”

  “He taught me a lot of things, Salem. A touch is all it takes to see someone’s thoughts, or put yours into their head,” she grinned maliciously, tugging at the lustrous strawberry blonde hair on her head. The wig fell away, landing gently on the ground. Salem's mouth fell open in shock when the locks resembling spun gold were revealed.

  “H-Hannah...” he gasped, stepping backward.

  Hannah's lips pulled up in a playful, yet disturbing smile. “So, you do remember me! Here I was beginning to worry you had forgotten all about your beloved family, seeing how you have managed without us, as you put it.”

  “I…I didn’t mean it like that, Hannah,” he uttered, still in shock.

  “Of course you didn’t, just as you meant nothing harmful by abandoning Arthur and mother, leaving them to die in that fire,” she hissed, “Daniel promised you would be strong, promised you held so much potential, but all I’ve seen is a pathetic little gnat! Feasting off animal blood! How can you ignore the temptation of her scent, Salem? Does the throbbing in her veins at night not beckon you?” She spat as the next words escaped her mouth, “How can you assist her in hunting our kind?”

  “There are more ways of feeding than killing people!”

  Hannah shook her head in disgust, “She is your enemy, Salem. Our enemy! And you love her!”

  “I do,” he said quietly, confidently, “Just as Raziel…Daniel…loved our mother.”

  She growled. “Daniel loved Margaret before he became a vampire. You fell in love with a human knowing what you both were!”

  “I feel no remorse for how I feel,” Salem replied, “but I do feel deeply regretful for having lost my family to that fire. I thought I had lost you forever, as well.”

  “You feel no remorse for it yet!” she said, inching closer to Salem. He stepped away again, his back now up against the wall of the house. “Will you just wait around until she finally finds it in her to kill you, like it is in her nature to do with our kind?”

  “She has no intention of killing me, just as I have no intention of killing her, despite that being in my nature.”

  “Oh, but she will. Once I am done with her.”

  Salem's expression changed, he was furious. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Her nightmares of you killing her, those have all been my doing,” she smirked, as though pleased with herself. “I have been waiting idly by for her to finally snap so I could see you go at each other's throats!”

  Now he was confused. “You want her to kill me?”

  “Why not?!” she laughed, “After all, you did kill my father!”

  Before Salem had the opportunity to react, Hannah was up against him – her hand coiled around his throat, thick nails digging into his skin. “When all of this is through,” she spoke through gritted teeth, “I want my locket back.”

  Salem cringed in agony and barely managed to slam a fist into Hannah's side, but she hardly flinched. “Silly brother, you must know that human blood makes us stronger! You are weak and useless, Salem!”

  “No...” his voice was barely audible, “you are the weak one, a slave to your hunger.”

  “Slave?!” Hannah burst out into giddy laughter. “I am no slave, Salem. Slaves hate what they are made to do. I love it. The struggling. The screaming. Right down to the last breath of their pitiful little excuse for a life!”

  “You have been corrupted, Hannah...” his voice quivered.

  “You are too soft, Salem. Humans are food, nothing more. Don’t you remember our dear mother telling us not to play with our food?” Another burst of giggles flew from Hannah’s mouth. “I’ll tell you what, dear brother. Prove to me you can become what you truly are. Kill Alexis and empty her veins. I will forgive all that you have done, and we can be a happy little family again. What do you say?”

  “What!? I would never-”

  “Then you will die,” she yelled, interrupting him. Salem's eyes flickered violet, but before he had the chance to summon whatever object he had in mind, Hannah slammed his body into the wall. “I used to idolize you, and now look at you! You are pathetic!”

  The sound of Salem's agonizing screams woke me immediately.

  Why weren't they stopping? Why could I still hear the sickening sound of his shrill yells? I jumped up from the bed, my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. My feet led me to the
bay window, and my stomach churned at the sight. My body convulsed, my bones twisted and molded until they were smaller and smaller. Before I let my body get ahead of my mind, I hopped onto my nightstand and struggled to direct my cellphone to my contact list. After a moment, a list of names revealed themselves across the screen. I quickly selected Paul's name and the phone dialed. It occurred to me that I wouldn't be able to talk, but I hoped the sound of Salem's scream might alarm him enough to come find out what was going on. Shards of glass cascaded through the whirl of feathers as the body of the raven burst through the window.

