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Heart of Stone

Page 33

by Dakota Willink

  “Oh, no!”

  She exited the bathroom looking like she might cry.

  “What? What’s wrong?” I asked, completely alarmed by her outburst.

  “I have my period.”


  Alexander started laughing like it was the funniest thing that he’d ever heard. I, on the other hand, was thoroughly annoyed,

  “This isn’t funny, Alex!”

  “Well, it does put a damper on my plans for you, but it’s your reaction that’s making me laugh.”

  He laughed harder when I scowled at him. I reached for one of the satin throw pillows that was on the bed and threw it at him.

  “You’re such an ass,” I told him, although my words didn’t carry any true venom. I too was fighting off a smile.

  “I take it that you’re surprised by your monthly friend?”

  “Sort of. I started getting a headache this afternoon. That’s usually a warning that it’s coming.” I frowned, feeling somewhat chagrinned over my negligence to the matter. “I really should keep better track, but since I wasn’t having sex until recently, I guess I didn’t see the necessity. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize for nature, Krystina. It’s not your fault.”

  “I suppose, but that doesn’t change the fact that our night is ruined. No point in me staying over now.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous!” he exclaimed, as if it was the most absurd thing he had ever heard. “There are other things we can do besides have sex.”

  “Like what? That’s the only thing we do!”

  I tried to say it with a laugh, but it sounded forced. I was all revved up with nowhere to go. I wanted nothing more than to sit in a corner and pout for the remainder of the night.

  This sucks.

  Alexander came over to where I was standing, his expression stoic as he pulled me into his arms.

  “You really should give us a bit more credit, Krystina. Do you still have a headache now?” he asked.

  “Yeah, just a little one though.”

  “Well, let’s see what we can do about that. Shall we?”

  He released his arms from my waist and took hold of my hand. Leading me into the bathroom, he opened up the linen closet and began searching for something. I expected him to pull out aspirin for me, but instead he produced a bottle of bubble bath and scented oil.

  “What are you doing?” I asked curiously.

  “My grandmother used to say that the best cure for a headache was a hot bath. So, my angel, that’s what you’re going to have.”

  He went over to the massive, sunken marble bath and began to run the water. Unscrewing the cap for the bubbles, he began to slowly pour the thick soap into the water, mixing it with the scented oil. Before long, a soft smell of lavender and vanilla filled the room.

  “You know, if your trying warm me up to the idea of you taking care of me, it’s working.”

  He flashed me one of those sexy grins that I loved so much.

  “I must say – you certainly make me work for it,” he said lightly. He leaned in to plant a tender kiss on my forehead. “I’ll give you a minute of privacy so you can get into the bath. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Once I was alone, I had a minute to digest the unexpected. The impromptu bath that Alexander had drawn for me was sweet – remarkably so. It was the exact sort of thing that Alexander said he wasn’t capable of, and the same thing that I told him I wasn’t looking for.

  Teddy bears and roses.

  If the perfumed bubble bath wasn’t the definition of teddy bears and roses, then I didn’t know what was.

  An uncomfortable feeling began to form in my stomach, and I tried to ignore it as I undressed. After removing my clothing, I wrapped myself in a towel and stood in front of the vanity mirror. My cheeks looked flushed from the swelling steam in the bathroom and my hair was growing bigger by the minute. I hastily pulled it up into a messy bun on top of my head and secured it with a rubber band that I had around my wrist.

  Satisfied that my hair would stay put, I made my way over the bath. Seeing that it was almost filled, I reached down to turn off the faucet.

  Once the noise of the running water was silenced, I noticed that music was coming from somewhere. I looked around and saw that little speakers were strategically built right into the walls of the bathroom. The sound was soothing, fitting to the serene environment that Alexander had created for me.

  However, despite the luxury that I was surrounded with, I still felt anxious and I wasn’t sure why.

  It’s because he’s breaking down your defenses.

  I dismissed the bothersome voice in my head immediately, determined to just enjoy the moment.

  It’s like I told Ally – live for today. Just take it as it comes.

  I stepped into the bath that was fit for a god, and sunk down into its sweet foam. Leaning back, I appreciated a few minutes of uninterrupted relaxation.

  When Alexander returned, he was carrying two glasses of wine and was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. The lines of his abs rippled when he bent to set the glasses down on the ledge of the bath. I wanted to reach out and run my hands over his muscular contours, but stopped myself when I remembered why I couldn’t.

  “Alex, I’m sorry. But if you have plans to join me, I can’t when I have my –,” I started.

  “Relax, Krystina. I have no expectations. Tonight, it’s all about you. Now slide up in the tub,” he ordered.

  I hesitated for a moment, but then did as I was told.

  Alexander dimmed the lights so that there was only a soft glow about the room, adding to the tranquility. When he shamelessly dropped his towel, I found myself blushing for some unknown reason. I cast my eyes down, not wanting to brazenly ogle while he climbed in behind me.

  Once he was settled, he procured matches from somewhere and lit the candles that were placed in the corners of the marble surround. Pulling me back against him, I had little choice but to settle in.

  After a moment or two, he began to massage the muscles in my shoulders. A sigh of appreciation escaped me as I sipped on a delightfully sweet white wine and absorbed the music. I literally felt like a queen being pampered.

  “This song that’s’s really good. Who is it?” I asked, curious about the female artists sensual lyrics and textured contemporary sound.

  “It’s called “Breathe” by Of Verona. It’s on one of the playlists that I made for you.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize. But then again, I haven’t had a chance to listen to all the songs yet.”

  “That’s a shame, but it might explain why I still have to try so hard to coerce you,” he laughed.

  “What do you mean?”

  “This particular song is on the Surrender playlist.”

  “I see,” I mused, suddenly very intrigued by what Alexander hoped to accomplish with his playlists. “I’ll make a point to listen to them all soon.”

  “Actually, it’s okay if you don’t. I like seeing your reactions when you hear a song that you like. You’re very responsive to music.”

  “I know. It’s hard to explain. It’s like I can feel music, if that makes any sense,” I told him.

  Alexander shifted his position slightly, causing his manhood to brush against my backside. The seductive music alone was doing a fine job of provoking my already heightened sexual ache – the last thing I needed was to feel that. A shiver of desire raced down my spine.

  “Is the water too cool?” Alexander asked, seeming oblivious as to why I had quivered. I gave myself a lecture in an attempt to ignore the longing that I felt.

  Focus on the massage. Tune out the music. Just disregard the feel of his body.

  That’s wet and warm.

  And slick with bath oils.

  “No, the water is fine. Perfect actually,” I said, my voice sounding slightly higher pitched than normal. It was a real struggle to focus exclusively on the kneading of his phenomenal hands on my shoulders.

“Hmm, yes. This is nice,” he agreed easily, but he seemed distracted.

  I glanced up at him. He looked lost in thought, and totally unaware of the torment I was experiencing.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Actually, I was thinking about this weekend. If the weather holds out, I thought maybe we could go out on my boat on Saturday.”

  “You have a boat?” I asked, seizing the opportunity to break the progression of my salacious thoughts.

  “Yes, I do. It might be the last chance we have to use her too. I don’t expect to have many more days of good weather.”

  “I don’t think I’d be much fun out on your boat. Frank used to take me fishing on Rensselaer Lake when I was a kid. I would always get seasick.”

  I could feel his chest vibrate with a low chuckle.

  “I’m sure my boat and the water conditions are quite a bit different than being out on Frank’s fishing boat. But don’t worry. I can get you a bracelet for seasickness if you need it. And there’s always a motion sickness pill, although I’m not a huge fan of them.”

  I watched the steam furl in the air above the tub and contemplated the likelihood of getting seasick. After a while, the lazy swirls were mesmerizing and I began to fully relax for the first time since Alexander joined me in the tub. It seemed silly to fret over whether I may or may not get sick aboard his boat.

  “Whatever you say,” I agreed easily.

  Content to just appreciate the moment, I closed my eyes and breathed in the soft scent of the billowing moist air that surrounded us.

  Alexander continued to knead the muscles in my neck and shoulders. When his hands moved down to massage my arms, I was starting to get drowsy with sleep. However, my eyes snapped open when I felt his fingertip brush over one of my nipples. I couldn’t be sure if it was by accident or not. However, when he skimmed over it a second time, I sharply sucked in a breath, knowing that it wasn’t merely happenstance. My nipples hardened in response, just aching to be touched, a painful reminder of what could not happen.

  Slipping both hands under my arms, he captured both breasts and I realized how heavy they felt. Yet, despite their fullness, his gentle rolling of the ultra sensitive points began communicating to another part of my body. Unfortunately, that area was currently wearing a do not disturb sign.

  It was like torture of the worst kind.

  “Oh, why couldn’t my period have come tomorrow?” Frustration gripped me and made the rhetorical question sound like a whine.

  “Shh…don’t talk, Krystina.”

  He tilted his head forward and began trailing kisses up and down my neck. His teeth tugged at my earlobe, causing a shiver to race down my spine. I could feel his erection growing and pulsing against my lower back, a sure sign that he would soon have a frustration to match my own.

  “Alex, you’re making this worse,” I moaned. He moved his hands down my belly, coming precariously close to the mark before I stopped him by squeezing my thighs together.

  “Open your legs for me, Krystina.”

  “You know I can’t.”

  “You can,” he persisted. Shifting his legs so that they came over the top of mine, he locked his ankles around mine. In one swift motion, he spread our legs out together. Water sloshed out onto the floor.

  “You’re making a mess,” I scolded, hoping to distract him from whatever it was that he had planned.

  “You really are a terrible submissive,” he murmured into my ear. Moving his hand back down to my waist, his finger circled my belly button before traveling farther south to find my sweet spot.

  “Or maybe…” I began, trying one last time to divert him from the inevitable. “Maybe I just have a bad teacher.”

  “Hmm,” he growled. “Don’t remind me.”

  Without warning, he pressed down on my clitoris. I could feel the nub instantly begin to pulse beneath his finger and I cried out. I arched my back, trying to squirm out of his reach, but my efforts were in vain. He still had my legs trapped and one arm secured tightly around my waist. There was nowhere for me to go.