  My wings flapped quickly behind me as I flew toward the scene. Salem lay motionless on the grass, his shirt tattered and covered in his own blood, his face turned away to where I couldn't see it. Hannah hovered over him, her teeth bared and ready to strike. I wasn't that familiar with how vampires killed each other, but this reminded me entirely too much of how Salem killed Raziel. My beak fell open and the harmonious screech caused Hannah to falter, but she didn't cover her ears. She scanned the sky until she found me, hovering fifteen feet overhead.

  “Ah, Salem's little pet!” she cooed mockingly, “I was afraid you would be too lost in your nightmares to come out and play.”

  Salem struggled on the ground, the sound undoubtedly bothering him. I shut my mouth and the sound faded. Why wasn't she affected by it?

  “I am much stronger than him,” she said with distaste, as though she could hear my thoughts, “even more so than father, much to his surprise.” She spoke of him so fondly.

  I wouldn't let my eyes fall upon Salem again; I couldn't bear to see his condition. Hannah kicked him to the side and I heard the faintest groan escape him, causing my stomach to churn once more. I had never felt such fury before as I did at that moment. My wings were flat against my body as I dove downward, ramming my beak into the flesh of her abdomen. She barely seemed affected, although I knew the hot venom had to be running through her veins now.

  “What did you do?!” she suddenly shrieked with pain, “You’re just a bird!”

  I couldn't respond, but dove at her again, delivering peck after peck until she showed signs of weakness. Salem uttered something incomprehensible as I went in for the kill.

  “No, Alex!” he yelled. I could hear the pain in his voice – it was more than just physical. “Please...”

  “Oh, how lovely!” Hannah laughed as I flew at full speed at her, “he doesn't want you to kill me!”

  A blur of movement flashed before my eyes. Hannah's fist smashed into me as I turned to glance at Salem. The scenery twirled around me as I flew through the air. I came to a sudden halt, skidding across the ground. My body elongated and I was human again, writhing in pain against the cool blades of grass. Hannah was beside me in mere seconds, her head cocked to the side as she glanced down at me.

  “Pitiful,” she said, shaking her head. “What does he see in you?” She spat on me, then kicked hard into my left side. The unmistakable sound of bones crunching rang through my body, but this time it was not from transforming.

  I coughed, blood spurting out of my mouth. “Salem...”

  “Salem can't save you now, girly,” Hannah laughed, “he doesn't love you enough to save you – he'd rather see you die at my hands than lift a finger against me again.”

  “You're wrong!” I yelled, immediately regretting it as a burst of pain radiated through my broken ribs. As I wreathed in pain, Hannah placed the bottom of her shoe onto my neck. My thoughts were traveling into a darker place, a place where I knew this was the end and I had no more chances left. As I lay there and braced myself for the inevitable breaking of my neck, a flicker of regret washed through my mind. Before I was able to reflect during my last moments of life, the sound of tires against gravel caught my attention. Was Paul here? Had he understood the urgency of the matter at hand?

  Hannah perked her head up toward the sound, her eyes wild with curiosity. She lifted her foot and gave me a devilish smile, “don’t go anywhere, okay sweetie? I’ll be right back.” Leaving my side, she ran to investigate what this noise was.

  Within seconds I heard a terrifying shout of agony – it wasn't Paul's voice, it was Hannah's...

  “Alex?! Salem?!” Paul shouted anxiously, but he sounded so far away.

  I heard movement nearby. Salem was on his feet. He must have healed enough to be mobile again. I felt his cold palm against my cheek.

  “Don't leave me, Alex,” he begged, cradling my head in his hands.


  With wide eyes, I scoured the area. Paul was pinning Hannah against the wall, an arrow piercing her throat – the poison from it combined with my own must have finally been weakening her. The sun was breaking through gray clouds overhead, and I could feel something cool and sticky against my shoulders. After momentary confusion, I realized it was Salem's hands gripping me tightly and shaking me awake.

  “Alex?” he whispered soothingly, “can you hear me?” I could distinctly hear the worry in his voice.

  My head throbbed miserably as I nodded.

  He smiled faintly. “I am so glad you called Paul before coming out here.”