  “Alex…” I tried to plead. However, my attempt to stop him was halfhearted. Despite my reservations, I craved his touch with every fiber of my being.

  “Trust me for a minute and just let yourself feel, Krystina.”

  Ever so gently, he began to flick back and forth, teasing my pressure point. I was amazed at how quickly Alexander had learned my body. He knew all the places that brought me the greatest pleasure, and he used that knowledge to make me crazy with need time and time again.

  Angling my head up, I looked at him. His blue eyes were blazing with so much heat that I had little choice but to surrender. I reached to pull his head down to meet mine, and gave myself over with abandon.


  I lay curled up against Alexander’s side, listening to his even breathing while he slept. However, sleep was evading me, as the past few hours had been playing like a tiresome broken record over and over again in my head.

  Overall, our evening had been amazing in ways that were indescribable. Alexander had unselfishly satisfied me without taking anything for himself. From the erotic pleasures he rewarded me with in the bath, to the way he carried me to bed for the night – he was true to his word and made our night together all about me. I couldn’t have asked for anything to be more perfect.

  But despite the seamless end to the evening, I couldn’t help but to remember how it started out. Alexander was slowly tipping the scales in his favor, and it was terrifying.

  I was apprehensive about the slew of woman’s clothing that hung in his closet, clothes that I could not bring myself to think of as mine. I had concerns over accepting the necklace, which I was sure cost a small fortune. And while the clothes and the necklace may simply be material things, it was hard not to think of them as something more.

  I glanced down at the emblem that was still hanging around my neck. The sapphires sparkled, reflecting the moonlight that was streaming in through the windows. It was a beautiful piece, but I knew it would probably be best if I gave it back to him. It may be a symbol of the BDSM world, but to me it was more like Alexander was putting his stamp on me, serving as another reminder of how fast we were taking things. We were moving at a breakneck speed, and it was more that just a little bit troubling.

  Just that very morning, I promised Allyson that I wouldn’t get in too deep. In fact, it wasn’t just an assurance that I gave to Allyson, but it was personal vow that I had made to myself. Yet here I was, ready to blindly fall. I couldn’t shake the nagging worry that I still may be subconsciously clinging to the hope of someday finding that white picket fence.

  The idea made me feel edgy. Restless.

  I rolled over, facing myself away from Alexander. He stirred but didn’t wake. I punched at the pillow, but my efforts to get comfortable were not working.

  Happily ever after will never happen, Cole.

  After all, I was the one to set the rules. I had been blatantly clear about no strings attached. The time that I was spending with Alexander was supposed to be a small step to putting the past behind me, not some massive leap that would leave me fumbling to find my footing again.

  I flipped over onto my back and stared at the ceiling.

  There was still too much that Alexander didn’t know about me, and I barely knew a thing about him. He lived in a clandestine world of kink and sex clubs, where everything was one giant secret that I couldn’t be privy to. He spoke of domination, and that it was my duty to submit to his every need. But what he said that he wanted was confusing to me, as his actions showed differently. He catered to my every whim, striving to please me at every step, while I gave him nothing but push back out of fear that he would eventually change me.

  However, I was able to see the shift in Alexander during the short time that we were together, and I was very conscious of the fact that it was me who was unintentionally changing him. Whether he was aware of what was happening or not, no good could come
from it either way.

  What had begun on shaky ground was shaping up to be something more – something that I didn’t want. And I was fairly certain that Alexander didn’t want it either. I felt like I was being pushed, lost in a colossal storm of emotions that I wasn’t ready to feel. I knew it was time to take a giant step back. If I didn’t, I sensed that it wouldn’t be long before I slipped and fell from the ledge.


  It had been a stimulating morning, making the let down for the next two days that much worse. Before dawn, I awoke to the feel of Krystina’s warm body spooned tightly against mine. Never one to miss an opportunity, I seized the moment and made sure to leave her with a farewell that neither of us would forget about during my absence. Unfortunately, there was no sex, for obvious reasons. Instead, we kissed and caressed in ways that were surprisingly fulfilling. It was another first for me, and a completely unique experience in itself.

  The early morning hours that I had spent with her almost seemed surreal as I climbed aboard the Airbus ACJ318. Hale was already on the private jet when I arrived, neatly stowing our travel bags into an overhead compartment.

  “Morning, Hale.”

  “Good morning, sir.”

  “If my speech is in with those bags, take it out for me. I want to review it one more time before we get to Boston.”

  “Already done. It’s in a folder right over there,” he said, pointing to a corner end table in the spacious lounge area of the plane. “I think Laura made a few adjustments to it.”

  I went over to the table to review the contents. Laura had actually made quite a few changes, and I was thankful for her sharp eye. The speech was a couple of years old, and needed updating. If I had more notice, I would have written a new one.

  Satisfied that Laura had done it justice, I tucked it back inside the folder and turned back to Hale.

  “I assume the flight will be leaving on time?”

  “Yes, sir. I just confirmed it with the pilot. The trip to Boston should be a smooth one. However, we may encounter an issue on the return flight. There’s a bad storm moving in on the overnight, the remnants of a hurricane that’s traveling up the coast.”


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