  Another slow nod. “Why are your hands so sticky?” I managed to say.

  The faint smile was gone immediately and he held his hands up to where I could see. Crimson stained his fingertips and palms. Was it my blood or his? Both? “You are bleeding...a lot,” he choked out, answering my unspoken question.

  I hadn't noticed the ache coursing through my body, the moisture that made my shirt cling to my abdomen and chest, nor the faint coppery smell that surrounded me. The panic came quick when I realized how much damage had been done. My lungs burned with each labored breath. I could barely remember any of what had happened.

  “Am I going to die?” I asked in horror, tears beginning to fall down my cheeks.

  Salem shook his head at me; the despair in his eyes was overwhelming. “I won't let that happen, Alex.”

  I attempted to smile at him, “It’s not exactly something anyone has control over, S-Salem…” I coughed. The motion shot pain throughout my entire body.

  “I might,” he muttered quietly, “but hopefully it doesn't come to that.”

  “What's going to happen to Hannah?”

  I watched his eyes lift upward, toward Paul and his half-sister. “I don't know,” he replied, his expression uncertain. “She may be too corrupt to save...”

  “Maybe...” My body convulsed painfully and I clung tightly to Salem's arm, “M-maybe you can convince see things your way.”

  He didn't seem concerned with her anymore, his focus fully on me now as he pulled me close. “That's not important right now. I need to ask Paul a question...but I don't want to leave your side.”

  I smiled weakly at him. “I'll be okay...”

  “Don't leave me, Alex...” he repeated, kissed me gently on the forehead and lowered me onto the cool green grass. “I will be right back. Please hang on…for me.”

  My vision was blurred as I attempted to watch them. Hannah was still pinned up against the back wall of the Victorian, the venom weakening her to the point that she could barely move. It was amazing she was so strong, even Raziel didn't possess her strength. There were at least ten slender arrows puncturing her skin in numerous places now. Paul held her firmly at the wrists, and I saw Salem approach him.

  “How is she doing, Salem?” Paul asked, his voice trembling. He appeared to want to glance in my direction but fought the temptation.

  Salem's back was to me now, trying to shelter me from their words, but I could still make them out, “Not good...I don't know if she has much time left...”

  “I will kill you both if Alexis dies, you hear me?” Paul stated furiously. “I don't care who she used to be to you, or anyone.”

  “I understand,” Salem whispered. “I need to ask something of you.”


  “Before I say anything, promise you will listen before you react. This isn't something I want
to do either, but I am afraid we have no other options.”

  Paul eyed him suspiciously, “What are you talking about?”

  “What would happen to Alex...” his words broke off, his voice unsteady, “if she had to be turned, if that was the only way to save her?”

  The fury in my father's eyes was evident even through my foggy vision. My heart beat accelerated when I understood what Salem was asking him. “There has to be something else we can do,” he replied through gritted teeth.

  “I am afraid there may be no other way, Paul,” Salem said regrettably, “I do not want this any more than you do.”

  Hannah hissed, “Do us all a favor and let her die!” she laughed viciously until Paul elbowed her hard in the stomach.

  “I'm not sure what would happen, Salem,” Paul frowned, finally glancing at me. His eyes watered. “As far as I know, a Waldron has never been turned before. There’s a chance that she might not be able to be. She already has the gift of turning into the raven, for all I know it could cancel each other out. Hell, the venom in her could hurt the vampire part and she could suffer forever.”

  “Or she would only be capable of holding onto one ability. Or maybe she would carry both,” Salem added thoughtfully.

  “This is all wrong,” Paul growled, “I was supposed to protect her from this! You were supposed to protect her!”

  “There is no sense in dwelling on that right now. I fear we have precious little time to decide.”

  “This isn't a choice I can make,” Paul said flatly, staring down at his feet. “I don't want to lose her, not like I lost Destiny...but at the same time, I can’t just let her become a monster.”

  “I won't let her become a monster,” Salem vowed. “She can feed the way I do...she doesn't have to be the enemy.”

  “If you are asking my permission, Salem...I can’t tell you yes or no. Just,” I could hear my father's voice crack, “save her...”

  “Of course,” Salem whispered, took one glance at Hannah, and retreated back toward me. My eyes were fearful when he approached me. “Don't be afraid, Alex, please...”


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